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  1. Took delivery of a brand new E-Pace and initially all was good until 6th June was drive on a dual carriage way and the front collision detection system triggered incorrectly. The car was bought to a stand still, the hand brake applied, and engine switched off, no vehicles or obstruction in front of car. Luckily the lorry and car behind our realised there was a fault and avoided a collision, wife and daughter very shaken. Reported to dealership who were very concerned and asked to bring it into dealership, they inspected the car found errors or logs relating to the time of the incident. Dealership said we could not have our car back it was too dangerous hire car was provided. were hoping there was an identifiable fault that would be quickly fix but after a week still investigations were ongoing we therefore rejected the car as ‘no fit for purchase’ Initially dealership were onboard and told us to report the issue to Jaguar Finance stating we were going to reject the car. Dealership the found a replacement car but delays started to happen Main issues were the replacement car was £600 which I wasn’t prepared to pay but also I’d used Jaguar Privilege staff discount which caused problems I continued to chase and was told ‘we have to follow process’. By this stage I’d already escalated the issue to the Jaguar Executive team. 2nd June still no updates chased and was told still waiting for report from engineers at which point I expressed concern and threated legal action. Magically a few hours later I received a call from dealership, no Jaguar stating that no fault had been found and as a result they could not replace my car and I’d have to have my original car back. I have stressed that no fault found does not mean the incident did not happen, in theory it is now more serious as Jaguar are aware of an issue and have been unable to identify the cause. Weekly summary of the events below, I have a very detailed breakdown of events Is there anything I can do, my wife now does not want to drive the car, she did feel happier knowing the car was going to be replaced. Now she will be concerned if it happens again. 25/05/2018 1 Delivery and handover of E-Pace 01/06/2018 2 Identified faults, rear fog light wiring, alarm triggered, 3G Issues 06/06/2018. Collision detection system triggered incorrectly 08/06/2018 3 Car returned to Marshalls due to serious fault, refused to return car as logs found, too dangerous 15/06/2018 4 "Asked to call Finance company and inform them car is not fit for purpose and is being rejected. All ad-min good and complete and everyone had approved the replacement. Christian had identifed a suitable vehicle but due to additional cost it needed approval but shouldn't be an issue." 22/06/2018 5 Replacement vehicle hadn't been approved, must follow process. 29/06/2018 6 "Issue relating to Privilege voucher resolved Christian working to locate suitable replacement car. Additional £600 reguired for new car, unwilling to pay extra, Marshalls unable to cover costs. Potential issues with Q3 pricing in comparison to Q2, need to wait until next week." 06/07/2018 7 Q3 SE Specification changed, Drive Pack now an additional £700 cost option.
  2. Hello, I've found that I had kept every bank statement from mid 1980's to 1998 with Nat West. I had a couple of mortgages, several loans and what appear to be excessive bank charges, I will send an SAR, but it is likely that I have more information than they hold, unless they're very good at archiving. During the course of reading each one I found various bodies who had received money regularly from me, but I don't have a clue who they were/are, some seem to be directly connected to the bank account. I would appreciate any help with identifying the following, I have tried googling but haven't had much success.:- MSD Premium Funder. Forward Trust. Lombard Tricity. Fredrickson IN Ltd. Bishop Court IBA. Bradford Insurance.
