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Found 14 results

  1. Hi We have a mortgage with Kensington and we have statements showing our mortgage to be up to date. Despite this we are now receiving letters saying we have arrears of £229. Initially we were told they had gone over to a new system and it was an error (the first debt letter arrived at the same time as a statement showing payments up to date). After many calls we were told the debt relates to 2009 and that their new system had thrown this up. We were then told they would write off the alleged debt. However, we are still receiving threatening letters. We have made a formal complaint asking for evidence that this money is in fact owed. We did get in to arrears around 2008/9, but since then every payment has been made. We changed our mortgage from interest only to repayment approx. 2 years ago so surely that also constitutes a new agreement? I am really worried this might start affecting our credit history but am refusing to pay without evidence that any money is owed. Every statement for the last 7/8 years shows our account to be up to date. Next week will be 8 weeks since we formally complained so will contact FOS after this but just wanted any advice on the legal position? Many thanks,
  2. To quote from Thames Water on their Assessed Household Charge Now I was assessed in late 2008 and placed in band 1 and have been billed band 1 ever since. Only recently did I discover that the single rate also exists so have applied for it and been accepted. Now luckily I have a copy of my original meter assessment form (completed and signed on the day of my assessment) which states on it 1 bed 1 person.......... I can't remember a bill or leaflet that advertised that they had brought in a lower rate I was eligible for or I would have applied for it. So the question is since they had the information that I was eligible and failed to adequately advertise the change to me........ Would this be worth pursuing? I know with benefits etc that them having the information but not applying that to future changes is an easy win at appeal but what about this scenario with Thames Water? It could mean a refund of around £700
  3. I arrived home yesterday to find an unexpected letter from HMRC requesting I pay them over £500 for an over payment from April 2009. My issue is that I wasnt aware that this over payment occurred as it would have been paid into my ex-gfs account I have no idea how to proceed I have no evidence which explains why there was an overpayment or even if what they are telling me is correct. I split up with my gf in early 2010, I have since moved house multiple times, have changed bank accounts etc and do not have (or have ever had) any documents relating to this. I gave them a call and they told me it was for a debt in April 2009 and that my ex had paid the other half (so she must have admitted that it was a mistake??). the adviser i spoke to on the phone accused me of lying and said there was no way I wouldn't know about this and they they have sent me letters in the past which is simply not true. I have said I will dispute the claim but I have no evidence to the contrary and I am unsure what I can do, it looks as if I may have to pay this? please help!
  4. Hiya Ive opened my mail this morning to find a letter from LCS Debt Recovery for Tax Credits Debt of £2655.00 which has just floored me . Ive rang the Tax Credit enquiries line to find out where this has arisen and been informed its from the years 2008/2009. Ive been divorced since 2010 and continued claiming Tax Credits ever since as I was lucky enough to have my children live with me. Apparently the amount claimed ny the recovery team is only half of the amount, Ive informed Tax Credits that I wasnt aware of the overpayment and had never seen the paperwork that they have sent through that year or I would have arranged repayment and to not hear anything for 7 years then a Debt Collection letter land through my door has left me in shock. The Tax credit representative has put in the post to me the overpayment bill for that year and the calculations made so I can see it for my own eyes. Im now living with my partner who is disabled and she claims ESA for the 2 of us and have 2 14 year old boys and a 9 year old girl. As ive said this has really floored me and my partner has serious health issues that are stress related and has to avoid stress at all costs and this bill for £2655.00 isnt helping the situation and its from my previous marriage. Can anyone advise what I can do or help in this matter plz?? Ive been told by the tax credits to contact the debt company and arrange payment. They also stated that the paperwork can take upto 12 weeks to come through and that the Collection would continue during this period, and that there is a dispute letter I can complete but im afraid once the payments start with the Debt company its acknowledgment of the debt and once the debt collection company get their teeth in they dont let go. Hadituptohere
  5. Hi, My friend recently found that his employer from 2009/2010 hadn't registered him with HMRC PAYE but they have deducted the paye and NI from his salary and gave him payslips. Also the company was dissolved somewhere in 2012/2013 and noway he could contact them. He only found out when he inquired hmrc about his employment history for the past 6 years which he needed for his visa application. How can he update hmrc records with this employment when the employer can not be found? What is the best resolution for him? Thanks.
