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  1. bit long winded this one, sorry folks. I had been working for an outsourced company in a well known bank. Whilst in training I received strange emails from the trainer. This was following from a conversation in training were I asked a question. He explained (in answer to my question) it was in relation to couples who had a joint account and subsequently split. He said “say you and I were in a relationship”. Three days later I’ve seen he’s gone into my email and sent himself an email from my account/computer “that joint account we were talking about, do you fancy it? Can we get back together” (paraphrased, I have a copy) One of my colleagues saw this email and told me to take a copy to “protect yourself, that's really bizzare”. I replied to him saying “he’ll nah” thinking nip that right now! he’s then ran into the class in front of everyone and said “not up for it no” then left the class. From that moment on every single word that came out of my mouth he seemed to take offence to. Everything. Even just hello. The end result being I chose to just sit in silence in the corner, segregate myself from everyone else, keep myself to myself and not speak to anyone. I did speak to the manager about it and she told me “I get on with him so..” and that was that. Once he told off a member of staff for coming in hung over. Fair enough. However, the next day he’s come in hungover himself and stated “I’m hungover I can’t be (expletive) training you today”. On another occasion I had a difficult call and he grabbed a team leader, they then proceeded to stand watching, laughing at me. On another occasion during “coaching” he took my entire group out for a smoke I “wasn’t allowed until she asks me herself”. i stated "I'm not engaging in that power game, sorry" I was then left sat alone completely ostracised whilst they all went out for a smoke. It later came to me that during this he’d called me a “bitch” I then spoke to his manager who agreed I had a legitimate complaint “but she’s off today so” and that was the end of that. We’ve then gone onto the floor and continued training. We were told we would receive multiple one 2 one coaching. This happened once. When these coaching sessions had been booked onto our schedules we’d be left sitting around doing nothing for hours. the manager told us “the training we said were giving You’re not getting it , I don’t have time”. On the one occasion I did receive coaching I had a call fail for following incorrect procedure. I explained I remembered the call and put my hand up and did what the trainer told me to do. I still failed. This happened multiple times with different members of staff.The end result was hoards of new staff(and old seemingly) on the phones not knowing what their doing (and saying it). I witnessed several regulatory breaches at all levels of staff.. I am PTSD (undeclared, following on from being stalked for two years by a colleague, sexually assaulted and suicide attempts..) and found this exacerbated symptoms. I didn’t declare PTSD to the employer however i did state to trainers the lack of appropriate training was causing severe anxiety attacks. Nothing changed. During my time on the floor training it was agreed that mine would be extended for another week. I was entirely happy with this and expressed the fact that I was going to ask anyway. A few days later I’m told oh no that’s not happening now your going live Monday. I had zero input in this. Decisions are being made around my development with zero input from myself. I stated to them outright "I don’t know what I’m doing!!!" So I’m making my way to work Monday 24th December and had a panic attack in the street. I’ve not had panic attacks for 6 months. I just went home and txt the recruitment number “it’s not for me”. This was a clear resignation with immediate effect. Training group; Bullying was rife amongst this group. One in particular would talk about everyone when they were not around in a derogatory manner. According to this individual several members of staff are “sociopaths”. She would mock me to my face around my degree “shut up about it”. I suspect jealously because we did the same degree and I did better. This individual would relentlessly pick on someone in the group (who had an obvious mental disability of some sort, autism or something I wasn't rally sure). He’d speak in class and this individual would mutter “shut up” he’d sit next to us and she would intentionally and deliberately move away from him then stand around giving dirty looks. He picked up on it because he came and spoke to me he told me it was “making me sad”. I could give many many many many more examples of this persons behaviour. Another individual, the self confessed personality disordered individual(bpd). She started spreading rumours about me and a trainer. I was "into him" apparently, I wasn't. Rumours that were entirely baseless, again. She can deny deny deny but her “friend” told me And I heard her talking about it with my own ears. When I would sit next to the group she would intentionally move away and I’d hear her talking about me. On another occasion this individual was making £5 bets on “who would cry first” this is so nasty I have no words. One of the trainers said to a colleague “I come in here and play with my phones then I go home and play with my girlfriend..” hes 55 shes 19...bleughhhhhhhhh Another time this trainer was ‘helping’ me I got something correct myself and said ‘was I right,yeah?’ He said ‘had to happen sometime didn’t it..”. Bullying. This particular trainer got "barred" from being around trainees because of multiple complaints around his behaviour. Wages; During the 24/12/18 and 7/1/19 I received no communication whatsoever from the employer. I have then emailed on the 7th jan asking for confirmation of what my final wage will be. The response was; “Hi x, Your final pay will be 28th Jan due to your leave date. You will received payment on Monday 14th with any hours worked up till 6th Jan then on 28th you will received any remaining hours due and leaver Annual leave. Thanks x Executive – Compensation and Benefits” I have then received a payslip which just states states “zero”. no deductions nada, just blank. I’ve queried this stating, as per your own timescales I left on the 24th and therefore should receive 1 week outstanding wages and outstanding holiday pay on the 14th jan NOT the 28th as per your own email. At this point someone should have joined the dots that something had gone wrong, they didn’t. They then proceeded to IGNORE subsequent emails and failed to respond or amend my pay. I have then received emails a supposed HR senior: “Hi x, I requested the details from our team and they confirmed an AWOL letter – request to contact was sent to your address and email as attached both on 27th December. As they failed to hear from you it proceeded then to a disciplinary on 7th January again the invite dated 3rd January 2019 was sent to the address we have on file. This meeting went ahead in your absence and was held by x and x. An outcome letter was then sent to you via post which I am happy to hear an appeal should you wish to send through. Can you send me this evidence of your resignation so I can review ( I sent this twice one week prior fyi)? If not, can you confirm who you sent this to and to whom did you resign on the 24th? This resignation had not been cascaded to the team and thus your leave date being 7th Jan via dismissal due to AWOL. If you have evidence of sending your resignation then I can deal with the appropriate person as this has clearly caused a number of issues none more so than your final payment date being pushed back to the 28th January. Regarding names, that’s fine although this can limit our investigations which will be carried out by the training manager when on site in x next week. In regards to your pay & any outstanding monies owed by the company: Ø You will be paid firstly for hours worked from 23rd Dec – 6th Jan on 14th January 2019. Ø Your final pay will then be on the 28th Jan which as both x and x from our Payroll Dept. has advised will include any outstanding hours and unused AL." None of these communications were received by myself. I have then received a call from someone on the floor stating there has been a “GDPR breach”. In that all the wages are incorrect and members of staff have other people’s personal information contained in their own payslips. I was also told they were “wiping the system clean and in putting everyone’s data again. No one from x informed me of a data breach. I have then received copies of the email/letters x claim to have sent me. The email has gone to an address that isn’t mine. The letter has gone to a postcode that isn’t mine. The letters contained within are marked “private and confidential” and contain private personal HR information. This is causing distress. in that I have not left my home for days, I'm trying to secure accounts, I cant eat, I have not slept, days later I have not received a single response from the employer regarding the breach. I am losing my mind. I have been paid zero. Recently I noticed my mobile number has ben used to sign up for shortcode txts. i didn't do this. I DO NOT give my number out. ONLY for work. I believe the two are related. I pointed out this breach to x on the 11/1/19 they seemingly hadn't noticed, it is now 14/1/19 and I have received not one single response from them. I believe they have not noticed this breach, it was me! I have spoken with the ICO who tell me the breach (ive filled in the personal breach report form myself) hasn’t been reported (yet) I believe the 72 hour time limit is breached-the letter sent out was dated 27th December 18. So I have been unfairly dismissed based on data that wasn’t received and has breached my personal data! I also have not been paid a single penny today on my wages. Nothing. I am now unable to make rent and again exacerbates symptoms of PTSD. I also didn’t receive a copy of the contract, despite asking. what can I do here?
