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  1. I received a written warning at work without any hearing or evidence or disciplinary meeting... just the warning based on what some colleagues said. I raised a grievance as I felt this warning discriminated against me as I work in an all male team, I felt the complaint wouldn't have been raised if I was a male on the team. I also feel that the process would have been dealt with differently if I was a male on the team. They then dismissed me 2 weeks later after I submitted my written grievance. I'm trying to get an understanding of whether disciplinary action can actually be discriminatory or not? I've already put my claim into the tribunal.
  2. Hi all, I was recently sacked (for reasons quite spurious) by my last employer, and now the DWP want to see a letter from them establishing why I left my job. The letter is pretty scathing about my behaviour ("inappropriate" comments and other oversensitive twaddle) but states they dismissed me, and I was NOT dismissed for Gross Misconduct. However, does the fact the dismissal was about 'behaviour', and not performance/attendance etc, mean I can't get JSA as before? Would appreciate some clarity as this is a concern. Cheers, JB
  3. I am making a query on behalf of a friend. She is a carer for her autistic sister and made her employers (local government) aware of this 5 years ago when she started work as a Registries and Ceremonies Officer. She was frequently late for work as she had to wait for the transport to collect her to take her to the day centre daily due to this she asked to start work later instead of the normal 9 am. During her period of employment she felt bullied and harassed by her supervisor who complained about her lateness consistently and belittled her by calling her 'Oi you' and not as part of the team. Through the stress of caring for her sister daily and harassment my friend put in a complaint about her supervisor on 3rd June 2016. The councils policy on complaints is stated as: complaint received, investigation and response - within 5 working days any investigation necessary - with 10 working days She did not receive any response to this complaint and there was no investigation. She was asked whether she could undertake a ceremony on 24th July 2016 at 1pm however due to her caring responsibilities she was unable to do this. She informed her supervisor of this on 23rd July whilst at work and it appears that there was a disagreement and her supervisor stated that ' she behaved in a threatening and intimidating manner' towards her during this discussion. My friend stated that she did not but was very anxious and stressed on this day due to the pressure of her caring responsibilities and has been supported by her GP but felt very unsupported by her employers and her supervisor. Allegations made by the supervisor were stated as correct by people that worked with her but not regarded as colleagues due to their exclusion of her. Anyway following the allegations she was suspended from work on 25th July 2016 and interviews were taken in September, November and December 2016 from my friend, the supervision and other witnesses. During this period my friend sent further complaints of harassment and bullying on 9th and 14th September bearing in mind that her initial complaint made in June was not investigated which she also highlighted. She was ill advised by a union representative to accept the charge of gross misconduct and was dismissed on 26th April 2017 and placed on the redeployment list for 12 weeks, in which she was seen weekly for any suitable positions. 12 weeks was also her notice period. The documents state that any complaints made during the periods of disciplinary will be dealt with within the hearing but they were brushed over and the initial complaint has never been discussed or addressed. She has appealed against her dismissal citing that she was wrongly advised, she had a nervous breakdown and they refused to re-schedule the meeting as she was unable to contribute and agreed to everything, she worked with the local authority since 2002 and had a clean record. It was recommended by the Investigating Officer that she was transferred to another role not dismissed or redeployed. She now needs to write another appeal and after seeing a solicitor she would like to still list the above but also add associative disability discrimination as she has caring duties which have been confirmed by the local authority in writing and also been supported through this ordeal by her GP, harassment as they refused to allow her flexi time to attend to her sister and also the behaviour of her supervision by calling her 'oi you' and the conduct of her employers. (The later has been suggested by a Solicitor who looked over the papers). Can anyone advise as she needs to write an appeal to hand in on monday:sad:
  4. HI, I wish I had found this site about 6 moths ago. Here goes - I will try to make it as short as possible. My OH has ( had!) over 30 unblemished years service with a local authority as a craft tradesman. Approximately 18 months the management ( 3rd party run local authority services) made veiled comments about losing staff, but also had their favourites they wanted to keep. However all staff would have to go through competitive interviews, sickness records etc and their favourites would not make it. So they had a problem. There has been a succession of brought in line managers do not have the necessary qualifications, experience to run / understand the department. Staff of 8 in department. All work vans are fitted with a GPS tracker system About 8 months ago, 2 employees found using a GPS jammer device, suspended on spot, subsequently investigated and dismissed without paid notice. Couple of weeks after jammer discovered all 6 other employees received a letter asking them to attend an interview re: "an incident" that had occurred in dept. Obviously all took this to be about the GPS jammer. However when OH goes in for interview, by investigating manager ( who doesn't understand OH job/role) and HR he is presented with 4 months worth of his tracker information), and is questioned about his lunch time activities. OH accused of having too long for lunch. Lots of mitigating factors - no computer access at work, planning work, planning reports etc etc. Union were very ineffective in meeting and HR seemed to be more vocal and leading investigation. All 6 employees interviewed - one none driver therefore no tracker info - but regularly seen leaving work 30 -45 mins early by senior management. The remaining 5 were deemed to have been having too long for lunch Couple of weeks later 4 of the 6 suspended - the non driver and a worker who "makes" the management house a lot of money were not suspended. - He was however investigated and given a 2nd written warning - but not charged with falsifying time sheets yet allegedly owed 4 hours. The 4 who were suspended have been through disciplinary hearing and an appeal hearing - both of which did not take mitigating factors into consideration. All were dismissed under gross misconduct with paid notice. ACAS are now issuing certificate as management won't budge , but did acknowledge that the paid notice was due to "managerial shortcomings" and union have refused to support members as they have been charged with 'falsifying time sheets". HR are aware that union are not supporting ( mole?!). My OH has repeatedly asked the union why only 4 of the 8 have been accused of falsifying time sheets when all 8 employees were allegedly taking too long for lunch or leaving work early. The employee leaving early was simply taken in for a quiet chat!! OH also asked union why in a separate incident ( based on tracker information ) an employee was at home for a full 8 hours during the day - but he wasn't investigated, suspended and only given another final written warning, why is there a lack of parity? The 4 are now meeting with a view to proceed privately to an ET. Union are supporting the employee who was dismissed for jammer use? Your comments and advice would be gratefully appreciated.
  5. Hi all My Wife was dissmised for alleged gross misconduct for chasing on social media about work all though no mention of her work name or any second names used during conversation ( she thought she was in chat mode with a friend not on live site). Went to C.A.B. got told can't do anything as she had only been at her job nine months. Today she has received her final wage slip after waiting a month they paid the 3 weeks wages and any owed holiday pay then took back the full wages for the month before. What I need to know is can we appellant the sacking and what do I do about the wages they also owe her for 300 pound worth of overtime short paid over Christmas.
  6. Last year Lowells lodged a county court claim against my wife for money she clearly did not owe. We defended the claim in the county court and Lowell's claim was dismissed in December 2016. In February 2017, to my astonishment (although I'm not sure why - its Lowells after all) they started chasing the same money all over again through the usual letters. The most recent one was today, where they very generously offered us a 60% discount on the debt the county court says we don't owe them. Surely there must be some course of action we can take ? Any and all suggestions welcomed. Cheers, Dave
  7. If a claim was dismissed, can the solicitors have a 2nd bite ? POC are identical ? Can you advise on CPR or any case law applicable. Old utilities bill circa 2010, value 1500.00 Final reading provided, final supposed bill paid. Came out of blue. Defended grounds back billing rules, produced final bill in court that was paid. Claimant wanted to not go before judge in meeting before hearing, I insisted we did. Judge dismissed case. Any help appreciated... C
