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Found 10 results

  1. 2 years ago I requested DWP several times (verbally and in email) to remove my phone number from their systems and to stop calling me. - Their response to this complaint = "would i like a callback" doh.... Eventually DWP removed my phone number from their systems after I had notified them that I will resort to legal action if they do not do this. Since then, if I have had to contact DWP then I have refused to give my phone number. Some weeks ago I received a phone call from DWP CEO Office. This phone call should not have been made due to my previous request. In response to this phone call I contacted complaints resolution team and spoke with someone who has been dealing with my complaints since 2015, she stated that as far as she can see and as far as she knows, my telephone number has been removed from their systems and she can't possibly see where the CEO office obtained my number from. The cynical side of me suggests that DWP made this phone call out of spite in relation to my complaint of a few weeks earlier where DWP CEO staff implied I am a liar, then when I proved I am not a liar by quoting her a reference number she refused to apologise. I need to stop phone calls from DWP, but despite the fact that they have removed my number from their system, I still receive unwanted phone call from their CEO office. Breach of my privacy by DWP - informing my parents of my complaints.... During the phone call (which should not have been made), DWP first spoke with my father and somehow managed to verify that he is myself. DWP then went on to discuss my previous complaint with my father who was not aware I had a historical complaint (hes only aware of recent complaints). This has made my parents even more stressed in the knowledge of an historical complaint as since they have been helping support me financially during DWP pathetic excuses of they cant pay claim because my go fit note not matches exact date of claim etc. For my parents to learn that I had struggled financially previously and have an outstanding complaint worries them more as they are nearly 80. They were hoping that my complaints surrounding 2015 to present date would result in DWP realising that they are wrong not to pay benefit for sickness, this would then repay my debt to my parents who have been financially supporting me. For my parents to learn of a more historical complaint which has been ignored just adds to their worry. DWP called me 2 years after them removing my number from their system and requesting no phone calls due to mental health reasons. They also disclosed my personal details with my father. For my mother to hand me the phone saying its "DWP talking about your complaint from years ago" with a flushed worried complexion is horrible. I am trying my best to keep her from such worry given her age and health, the same for my father. Thanks to DWP incompetence they are both aware... I need to stop these phone calls! How?????
  2. Dear All, I purchased 4 x return tickets (London Heathrow to Istanbul) from BA in August 2016. The tickets were for July 2017. At the time food and drinks were included with my ticket. In January 2017 BA ditched free food on board and started charging for M & S meals. Is there anything I can do to take action against BA? Many Thanks for your replies in advance. Sam
  3. Could someone please tell me if tax credits have to let you know that they are reducing or stopping payments thank you,
  4. According to Mozilla Firefox, the latest Adobe Flashplayer is not secure, so they have blocked it. Flashplayer has apparently always been a security issue.
  5. The new landlord of the property where I live is seeking eviction of all tenants in order to gain possession of the property. The other tenants have various types of tenancies such as Assured tenancies and AST type tenancies. The attempted eviction is served on us under section 21 of the 1988 Housing Act. The Assured and AST tenancies were introduced in the 1988 housing Act which came into force on January 15, 1989. Now, my tenancy began in 1988 and I don't have any official document to confirm my tenancy status. However I do have several post mark dated letters addressed to me in various times of 1988 and in further years up to the present time. On it's own would these post mark dated letters addressed to me be firm evidence of being resident at the property since 1988 and thereby not being subject to the section 21 notice for possession of the property?
  6. http://www.fca.org.uk/news/cheque-centre-stops-selling-single-repayment-payday-loans-fca-tougher-consumer-protection One down. Many more to go
  7. Thought I would post this recent video that was added to Youtube. Hounslow Police working with bailiffs to stop vehicles with outstanding PCN's. I can understand that the Police have an interest in this, because they will be indirectly funded by revenues received from PCN collection. i.e the Police are funded by councils that issued the PCN's. However, I would question the legality of this. Although the Police have the legal right to stop vehicles, surely they are restricted as to the purpose of such stops ?
  8. Right or wrong? (Forget about the the 'licence excuse') Speaking as an ex-bus driver, I actually know the answer! http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/4859900/council-jobsworths.html
  9. I was recently asked by a cagger who to contact at Sherforce (Shergroup) with a complaint...I suggesested they contacted Chris Badger as he is given to be their Complaints Officer.. Imagine my surprise when the cagger reported back he was no longer working at Sherforce!!!!! A little digging brings forward he is thought to now be working at the Sheriffs Office, I will only offer MHO that would be a move for the best for him and I wish him every success but, that is not what concerns me and prompts me to write this post. Sherforce list three HCEO's appointed by the Lord Chancellor to carry out command to serve High Court Writs, they are of course permitted to 'sub contract' the work but as each of those HCEO's are commanded as an individual to carry out their appointment then surely they must be seen to be at the least active, with their finger on the button so to speak? Claire Sandbrook no longer resides in the UK and cannot therefore uphold the duties of her 'appointment' David Asker is by all accounts,when reading Sherforces' own website, not active as a HCEO and his 'position' within the company lies in I.T. therefore he does not uphold the duties of his 'appointment' Christopher Badger, if the rumour to him having taken his 'appointment' elsewhere is confirmed, must therefore have notified the Lord Chancellor's Ofiice to no longer being a recognised HCEO for Sherforce Is it time for the Lord Chancellors Office to take a closer look at their appointment register and remove those who are no longer active and merely a name on that register.??? WD
  10. Having been given the opportunity of employment I have had the rug pulled from underneath my feet due to having an endorsement on my license which is due to expire in 5 months. The company i have the opportunity of employment with I worked for before and they put me through my class 2. My license has been clean for 5 months short of 11 years but the endorsement is still standing in my way of what I love doing - driving lorries. I wrote to the DVLA and explained the situation and asked if they could remove said endorsement off of the counter part of my license but keep the endorsement on file. I recieved a letter 3 weeks later from the DVLA stating that the law is the law and they can't help me. They said: "Unfortunately the Law states that these endorsemets have to remain on the driving licence until they have time expired. If after 05/11/2012 you want expired endorsements removed from your licence then please apply by completing the enclosed application form (D1) and return it together with your licence and correct fee." I understand that the endorsement is my fault but surely letting it stand in my way for 10 and a half years should not have an impact on me getting a HGV class 2 driving job. The Government wants to get people back to work and I am trying to do so yet have hit a brick wall. I think that DVLA should judge different cases on different merits.
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