  2. Hi, Could someone give me some advice please? I started working for a company in May 2018. I started as a temp from an agency with a weekly payment. This was supposed to be for 3 months, then if we performed well, they would interview us, and potentially keep us on. I was told I was given an interview in August, and they decided to offer me a permanent position, advising I would go permanent from September. I was then told as it was so close to the payroll deadline, they would ask the agency to keep me on as temp for the month of September, and would actually make me permanent from October instead. About midway through October, they asked me to fill in a couple of forms and email them back within 2 days, stating otherwise I'd cut payroll cut-off and would not get paid. I filled these in and sent them back on the second day. I got an email back saying I had missed payroll as I should have sent it before 5pm. There was no such detail in the email I received. I had also asked my manager to send the form back for me as it had to be signed, and my manager had sent it after 5pm. They then said they would look into organizing an emergency payment for me. Then I got told they had not sent me a bank detail form by their mistake. I filled it in and sent it back straight away. I was never sent the bank detail form so it was clearly their fault. I had presumed they would get the details for my bank details from my agency who had been paying me previously, so it didn't raise a concern for me. Now the company is saying they will go to the CEO and see if he can authorize the emergency payment. The company seems to be putting the blame on me, even though I have done nothing wrong and it is completely the company's fault. If the company comes back and refuses to pay me for October until the following month, what are my options? Any advice will be much appreciated. Aaron
  3. Hi guys need your help and advise, i had been claiming ssp when i was employed on my July wage slip there was a discrepancy of X amount short, had a chat with the employer he admited it was his error, he paid this back via Bacs in August, when i recieved my last wage slip September he had taken it back and marked as a deduct pay advance, when i asked about and said it wasn't an advance it was what you had miscalculated it his words where it is correct and inline with HMRC guidlines. which now brings me to another question i went on to the Gov site where you can see your wage slips from employer, the wage slip i have has a different amount paid to what is on Gov site which is a higher amount. Surely they should match.
  4. Large numbers of employers are it seems now in the habit of shortchanging their staff as a deliberate strategy to increase profits. At least 2 million workers a year in the UK are being cheated of pay they are owed. This estimate of the scale of wages theft comes from a new report from researchers at Middlesex University, which puts the value of the lost pay at over £3bn a year. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/30/bosses-steal-from-low-paid-2-million-workers-cheated-wages HB
  5. Hi all, This is a weird weird situation. I recently found to my delight my previous employer had overpaid salary, basically I was only due (and given) a week's notice, of which I have proof (submitted at the start of claim), and I started my claim for JSA IB and HB at THAT point, yet I now find they paid a month's notice. I was posted a payslip which shows the excess AND with it, a P45 which also erroneously shows my leaving date as if I were given a month's notice!! So, a strange one, I think you'll agree. I have outright proof - a letter from my employer, signed by my line manager - of the 1 week's notice. While I imagine there is little or no way for the employer to clawback the overpayment, I am concerned that : 1) the DWP will now want to clawback the JSA and HB payments made in respect of the excess period; 2) Despite my making my claim in all good honesty the DWP will ask whether I knew of this 'change in my circumstances', and regardless of my answer, question why I did not inform them. I have no past lack of disclosures whatsoever, but as you can imagine, I don't want an investigation in which I have to attend meetings, I already spend too much time in the JC office! Would appreciate advice from those in the know here, thanks.
  6. I'm emailing in respect of Temp work problem.I have registered with an agency to work on during the weekends. I joined the agency in May and I have been working for the agency ever since.I did not singed a contract with them and all I did I sent them my Security licence ,NI,British passport ,proof of address and bank details. Everything was fine I used to receive my pay slips and get paid on Fridays.The agency hire me to work for a company to cover luxury shops and night clubs and bars in London. on the 25th of August around 22:30,I was working in a bar in London, I got a call from from the company that hire the agency and asked me to go to work on an other site.,I said to them ,that was too late and there was no agreement between me and the agency to stand by and mobilize so,I did not go .The lady who was on the phone told me that I was not get paid. for refusing to go . I phoned the person in charge on the following day and I told him what append.He told me that I was his employee and get paid by him NOT the hiring company, and if that company wanted me to be stand by they must tell at 20:00 to get myself ready.He asked to work normal on Saturday ,26th and Sunday,27 as agreed.On Saturday,26th around 22:00 I missed a call from the company that hired the agency because my phone was charging and I found a message asked me again to go work somewhere else.I found the message a round midnight and replied saying sorry the call was missed and message wasn't read because the phone was charging. I had to get paid on Friday,the 1st of September ,but I was not,I phoned and texted the person in charge ,but no answer .I emailed the agency they ignored my message. I would to mention that no holidays were paid since I joined the agency and NO contract was singed but, I have got the pay slips. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  7. Hi all My Wife was dissmised for alleged gross misconduct for chasing on social media about work all though no mention of her work name or any second names used during conversation ( she thought she was in chat mode with a friend not on live site). Went to C.A.B. got told can't do anything as she had only been at her job nine months. Today she has received her final wage slip after waiting a month they paid the 3 weeks wages and any owed holiday pay then took back the full wages for the month before. What I need to know is can we appellant the sacking and what do I do about the wages they also owe her for 300 pound worth of overtime short paid over Christmas.
