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  1. Hi All - I would like some clarification - has TSRGD 2002 been repealed and replaced by the 2016 regs (or newer)? Thanks, Jay
  2. Hello all !, I received a letter from PRA Group a couple of days ago. Letter opens with "in order to comply with our obligations under the Consumer Credit Act 1974, We are providing you with this statement of your account. Opening bal: £545.40 Total payments recieved £0.00 Balance adjustments £0.00" Letter also gives a ref number and says I owed Lloyds TSB Bank PLc, the agreement date was 30 May 2002. And offers a settlement payment amount of £54.54. I have never had an account with Lloyds TSB. I panicked thinking someone may have stolen my details, as I've never had a letter of this nature before. Have checked credit files from the usual three and there's nothing. My name is a common name (G Jones), I work with two others with the same first and sir name so had thought it could be for a different G Jones but that doesn't account for the letter having my address on it. Do I contact PRA Group ? Do I ignore ? I'm not sure what to do, not slept the last two days. Thanks in advance and apologies if I've posted in the wrong place or duplicated a thread. G
  3. My partner bought a car through the now defunct Yes Car Credit, who I believe were owned by Provident. She would not knowingly have agreed to PPI, so she would like to check whether it was applied to the agreement without her knowledge. Since she had the load around 2002, and Yes Car Credit no longer exist, I am not sure how to go about helping her find out if she was missold. Can anybody help me with some advice on how to get started please?
  4. good morning all, whilst trawling through old paperwork searching for anything relevant to a separate issue i have, i have found an old black horse finance agreement from 2002. i have no other paperwork relating to it. there is ppi on the agreement and i have detailed on the agreement: the furniture cash price, monthly interest rate, apr, number of monthly repayments and amount of each payment. However there isn't any breakdown of the monthly payment although i'm assuming i can work that out from the other figures on the agreement ( although i haven't been able to work out the correct formula yet ). Although the box is ticked for requesting the payment protection plan and explains it is optional, i know the salesman told me that i had a better chance of getting the finance if i took the ppi ( this was my first significant purchase when i moved out of my parents ). I guess i need to SAR Black Horse although i don't hold out much hope of them having anything after this long. i was just wondering what you think my chances of success would be? the ppi was never claimed on and the finance was repaid.
  5. Name of the Claimant ? Cabot Financial (UK) Limited Date of issue – 31/10/2015 What is the claim for – The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balances (set out below) which the Defendant(s) have failed to pay as required under contracts with the following particulars acc no XX9 and acc no XX0, between the Defendant(s) and Halifax dated on or about Jan 30 2006 and Jan 13 2002 respectively. The contracts were assigned to the Claimant on Aug 31 2012 and Aug 31 2012 respectively. PARTICULARS – a/c no XX9 a/c no XX0 DATE ITEM VALUE 01/09/2015 Default Balance 8500 01/09/2015 Default Balance 7500 Post Refrl Cr NIL TOTAL 16000 What is the value of the claim? £17000 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? 2 Credit cards with the Halifax When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Both before Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Account assigned to Cabot who issued claim in October 2016 Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Unknown Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Unknown Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? Ran out of money so stopped DMP What was the date of your last payment? June 2014 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Yes, I was in a debt management plan from 2008 to 2014 I submitted my defence in November 2015, as follows :- “The Defendant contends that the particulars of claim are vague and generic in nature. The Defendant accordingly sets out its case below and relies on CPR 16.5 (3) in relation to any particular allegation to which a specific response has not been made. The claim is denied with regards to two amounts due under two agreements. On receipt of this claim I requested by way of CPR 31.14 and Section 78 of the Consumer Credit Agreement Act 1974, copies of any documents referred to within the Claimants particulars to establish what the claim is for. To date they have failed to comply to my Section 78 requests and remain in default with regards to my CPR 31.14 requests. Both requests were delivered by recorded post and signed for. The Claimant/Solicitor has been unable to disclose any agreement or statements on which its claim relies upon. It is therefore denied with regards to the Defendant owing any monies to the Claimant, the Claimant has failed to provide any evidence of assignment/balance/breach, therefore the Claimant is put to strict proof to: (a) show how the Defendant has entered into an agreements; and (b) show how the Defendant has reached the amounts claimed for; and © show how the Claimant has the legal right, either under statute or equity to issue a claim; (d) Show how the agreements were legally terminated to allow the claimant to request relief. As per Civil Procedure Rule 16.5(4), it is expected that the Claimant prove the allegation that the money is owed. On the alternative, as the Claimant is an assignee of a debt, it is denied that the Claimant has the right to lay a claim due to contraventions of Section 136 of the Law of Property Act and Section 82A of the Consumer Credit Agreement Act 1974. By reasons of the facts and matters set out above, it is denied that the Claimant is entitled to the relief claimed or any relief. “ Yesterday, almost a year since I submitted the above defence, Restons have written to me threatening to Strike out my defence. A Credit Card Agreement photocopy from one of the Credit Cards has been attached to their letter, as well as a thick wad of computer printouts. RESTON OCT2016 PAGE1.pdf RESTON OCT2016 PAGE3.pdf RESTON OCT2016 PAGE2.pdf