  3. Large numbers of employers are it seems now in the habit of shortchanging their staff as a deliberate strategy to increase profits. At least 2 million workers a year in the UK are being cheated of pay they are owed. This estimate of the scale of wages theft comes from a new report from researchers at Middlesex University, which puts the value of the lost pay at over £3bn a year. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/30/bosses-steal-from-low-paid-2-million-workers-cheated-wages HB
  4. Hi guys I'm new here & after advice, hope this is in the right place. My husband has quite a lot of debts, he was on a DMP with stepchange until the end of 2015 when he lost his job & put it on hold we moved house a month later & although I think he informed stepchange he didn't inform the creditors He's had a few letters here at the new address & has just recently got a ccj, sent admittance form, offer of £50 was rejected court decided the amount £78 per month, which he will pay, last night I checked his credit file with noddle & was shocked to see 2 active ccjs, one from October 2016 the other September last year, our old address is on them & we had no idea about them as the letters were obviously sent there, the creditors oddly on the page where it says the debts are defaulted states our new address though, one debt is £7500 Barclaycard originally & the other i think is originally Halifax for an overdraft of £4400. I'm worried sick & don't know what to do, it's bailiffs that are worrying me the most . Can anyone advise what we do next please Thanks in advance
  5. Hi, I've just returned to the UK after being abroad for 5 years studying, I moved into a new flat and tried to get electric moved to a credit meter and was denied. I requested my staturtory credit file and have found that Arrow Global have registered a CCJ against me with judegemnt by default (date 20/07/2017). I had no warning or knowledge of this and they used an address that I moved from at least a year before I left the UK. I've no clue what it is for, and have no idea how to go about dealing with this properly. Ideally I'd like the CCJ set aside but first I have to find out what it is for? Thanks
  6. Hi, I'm hoping for advice, please: We're going for a mortgage. I've just done an Experian search and discovered a problem, namely a CCJ issued on 03/08/17 at Northampton County Court. They say it was from Lowell whom have a solicitor called Cohen/Cramer. I know absolutely nothing whatsoever of this CCJ. I've tried endlessly all morning to speak to the CCBS but the phone just never gets answered. I assume they're tremendously busy. I would very much appreciate help/advice/guidance please. I have a case number off the £4 Government advice website thing, that tells me absolutely sod all that Experian didn't, but they were free. Idiocy. Number I'm calling is 0300 123 1056. The reason I know it's Lowell is I rang an 01604 number which turned out to be the Court but for Northampton residents only and the helpful guy there looked at his computer and said that was whom it was from, but he knows nothing else and to call the useless, pointless, inane, time wasting, and costly to me, business centre number. The Experian entry says, incidentally, that the CCJ was at my current/correct address...
  7. Hi, Just looking for a bit of advice on a situation that's happening to me at the moment. Back in March 2017 noticed my car wasn't where I'd parked it. This is in London, so first checked https://trace.london/ to see whether the council had taken it and the car wasn't listed. Called up Trace London just to be sure and they told me to call the police and report it stolen as no London council had the car. Called the police, they confirmed the same thing, spoke to the insurance company (Diamond) and started the process of the claim. I got £250 about a week later in lieu of a courtesy car from the insurance company. Police called me a couple of weeks later to say they couldn't find the car anywhere and told the insurance company to write it off. Sent logbook and car keys over to the insurance company and they paid out £1,550.00 (after my excess) on May 4th. Fast-forward to now and have had a call from the insurance company saying the police have found the car, that the council had taken it all along and that it's in the pound. I asked on the phone since the car had effectively been transferred to Diamond whether they were offering me the option of getting the car back, or if they were forcing me to collect the car and pay back all the money. They said since it wasn't an "insurable event" it was void and they would force me to collect the car and repay all the money. Now aside from the fact that there's a bill of several thousand pounds for it being in the pound this long (as I'm pretty sure this will amount to procedural impropriety? the police have given me a reference number which I'm hoping means I could pick the car up without having to pay anything), can the insurance company force me to do this? In the event that car's "found" after being stolen everything else I see online says it's now the insurer's car not mine. Can they force me (by force I mean take me to court to get the money back), or is it just the claims handler being pushy? He did put me on hold to check just wondered whether anyone had been in anything similar and whether there was anything to this "chargeable event" thing. How are cars that are stolen, parked illegal, and then towed to the pound treated for example? Any thoughts or advice welcome thank you!