  8. I work part time in the care industry, usually one day a week on week one and 3 days a week on week two. The hours i work are 6:15 to 20:00 with a few hours off during the day. I travel to visit patients who need care. At the end of my working day i fill in a timesheet, time spent in each house hold and where i visited and email it in to the office. I get paid weekly but wages are 2 weeks in arrears. The week in question was my 3 day working week. I came down with the flu (proper flu, not just a cold) and on the 2nd day of work rang in to say i wasnt well and would not be in work the following day and in fact was not in the work the week after either. I got home and went straight to bed where i stayed for 3 days when i eventually felt a little better i completely forgot about the timesheets. I don't earn loads and its minimum pay and this was my first sickness for almost a year and besides not been well i did not want to pass the flu bug on to elderly and more often than not people who are already at risk to illnesses. 2 weeks later i did not receive a wage. I rang and spoke to the manager who said she was busy and would look into it. Having heard nothing 2 weeks after that i rang again to be told the same thing, I have emailed the accounts dept and not had a reply, I do not even know why i wasnt paid and just assume it was because i did not send in a time sheet. When i am in a clients house i fill in a record form to say i have attended and the time i got there and the time i left. These forms are usually picked up once a fortnight or later so eventually they will have a record of my attendance. I cannot see they have the right to withhold my wages so can someone tell me what my rights are regarding this matter?
  9. Hello all I wondered if someone could help me out. I have been instructed by the ET to provide the Respondent with a Schedule of Loss or specifically "set out in writing to the Respondent what the Tribunal is being asked to award, inc. evidence and how it is calculated" so that sounds like a Schedule of Loss to me? (Pls correct me if I'm wrong) The claim is only for a deliberate deduction of 2 days' wages so for the month in question I received my normal salary minus 2 days. The claim is that I am entitled to the 2 days. There is no other claim. So I need some advice re: preparing the SoL. Can I break this down into a Basic and Compensatory award or does this breakdown only apply to unfair dismissal cases? If it does apply here too, what would be a reasonable Compensatory award in this instance or what could I use as a guide? Can I claim interest from the day of the deduction until the day of the ET hearing and if so, does this have to be at 8%? Would I be entitled to claim for anything else such as an uplift for failure to follow ACAS guidelines? (Since I made a formal complaint and the Respondent did not conduct the process as prescribed by its own policy or ACAS guidance) Thanks for reading
  10. Hello In Nov 17 I received a letter from DWP saying that I own them around £550. I can not remember having this debt with them. I called them and was told it was from a loan 16 years ago. I wrote a letter asking them to send some proof and if I did owe the money why did they not ask sooner. I honestly do not think I owe the money. I have claimed tax credits since then and they have known my address ect. In the meantime they wrote me another letter saying that they will start taking 11% of my wages with a copy of the letter they sent my employer. So this month they have done that. No reply has come back from them from the letter I sent them. I have goggled this and seen that this has happened to other people. Is there anything I can do further?