  8. Hi, I have been suspended from work after I made a complaint about my manager, basically I had to be investigated for being late to work, on the day in question I was very unwell and couldn't get the bus due to having no money, I walked to work and was a little late. My manager sent an email to the person doing the investigation stating that I am a confrontational person and the person doing the investigation should have a witness present for their own protection. This email was shown to me and I naturally complained as it is a slanderous email and it suggests I would get violent towards a colleague. I complained to the senior manager regarding this email. The senior manager visited me and suspended me on the grounds of a complaint that came in from a member of public about a month ago. There has been no investigation into the complaint and I haven't been suspended awaiting disciplinary action. In my job I have had lots of complaints from members of the public, being a civil enforcement officer it is a common occurrence, but as complaints are usually just from disgruntled people and never anything serious, which is the case this time, I have never been suspended before. These complaints are always investigated first. I believe I am going to be sacked of spurious grounds to avoid the issue of my manager and the slanderous comments made about me. Do I walk? Do I allow the sacking and appeal? Should I escalate this with HR before it reaches any of these stages? I am unsure what to do here. Employment tribunal? Thanks for any advice you can give Tony
  9. Hello all I recently received a parking charge notice from G24. I had recently had one from parking eye where by browsing these forums I was not the driver on either occasion and was able to understand how to appeal to them at the stage I was at and was successful overturned within days. I made the mistake of thinking the same process would work this time and my appeal was rejected. I was invited to appeal to the IAS and conducted my appeal based on their code of practice. They seemed reputable and that the charge was groundless as there own code of practice was in my opinion not adhered to. I have received an email today that this appeal has been dismissed with the below response: Dear xxxxxxx, The Independent Appeals Service (IAS) has received a decision from the Independent Adjudicator regarding your recent appeal. Please see below for the full details. Parking Charge Number (PCN): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Vehicle Registration: xxxxxxxxxx Date Issued: 19/08/2015 Appeal Outcome: Dismissed The Adjudicators comments are as follows: "It is important that the appellant understands that the adjudicator is not in a position to give legal advice. The adjudicator's role is to look at whether the parking charge has a basis in law and was properly issued in the circumstances of each particular case. The adjudicator's decision is not legally binding on the appellant (it is intended to be a guide) and the Appellant is free to obtain independent legal advice if they so wish. The guidance to this appeal makes it clear that I am bound by the law of contract and can only consider legal challenges not mistakes or extenuating circumstances. I am also only allowed to consider the charge being appealed and not the circumstances of other drivers or other parking events. In this appeal procedure the onus this is on the Appellant to prove their case on the balance of probabilities. On considering images provided it is clear that sufficient amounts of signage existed on the site at the time of issuing the Parking Charge Notice (PCN). The Operator shows evidence that the maximum amount of time allowed is 120 minutes and that the Appellant’s vehicle was on site for a total of 152 minutes. As it appears to be accepted that the Appellant was on site in excess of the maximum parking period I am satisfied that the PCN has a basis in law. Various documents have been provided by both the Operator and the Appellant, all of which I have considered. I am satisfied to the required standard that the signage on site complies with currently regulations. I am satisfied that the Appellant has been made reasonably aware of the terms contained within these signs. The Operator is able to show their signage at the entrance and throughout the site. By staying on the site for longer than the 120 minute maximum period the Appellant agreed to pay a charge. The Appellant queries the level of the charge. The Operator does not pursue the Parking Charge following a breach of contract. The Parking Charge has been issued pursuant to a specific contractual term and therefore the question of loss is not a relevant consideration for this appeal. In my view the parking charge is not excessive for two reasons. First, because the amount being sought by the operator was clearly communicated to the appellant by way of the signage on the site. If the Appellant considered the charge to be excessive, the Appellant had the choice to reject it by either not parking or parking in accordance with the terms. Second, the amount being claimed by the Operator is in my view justified given the operator's running costs. It is also in line with industry standards. For further guidance on this point the Appellant may wish to consider the judgment in PARKINGEYE LIMITED and BARRY BEAVIS [2015] EWCA Civ 402 I note the Appellant’s comments regarding the driver of the vehicle at the time of issue however it is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that the te rms of parking are complied with and whilst sympathizing with the Appellant, once liability has been established, only the Operator has the discretion to vary or cancel the parking charge based on mitigating circumstances. Accordingly this appeal is dismissed. " As your appeal has been dismissed, the Independent Adjudicator has found, upon the evidence provided, that the parking charge