  8. Hello Was hoping for some insight or advice on my situation. I've just checked my credit report and have found two sets of "beneficiary trace enquiries" made by Erudio Customer Management Ltd. The first ones were in mid-march against my current and previous address. Then again two months later in May, also against my current and previous address. I have read up and found out Erudio bought the old style students loans. I do have two of these. One from 1997 and then another for 1999 which has been treated as a separate account by the SLC, but must be linked as the only reason I got the '99 one was because I had started on the old system. The last correspondence about these loans was in 2013 when I applied to defer them in the March, which was confirmed in April 2013 by the SLC. This correspondence was to my old address. Then I have an annual statement from SLC dated September 2013 sent to my current address. I have not had any contact with Erudio so hadn't realised my loans had been sold. I've looked into what a beneficiary trace enquiry means and have read on the internet that it is used to trace people who have moved address without informing their creditors, however the last statement from the SLC was sent to my current address so don't know why they would need to do this, as I have kept the SLC up to date with my contact details. Also I am confused as to why they haven't made contact with me after carrying out these checks if they were searching for me. In normal circumstances I would just sit tight and wait for them to contact me but I am in the process of buying a house and am worried if this will affect it. I have checked all my credits reports and cannot find anything other than these searches. However I am scared in case between exchange and completion they put a default on my credit file, the mortgage offer gets withdrawn and we lose the deposit on the house. I have also read that they do 'backdoor' CCJs, so that's now another worry if they only have my last address could they be putting a CCJ on their without me knowing. Is there anyway I could find out about this if they were, other than waiting to see it appear on my credit report? I have a good report at the moment so would be gutted if they knackered that up for me. Not sure what is the best option. I don't want to contact them and offer to start paying as I fear extra outgoings I didn't know about when I completed my mortgage application might make them withdraw the offer. But then I don't want a default or a CCJ to suddenly turn up and have it withdrawn then, especially if its after exchange and my partner loses all their deposit money as well. Any advice on what would be the best approach, or what Erudio are likely to do next after carrying out these searches would be much appreciated. Thanks for taking time to read this.
  9. Hi , could a techie help, please - I've been trying to get into & download the interest calculator spreadsheet listed but when i click on to any of the links i get a message (with the CAG logo) saying 404 Page Not Found - and below it is a picture of a missing person, and caption saying "neither is xxxx". Any ideas anyone? Are the links themselves corrupted?
  10. Ignoring the teenagers nationality, the differing perspective of the presented headlines will undoubtedly mirror the differing views on how this person and issue should be addressed. The guardian reports “I just want to get away from here,” she was quoted as saying. “I want to get away from the war, from the many weapons, from the noise.” She added: “I just want to go home to my family.” The media outlets said the teenager had told them she regretted joining Isis, wanted to be extradited to Germany and would cooperate with authorities. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/24/home-linda-wenzel-german-teenager-joined-isis-speaks-of-regrets Whereas is Australia " schoolgirl turned IS bride Linda Wenzel could face trial ... after reportedly admitting to killing Iraqi soldiers after she was tracked down hiding in a tunnel "She took her mum’s credit card and flew from Berlin to Turkey before making her way to the so-called caliphate." 'An anonymous officer in Iraq’s elite counter terrorism unit told The Telegraph said she was a sniper for ISIS. He said: “We found her with a gun in her hand next to her Chechen husband, who was killed by Iraqi forces in a firefight. She said she had killed a number of our men in the battle. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/captured-german-schoolgirl-turned-is-bride-linda-wenzel-turned-bride-could-face-trial/news-story/ec6f02d34e262d08eca341ae31831abc My opinion is on the harsh side, but in my opinion befits the crimes I'll bet she just wants to go home. Now I'm on the side that says she should be tried in Iraq and face punishment there. ANYONE who left their countries to become part of ISIS should be tried in the country they went to. Anyone who went 'to help civilians' should be able to prove they were part of MSF, the red cross, crescent cross or some other international recognised aid organisation Before anyone says ah but she's now a mother, the child is innocent: I agree, but the Mother clearly has charges to answer and if found guilty then given the circumstances the child could be in danger in her care. Whether the child is then returned to the mother, the mothers family, the fathers family, or taken into care and where, is for professionals to decide.