  11. i have been sacked from my job the employer is refusing my final wages, i had been working for the company for 3 months, i was still in the probationary period, the company acused me of stealing cash ( 7 pounds), this is a lie, the area is fully covered by cctv, I had a dispute with one of my co workers a few hours later he telephoned the manager and claimed i stole the cash The next day i arrived for work and was sacked on the spot, they said they have the right to do this as i was in the probation period, i didnt argue as i hated the job and my workmates The company hires and fires workers every couple of months, in the last 4 months, 15 people have either been sacked or resigned I am due £1400 of final wages, the company is refusing to answer the telephone and ignoring my emails, what can i legally do? I went to my workplace last week to see if we could resolve the situation, but they were very rude and told me to get lost I do not want to let the mater lie the company has treated me very badly, every month my wages were late, i have never recieved a payslip, once i worked 9 days in a row i was forced to work 16 hours told if i didnt work i would be sacked Apologise if i have posted in the wrong section, thanks for reading
  12. I joined a recruitment agency, upon registering they simply told me I'd be paid through another company - no other information given. Payroll companies are nothing new to me, I know lots of agencies use them so I thought little of it. Got my first payslip and noticed some dodgy deductions on there, turns out the other company is an umbrella company and the hourly rate I was told by the agency was actually the uplifted rate paid to the umbrella company to cover all of the deductions, just to be clear none of this was explained to me by the agency. My contract with the agency does state that I am not their employee. The umbrella company have confirmed that they are my employer. I have not signed any contract with them. Upon asking for a copy of my contract they sent me a form I completed with my bank details on it, it has no terms or conditions of any kind. When I asked them to confirm it to be my contract they did indeed confirm it to be. After finally getting the details of all of the deductions from them, some of which are not even itemised on the payslip, I told them I believe they have made unlawful deductions from my wages as set out in sections 13 to 27 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 and asked them how they wished to proceed. They then sent me a copy of an unsigned form with all of their terms and conditions of employment on it, referring to one section which allows them to make the deductions. They are claiming that I had to accept these terms and conditions when logging onto their online portal. This may or may not be of consequence but I logged onto it thinking that was the only way I could see my payslips and without knowing at the time that they would be classed as my employer. where do I stand with this? Can they really use the terms and conditions on their online portal as an employment contract? Would a tribunal uphold this bull****?
  13. I am enquiring on behalf of a friend who recently changed employer - he is still doing the same job but through a sub contractor. When he finished, under the instruction of a supervisor, he left electronic items he had been provided with by the employer in the company office. He has since been informed that these items have gone missing and so he owes them over £1000 and his last weeks wages were withheld to go towards this amount. Are the company allowed to do that and is there anything he can do to appeal this? Thank you for any advice.
  14. Hi everyone, I was overpaid by an ex employer (apparently). They've just sent me a letter 3 months after I've left the company stating I was overpaid some 107 hours and that I owe £500. I only worked part time for them when I was caring for my mother and when my mother's condition deteriorated, I went on leave. I left at the end of September and haven't worked since. I am looking for new work, but haven't listed them as a former employer, because I didn't leave under the best of terms anyway. My aunt gave me a loan recently for another reason, so I have the money at the moment, but since I'm not working and still caring for my mother. I would like to keep this money because I have no other income. I also have no recollection of the exact dates they mention and the number of hours I have worked, because I transferred branches mid way through working there and my payslips were sent to the old store. Does anyone have any advice on this matter?
  15. Hi all. I'm hoping some of you caggers will be able to relate to my experience and hopefully provide some advice. I've received notification from DWP that I owe about £500 in overpayment of tax credits. A brief overview of the issue: We were claiming £53 per week while I was working. My wife was at home looking after our disabled daughter. I ended my employment some time in April of this year, and attempted to apply for JSA. I was advised that my wife would be better applying for ESA and having me included on the application, which she did. We informed DWP that I was no longer working, but they continued to pay the tax credits into our account. It was a good job they did because two months, and then three months later we still had not received any of the ESA or other benefits we had applied for. We basically lived on family handouts for months, and relied on the good will of our housing association as we began to fall behind on rent payments. Our arrears on council tax and also TV license all mounted up. Thankfully in June I returned to work and the tax credits payments stopped. Now I have received a demand for payment in full or they'll take it out of my wages. I've explained that their mistake in continuing to pay us was all we had to live on due to receiving no other benefits, but they aren't interested. I'm not denying we spent tax credits and I'm more than willing to make affordable payments back. However, what I do mind is the fact that they want their overpayment of tax credits back but that was just a fraction of the entitlements we were never paid. We struggled like hell as a family and now we're trying to get back on our feet and paying our way, they are forcing more hardship on us. I just want fairness and a level playing field. Any help or advice will be truly welcomed. Craig
  16. I am having to retire soon due to a back injury at work. I am a hca community nurse. I am 55yrs and was hoping to work until 66 which would be my government retirement age. I have permanent damage to my spine, and no consultant will operate. I have lost my driving licence too as l have foot drop. I will hopefully receive a ill health retirement pension. However, l am going to have a serious loss of wages here as my pension will not meet what l used to earn. Can l claim compensation ? I dare not enlist a solicitor as that would cost thousands and sadly not in the union as they were no help at all once upon a time. Having not been in this situation before, l would appreciate help.My condition was brought on from years and years of kneeling on the floor and sitting under tables to get to patients legs etc! Many thanks.