was lawfully incurred. As this appeal has not been resolved in your favour, the IAS is unable to intervene further in this matter. The Operator must now allow you 14 days to make payment before they commence any action to enforce the charge. Should you continue to contest the charge then you should consider obtaining independent legal advice. IMPORTANT: The following information relates to appeals which were submitted on or after the 1st April 2015: If you wish to view the evidence that was relied upon by the operator then you may log back into the IAS system and view it, but by doing so you agree to the following terms: You agree that the operator’s evidence, including any comments, documents or photo’s are made available to you in strict confidence. YOU MUST NOT DUPLICATE, PUBLISH, SHARE OR REPRODUCE THE INFORMATION IN ANY WAY without the prior written permission of the parking operator. Without prejudice to any other right arising from breach of this agreement, you agree to indemnify the parking operator and the Independent Parking Committee Limited in respect of any costs or other expenses howsoever caused for any breach, by you or any others with whom you provide this information, of this confidentiality agreement. You can log in at http://www.theIAS.org by entering your email address and the password that you created when you first registered the appeal. Yours sincerely The Independent Appeals Service Independent Appeals Service 4 The Stables Red Cow Yard Knutsford Cheshire WA16 6DG w: http://www.theias.org e: [email protected] The Independent Appeals Service is a trading style of the Independent Parking Committee Limited, Registered address: 4 The Stables Red Cow Yard, Knutsford Cheshire, WA16 6DG. Registered in England and Wales (08248531). The content of this email transmission and any documents attached to it are confidential and are intended for the named recipient only and may contain information that is subject to legal privilege. If you have received this email in error or are not the named recipient you are expressly forbidden from copying, storing or further distributing the contents of this transmission by any means. Disclosure of the content of this email transmission or its content may amount to contempt of court or a criminal offence. If you have received this email transmission in error you are requested to notify the sender and delete the email and its content forthwith. The Independent Appeals Service does not accept service of documents by email. Any advice anybody can provide about how to proceed with this would be appreciated. I have attached my initial appeal to G24 and the one I sent to IAS I also have good photos of the car park etc. Can anyone advise whether or not credit reports etc can be affected by these fines?
  10. Hi all, first post here following a visit to court this morning I wanted to thank those of you who have published your stories as it was both informing and reassuring while researching my case & I also wanted to pass on what happened. Briefly I was being fined for lack of insurance on a vehicle which had been in the possession of a dealer for five months prior to the date stated, but all correspondence was sent to my old address it reached court level without my knowledge, first I knew was the arrival of a payment demand which funnily found the correct address! one statutory declaration later, the first case was closed & a new one opened with six weeks given for me to try to sort it out of court. I sent the dvla full explanation, letter from the garage, copy of the declaration etc & waited, this morning I was out chasing the postman to see if the reply which they say they have sent but can't 'discuss by phone' would appear before I set off to court but it hadnt so defence in hand I spent the morning waiting to be called, finally went in to be asked if I was still pleading not guilty? Yes. If I had traveled from home, yes, If I worked/childcare etc yes followed by the fact that they had no prosecutor! That I should go buy a lottery ticket & my case was dismissed! So happy to have avoided going through it all and relieved to be free from conviction but at same time I wanted to prove myself innocent rather than win by default & feel indignant that my time was wasted while I presume they did not organise a prosecuter? although the court offered travel expenses it doesn't compensate for the amount of stress that I've gone through fighting this or the time off to attend. my question to those of you still reading is this, how do I now stop the enforcement office chasing me? Despite the court notifying them that my statutory declaration was accepted for the original case they appear to have no record of this & have continued to send letters and tell me they will be bringing in the bailiffs on Monday! Now the new case has also been dismissed are the dvla & enforcement office going to register/accept this? Before leaving I told the magistrates that I was still being persude & their only answer was that the court has/would tell them & if still harass me tell them to contact court directly, trouble is I tried that last week for the closed case and they wouldn't listen! So happy days cases dismissed but I have a strong feeling this is not the end of my battle.
