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  1. i have received a letter from the DWP and after phoning found out that it was a social fund crisis loan debt from 2008 for around £700. can they still chase this after so long?? i recently moved and are not now eligible for HB because of our lower rent, so i think for some reason it's now flagged on their system. but the debt is so old and now they have sent a letter to my employer for a DEA. any advice would be great.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/jun/17/uk-debt-bubble-queens-speech-consumer-credit-loans-spending I noticed quite a few advertisements for 'no interest' loans taken over 4 years with companies such as PC World/Currys - B&Q and a Carpet store. So, it looks like for companies to stay in business they need to sell - people cant afford to buy - so lets tie them up with MORE credit for 4 years !
  3. I have recently signed up to clearscore and viewed my file, I have noticed I have a CCJ dated back to 14/01/2015. I guess I will have had correspondence from the courts way back when but I have no recollection of that. i emailed the courts and they advised it was debt recovery agency Cabot and saying that restons are representing them. The original debt was Lloyds TSB loan, which I do remember and being the overused 'young and daft' ended up defaulting. I have certainly not acknowledged the debt or made any payments in the past 6 years. I have been reading other similar posts and seeing a lot of great advice, but I am not sure what applies to me seeing as though the CCJ is so old. The court have advised I can contact claimant to arrange payment plan or make a claim to 'set aside the judgement' I have yet to do anything and thought it best to seek advice first. The court have indicated that the original debt was 'on or around September 2008 So, thats why I am here, looking for any help, is this statute barred? Should I be looking to get this set aside? The reason I found out in the first place is that I am looking at a career change and trying to gains some professional qualifications where my history will come under scrutiny, so I would rather not have it there if it shouldn't be there.
  4. Hi all i need help please with regard to a CCJ i received a claim form from the court with regard to some debt which was not even mine but it was report as fraud in 2008 for something credit by HFC accord to the lowel profolio. I have no idea what they want from me, even my name last name on that letter is one of my middle names, i have called them and advised them of this matter. i did not send in the claim form back to the court or rather missed that date, so now i filed for the judgment to be set aside in, hearing was today on the 11/08/2017 but the judge was only focus if the name on the letters is my name which is my first name and middle name but not my last name, the judge was completely on their side and not listening to what i have to say, that this was not my contract to pay and it was a fraudulent contract. now they have given me sometimes to submit a defense for the 27th.. my main focus is to get the CCJ removed one way or another even if i have to pay it to get it off my file, i am aware there is a 28 days,, What are my chances on getting the ccj removed or set aside and what is required of me on the defense sorry but this is my first time to get something like this or to be involved in one.
  5. Can anyone help me with this. I've received claim forms today about a debt from 2008. It was an MBNA card that my ex husband run up and I'm going to be honest here, I've buried my head in the sand with a lot of it. It's in my name so that's not really a defence. I know I should've sorted it ages ago as maybe I'd not be sat here now sick with worry. Anyway, it says it's for £10,984 In the particulars of the claim it says the following: The claimant claims the whole of the outstanding balance due and payable under an agreement referenced opened effective from 11/08/1995. The agreement is regularted by CCA 1974 whch was signed by defendant and from which credit was extended to defendant. It then goes on to say that I failed to make payment as required and by 31/5/08 a default was added and as of 19/8/08 I owed mbna £663749 (there's not . but I assume its supposed to be £6,637.49 otherwise I am in trouble!!) It then goes on to say by an agreement in writing the benefit of the debt has been legally assigned to the claimed effective 19/06/08 and made regular upon the claimant service a notice of assignment on the defendant shortly thereafter. And claimant claims 1. 673749 2. interest pursuant to section 69 county court act (1984( at a rate of 8% per annum from 19/6/2008 to 23/11/2015 of 377816 and thereafter at a daily rate of 140 to date of judgement or sooner. -- So what do I do? Do I just send the court forms back and try to arrange a payment plan or is there anything I can do to reduce the interest? I'm so worried I'm going to lose my house over this. Any help gratefully received
  6. I would be grateful to know if anybody who has been successful in a claim against Santander on the 2008 svr/cap margin issue could explain the grounds on which the claim was made; was it on the basis of breach of contract on the bank's part or the longer-term financial implications of Santander's application of the cap margin increase. Cheers
  7. Dear all, I am new to the forum and in a bit of a panic. I just don't know what to do. We have been in a debt management plan since 2008 and so since then I of course have not had any credit. I've had a letter from Shoosmiths and now a Court Claim via Northampton County Court Business Centre about an Overdraft I supposedly had with M&S. I thought this strange as I have never had a bank account with M&S. The Particulars of the Claim actually state: The claimant claim is for the sum of £4219.76 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant as a consequence of the defendant incurring an overdraft whilst operating a bank account. It says the debt was assigned to them on 30/1/13 and it says they notified me of that but i have no record of that. I pay another debt to Arrow Global though so I may have received something and assumed it to be part of that. I just don't know. I did have a Personal Reserve with M&S but this was operated like a loan. There was not a bank account. The sum of the Personal Reserve was approximately £3000 but this has been part of the Debt Management Plan so I have no idea what this refers to. I sent a letter to Shoosmiths stating I din't know what they were referring to and that if it is true it is a very old debt so queried their legality in asking for it. I think we crossed post with this court summons though. I've said to the court I will defend all of it but I have to write a defence and I don't know how to do that. Can my defence be that I have no knowledge of that account and have asked for them to prove it is genuine? Losing sleep over this and have that awful sick feeling in my tummy. I don't shy away from my responsibilities and have paid back over £20,000 in debts. I would really appreciate any advice you could give me.