  17. I started work at a local business but left after a few weeks after being offered a more suitable job at a local school. During my Induction, I was told that the DBS fee they had paid for me would need to be repaid should I leave within 12 months, which I agreed. I was not told of any other fees that might have to repaid. I have finally received my final payslip and P45 to find out that I have had 2 deductions - the DBS fee (which I had agreed to) and a fee for a First Aid Course that I had to attend on a Saturday morning, which, although I was told I would get paid for attending, I have not been. I have never received a copy of my Contract/Terms of Employment, and think the charge for the Course is incorrect. Any advice gratefully received. Mrs P
  18. I'm hoping for some advice please..... here is my scenario exactly as it is: I work as a Lunchtime supervisor, in April I received a letter saying I had been receiving too much salary for a few years and given the option to accept the new salary/hours and that no claims would be made on these overpayments... I agreed to the new terms and was told that a new contract would be drawn up for me to sign with the new hours/rates. Since then I have received nothing........ until............... Last Friday, I was told that SINCE MAY 1ST an overpayment on my salary had been made and they were deducting the full amount from this months wages! Now I know they are not going to reclaim ages before the letter I received BUT............ I have still not received my new contract with adjustments so am still on the old contract on the higher wage. How do I stand legally about this...? Do I have to repay this amount as I'd verbally agreed to the change? Or do they need to have informed me in writing and provided me with the new contract BEFORE they made the adjustment to my wage? I would appreciate any help asap as I have been called into a meeting with the "business manager" on Monday to discuss the matter - and I don't want to be bamboozled by them Thank you so much.
  19. In September 2011, when I was employed by a Local Authority, I was advised that I had been overpaid, for about 18 months. I had moved to a term time only job (44 week contract) in January 2010 but they had continued to pay me as if I was on a 52 week contract. I have spent the last three years paying back nearly £3000. My wages were correct for September, October and November 2011. In November 2011 I was TUPED over to my current employer and I received my first wage from them in December 2011. Last week my current employer advised me that it had come to light that I had been overpaid approximately £4000 by them since December 2011. I have since found out that several other employees have been in a similar situation and some have not paid anything back. I admit I should have checked my wage slips more thoroughly but my employer was fully aware of my situation before I was TUPED over. I was supported by a manager, who was also TUPED over at the same time as me, so I feel that they are mainly responsible as they were supposed to ensure that everything was correct. They have asked me to go away and think about how much I felt comfortable paying back. This seems a bit strange because before that they told me that they had been advised by their legal team that I was liable to pay back all of the money. At the moment I feel like only offering to pay back a small amount proportionate to how much I feel responsible. I would appreciate any advice.
  20. After a few requests from the secretary, asking for the bushes to be pruned, my wife pruned them a week last friday. sadly she got an infection in her right hand ,which spread to her right arm. She has been off sick for nearly a week now after the infection that started in her hand causing swelling quickly spread to her arm, causing that to swell too. As my wife is part time, she only earns around £76 from her employer so I am guessing she won't be eligible for SSP.Is this correct, as I believe an employee has to be earning at least £111.00? As the accident occured on her employers premises, is he therefore legally obliged to pay her full pay while she is off sick?, furthermore, can she also claim for loss of earnings from her second part time job? As the company only employs around 4 or 5 people, are the company obliged to have an accident book? .the law states that a small company are not obliged to do so, but what is interpreted as a "small Company"? Her employer did not provide my wife with any PPE. My wife provided her own gardening type gloves. Any help with the law and any implementations would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Hi all i would like some help, advice or info regarding over payments from an employer my wife worked for the local council at a school for 13hrs a week for 4 and a bit years, Last year she become pregnant and continued to work till april 2014 when she took maternity leave she was told she didnt earn enough money so she wouldnt qualify to be paid materntaiy pay, instead she was paid from the local job center, in august 2014 her employer paid wages into her account because she works for a school and it was during the 6 weeks holidays she thought the money was hers as how could the council make a mistake they paid her till march 2015, In march when her maternity leave was up she decided to not to return to work and handed her notice in which she then received a letter from her employer accepting her resignation and a final pay of what was owed to her. We have now received a letter from her old employer this week stating that in august 2014 the employer transferred there payroll over which resulted in my wife being paid and as it was a mistake they are now asking for the money back within 21 days and also the payments started august 2014 its now august 2015 why has it taken them so long to see this as this was clearly there mistake which they say in the letter. Now my wife is out of work and i have just started a new job we clearly can not pay the debt all in one go like there asking. Where do we stand on this issue? Many thanks for your help