  11. Tests show billions of people globally are drinking water contaminated by plastic particles, with 83% of samples found to be polluted https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/sep/06/plastic-fibres-found-tap-water-around-world-study-reveals "The US had the highest contamination rate, at 94%, with plastic fibres found in tap water sampled at sites including Congress buildings, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s headquarters, and Trump Tower in New York. Lebanon and India had the next highest rates." "European nations including the UK, Germany and France had the lowest contamination rate, but this was still 72%." and this report is on TAP water - dont forget the fish and beaches. "the results of a study by Plymouth University caused a stir when it was reported that plastic was found in a third of UK-caught fish, including cod, haddock, mackerel and shellfish." https://www1.plymouth.ac.uk/research/mberc/Research/Marine%20pollution/Pages/Plastics.aspxhttps://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/feb/14/sea-to-plate-plastic-got-into-fish "The most common plastic types were Polyethylene terephtalate (PET) comprising 20% of the samples followed by Nylon 6% and Acrylic 5%. "
  12. Hello, I was in business as a photographer and approached by the above company to carry out Search Engine Optimisation on my web site. We entered into an agreement whereby they would carry out work on the web site and I would pay them £58.50 per month after the initial payments were made. The agreement was for 12 months in December 16 I went out of business and they are now chasing and threatening County Court Action and have sent a "copy" of the Court Summons for Manchester County Court that will be issued on 3rd February 2017 if I do not pay the outstanding balance of £176.40. They have also broken down the charges claimed on the claim form as; Defendant details: My Business name which includes my first and last name and then my business type. Brief Details of Claim: "Failure to pay monies due under contract" Value: "Total value of £176.40 due under remainder of contract plus interest and administrative charges of £64.87. Amount Claimed: £241.27 Court Fee: 170.00 Solicitors Cost: £500.00 Total Amount: £911.27 PoC 1."On 11th January 2016 the defendant entered into a written contract with the claimant. 2.The contract had no condition allowing the defendant to cancel the contract except under very specific conditions detailed in the contract. 3.The defendant is not eligible to cancel the contract. 4.The law does not provide by statute nor require a cooling off period when two businesses enter into a contract. 5.This agreement may be cancelled at the end of 12 months by either party notifying the other party. After this period the agreement may be cancelled by either party giving one months notice to the other party. Notice will be taken from the next payment date unless given on the current payment date. 6.The contract required the defendant to make an initial payment and to make monthly payments of £58.80, the first such payment being due one month after entering into the contract. 7.The defendant is in arrears on the contract. 8.The claimant has now invoked the provisions of clause 4 of the contract. "In the event of the customer failing to make a monthly payment on the due date FirstFound is entitled to take any or all of the following remedies in any order it sees fit: a) Require immediate payment of all monthly fees due during the remainder of the Contract Term; b) Add interest to the debt at 4% per annum above the base rate of HSBC Bank plc from the date due to the date of payment; c) Issue written demands for all sums due, each such demand attracting a fee of £15.00, payable by the customer until all overdue sums are paid." 9.The claimant claims the total of all the monthly fees due during the remainder of the renewal/initial period of the contract (£176.40) plus 3 written demands (£45.00) plus interest under section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% on the sum of £17.71. That is the claim details as written on the document. First of all, the claim is in my business name (I am self employed not a Ltd Co) and not specifically in my name only. Not sure this makes any difference of course. Secondly, The amount they are claiming is £241.27 - this breaks down as £176.40 and their charges and admin £64.87 My reasons for not paying are these; (1) - I couldn't afford to after work dried up and I wasn't getting the enquiries through my web site as much as I was when they took over the work on it. (2) - Apart from adding some text to the web site there was no evidence of any work actually being done. (3) - I spoke to their employee who was looking after my web site and supposedly doing the work on a number of occasions about the fact that nothing seemed to be improving, this was of course all verbal. (4) - First Found sent me a letter chasing payment but also telling me that they were still working on my web site. This would have been impossible as the minute I stopped paying I removed all access to everything to do with my web site and changed all passwords. (5) - I don't know if I am able to do this but I contest the Claim based on the Solicitors Fees £500.00, they seem extremely disproportionate. Can someone help me here please? Many thanks, Committed
  13. Hi all. I have a good friend who just happened to mention in conversation two weeks ago that he is using a claim firm (that he heard advertised on the local radio) to make a claim on a loan he had years ago. My wife says that my face was a picture at that very moment. Needless to say, I spent about 15 minutes going over the reasons why he should do it himself:wink: He added that they had told him that there was PPI on a loan back in 1994. However, yesterday my friend said that the firm had been in contact and said that the bank had said that the PPI had been taken off after 30 days of the loan starting. I am now going to help my friend send a SAR, along with the £10. My question is - has it ever been know for banks to claim something like this but then when challenged for the proof, show otherwise?