  8. Last year I bought a property with a tenant that was entered into an auction. 5 Days prior to me exchanging contracts the vendor had a council letter with a council order to remedy hazard 1 and 2 deficiencies. All 15 of them including damp and re-wiring. He has withheld this from me and as a result 3 weeks after completion council contacted me as a new owner to carry out these repairs. Total cost up to now £8000. I have made a claim against a vendor for the cost of repairs based on the CPR 2008 regulations Misleading Omissions paragraph 6b as I would have never entered into a contract should I be aware of this. The vendor painted over the damp walls and made the property look nice so there was no way of knowing the hidden problems just by seeing it. My case was last month and the Judge stated that I had no legal standing with my claim and on the caveat emptor principle dismissed it. I was never allowed to present my case or ask the vendor any questions. The whole case was about 15 min long during which the Judge talked. The vendor was not asked even 1 question. To take this matter to court cost me £800 already and I feel I have been treated badly and did not get proper hearing. So I wonder how do CPR’s 2008 regulations protect buyers from cheating vendors? Also I feel that Judge failed to deal with all the issues that were put to him as per section 68(2) a and d of the Arbitration Act 1996. In fact he did not deal with any. I am considering an appeal any help/advice would be appreciated.
  9. Hiya Ive opened my mail this morning to find a letter from LCS Debt Recovery for Tax Credits Debt of £2655.00 which has just floored me . Ive rang the Tax Credit enquiries line to find out where this has arisen and been informed its from the years 2008/2009. Ive been divorced since 2010 and continued claiming Tax Credits ever since as I was lucky enough to have my children live with me. Apparently the amount claimed ny the recovery team is only half of the amount, Ive informed Tax Credits that I wasnt aware of the overpayment and had never seen the paperwork that they have sent through that year or I would have arranged repayment and to not hear anything for 7 years then a Debt Collection letter land through my door has left me in shock. The Tax credit representative has put in the post to me the overpayment bill for that year and the calculations made so I can see it for my own eyes. Im now living with my partner who is disabled and she claims ESA for the 2 of us and have 2 14 year old boys and a 9 year old girl. As ive said this has really floored me and my partner has serious health issues that are stress related and has to avoid stress at all costs and this bill for £2655.00 isnt helping the situation and its from my previous marriage. Can anyone advise what I can do or help in this matter plz?? Ive been told by the tax credits to contact the debt company and arrange payment. They also stated that the paperwork can take upto 12 weeks to come through and that the Collection would continue during this period, and that there is a dispute letter I can complete but im afraid once the payments start with the Debt company its acknowledgment of the debt and once the debt collection company get their teeth in they dont let go. Hadituptohere
  10. Hi guys, I have purchased a 2008 E92 - 325D sport - from a dealer, the car looks and drove perfectly, one issue that came up while on the motorway, it beeped followed by loss of power the amber gear wheel appeared on the dash and on the communication screen came up with "automatic transmission fault" parked on the site of the road, switched on and switched off still the issues was there, on pulling away the car seems stuck in second gear. I took it back to the dealer where I bought it and its under warranty, I haven't heard anything from the dealer yet. the car has 48k miles on the clock, its in really good nick, full service history. as I've just bough the car, less than a week, i'm I in any postion to reject this car if i'm not satisfied/happy with the possible repair? or what should I do if I drive around and say after 2 months or more this issue occurs again, where do I stand legally as a consumer? and what action can I take, the car was 11,000 pounds and bough and I used my savings. look forwar to hear thoughts and views as always cheers
  11. This may be of some use to consumers when dealing with complaints made to their energy suppliers: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2008/1898/contents/made
  12. If you had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution it may be that you have grounds for a complaint. If you have now left the armed forces and had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution between December 2008 and September 2011, it may be that you have grounds for a complaint. The MOD has written to serving and former serving personnel because of changes to the law which took effect in December 2008 that meant such cautions should not have been taken into account after that date. However, whilst action has been taken to contact those affected directly, it is apparent that we have not managed to reach some people and they will be unaware of efforts to contact them about this issue. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/information-for-those-who-left-the-armed-forces-between-december-2008-and-september-2011
  13. Ofgem Investigation into npower and its compliance with Standards of Conduct (Standard Licence Condition 25C), Standard Licence Condition 27 (provision of final bills), and the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Complaints Handling Standards) Regulations 2008 Publication Date: 19th June 2014 Company being Investigated: npower Ofgem are investigating whether RWE npower is complying with the Standards of Conduct (SOC) (SLC 25C) of its gas and electricity supply licence and with the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Complaints Handling Standards) Regulations 2008 (‘Complaints Handling Regulations’). On 4 July 2014 the scope of the investigation was widened to include SLC 27.17 and 27.18, in relation to final bills. More info: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publ...complaints-handling-standards-regulations-2008 New Standards of Conduct: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publ...clearer-fairer-energy-market
  14. Do Renault have responsibility for repairing or replacing this gearbox, due to the limited mileage. This is a two careful owner, wheelchair accessible vehicle.