  22. Posting on behalf of a friend, who is employed by a cleaning company. The facts: - She's been working for the company for 5+ years as a cleaner for a certain client for GBP 6.50/hr for 2 hrs/day (10hrs/week) and her husband was also employed there for the same wage for 3 hrs/day (15 hrs/week). - There is no written contract and she and her husband have never received anything from the employer except salary payments into their accounts. - Ever since she's been working there she was told by her supervisor that as long as the offices are cleaned properly it doesn't matter how many hours she works. As a result, she's been going for 3-4 hours/day to do both hers and her husband's work and was always paid for 5 hours/day. No complaints regarding her work have been made. - Her husband was sacked in Feb 2016 because he never showed up at work (even though the verbal arrangement has always been that she does the work of 2 people - apparently this was the norm at the company). This was after a management change, which also caused her old supervisor to be sacked. - Now she's received a letter from her employer (see below), which basically states that she's inflated the hours she was supposed to work and she owes the client of the employer 736 hours for 2015 (only) or GBP 4,784 and they are going to deduct it from her salary (which they've already started to do). It would become due if she decides to leave. They also include her husband's hours into this amount (not sure how they calculated 736 hours). I'm pretty sure most of the assertions in the letter are questionable, to say the least. She should have received a written contract and they can't just withhold money from her salary. They mention a meeting between her and the client last August, which she does not recall. They claim that the security guard has been tallying her hours in addition to her punching in/out and that's how they claim they've calculated 736 hours, which is not really believable. It's also clear that the company is trying to get rid of her (as they've already sacked her husband and most of her old colleagues), so she's going to look for another job. However, she wouldn't want to get a debt collections agency on her back and she would like the withheld money returned. So my question is what she should do at this point. LETTER - date 21 March 2016 [suspiciously close to the official minimum wage hike, too...] Dear **** Our customer has highlighted deficiencies in the hours that have been worked during 2015. 1. It would appear that on the majority of working days, only one person attended site when there should have been two, namely you and your husband. 2. Our customer has analysed the signing in times that you entered in the log book on their floor against the hours recorded by the security guard downstairs when you arrived and left the building each day. It would appear that you have been entering earlier arrival times and later departure times on the customer book their floor, compared with these recorded by the security guard. Consequently our customer has requested a refund of 736 hours' work that has not been carried out during 2015. You were aware that two people should be on site for 2.5 hours a day. From the evidence put to us, your husband very rarely attended site and you knew that. Further, you have been inflating the hours you have been working on site. You had a meeting directly with our customer in August where the deficiencies in the cleaning provision were pointed out and following this, two staff did start working again but this lasted just thirteen days. You and your husband have stolen 736 hours during 2015 from our customer. Based on an hourly rate of GBP 6.50, that is GBP 4,784. Accordingly this amount is to be repaid. We will arrange to commence recovery of this over payment from you at the rate of GBP 30.00 per week until the over payment is cleared. Should you leave our employment, the full amount will become due and we will expect payment immediately. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, kindly contact me immediately. Yours sincerely, *** Operations Director