  6. Hi I have read some of the threads and hope people might be able to help me. Last weekend I received a County Claim Form for an overdraft I had with Santander. I defaulted on this in April/May 2009. I have spoken to National Debt Line and I am speaking to CAB on Monday to get advice. They have suggested it could be statute barred if I haven't made a payment or communicated with them in writing in that time (despite that I may have spoken to them on the phone or ignored letters/calls) I had other accounts and credit cards etc default at a similar time, some I subsequently paid off, others I ignored and they went away etc. This one hasn't. It's been passed to different companies and has now resulted in the form being sent. I threw a lot of old letters away as I had literally hundreds of them. This default has now fallen off my credit history. However I have found an printed version of it from 2013 which shows that the outstanding balance was less than the default balance, and was last updated in May 2010. I have asked my bank for a copy of all bank statements to see if I have made a payment but won't get these until next week. Reading on here I have seen people saying about asking for documents to try and defend. I won't ask a silly question if this is worth doing, could just do with some pointers about what I need to do The info requested of me is here. Name of the Claimant ? Hoist Portfolio Holdings 2 Ltd Date of issue – 3rd June 2015 Date of issue - 3 June 2015 Date to acknowledge by - 22 June 2015 Date to submit defence - 6 July 2015 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? The claim is for the sum of 1,776.92 in respect of monies owing to an overdraft facility under account number XXXXXX XXXXXXXX The debt was legally assigned by Santander UK PLC to the claimant and notice has been served. The defendant has failed to repay overdrawn sums owing under the terms and conditions of the bank account. The claimant claims The sum of 1,776.92 2. Interest pursuant to s69 of the County Court Act 1984 at a rate of X percent from the XX/XX/XXXX to the date hereof X days is the sum of X.XX 3. Daily interest at the rate of .XX Costs What is the value of the claim? 1,776,92. With costs it is 1,967.76 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Overdraft When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Before 2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Assigned to others, and then received assignment notice for this debt purchaser and claim issued by debt purchaser. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Not sure, I don’t think so Why did you cease payments? Lost job, other financial debts, they all got ignored for a while and subsequent defaults What was the date of your last payment? Not sure - sent off for copy of bank transactions this week from current account to check if I have made a payment. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No plan entered into with them. May have spoken to them on the phone 5/6 years ago but I was getting several calls from different places so cannot be sure. Thanks in advance of any help or advice people might be able to give. EDIT - I realise I have come to post this late but it was only whilst thinking of this over and over before speaking to the CAB next week that I googled the companies and found this forum.
  7. Hello, I will keep it short. Have read the various threads and found them very useful. Out of the blue last week DWP Wrote to me requesting payment of £3109.00. £1,100 from 2002 and the balance for 2009. 2002, I can vaguely remember what happened in 2002, both JSA matters. 2002, had interview under caution no charges and no Court. I am sure they sold the debt to someone them gave it back then sold it again and since 2002 I have heard from them no more than twice, have no paperwork at all from then to remember anything else. 2009 debt, JSA matter, went to Court got convicted of benefit fraud, no order was made for me to pay. Started paying, lost job, they would take money from benefit, get job never heard from them again and I am in work out of work on JSA regularly but they never took any money from my JSA for years never heard from them. I am now working. Before anyone judges me re my conviction 6 years ago. I write to JSA and declared a change of circumstances for work of less than 16hrs, they told me I was still entitled to JSA so I kept claiming it...::: I ended up in Court and although hey kind of acknowledged their error I got convicted as technically it's fraud. Please could you give me advice how to reply to both th above. They have clumped the 2 debts together from 2002 and 2009. Are both now statute barred!!!!! Can they as they say contact my employer and take deductions. I really don't want that, can they take me to court or send bailiffs?? I understand there is some new rule form last year rhat that they can do an attachment to my earrings but I didn't think that was on debts that are old?? Please advise and let me know how to respond to their letter. Thank you.