  14. Hello fellow members - Last night looking at my credit report I found that a CCJ has been issued against me on 16th November 2016 from Northampton County Court (Information Source - Registry Trust Ltd) to pay approx. £300. This is issued to the address I lived between Aug 2014 and October 2015 as a lodger. Obviously not living there, I've not had any letters etc. from court. The only way I found out about this is last night looking at my credit score. I've never had any credit cards, phone contracts etc. which I took whilst being on that address. I can not think of anything which could result into a CCJ at all. How do I find out what is it all about? And should I try to investigate now and contact court ? I really want to do right thing and don't want stupid things like debt collectors coming to our new home we've literally bought. Do I have to go to a solicitor? I'm more concerned of this CCJ being my record and not the money solely. I've never done or intend to do anything wrong. My credit score has been badly affected and it might also affect my application for British Citizenship I guess which I am soon going to apply ! I couldn't sleep well last night and very stressed. Please can you help? Many thanks
  15. HI Hopefully someone can help me, i really don't know what to do next. i admit a few years ago i ran into a few problems and didn't keep up to date with outstanding credit accounts, the old bury my head in the sand. I have being trying to get things in order and recently got my clear score credit report, to my shock i had a CCJ for an outstanding overdraft which was being chased by Lowell. As far as i remember i had a £1400 overdraft which i left unpaid. That was in 2009. i moved house in 2011 and never heard any more about it, although i have had other lowell communications over the last few years . I contacted lowell to ask for details and they informed me the CCJ was taken out in 2012 although the credit report says 2014. They informed me i have arrears on the agreement of £1000 and must start paying £50 per month right away or they would take further action. My main question is do i have any rights to have this set aside , Lowell have obviously had my latest addresses over the the last few years why is the first I've heard about it when i got a credit report. And also the overdraft was £1400 but the debt they are claiming i owe is £2605, is there any way i can challenge this?
  16. In short: I purchased a car on the 7th and picked it up on the 9th which needed a service and cambelt. One of the tyres deflated slowly on the way home. I was not told that the car had a slow puncture. That said, I don't like using tyres on second-hand cars because you don't know if they've been repaired...etc so wasnt bothered about replacing them. The wheel locking key which was supposed to be in the glove box was missing I purchased a replacement and had the tyres replaced at my cost when it arrived a week later (16th). The dealer just stated that it should be in the car. I went to perform the service yesterday and didnt get far. Upon removing the undertray there was a clear sign of the clutch slave cylinder inside the bell housing was leaking and has been for some time. The consequences of this could be hundreds and its a big job that Im reluctant to tackle myself. At a garage the cost could be as high as £1200. The car cost 2.5k which was top money by the price guides . There is a warranty but they will just replace the cylinder leaving the clutch in a state whereby I don't know if it will fail prematurely. There are several other problems, some of which Im prepared to repair, others not. Firstly, I asked in the initial conversation about the car if any fluids were leaking or if there were problems with the engine/gearbox to which they said no. As this is under 14 days I presume I can just reject? Secondly, what if any are my options with the new tyres? I might phone up the tyre place to see if they can refit but I doubt thats an option . They cost just over £400 so I dont want the dealer to benefit. I cant drive the car for fear of the clutch failing and yet again have a hire car. At least I still have all the service parts and can return them because I didnt want to do any work to the car after discovering the faults
  17. Yet again another debtor has been found guilty under section 68.1 of the Tribunal Courts & Enforcement Act 2007 for interfering with controlled goods and also for criminal damage. Of serious concern is that this person was also represented by a McKenzie masquerading as a 'Lawyer' who has been responsible for a number of failed legal cases over the past couple of months that have resulted in debtors losing many thousands of pounds. In this particular case, the brief background is that Croydon Council issued a penalty charge notice and the debt remained unpaid and was passed to their bailiff contractor; Confero Ltd to enforce. The enforcement officer attended the property and located the vehicle. A wheel clamp was applied and the relevant statutory notice posted through the door. The owner of the vehicle forcibly removed the wheelclamp and drove away in the car. Later that same day he was arrested by the police and charged with the following: Criminal damage (to the wheel clamp) Theft of the motor vehicle. Intentionally inferring with Controlled Goods without lawful excuse. The vehicle was removed to the enforcement companies car pound. He was bailed and had a first hearing at court earlier this year (May). The individual claimed that he had not received statutory notices from Croydon Council and accordingly filed an Out of Time witness statement. It is assumed that this had been rejected. At Bromley Magistrates Court yesterday (5th October) he was cleared of the charge of theft of the motor vehicle but was found guilty of the other two charges (criminal damage to the wheelclamp) and interfering with controlled goods without lawful excuse. He was fined a total of £1,598
