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  1. Not sure if this is benefits or should be somewhere else. There is an outstanding debt to DWP for an overpayment which my relative had been paying off slowly for about 10 years. The relative died recently, and I am dealing with the estate. Within less than 2 weeks from the date of death I had quite a stroppy letter from DWP demanding immediate repayment of a sum about double what I had expected or alternatively providing detailed information on all of the estate's assets in a form to be returned within 7 days. Leaving aside the sensitivity of contacting me even before the funeral, I couldn't either pay them or provide the information they asked for in their time scale even if I wanted to. Are DWP even entitled to detailed information about the estate's assets or to demand payment/information so quickly? I was under the impression they were no more of a priority than the credit cards for example.
  2. Well good old Gordon Brown or was it Laudy Fraudy in the New Labour govt who tried to stop the DWP from issuing these because the DWP always gets things right as they stated in a Parliamentary question response. Uproar followed by a U-Turn occurs rather quickly iirc! Well after the DWP quietly stopped collecting statistics on their food bank referrals.... just like all that other data they claimed they didn't collect but was released after massive fight even ignoring the Information Commissioners Rulings. They've actually gone and done it! Stopped all referrals to food banks... and who did they announce this too? Originally found this via a Reddit post pointing me to here http://www.leweseye.co.uk/social-security-benefits/dwp-bans-local-foodbank-referrals/? Now gaining national news traction and hopefully we can add to the traction as quite frankly I'm beyond appalled!
  3. Hello to all, been a while since I've been about it. Hope all are well. I'm hoping someone can give me some insight to the following: I've been in ESA [sG] since day one, had one reassessment in 2016 which put me back in SG, the second ESA50 arrived in Oct 18, which was duly filled in and sent back by deadline date in Nov 18. I've heard nothing from anyone until yesterday. Yesterday, I received a text message from 'DWP' as follows: 'We've received your Statement of Fitness for Work (Fit Note) and details of your Work Capability Assessment. Your ESA payment will continue. Please don't send us any more statements (Fit Notes). You do not need to contact us.' Two points: 1. I've never sent Fit Notes since my initial claim back in 2012. 2. I've not had the mentioned Work Capability Assessment. Has anyone had the same situation happen to them? I don't really want to contact them. Someone mentioned it may have been done via a paper assessment, but I've never had one so don't know what that entails and should I have been informed by CHDA? I've looked around online but not really come across anything that helps me. Hopefully someone here can give me a clue about this situation. Thanks in advance for reading and any help/ information you can provide. Regards CookieRocks
  4. Recently, DWP paid me 7,000.00 backdated payments for sickness / ESA claims as a result of numerous complaints made about 3 work capability assessments, each of which having a medical report made by a nurse which omitted information. 2 of the work capability assessments were recorded. The oral recordings of the assessment differed from the medical notes made by the nurse, this has been shown on 2 occasions when comparing the oral recording with that of the medical report. Pointing this out to DWP - I was ignored for several years, complaints being answered but nothing being done in respect of the complaints. To have a 7 thousand pound payment years after may seem great - reality is that it is all used to pay debts to family who supported me during the time DWP refused to. My data request is for a copy of a report made by a Dr. [redacted] who conducted both investigations into my last 2 work capability assessments. This doctor could not find anything wrong with either of my work capability assessments between that of the actual recording and that of the written medical report. Whereas, other medical professionals have noted several elements whereby the assessments are unfit for purpose. DWP refused to give me this data surrounding the doctor's investigation previously despite my many reminders. Again, in my latest assessment, DWP are refusing to give me this data. The data request was late (it needed reminding). Not only was it late, it did not contain any of the information I had asked for. I had asked for specific information surrounding the 2 investigations made by Dr. [redacted], this should have been 10 pages at the very most. What resulted was at least 3,000 pages (some duplicates) of the entirety of my comlpaints with DWP... In addition to someone elses name and national insurance number (totally unrelated to me) in amongst the data. I wish for specific data surrounding the doctor's investigation. I have an N1 court claim form - are there any templates I can use to make a claim under GDPR forcing DWP to comply with my request? --- The request is for data to aid in other complaints and essentially show that the assessment is unfit for purpose and even when complaining about it, a Doctor answers complaint saying everything is fine - when it is not.