  8. tax credits, i have just been told i have to pay back my tax credits for the year 2009-2010 from april till june as i was part of a joint claim and then moved to a single claim as i split from my other half, i am sure i was told i didnt need to do the renewal form, later that year we got back together and started the joint claim again, at the end of the year we did the renewal as usual, now my partner when we split rang and did the renewal but i wasnt aware i had to do it as my claim had ended. nobody said i still had to do it when i started the single claim and i am sure i asked, now they are taking it off my child tax credits at 41.34 a week, is there anything i can do with it being so long ago and me not being able to remeber the conversations, we had. they have said it is something to do with the law changing that they can do it, i do not mind paying back overpayment and the like but they are saying i have to pay back everything i have received from the start of the tax year till the joint claim ended, which i was entitlted to, it all seems to stem from misinformation about when i had to do the renewal.
  9. Hi All I'm hoping I can get some advice as I am trying to tidy up my credit file. I opened a student account with Lloyds in 2009 with an overdraft limit of £300 I believe it was. According to my Experian credit report my account defaulted on 13/07/2009. Lowell are now chasing me for a debt of £1459 which is all made up of charges as I wasn't able to continue spending on the account. Ideally I would like to see if I can get this cancelled and taken off my credit report or maybe get a refund of the charges? Any advice would be much appreciated!! Thank you
  10. Hi Guys, bit of advice please. Having recently received my credit file from Experian, I have noticed a default to to NatWest bank for £636, default date 30/11/2009. I rang them this morning and found that the debt consists of £76 in charged for unauthorized overdraft. I never wanted an overdraft with them as I had financial problems at the time. I was told that I used my card several times without the money being available. Are they wrong to have allowed the purchases? Apparently I had agreed to pay £20 per month in a telephone conversation with them in Sept. 2009. I can appeal, but are there any phrases that I should use, and what are my realistic expectations? Thank you in advance.
  11. Hello, This is a great site and unfortunately I need more advice. I had a spell of major problems/mortgage arrears, and unfortunately the Halifax were awarded a CCJ against me in September 2009 for £8362 in relation to a personal loan. I agreed to pay £5 per month, which I did for about four months, before I forgot about it and concentrated on mortgage arrears, (Halifax also). After missing two payments I phoned the Halifax to make the missed payments and they would not accept them as it had been transferred to another department. I have not heard from them since. The advice I require is, what should I do now, as I am now managing to live and have sorted my mortgage arrears and am now in a full-time job. Continue ignoring the debt, and risk it being sold on? or phone the Halifax and risk rocking the boat? I'm really after sorting my life out and have this hanging over me. I would be very grateful for some advice
  12. Just wondering if anyone has any information really. In February 2009 I split from my then Husband leaving him with the house. As he couldn't afford the mortgage we agreed to sell it. In March 2009 it was put up for sale at £98,000 (still have the paperwork). I paid the mortgage in February and March but then refused to pay anymore as I wasn't living there and couldn't afford to pay it anyway (had rent to pay). Anyway, the ex-husband decided to give the keys back to RBoS in May 2009. They then sold the house for approx. £55,000. Way below market value. The thing that is confusing me is that there is no marker on my credit file to show a VR just an outstanding balance of £16k+. They have never asked me to pay this and I only became aware of it last week when I checked my credit file. Since 2009 I have still been able to obtain credit so it hasn't had a detrimental effect. I thought the mortgage company were supposed to try and sell the property for market value? Or I am just wishful thinking? I'm not looking forward to the day a letter arrives demanding the outstanding balance..... Oh, and I never signed any paperwork saying I agreed to this. The ex did it himself. Shouldn't I have had a say in the matter? Was it even legal for RBoS to agree to the voluntary repossession without even consulting me first?
  13. Old loan to clear off cc from years ago. Just about to pay last £30 they grabbed £450 out of my account which included £420 late payment charges from 2003 - 2009. Talking to indian call centre is a waste of time, told them i was disputing the charges and i would make the last payment of £30. sent me a paying in slip(would not give them my new account details). On the same day got a letter from dca asking me to ring them.(as if). any advice on getting these late charges sorted.
  14. Hi, As the subject says I have a interim charging order from 2009 with Lowell. I have been reading online and it says that after 28 days it would automatically be made full. I checked the land registry last month and its still showing as interim is this normal? My current plan is to do a Subject access request on the 25th May (when GDPR is live) and check that my credit agreement is valid and that the correct process was followed. The debt is an old credit card and I'm also sure there are many charges on there that make up the debt. So I aim to reduce or best case have it removed for good. Has anyone had success with Lowell like this? Thanks
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