  18. Hi to anyone that can help My Fiance and I have been awaiting her Decree Absolute to arrange our wedding and it has come to light that her previous marriage of 10 years wasn't lawfully carried out due to an administration error of the Registry Office. We have been told her case is to be heard before a DJ this week to confirm that the marriage wasn't legal, and that the registry office will send out a form to complete regarding compensation that will go before a DJ to award compensation accordingly. Does anyone know how much compensation is awarded in these matters and what can be taken into consideration at all?? Many thanks Hadituptohere
  19. Hi all, It seemed like a horror story. This year was the first time that the round paper disks were abolished, and I then replaced the still valid disk with our parking permit to save space on the windscreen, and thought that I will always receive a tax reminder anyway. However, I have not received one and I have been waiting for one to arrive. So did not really thought about it, until tonight out of interest I was searching my car's number plate to see where it was registered, and found that it was UNTAXED since July! I then immediately went to DVLA website, and tried to pay for the tax, without the reminder, but with the 11 digit serial number on my vehicle registration form. I was only able to pay for the tax from 1st Sep. And was told that DVLA may contact me about the missing periods. I truly cannot remember if I have renewed my tax, and from the DVLA information that I obviously have not paid!! I can swear that I have never received a reminder this time around. We moved house 1 year ago, but I have updated my address with DVLA right after I have moved. I will call DVLA the first thing tomorrow. I just hope they will allow me to pay back the two months of the tax, and I am happy to pay a fine too, as a lesson to my own negligence---should have checked the DVLA website to make sure a lot earlier. I heard some horror stories of over 1000 pounds fine, and points on licence. I can just pray that they will be lenient on me. The road tax for my car is 30 pounds a year. Do you know what will happen? Thank you very much. I am worried sick.
  20. It started with a letter from Restons the other day saying they wanted payment of under £1000 for a debt which I believe to be statue barred. The letter said if I didn't pay I would get taken to court for a CCJ and would request monthly payments. If the court does not allow this, the full amount is required forthwith including any accruing interest, fees and costs. If I don't pay by a set date their client may be prepared to accept installments and return the expenditure and income form by the previously mentioned date. They also draw my attention to the fact the client says I can clear the debt at a specially discounted settlement figure and if interested I should call them. Can they offer the discount rate because they purchased it cheap in the same letter as threatening a CCJ? As I said I believe this to be statute barred. I was a full time carer for my mother for over 10 years and several existing student debts fell by the wayside. Something made me sign up to the 30 day free trial with Equifax just now. I see Cabot have stuck a default on my account and say it defaulted in 2010 - I thought it was longer ago than that. It know what it was for - a credit card. Stopped caring and moved in 2012 and became very ill, which I am still suffering now. It seems this big default Cabot put on my credit file in 2011 was defaulted in 2010. I thought this was further back that this. I have had about 4 DCA contact me re this debt since moving here, none of which have even mentioned getting a CCJ which makes me wonder if this IS statute barred? Advice on this would be useful please. Secondly, whilst searching my file I find a CCJ issued in 2013 at my old address by I do not know who????? Advice on this is very much appreciated as I believe it would definately be statute barred. The previous Restons issue was the latest issued credit card I had at that address. Once I could deal with these things but since becoming ill I really need some advice on this please. As it stands I have one CCJ lasting til 2019 at a previous address and one possibly about to be issued. I don't work due to my illness, so they are barking up the wrong tree here. Just as an after thought reading about Cabot - The letter states it is Cabot Financial (UK) Limited v Me and the letter opens: "We are instructed by our client Cabot Financial (Marlin) Limited, appointed by your creditor Cabot Financial (UK) Limited..." The credit card was not with Cabot originally, obviously, but I now see that Cabot have changed their name on my Equifax file to: Credit Card from Cabot Financial (Europe) Ltd (I) Get me up to speed - is this correct or is something going on here that is not quite right?
