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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, I have had some excellent advice from this website, however every time I attempt to log in I get a message from Firefox "This connection is not secure. Logins entered here could be compromised" is this a problem with Firefox, or has the website an issue? Thank you.
  2. According to Mozilla Firefox, the latest Adobe Flashplayer is not secure, so they have blocked it. Flashplayer has apparently always been a security issue.
  3. It isn't working for me on Firefox anyway. Fine on Chrome. Any ideas?
  4. my internet speed has gone rather slow, 15 meg. I have BT infinity and normally get 40 meg speed and use Firefox as a browser. i went onto internet explorer and started the same BT speed test for which i end up with 37.5 meg looking into this, i have kaspersky internet security, i disabled protection and ran the speed test again on firefox and ended up with not 15 meg, but 38 meg speed. the conclusion reached is that kaspersky for some reason throttles down your internet speed on firefox, but leaves internet explorer alone. any ideas
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