  11. Hey everyone, I need your help, today I received an email from IAS (Known as Independence Appeal Service) that my appeal for unfair car park charge have been dismissed after I was told that the appeal would take a week but it take them two days for them to dismissed my appeal. Here is what it said: Dear Chris, The Independent Appeals Service (IAS) has received a decision from the Independent Adjudicator regarding your recent appeal for the below PCN. Parking Charge Number (PCN): XXXXXXXXX Vehicle Registration: XXXXXXX Date Issued: 2015-11-10 Appeal Outcome: Dismissed The Adjudicators comments are as follows: "I cannot allow the appeal on the basis put forward. It is difficult to follow the Appellant’s submissions but I believe they are arguing that they have been given an incorrect permit, although it is not clear from whom they received this permit. In any event the contractual terms advertised on the signs make it clear that any driver parking without displaying a valid permit agrees to pay the charge. The Appellant claims to have a visitor permit, but they were not displaying this, nor have they provided any evidence that they are entitled to a permit. Even if I accept the Appellant’s submissions, it would not change the contractual terms. If the Appellant does not have a valid permit they may park as they did and pay the charge or park elsewhere. They chose the former, and the appeal is dismissed. "As your appeal has been dismissed, the Independent Adjudicator has found, upon the evidence provided, that the parking charge was lawfully incurred. As this appeal has not been resolved in your favour, the IAS is unable to intervene further in this matter. The Operator must now allow you 14 days to make payment before they commence any action to enforce the charge. Should you continue to contest the charge then you should consider obtaining independent legal advice. Yours Sincerely The Independent Appeals Service
  12. A 2-yr probation period is unheard of. Additionally all employees have an entitlement of sickness absence accounted for. I do not believe a two-week sickness absence in Oct 2015 and a further 2-week sickness absence in March 2016 can lead to a dismissal. They can and may discipline you for absence periods. You say you had no contact from your employer? Did you not contact them advising them you would be off sick? Employers have a duty of care so if you are sick they can insist you attend an independent doctor for assessment. No biggie if your genuinely off sick and is normal practice from employers. You should only be contacted in a formal professional manner. Its unusual that you have been unable to contact the attendance manager. Will your employer believe you tried on four occasions but could not speak to anyone. You are responsible for keeping your employer up to date, failure to do so can result in dismissal. You do not need to attend the workplace for a site visit, you can have staff visit you at home or in a close location. Its a hope you are well meeting. Its unlikely they would withhold a bonus payment but if from the employers perspective it appears you have made no effort in keeping them informed of your health issues they may be able to give you problems, warnings etc. I do not think they would have the right grounds to terminate your employment. Good luck. If I was you I would be at the workplace Monday morning demanding to see the attendance manager to resolve and put your mind at rest. But that's just me buddy
  13. I have mobility problems which only really affects me when the weather starts to change. At this stage I need to use crutches and have access to a cab to take me to and from work paid for by DWP under the Access to Work Scheme. I have recently started a new job (only 3 weeks) within a physio therapy centre however they do not have any disabled access. When I was offered an interview I noticed that the building only had stairs and prior to being offered the role, I did comment that I had mobility problems and that the stairs would be a problem for me. After being offered the position, I spoke to my Team Manager during the first week and informed her of the my mobility problems. She asked whether I would be able to manage and I said that I would see how it works out. Unfortunately I was unable to attend work the second week due to the pain in my back and mobility problems plus my cabs had not been arranged for me to get to and from work. The third week (21/12/15) I attended work and had a meeting with HR and my Line Manager. We discussed my mobility issues and they suggested that I was assessed by their in-house Occupational Therapist to see how they could assist me further, which I agreed to. On 22nd I was assessed by OT however unfortunately after examining me and getting me to undertake a few exercises eg. leg raises etc I was unable to walk and had to be assisted by the OT and his Manager into my usual cab. Due to this I have not been at work since. As the OT had to write a report, he said that it would be advisable for me not to go up and down the stairs often however at the moment I am working on reception and the offices and staff room are upstairs therefore it is unavoidable. He also suggested that I stand every half an hours to stretch my muscles. Although both myself and the company are aware that they need to make 'reasonable adjustments' there is not alot they can do. I am really considering my options here as when I am at home, although my mobility is an issue, I can get around and sometime do not use my crutches. However my symptoms worsen when I return to work due to having to climb up and down the stairs. This is of great concern to me as it feels like 10 steps forward and 10 steps back. Any suggestions, comments or advice would be welcome. I am due back in work tomorrow and do not know if I will be able to attend.