  6. Hello everyone, I got a letter out of the blue today from first credit concerning a loan i took out back in 2002.. In september 2005 i got divorced and things went pear shaped and i went to rehab for various reasons.. I havent made a payment to them since 0ct/sept 2006. The letter is addresed in my name but it asks to confirm who lives at the address as it says my name has been supplied as a possible address.so they dont know for sure.It also says if it is not me to contact them to update their records. Im just a house husband whose got his life back on track and obviously im very worried. My girlfriend whose house it is also worried . I thoiught this would have been statute barred by now. can any one advise me please. the house is in my girlfriends name only and all the contents are hers. thank you
  7. hello all I wonder if anyone can help me. I took out a loan with Blackhorse in 2002 and it had PPI on it. I was in fulltime employment and had no need for PPi, but was told it was needed. with this being the first loan I had ever taken out, I didn't know any better. I tried to make a mis-sold PPi claim. problem is, I don't have any paperwork with account details. my own bank - HSBC - tell me they cannot go back to 2004 when I finished paying for the loan to help me get the account details. Black horse cannot find me on their system, and therefore reject my claim. I approached FOS who came back to say that Blackhorse had sent screen shots of their attempts to find me on their system, and they were satisfied Blackhorse had done all they could. My question to the more experienced folk on here is: is there any more I can do to make a claim, or do I just accept defeat hear. BTW: the loan was £6k repaid over 18 months. so I'm not even sure how much PPi I paid and if it would be worth chasing. thanks in advance for any help
  8. Hi, I received a claim form from HPH2 for a Barclaycard debt of 2002 for £7476. I sent MKDD two CCA requests but no reply and now the HPH2 has issued the claim. I have two questions which I hope you guys could help me with. 1. Can the HPH2 enforce a credit card agreement which was taken out in 2002? 2. They are claiming interest, if they are successful, then is the interest COMPOUND, or Simple? Thanks
  9. Hi, I would like to know if anybody could shed any light regarding LLoyds and Welcome Finance; I have written to LLoyds regarding the PPi mis sale , May 2002 loan, they agree that they are indeed the Underwriters but Welcome is responsible; I am awaiting Welcomes response - probably a negative one; I would also like help with a mechanical breakdown issue with additional insurances that I was forced to buy in April 2002; I have approached Welcome and they responded saying that they did not have to pay out because a High Court ruled that a ' Scheme' had been put in place in 2011 for 2 months and that I should have claimed then which I did to no avail; having scrutinised the agreement, I thought I'd approach Royal and Sun Alliance whose name appears on the HP agreement for the car as the Insurer/Broker - Royal Sun Alliance did respond and I have this in writing stating that they never sold this type of insurance back the - strange? I have also been in touch with the FOS regarding the PPi I was forced to buy yet could not use when I suffered back pain; I have submitted a GPs letter to each of the Underwriters as to why my claim was rejected and am waiting for their reply too; what can I do now; please can someone advise, thanks
  10. Hello, I will keep it short. Have read the various threads and found them very useful. Out of the blue last week DWP Wrote to me requesting payment of £3109.00. £1,100 from 2002 and the balance for 2009. 2002, I can vaguely remember what happened in 2002, both JSA matters. 2002, had interview under caution no charges and no Court. I am sure they sold the debt to someone them gave it back then sold it again and since 2002 I have heard from them no more than twice, have no paperwork at all from then to remember anything else. 2009 debt, JSA matter, went to Court got convicted of benefit fraud, no order was made for me to pay. Started paying, lost job, they would take money from benefit, get job never heard from them again and I am in work out of work on JSA regularly but they never took any money from my JSA for years never heard from them. I am now working. Before anyone judges me re my conviction 6 years ago. I write to JSA and declared a change of circumstances for work of less than 16hrs, they told me I was still entitled to JSA so I kept claiming it...::: I ended up in Court and although hey kind of acknowledged their error I got convicted as technically it's fraud. Please could you give me advice how to reply to both th above. They have clumped the 2 debts together from 2002 and 2009. Are both now statute barred!!!!! Can they as they say contact my employer and take deductions. I really don't want that, can they take me to court or send bailiffs?? I understand there is some new rule form last year rhat that they can do an attachment to my earrings but I didn't think that was on debts that are old?? Please advise and let me know how to respond to their letter. Thank you.