  5. hello everyone i am currently receiving job seekers allowance and have a quick question about advisers requesting to access my data. today i was asked to bring in my passwords and login for indeed.com and the site 'find a job' to my next (i'm assuming to prove i am applying for the jobs i tell them and also have a sticky beak at my job search history). do they have the right to ask this of me? i know i have to provide proof of applications by way of printouts (which is what i intend to do but i'm not sure they have the right to access these sites with me at the job centre during my signing. thanks in advance and apologies for the unnecessary capital letters in this post.
  6. Hi There, I was wondering if anyone can help me with a situation that involves myself and my x partner. I will try explain this as best as I can. I had been with my partner nearly 5 years when are relationship had broken down. We have two children together aged 2, 5 and did live in rented accommodation. When we separated it was mutual and was not messy, part of the separation was my job I work away and long hours. We separated two years ago and she like any single mother claimed benefits for herself. As a good father I would visit my children as often as I could, I would stay over sometimes and while I was home spend as much time as I could with them, as I am still very good friends with the mother we in regular contact. Both myself and my x partner are both still single. When I am not working away my place of rest is my mothers. -She pays council tax -She pays housing rate -She pays her shopping -I provide maintenance money Two weeks ago she had a meeting (interview under caution) with the DWP who had two (investigators) grill her for over an hour about her personal situation, rather nasty and rude but she explained the truth that I am actively involved and do visit the children to this I did not think they liked as the sort of wanted her to confess to something! It turns out that the evidence was based on a data match as they had the following documents of mine at her house: -Bank Letter -Sky Bill -Phone bill **These had been setup whilst I was living there and simply had never changed.** Car finance document. The car finance document was harder for her to explain, as most of my mail was still at my x partners when we split up they would only consider financing me against an address with some form of history, So i used my x address for this. Funny they did not mention her sending me money which she often does if she cant get to the shops for food she will send money and ask me to get these items. (But i assume they never had her bank statments) After the interview they demanded to know my parents address, she did not know it fully as she moved from say Liverpool to Manchester but drew them the address on paper they also wanted my employer details which she said she did not know.. She collected the kids back from me in tears and scared that she had done something wrong, she still is in fear and now not eating! said it was like they where not happy with my answers (i assume it was not what they wanted to hear and gave them nothing to go off) The interviewer who had seen her wanted information on me, I went to the job centre hours later and spoke to him, he immediately wanted to take me into a private room which I agreed. He was scared of me as naturally I deal with people for a living I led the conversation in which he would give no comment, my objectives to speak to him where originally to give me my details but when I could see how rude and sneaky he was I gave him the no comment and the interview quickly broke down and I left. Today they visited my parents and questioned them, as my parents both hold professional jobs connected in some way to the government they told them the truth. I stay at the house, I have a room, I pay board and I have lived on off there since 2002, I can be there one night and then away and then back there days later there Is no pattern. My parents quite rightly have given me an earful as they feat they may be involved now as they hold professional jobs they no longer will speak to the DWP. They offered to show them my room etc.. but they declined? This leads me on two my bigger questions and to see if anyone can help me? From the above and visits to parents house, as this claim is against my partner not me (they must have little to go off from what she told them at the interview) 1) Is this legal (my personal rights and family) 2) Is visiting my parents legal 3) The issue is with me rather than my x partner why cant they deal with me? 4) I hold a professional position with a company and I fear that them asking or poking around could somewhat possibly lead me out of a job! I I am at the point where I will pay to look after her, if it means I can see my children. She is that scared she has begged me that she wants to come off the benefits and can I pay for her, which is madness as much as I want to help her I have my own life to live! Can anyone help shed some light on this situation and advise me how I should move forward with this? Many thanks!
  7. I have recently been informed that towards the end of 2017 the DWP computer lost my records. I experienced problems with payments in Jan 2018 but did not think any more about it as they sorted my ESA payments out. However, last month I was informed that by mortgage company that they had not received any payments under old scheme prior to changes made in April 2018. I was contacted by Serco and completed the SMI loan agreement that was posted back early June 2018. I have been informed that these completed documents were received by DWP early August 2018 who subsequently sent them Clydebank DWP centre. I contacted the 0800 number ESA department who informed me that the paperwork was sent to Clydebank early August 2018. I queried why I had not received an correspondence reference the SMI loan. The adviser put through an emergency call back from Clydebank. This is when I learnt the delay was because my computer records were lost sometime in Nov 2017. Hence the delay as Clydebank did not have access to information they needed for my SMI loan application as not on the DWP computer system for some reason. The adviser took the relevant information from me and was very supportive though bemused by my situation. She is contacting me back reference SMI loan. However, my concern is as the claimant of ESA and IIDB why was I not informed of the loss of my data by DWP computer? Please, advise me on what I should do? If it was the other way round and it was an overpayment scenario; DWP would be straight on to me.