  14. i was wondering if any can help me. I was employed through an agency on a 12 month contract to company x. this commenced just under 3 months ago. i was happy and very hard working till i experienced bullying behaviour from my manager. This was increasing in severity - i have been called dumb, not given a lunch time, been shouted at, had the phone put down on me etc. When it escalated to the point i was in floods of tears from the shouting, i called the agency in tears. i had previously also reported the bullish behaviour to them. they called me for an investigation and sympathised and agreed that the behaviour was not professional and a right way to treat an employee and reported it to the companys hr. the next day i was called and said the company has decided to terminate my contract and i am now left without a job at christmas with only 1 weeks pay. It seems had i tolerated the behaviour i would have a job. this seems so unfair as i worked over and above my abilties and because i reported this behaviour, it is mme who is left without a job! i dont know how im going to pay my bills and christmas wont be christmas anymore as i did not forsee this and only rang when i couldnt take things anymore. id appreciate the advice. thankyou
  15. Last year I bought a property with a tenant that was entered into an auction. 5 Days prior to me exchanging contracts the vendor had a council letter with a council order to remedy hazard 1 and 2 deficiencies. All 15 of them including damp and re-wiring. He has withheld this from me and as a result 3 weeks after completion council contacted me as a new owner to carry out these repairs. Total cost up to now £8000. I have made a claim against a vendor for the cost of repairs based on the CPR 2008 regulations Misleading Omissions paragraph 6b as I would have never entered into a contract should I be aware of this. The vendor painted over the damp walls and made the property look nice so there was no way of knowing the hidden problems just by seeing it. My case was last month and the Judge stated that I had no legal standing with my claim and on the caveat emptor principle dismissed it. I was never allowed to present my case or ask the vendor any questions. The whole case was about 15 min long during which the Judge talked. The vendor was not asked even 1 question. To take this matter to court cost me £800 already and I feel I have been treated badly and did not get proper hearing. So I wonder how do CPR’s 2008 regulations protect buyers from cheating vendors? Also I feel that Judge failed to deal with all the issues that were put to him as per section 68(2) a and d of the Arbitration Act 1996. In fact he did not deal with any. I am considering an appeal any help/advice would be appreciated.
  16. Please forgive the length of this post. Very stressed mother of 20, 18 and 14. 18 year old staying on foster child. All in uni, college. Husband primary carer for looked after child. We rented the same house for 13 years, initially through an agent, but the landlord took over himself for the last 3 years. He was a pain and kept increasing rent every 6 months. We should have moved, but, children, work school etc. He issued a section 21 notice at which point we started looking for somewhere to live. I lost £750 in deposit and referencing fees. I have to admit that business wasn't going well and money was very tight so our rent was not very regular but it was paid. He applied for eviction and claimed arrears of rent via a money claim. The court refused him possession saying section 21 defective and he appealed. We stopped paying rent to save up a deposit and we finally found somewhere to live and moved. In the meantime, moneyclaim came to court. Sum was increased from £5k to £16k and court gave him judgement despite no notification on increased claim before I got to court. I told judge I would have come to court to with counsel if I had known. I appealed and was denied leave to appeal, but granted an oral hearing. Meantime, landlord withdrew appeal to judgement on Section 21 and asked we make repayment proposal as we have 2 very successful businesses. He has had in his head for years that we have money just don't want to pay him. He has been telling me he will ruin my credit for years everytime I argued about rent increase, looks like he will shortly get his wish. I will have to sign on and claim HB to be have any hope of being able to pay next month's rent if I don't get a job asap. I need transcripts, but can't afford to pay as I am currently unemployed though not on job seekers, I need to send a bundle to court shortly in advance of hearing but only have a thin idea of it needs to go in. Any, all advice most gratefully received.
  17. Hi,after some advice please,i was involved in an incident at work on 12/06/2015.on monday 15/06/2015 I went to work at 8am,after being there for 10 mins or so the production manager appeared and said he needed a word with me about what happened friday. he asked me to go into the kitchen with him to discuss this.I told him what happened.he said he wouls write down what I'd said then look at the evidence,and would be in touch,he told me I was suspended until then.on the 17th I had a letter from him saying I was guilty of gross misconduct and my dismissal was immediate.and that I could appeal the decision.the date on the letter he'd sent was 15th.I wrote to appeal stating I didn't think they'd followed procedures,not informing me of my rights,investigation and decision being made by same person.not providing me with any witness statements to defend myself.Had an email today iviting me to a disciplinary hearing 01/07/2015.don't understand this if I'm already dismissed.