  15. Hi I'd love some advice if anyone can help. I gather there's a lot of mis-information floating around various forums and this seems to be the place with people that actually know what they're talking about. On Monday my wife received a letter from Marstons with 7 days to pay a magistrates court fine in excess of £1000 (which we don't have) for an offence dated 2008! She has moved house twice since then, and her surname has also changed since. The letter is addressed to her current name but her name in 2008 when the offence was alleged was different (just due to marriage btw). This is the first we have heard about the alleged offence. Had nothing from any court asking to attend. It's a 'fail to give information' so I assume it is vehicle related and that she didn't change her DVLA details in time (but they are up to date now). There is an HM Courts & Tribunal ref number on the Marstons letter if that helps. what should be my first course of action taking into account that payment in full is just not an option at the moment? I read that she can send a staturory declaration the court - is this the way to go? I'm loathe to belief anything I read on the internet now after reading some of tomtubby's myth debunkings! I know all the usual stuff about not letting them in etc but I know it's not going to go away. I can afford monthly payments but I don't expect to get any joy from Marstons in that respect. Any advice most welcome. Thanks in advance.
  16. I had a CCJ registered against me in June 2008, and was paying an agreed £1 a month between October 2008 and May 2009. Suddenly the creditor stopped accepting my payments. I tried to find out why, but got no response from them. The court told me it was a matter for me and the creditor to deal with, so where unable to assist. Maybe it was connected to the fact that they thought me clearing a £242 balance at £1 a month would result in years before it was cleared. So they "cut their losses"??? Who knows? So in effect from May 2009, I haven't had anyone to pay my payment to, nor any contact regarding this debt. Roll on to the end of last week, when I received a letter from another DCA asking for payment or they will look into enforcing the CCJ. I repeat, I have never been informed that the debt has been sold on etc. This is the first letter received regarding this debt since 2009. That is my first point. How do I know that they are now the true owners of the debt? All I know is that it is still held by the original creditor who stopped accepting payment etc. This new DCA could be just chancing their luck for all I know. I guess I could get confirmation in writing from this DCA that they are now the owners. But is there certain evidence etc I should be asking for? I am aware of the CCA request route for debts, but unsure whether it differs with this having a CCJ tied to it. My second question is, can a CCJ transfer from creditor to creditor without me or indeed the court being informed? Does it transfer freely as the debt moves on from DCA to DCA? Or should this new DCA inform the court and myself etc, as in formally get the details changed to reflect change of ownership? The confusing aspect for me is how can the new DCA enforce something they are not named on, I guess. Just to point out, I am not trying to get out of paying, I just don't want to be paying this new DCA, when I have never been informed of a change of "owner". In other words, I do not want to be paying the debt off with the new DCA, only for the old one who took out the CCJ to resurface. As it is them who are named/ took out the CCJ, and who the agreement is with in writing/with the court. It may be nothing, I also find it strange that this new DCA appears out of nowhere 15 weeks prior to this CCJ falling off my credit file. If I am correct, a CCJ doesn't become statute barred after 6 years unlike non-ccj debts. So I am not suggesting that the CCJ itself disappears after 6 years. But it simply falls off your file after 6 years has passed since the judgement was taken. As I mentioned, mine drops off in June this year. The timing off their contact may be nothing, it just got me thinking that's all. Many thanks in advance for any tips etc you can give, however small.