  8. For anyone that might be interested a simple online process to obtain data they hold on you . https://www.gov.uk/guidance/request-your-personal-information-from-the-department-for-work-and-pensions
  9. i have received a letter from the DWP and after phoning found out that it was a social fund crisis loan debt from 2008 for around £700. can they still chase this after so long?? i recently moved and are not now eligible for HB because of our lower rent, so i think for some reason it's now flagged on their system. but the debt is so old and now they have sent a letter to my employer for a DEA. any advice would be great.
  10. Sparks_


    I see so many people on here and on many FB pages that are saying that the DWP say they owe an amount of money for various reasons, but when challenged the DWP are unable, sometimes, to say what the debt is from but still say it has to be repaid! Is it not time that this was challenged? How can anyone be it an individual, company or government agency say you owe this amount but we are unable to show you proof?
  11. A friend, who is on benefits, has been asked to take part in the Family Resources Survey. It seems this is part of the Office For National Statistics (ONS) who are doing the survey on behalf of the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). The survey visitors are exceedingly persistent. The interviewer came round four times (my friend was out each time), left their mobile number, left notes in the letterbox urging contact, provided a reply paid envelope, gave a helpline number and even sent a £10 cash voucher. From what people have posted on other sites, this is a very detailed intrusive survey asking about your state benefits, bank balances which they ask to see, investments, how much interest you get and such like . It turns out the interviewer knows most of this already. They explain that the survey data is shared between the ONS and DWP and say the data is anonymised for the survey and is confidential. I have seen the Family Resources Survey is referred to in official publications and seems to be a serious organisation, howeverdoes the information this survey collects also get passed on, as a sideline, to help review the status of individual benefits claimants?
  12. Hi, My mum sadly passed away in August in Hospital, aged only 52. I have taken on the responsibility of arranging her funeral. She left no will nor did she have any assets, at the time of her death she was claiming ESA and living in a hostel. I have filled in the post office form to close her account but I doubt very much that there was much if anything in there as I went to her accommodation after she passed and she had been counting coppers before she was taken to hospital. I have spoken to the DWP bereavement service this morning about help with funeral costs, they told me it is unlikely I will get any help as I have a working sister and mum had 3 siblings too. My sister hasn't spoken to my mum in 10 years after she left to live with our dad at 14, their relationship broke down after mums mental health and alcohol issues rendered her unable to care for my sister. The same goes for mums brother and sisters, they haven't spoken in many years, due to my mums issues and how difficult she was to maintain a relationship with. I have stood by her, supported and helped her as much as possible and remained in regular contact with her, going on days out and spending quality time together, I was with her the whole week leading to her passing and held her hand in her last moments. I am a lone parent, working 18 hours a week, I get a working and child tax credit and housing benefit reduction, so I believe because of that I am eligible to claim for help, I have asked them to send me the form to complete but is there really any point in me doing that now that they have said there are other adults who could pay? They wont! They also told me I would be responsible for any over-payment of benefit mum might of received, but if the way they see it is all close relatives should be responsible for the funeral, why not hold them all responsible for over-payments too? I have not gone all out on her funeral, no cars or masses of flowers or over priced coffin, just a basic graveside humanist ceremony in the same cemetery as her parents, although costs are slightly higher as she is being transported from the south of England to the north of England. Sorry, waffling. So my question is, should I bother applying for funeral expenses or just focus on getting the funds and making an arrangement with the funeral directors? Thank you.
  13. I wondered how secure your information is when sending bank statements to DWP through their Wolverhampton post Handling site?