  18. Hello all, I was wondering if any of you knowledgeable people could help me out with an issue I’m having regarding a previous place of employment please? (I removed potentially identifying details here) After three months I had a successful appraisal and was actually given a pay rise and a permanent contract… and then I was fired a couple of weeks later. Out of the blue. No disciplinary, no discussion, nothing. I was called out of the office one morning by a feared manager, who dragged me into a spare office with the HR lady (a long story, she was hired it seems to find any way at all for existing staff to be punished) They told me they were giving me four weeks’ notice and I had to leave the building immediately. When I asked why, she told me ‘I don’t have to give you a reason why, you’ve not been here long enough. It’s your conduct that’s the problem.’ I asked her to define her reasons; she was literally shaking with anger, and told me again she didn’t have to tell me why. I remained calm (which seemed to infuriate her further), while she fumed and the HR woman smirked. They then escorted me back into the office, and I was shocked to see it had been emptied of all the staff! It was so overly dramatic. They stood over me as I packed my things, and escorted me off the premises as though I’d committed some terrible crime. Of course, after this event I went straight to the jobcentre for advice to be told that as I’d been there for less than a year I had no rights (but they were very eager to get me onto their trial of universal credit!). My phone blew up with calls and texts from my colleagues completely baffled as to what had happened, telling me they’d all been told to go to the upstairs office and then told that I’d been ‘let go’. No reasons were given to them. They were left very scared it could happen to them too. Thankfully, I had been looking for another job in the evenings and had secured a new one that I started a few weeks later (the job that fired me had no idea about this as I was not using them for references, and I hadn’t shared this information with anyone else), otherwise it would have left me in a terribly difficult position of having to explain why I’d been fired for ‘conduct issues’ when I didn’t even know what they were myself! Couple this with my previous disability (which they were fully aware of when they employed me), and they would have made finding a new job incredibly difficult for me (as well as forcing me back onto benefits). They paid me the four weeks of notice and outstanding holiday pay (I’m sure they’ve taxed me far too much but that’s beside the point). I’ve now scrubbed that job from my CV and have been very happily in my new position for a few months. I’m still in contact with most of my previous colleagues who have been filling me in on continued issues in my absence. SO, to finally get to the point, I believe that there is little I can do about the way I was treated there due to the length of time I was employed by them, but is there anything I can do for my colleagues that remain? Can I report them somewhere? What would I even report them for? Even though I’ve moved on, I’m occasionally gripped by anxiety for what could have happened to me if I didn’t have another job to go to. I’m angry, of course, but more concerned for those I’ve left behind. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for taking the time to read this, I hope it made sense.
  19. I was employed with a 6 month probationary period. 10 days after the expiration of this 6 month period, I was sent a letter to notify me that due to performance issues this period had been extended for a further 3 months. At the time I agreed to the extension and carried on with my job. One month later I was called to a meeting with my line manager and HR Manager and told that y probationary period had been unsuccessful and was asked to leave my position with immediate effect and they would pay me the one week notice period as outlined in my contract. As my probationary period had expired when they informed me that they were extending it, am I entitled to the month long notice period pay that is outlined in my contract as I had been with the company for more than the 27 weeks it states is needed for a 1 month notice period? I know that I agreed to the extension, but the letter I have notifying me of it is dated after the 6 months was up.
  20. My husband told me last week that he had been made redundant from his job of 6 years. I completed an online application for JSA yesterday and today he confessed that he had actually been dismissed for gross misconduct for continual poor performance and bring the company into disrepute. He is frantically looking for employment... anything he can get. Most advice websites I visit state that he will probably get his benefits sanctioned for potentially up to 26 weeks. We have no income other than my carers allowance (we have a severely disabled child, who needs constant care) and tax credits. We have a mortgage and insurance but will not be able to claim since he got dismissed. We are in a very difficult situation and I'm worried sick. I appreciate he deserves to be sanctioned but it's me and our two children that will suffer too. The CAB websites suggest that as a carer I may be able to claim Income Support rather than my husband claiming JSA. Does anyone know if this is correct. Thanks in advance...
  21. And they have the cheek to increase legal fees !! For the full story http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/11476880/Judges-dismissed-after-watching-pornography-on-court-computers.html
  22. My husband has a disciplinary meeting next week. Another worker claims he was rude/bullying. Since her complaint, her boss has claimed she witnessed a similar incident "about 6 months ago" but didn't do any thing about it at the time. He has received their statements, however, they have not taken a statement from his colleague who was there nor have they requested CCTV of either incident. They are saying it could be classed as Gross Misconduct but he has not been suspended. Can they use a statement from someone with no evidence other than her recollection of something approx 6 months ago that was not reported at the time? Should they have asked for a statement from the other person there? Can my husband ask for this to be done before the meeting?