  23. Hello all, My husband recently started a new job in his 'friends'' company - he was to be doing sales. They verbally agreed a salary of £50K with commission/share holding as the company grew - he did think about it for a few weeks before leaving his job and starting this one. Now, the first three weeks he worked there he worked 105 hours , but his pay was £1685 - not as we were expecting, he didn't receive a pay slip . We complained - turns out that that month the 'cut off' for wages was 20/11 - he started on the 5/11 We had hoped that we would be paid on the 25/11, then told it was the 30th/11 - but this still wasn't enough money. We were given a random amount of money -£1408. This helped with Christmas. During this time dh discussed again the agreed salary and was told that he would now be on an hourly wage of £16 per hour - well when your average week is 67 hours that shouldn't be too bad should it? Anyway, come the 20/12/15 he submits his time sheets again - 256 hours at £16 per hour, minus an hour for lunch (?!) £4132 - In his payslip they have taken back in full the £1408. taxed him at £1000, added 10 hours and his Christmas half pay holiday that he hadn't even taken - this still doesn't add up and quite a lot is missing- take home £1705. Turns out that he wasn't taxed for the first two payments and the first moth they only paid him £12 per hour - the difference between the 12 and 16 is £703 . I don't think they should have taken the entire 1408 back, just the tax and NI on the amount . We have received a payment of an additional £400 supposedly for the difference between the £12 and £16. So, he queried again, turns out they work on a 28 day basis - where it takes up to two weeks to pay the worker, this means the cut off dates change every four weeks BUT they only make 12 payments a year (??) We are confused, they have messed up his pay, paid him for varying days at varying amounts, are making 12 not 13 payments a year, are paying holidays at half pay - not average full pay AND you don't get anything extra for working bank holidays including Christmas - which is just a nice thing to do. I have spent days doing spread sheets, tax calculations, adding up etc etc it sort of works but then it doesn't. How can you pay someone £380 for a holiday they haven't taken in the previous month? We will be down that money in January.# I don't know whether to speak to an accountant, a solicitor or the fraud office tbh Ut's driving me mad!! If any of you cn make sense of this please do. I can post spread sheets if you want as they don't show anything personal only numbers and random musings. The only contract was verbal and my husbands notes taken during the initial discussions - working this many hours makes it hard to apply for other jobs. Thanks for anything you can tease out of this tangled web of financial dodginess.
  24. After waiting 10 weeks for payment because a month in arrears and then a two week wait till end of month pay date, so at last the day has come for payment 31st dec 2015 i got 554.00 pound out of after tax 1660.00 and he wont tell me when i get the rest, other work mate told me it will be in two or three payments over a couple of weeks, not good enough is it, what can i do,
  25. Good afternoon Everyone, Hopefully someone could help/advise me with a problem I am having with my former employer. I recently resigned from a part-time job working for a well-known Housing Association as they weren't paying me in full for the hours I worked (among other dubious issues). My job started 20th January 2016 and I worked exactly half of my monthly contracted hours between my start date and 31st January 2016 - over four days/shifts. I therefore expected to be paid precisely half my contracted salary (salaried, not paid hourly, unless claiming overtime, which was calculated using an hourly rate). Using the assumption that I would receive half my monthly salary, I was underpaid for January in February's pay. Then, in March, they deducted even more money and claimed that they had overpaid me for January, when I believe the opposite was the case. After numerous emails and telephone calls, staff from payroll claimed that they had initially calculated my hours (15/week) over a 5 day period (3 hours/day), which is what was paid in February's wage. They then said that they had recalculated my hours over a seven day period (2.15 hours/day) hence the deduction in March's pay. However, I actually worked 2 x 7.5 hour shifts = 30 hours - contracted to work 60 hours/month – I have copies of the email from payroll outlining how they calculated January’s wage, copies of my signing-in sheets, copies of overtime sheets showing my working patterns and rotas before I left. As is stands, I have been paid approximately £4.25/hour for the hours I worked in January. After two months of trying to get them to pay me correctly (and among other issues, such as lone working without backup with potentially violent clients) I resigned. Before resigning, I also raised a Formal Grievance and received no response. I am going through the Early Conciliation process with ACAS, but I'm scared of the potential costs and/or risks (i.e. potentially paying their legal costs, they have a huge legal department!) involved taking it all the way to an Employment Tribunal. The Housing Association suggested that I accept two-thirds of what they owe, but I requested to be paid in full. The ACAS conciliator didn't seem too pleased that I didn't accept the offer, which worries me. Someone has also suggested that instead of taking them to a Tribunal that I could take them to Small Claims court instead. I suppose my queries are these: 1) Does it sound like an ‘unlawful deduction of wages’? 2) Does it look like I have a good case for an Employment Tribunal? 3) Would it be better taking them to Small Claims to lower my risks/be more feasible than going through an Employment Tribunal? Could someone be kind enough to impart their knowledge of such matters please, I would be greatly thankful. I hope I've provided enough information, if not please let me know (and apologies if I've gone on too much!). Very best wishes, Ammy
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