  14. Government could pay out more than £1bn due to benefits 'shambles' The government could pay out more than £1bn in back payments after finding out that tens of thousands of people claiming sickness and disability benefits have been underpaid. Due to a "historic error" at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), 180,000 people claiming Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) have been underpaid and may be owed an average of £5,000 each. The blunders date back to between 2011 and 2014, when claimants were switched over from incapacity benefit. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/government-could-pay-more-1bn-due-benefits-blunder-152800162.html https://uk.news.yahoo.com/government-owes-more-1-5bn-152323666.html
  15. Hi all. I am posting this in the hope someone will be able to tell me how to go about putting this mess right & hopefully get an idea how much trouble I may or not be in. As a single man I have been on ESA & Housing Benefit for some time due to both cancer treatment and being diagnosed with, but not yet treated for PTSD. Just over a year ago I married my soulmate against a backdrop of personal issues. I/We have not yet informed the DWP of either our marriage or the fact that she now lives with me. My wife works 16 hours a week earning approximately £128 per week. My main question is how much trouble am I likely to be facing? Apparently my wife could claim tax credits if she were single...is this the same under our circumstance? We have very much wanted to sort this issue for some time but fear of what may happen & health issues have prevented this. I just want to come clean and be able to have one less thing to worry about. What is our actual entitlement? Will I be prosecuted? Is my home at risk? Any answers or help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  16. Hi everyone, I recently recieved a book from dwp to be reassessed which i filled in sent back with all medical reports meds etc and and then yesterday i recieved a letter from health assessment b-ham with an appointment for 18th oct18. ive been on esa support group now for over 4 years with anxiety and depression plus cant walk so i also get pip high award which has been awarded untill jan 2021. Now i retire on dec 1st this year so less than 8 wks away so my first question is, is it normal to call some-one in for a medical this close to retiring as by the time i had the medical id be down to 6 wks before i retire. as my mobility is next to nothing i cant get to b-ham so if i dont go to the medical dwp say it may affect my benefits but would this include my state pension ? I have 44 years of contributions in so have enough for a full pension. yet again if i dont go to the medical could the dwp stop my pip award?. many thanks in advance for any help and advice folks might send me.
  17. Update on the future of DWP jobcentres READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/update-on-the-future-of-dwp-jobcentres
  18. Considering that a large proportion of JCP staff are part time and the roll out of Universal Credit inevitability means that some will have to go through the same process as most claimants and sign on and encouraged to increase hours. Is it reasonable that they are able to police themselves,it is no stretch of the imagination to presume they will scratch each others back and turn blind eyes amongst themselves. I have read that they can ask to sign on at another office rather than the one they work if they feel uncomfortable being interrogated by their colleagues but what about if there is only one office as in the case in many areas. Whatever it seems they will have special/preferential treatment, in my opinion there should be an independent body setup to deal with these cases.
  19. They ask me for 3 months regularily, just had one yesterday for a rapid reclaim as I was working for an agency for 2.5 weeks and was subsequently let go. The requirements for JSA, ESA, Universal Credit is that you to have less than £5000 in the bank otherwise the payment will get reduced. If you have over £16,000 then you will get nothing. Therefore the reason they ask for fully itemised bank statement to assess your entitlement is invalid. You can filter your statement in many different ways with any online bank so only relevant information is provided, but the DWP say you are not allowed to use these filters and they want every detail. Why? It is understandable that they want to see incoming payments to see if you have any other income (job on the side or whatever), but what right have they to access your out goings. Where you shop, whether you have drunk alcohol recently in a bar, where you go out, the grocery store you use, maybe you are making regular cash withdrawals which might suggest drug use. This request for your personal private data is excessive and has nothing to do with assessing your claim. If they want to know what your rent is you can produce the lease etc (which they already have anyway). If you question them about it they tell you that you dont' need to apply for benefits if thats the way you feel, as if an unemployed person has any choice. I'm interested in hearing peoples opinions and experiences with this, thanks
  20. Hi, I’m hoping for some advice for my uncle. He is 71, has had schizophrenia all his life, used to live with his parents till they passed away 15 years ago and now lives alone. My mum (his sister) and my dad visit him weekly to check on him, take him some food and do a little clean for him. He receives DLA (lowest rate) and pension credit and has rent paid on a small run down flat. He is usually very private about his finances last time they visited he was very anxious and told them he received a letter from the DWP to ask for bank statements to prove his amount in savings. They asked to see the letter but he said he had thrown it away. When they asked him how much he has, it turns out he has nearly £25,000. Obviously this is way more than he is allowed and we would like to know what is likely to happen now, and what is the best thing to do next? The money has not come from any outside source, purely from his entitled benefits mounting up over the years resulting from him living very and neglecting himself and his home due to his mental illness and medication. For example; he doesn’t eat well, only one decent meal a day and my parents take him fruit and veg and meals when they can. He was going out in winter in a thin summer coat so they bought him a warm winter one. His couches and bed are over 20 years old and falling apart and he refuses to buy a new ones saying they’re fine! he only has this much in savings because he hasn’t had the mental capacity to use his entitlement to care for himself properly all these years. He doesn’t smoke, drink or buy any new clothes or possessions for himself. We are wondering whether to try to convince him to spend a chunk of the money on things he does actually need and keep receipts before sending the bank statements in, or if this is likely to get him into more trouble with the DWP? He talks about being anxious about funeral costs so we could help him get a prepaid funeral plan. He also needs a new mattress, bedding, 3 piece suite, TV, white goods for the kitchen, new clothes and shoes etc all of which he has neglected to buy for himself for 15 years. Thank you very much for your advice!