  21. Under section 68.1 of Schedule 12 of the Tribunal Courts & Enforcement Act 2007 it is a very serious offence to obstruct a bailiff. Last week yet another debtor was found guilty of this offence but even more seriously, he was also found guilty of assaulting the bailiff (the bailiff required stitches to his nose). The debt was in relation to an unpaid penalty charge notice. Bailiffs attended the debtors property to request £422. It would seem that previous visits had also been made and on one of the visits, he had sworn at the bailiff before driving off. It was on the 4th visit that the incident occurred. During the one day trial the debtors solicitor claimed that his client had suffered a stroke before the incident and this had led to him being unable to raise his left arm. Unfortunately for the debtor, the medical papers handed to the magistrates did not bear out the stroke claims stating only that Mr Gara had complained of 'weakness' in his arm. After deliberating for 45 minutes, magistrates convicted Mr Gara of assault by beating on March 3rd and also of obstructing a lawful enforcement agent on the same occasion. The presiding magistrate has requested pre sentence reports to be prepared before sentencing at the next hearing on 17th September. http://www.newburytoday.co.uk/news/news/15681/Bailiff-attacked-by-Thatcham-taxi-driver.html
  22. Please have a read of the attachment as it provides information for homelessness from the start of the year till the end of March. 1st quarter. It is now once again on the increase... " If faced with the loss of their home, any household can apply to their local authority for acceptance for housing assistance. A household is considered homeless if they no longer have a legal right to occupy their accommodation or if it would no longer be reasonable to continue to live there, for example, if living there would lead to violence against them."
  23. I recently got an annual PPI staement from Capital One to show me all aobut the PPI I have been paying since 2000 ? ANNUAL !! I've never seen one of these before ? i rang them and told them that I didnt know I had PPI. The guy on the phone cancelled the PPI for me and then sent me a complaint form. I filled this in to the best of my knowledge (bearing in mind that this was 15 years ago) and the reply I got from them was long and quite rude to be honest. The guy in charge of PPI claims said this was a non advised sale and said that Capital One would not offer any repayment of PPI. He also sent a bad copy of the origianl agreement. I am left handed with scrawly writing. There are TICKS on a few boxes on the form which I did to indicate that I was a MR etc. But the TICKS on the PPI request section are clearly the result of someone trying to copy a left handed TICK. The guy who wrote the letter went to some detail to say that Capital One NEVER pre populate a form. And I believe him. This form was populated AFTER I sent it to them? I wrote to them 7 days ago to request a Hi Resolution colour photocopy or photograph of the (bad photocopy original)form they sent me in the reply. far no reply but I will call them on Monday to ask if my letter has been received. If not then I will send it again but this time it will be recordred and signed for. To be honest the Hi Res image is not really required as the Ticks on the form have obviously been done by another hand. Possibly a right handed person trying to copy my scruffy lefty ticks I just want the Hi Res Colour copy to see if they have bothered to use the same colour ink? From previous comments I have read about Cap One I think I may be in for a bit of a battle. But hey!! They owe me around £5k ? Regards Perry
  24. Hi, We bought a 2003 Fiesta in November 2014 (last year) from a car dealer in Warrington for £1500. We didn't do any checks as we felt that it was unnecessary from a dealer (We now know this to have been a mistake and should have done checks), however we did ask if there was anything historical about the car that we should know about, they said there wasn't. Fast forward to today, we've come to trade in this car as a part exchange and they've informed us that it was a Category D write off, and would only offer £150 for it. We've now run a check on it ourselves and this is true. Do we have any recourse against the dealer in Warrington? Since we'd asked about it's history, and they didn't tell us this information, have they mislead us? What course of action should/can we take? There seems to be conflicting reports from similar situations around the internet ranging from them being told to take them to court, to them not having any rights at all. If we would have known that it was a write off, we'd have never bought the car. Over the Course of the last 12 months we've spent over £1000 on repairs for the car (yes - fully admit that it was a bad purchase, all things considered), are we able to claim any of that back as well as the price paid for the car, given we wouldn't have bought the car if we knew the full story? Just a little bit confused on what our options (if any) are? Thanks in advance to anyone that can advise.
  25. Hello, Summary: Recently found out I have a CCJ against me, which was made on the 07 April 2010 after signing up for a popular credit report/expert website and have done some research before deciding what action to take. What I know: The CCJ on 07/04/2010 will be removed from all registries after 6 years, which is only a few months away at this point The amount is for £194 If I pay the CCJ it will be classed as "Satisfied" If I do not pay the CCJ, it may come back to bite me in the proverbial ass in the future What I need to know: If I pay the CCJ, will it still be removed in a few months, or will it start a new countdown of 6 years since the date the CCJ became "Satisfied" What do I need to do (helpful if listed in steps) to resolve this matter without it blowing up in my face? Thank you very much in advance for any assistance provided!
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