  17. I'm hoping contributors might have some advice over this problem. In November 2013 my wife received a letter from HMRC asking for repayment of tax credits from 2008 for a little over £200. The letter was quite amusing in that it says 'We appreciate you may not have heard from us about this debt recently"..... We not heard about the debt at all in all the 5-6 years that have passed. Basically we did not respond, they then sent a second letter two weeks later with bold type stating: 'NOT RESPONDING TO OUR FIRST LETTER MAY HAVE BEEN AN OVERSIGHT. THIS TIME YOU WILL BE MAKING AN ACTIVE CHOICE NOT TO CONTACT US' We didnt respond to this letter either, they'd waited a few years already another couple of weeks would be no harm. They have now sent a third letter saying 'they may get a debt collection agency to collect the debt' What advice would you have over this, is there any appeal and is it worth it? Many Thanks
  18. Hi Techies, I have a windows 2008 R2 Machine and for the life of me I do not recall what the password is to log on to the machine. I also do not have the installation disks either. How can I gain access to my unit. Trying hard not to go down the rebuild route. What suggestions or options do I have. Help please.
  19. Having booked a holiday for May this year with Thomson we found out (not from the holiday company) that there is substantial building and refurbishment work ongoing at the property. After lengthy arguments Thomson gave us two options, move the date of our holiday or cancel with the stipulation that we had to cancel within 3 days. We moved the date of our holiday and now feel that this was a somewhat knee jerk reaction. Having had time to think we now feel that we should have cancelled as the property will be much different than what we were led to believe. We have actually stayed at the same property 3 times before and the expansion will increase its capacity by about 1/3rd. We understand that we have a contract for this holiday but our feelings are that a contract is a two way thing and Thomson are in breach as what we will be supplied with is not what we bought. Would section 5 of CPUTR 2008 cover this ? Or is there anything else we can do ?
  20. I have a list of transactions which includes all late and over the limit charges from 2002-2008, I also have a copy of the credit card application form. I want to reclaim all these charges back with contractual interest if possible or 8% if I have to The application states that the monthly interest is 2.25% of the account balance but how do I calculate the APR so that I can put this into the spreadsheet. Has anybody had success at reclaiming charges back from MBNA that are older than 6 years???
  21. Hi, I'm trying to get really organised with my debts so have spent all day sorting through them all, making spreadsheets etc and I've just noticed that I have not received a statement for my other half's HSBC loan account for at least 4 years. Our last correspondence was in 2008 where a repayment amount was agreed for a CCJ. I find this strange because on the CCJ the claimant is listed as CL Finance. We have two other debts with CL Finance and they send us statements every 6 months, all of which I have kept (although not very neatly until today but there is nothing for the loan at all. I have no idea how much he owes, I would have to obtain his credit file and try and work it out (providing the current balance on the credit report is up to date of course) and by trawling through bank statements. Correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't they send statements at least once a year? any suggestions what I should do would be gratefully received Thanks in advance:-)
  22. :|Hi Guys! Anyone with one of the above cars experiencing unusual clutch slip (at about 2000 rpm when accelerating, as in overtaking)? If so what has been reaction from dealer both in and out of waranty?
  23. hi, I have been using moneysupermarket to do a soft credit search on me using callcredit, and it was coming up as LOW. Which i did not expect, as i check my credit report regularly with experian, and there is nothing bad on it. After reading about callcredit , i registered for their free credit reports for life. On there it showed a ccj from 2008 at my old address, which i moved out of in 2005. So i did not receive any court paperwork about this and had no idea that there was a ccj against me. It is with Northampton County Court. Any help on how i get this sorted out??? Thanks After
  24. I am new to this site so forgive me if I make mistakes.... I have a 2008 vw Fox with only 20,000 on clock now (had approx 10,000 when bought in June 2009). The catalytic converter has broken (been on two diagnostic machines,vw and another reputable company) due to it being out of warranty VW say it is down to me as I did not use their service dept (it is too expensive for me), so I am not a loyal customer, although my last two vehicles have been bought at the VW, so surely I am loyal to the brand? can anyone please advise Thanks delahunty
  25. Just under 2 years ago my Barclaycard went to Mercers, and I received a default notice on Mercers headed paper. The account was then transferred back to Barclaycard. I've been trying to keep up with the reduced payments (£50+ per month) they then agreed with no interest, but having been back to CCCS with my current situation they advise a £1 token payment at present. Things are due to improve once priority debts are paid off but this will take about 12 months, and I am now on a payscale ladder so things will improve next year. Barclaycard have refused this offer and their previous letter said they would send a default notice if I didn't send the £50+ payment in 7 days, and will add interest again, their current letter says they will send a default letter if I don't contact them (no timescale given, but it is strongly implied that I telephone) Can someone knowledgeable please advise the 'rules' and implications about a second default notice for the same account? Thank you in advance.
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