  23. My mother in law works part-time for a supermarket in England, an has worked there for over 2 years. In July there was a store meeting where everyone was advised that they will be requiring people to offer more availability for the times/days they can work due to business requirements, and that redundancies were on the cards. On the way out of the meeting they were given generic letters for them to fill in with their new availability. Mother in law extended her hours of availability even though she didn't want to and she cannot commit to much more (she cares for my 2 year old a few days a week whilst i am at work). A few weeks later in August there were some redundancies in the store, seemingly for those who didn't offer the flexibility/availability required. Mother in law's new availability was accepted and her shifts she has been given has been based on that new availability since. Last week she was hand delivered a letter inviting her to a meeting with her manager tomorrow to discuss further availability that the store needs their staff to commit to, and that if this is not achieved then the outcome for the staff who cannot fit in with their requirements will be a new contract offered under the new hours the store demand, and failure to sign the contract would mean they are dismissed. I will be going to the meeting with her tomorrow as support. A few points i wonder if anyone could advise me on?: I have advised her to give some further offer of availability to show willing, and to draw a line and no futher. But can they ask for further offers of availability despite seemingly accepting what she offered when looking at initial redundancies? Can they make redundancies in the first step, and then in phase 2 (i.e. now) threaten dismall with no redundancy? In my mind there's nothing different to when asking people to change their hours to suit the business in July and doing it again a second time now. I have suggested she writes a flexible working request as she is unavailble 3 days a week due to caring for my child and hand it to her manager in the meeting tomorrow. Is this worth her doing or likely to cause problems? Basically, if she refuses to say she's available for all of the store opening times/dates and they dismiss her for this (as in give her a new contract which she doesn't accept) is this legal and does she have any avenues of recourse? Any advice appreciated.
  24. Hello - I'm hoping you will be able to shed some light on a colleague's awful predicament. Today, our Head of Ops came over and asked my colleague to have a word in a meeting room. She was ushered into the room to be met by some head guy and a HR representative. Whilst she was in there, the Head of Ops and second in command took my colleague's Manager into another room to tell him what was going on. Basically, my colleague was told that she was being dismissed due to her performance. The last time performance was mentioned was in January this year when she was told she wouldn't be receiving the annual bonus because she had only achieved a 4 (it should've been a 3). Since January she has not had any performance plans, no warnings (verbal or written) and was totally unaware of any sub-performance on her part. Clearly her manager was in the same position as he didn't know either. For just over two weeks now, she has also been training a new member of the team - not sure why this would be if she was so bad at her job? She has been employed by our company since May 2013 and I am worried that she may not have a leg to stand on due to being employed less than two years? Incidentally, whilst sacking her the HR person told her that she needed to consult a solicitor and the company would provide up to £500 to pay for this. What's that about? She definitely has been sacked as she has her letter of termination. I would be so grateful if any of you could advise her further. She's a lovely lady who doesn't deserve this.
  25. Hi, My partner recieved a stat demand for 46,000 for rent arrears. the demand made a claim that a lease from april 2011-april 2014 had incurred 46,000 arrears. she requested a hearing to dismiss the demand. she provided bank statements proovein she had paid all rent during that period. she then told the judge the arrears claimed related to an earlier lease. she had a counter claim the landlord committed an act of fraud against her in 2011 for 123,000. she also provided evidence the landlord had waived arrears in the earlier lease. I had written to the landlord reffering to the arrears without her knowledge. The judge decided therefore I had acknowledged her arrears dateing back to 2008. he would not even consider her counter claim as it was in 2011. he dismissed her application to set asside statitory demand. awarding the creditor 1100 costs. we had reported three farmers for fraud. a parliamentary investigation upheld our complaint awarding us compensation. our landlord recieved 123,000 to support our business. he then told us he had given it back. we found out a year later he had kept it. Fraud. the landlord waived our rent arrears in 2008 in an earlier lease to support his application for funding. he lied to us over its existance then claimed the arrears. any idears would help. thanks steveeasy
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