  21. http://welfarecentral.org/index.php/forum-home/universal-credit/1325-dwp-admit-no-plans-how-to-migrate-legacy-benefits#5432 Want to know how you will be migrated from legacy benefits to UC, Do not bother asking the DWP, http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/444360/response/1080845/attach/html/2/FoI%204762%20reply.pdf.html
  22. Update on the future of DWP jobcentres READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/update-on-the-future-of-dwp-jobcentres
  23. BBC Money Box this morning talked about the new 'help' with mortgage interest payments which is changing to a loan from next April. He stated that rents would still be covered even though in a roundabout way it would paying the mortgage of the owner of the property and that many rents are far more expensive than mortgage payments! So what to do? Set up the loan and end up owning less of your property or sell up, downsize if you can or rent? People in need being punished again!
  24. The DWP told me that I had been overpaid last October, although it wasn't until April 2017 that they decided how much I had to repay. This was settled at £3.70 a week out of my Income Support (I am a full time carer who gets Carers Allowance and Income Support) in May 2017. Today (21st October 2017) they have written to me saying they want to review how much I pay them and increase it. It has only been 5 months! My circumstances haven't changed. CA and IS are my only sources of income, and out of that I have bills to pay. Is there a letter I can send which will keep it at the current repayment rate? And can they just increase the repayments? If they did, can I appeal? Thanks!
  25. 2 years ago I requested DWP several times (verbally and in email) to remove my phone number from their systems and to stop calling me. - Their response to this complaint = "would i like a callback" doh.... Eventually DWP removed my phone number from their systems after I had notified them that I will resort to legal action if they do not do this. Since then, if I have had to contact DWP then I have refused to give my phone number. Some weeks ago I received a phone call from DWP CEO Office. This phone call should not have been made due to my previous request. In response to this phone call I contacted complaints resolution team and spoke with someone who has been dealing with my complaints since 2015, she stated that as far as she can see and as far as she knows, my telephone number has been removed from their systems and she can't possibly see where the CEO office obtained my number from. The cynical side of me suggests that DWP made this phone call out of spite in relation to my complaint of a few weeks earlier where DWP CEO staff implied I am a liar, then when I proved I am not a liar by quoting her a reference number she refused to apologise. I need to stop phone calls from DWP, but despite the fact that they have removed my number from their system, I still receive unwanted phone call from their CEO office. Breach of my privacy by DWP - informing my parents of my complaints.... During the phone call (which should not have been made), DWP first spoke with my father and somehow managed to verify that he is myself. DWP then went on to discuss my previous complaint with my father who was not aware I had a historical complaint (hes only aware of recent complaints). This has made my parents even more stressed in the knowledge of an historical complaint as since they have been helping support me financially during DWP pathetic excuses of they cant pay claim because my go fit note not matches exact date of claim etc. For my parents to learn that I had struggled financially previously and have an outstanding complaint worries them more as they are nearly 80. They were hoping that my complaints surrounding 2015 to present date would result in DWP realising that they are wrong not to pay benefit for sickness, this would then repay my debt to my parents who have been financially supporting me. For my parents to learn of a more historical complaint which has been ignored just adds to their worry. DWP called me 2 years after them removing my number from their system and requesting no phone calls due to mental health reasons. They also disclosed my personal details with my father. For my mother to hand me the phone saying its "DWP talking about your complaint from years ago" with a flushed worried complexion is horrible. I am trying my best to keep her from such worry given her age and health, the same for my father. Thanks to DWP incompetence they are both aware... I need to stop these phone calls! How?????
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