  11. Hi All I am so confused with all of this and going round in circles looking through the forum. So please help if you can.. I was called by Lloyds Tsb back in 2002/3 to ask if i wanted a £5000 loan. I needed a new car so said i would love it... When i went to the bank they said they would add £1500 interest and £1500 PPi onto the loan. I said i did not want the PPI and the girl said i prob would not be able to take the loan if i didnt as they might change the decision. I know the account number even though it is closed... I do not know the exact dates of the loan... Is it too late too get the PPI back due to being mis sold. I know the name of the person that sold me it... If i can claim could someone please send me a link of stages of action or let me know. .. Many Thanks
  12. Hi, First post and I was hoping someone could please help me. I had debts when I was younger, I moved house in 2005 and recently started receiving letters from lots of different random companies claiming I owe money. I ignored them as I don't believe I have any outstanding debts, credit rating excellent etc. now a man turned up at 8pm last night and spoke to a relative claiming I owe money to GE Capital from a 2000 account/store card, and that the last payment received was in 2002. He left his card so I called him and told him I am not aware of this debt and any debts I owed were paid off years ago. I said I believed this debt, even if it existed, would be banned now as its over 6 years. He laughed at me and said this is a massive company and I owe them money and they will take legal action. I said they can do that as I am not handing over money for a debt I am not aware of. He said he would send it back to the company. I requested no one comes to my house again, he said its my address so they can. I said if they wish to pursue it it needs to be through proper legal channels. Was I right or wrong? I am pretty scared and live back with my parents.
  13. I have today received a letter from Equita bailliffs saying they are coming around to sieze goods for Non domestic rates when I took over a tenancy on a pub for 6 months in 2002. The council says the bill is £7000 but to this day I have never seen a bill, statement, request for payment. We took on the pub but due to being burgled twice we simply couldn't afford to pay the rent and the landlords entered and took posession of the property and kicked us out. We've finally got outselves relatively on track, but still have numerous debts to contend with and this is one that we simply cannot afford. There is absolutely no way we can pay it and there is not a cat in hells chance that we could find that sort of money. What on earth do we do. We've moved around alot with the pub trade so this is the first I know of it and I am absolutely at my wits end here. I don't know who to contact to see what can be done. I don't own anything of any real value so they have no way of getting hold of £7000 from my goods so if they sieze what few goods I've got it wouldn't even clear off £500 let alone the full amount. The baillifs will of course add on their fees which bang the price up even more. What on earth am I going to do...
  14. Hi i took out a loan in 2002 for £12500 with an additional insurance. I got into debt somewhere along the line and ended up making a nominal payment in full and final settlement. Would I still be able to claim for the misold insurance or would it be offset against monies that were not paid.
  15. I have a list of transactions which includes all late and over the limit charges from 2002-2008, I also have a copy of the credit card application form. I want to reclaim all these charges back with contractual interest if possible or 8% if I have to The application states that the monthly interest is 2.25% of the account balance but how do I calculate the APR so that I can put this into the spreadsheet. Has anybody had success at reclaiming charges back from MBNA that are older than 6 years???
  16. hi there...is it still possible to contact this company? HBOS or RBOS???
  17. hello, this is my first post here, so there will probably be mistakes along the way but I'll try my best. I recently sent a SAR to hfc, this was replied to by them on 17/08/12 but not actually franked by them till the 22/08/12 and was received by myself today (my letter was dated and sent on the 10/08/12 and was signed for by them the next day. the letter says they need proof of my identity in form of copy of driving licence or passport, they also returned my £10 cheque and said once they have received a resubmitted claim with the extra info, their 40 days will start, is this right?? I no longer live at the address that I lived at when I had the loans with them (1 to pay off another of their loans by the looks of things) and I believe this is why I will probably have to supply them with the above, again, is this why?? they also put a line in that said "details of any account which has been closed over six years may no longer be held on our systems" I do have some paper work with relation to my loans that I had, but only found it last week, after I was given some personal belongings my mum found in her loft, unfortunately it isnt a great deal of paper work, though I can tell that i had what appears to be two loans, the second paying off the first, with ppi on both, and also health and life insurance on the second loan, it was a four year loan, which I paid off after only 6 months as my mum was horrified when she saw the 31%apr and £28.48 a month ppi payments! I am going to continue to pursue these people as even my mum can remember how horrible they were to deal with, and I remember being told that if I didn't take all the extras with the loan I wouldn't get the loan approved, ahhhh to be young and naive again!! that's all I can think of for now! i will post up my loan details if anyone thinks that would help? thanks Tony
  18. as a letter came to my house and it is making me mad it says i have to pay about £600 well i don't get any of it so i wanted to ask u guys question about this letter notice to pay section 29(3) of tax credits act 2002 it says it's about over payment of tax credits "the total amount of working tax credit overpaid to you is ..." what the fuzz when was i ever paid. can anyone plz explain what is going on
  19. Can anyone help? I have some large credit card debts on about 5 cards. I have sent a standard letter asking for a copy of the CCA and had replies back but some seem a bit dodgy. I'm no expert sp I joined the forum to see if there is any help here for me. Do I tell them that I dont think they have complied with what I asked for and put the account in dispute and pay the £10 for the SAR? Are they legally entitled to chase me for payments while the account is in dispute? I can post documents if anyone wants to have a look. Cheers
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