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Found 6 results

  1. According to Mozilla Firefox, the latest Adobe Flashplayer is not secure, so they have blocked it. Flashplayer has apparently always been a security issue.
  2. On the 2nd of December last year, I bought an LG 3d Blu Ray player (for my bedroom) from Currys. Yes, they offered the extra cover but I declined. Two days ago, during one of my poor health days, I thought I would put a film on in my bedroom only to find that the player didn't switch on. I tried everything (new fuse, new battery for the remote) all to no avail. Yesterday, I took it back. I set my phone up to record the dismissive attitude of the Currys staff and being prepared to give them what for. Currys failed me miserably! They swapped the ruddy thing with no fuss. Bugger!
  3. Hi, myself along with a number of other owners have experienced an issue with a firmware update for a Panasonic BTT290 BluRay Theatre System rendering the unit unusable to watch certain BluRay discs. There is a separate thread about this on a dedicated Audio Visual forum: http://www.avforums.com/threads/panasonic-sc-btt290-owners-thread.1726525/page-3 To cut a long story short, I along with others have had no issues with our players prior to this firmware update, however, since the update a number of BluRay discs that had previous played perfectly now refuse to play. In my particular case I noticed this behaviour less than a week after the expiry of my 12 month warranty, although the update was released by the manufacturer more than a month prior to the expiry. It just so happens that I do not regularly watch BluRay discs and so never caught the fault until it was too late. The unit does play regular DVDs perfectly fine and does also play some BluRay discs perfectly also. I contacted Panasonic Customer Services who initially told me to do a system reset, which never solved anything, they then told me that I would need to contact my local Service Centre, which I did. The Service Centre have replied stating that I would need to pay a £48 non refundable inspection fee and that it is probably a drive issue and that the firmware update cannot be rolled back to a previous version. Now I dispute this claim of a faulty drive because surely no discs would then play, not an odd selection. Secondly, it is not just me that is experiencing this issue and it all coincides with the recent update, that, strangely enough is listed on the manufacturers website as an update for BluRay Disc Playability. I would like to know where I stand legally with this as in my mind Panasonic have released an update that has caused my product to be not fit for purpose. I have been trying to demand from them that they reinstate my previous working firmware version that was installed when I purchased the machine and which is what I actually paid for, they declined to do this. I wish to blast them with a coherent email outlining actions that they must take before any actions that I along with other interested parties may take. Any help would be appreciated. DHB
  4. My mums laptop is playing up. Windows Media Player keeps starting and giving a message ' Windows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the file' This is a long with the WMP Window. She doesn't know how she has managed to do it. I have tried opening Malware Bytes to do a scan, but it seems to be opening with WMP because the same pop up keeps comong up. I tries msconfig to stop it from starting up, but the same message keeps appearing with the Media Player. It's as if it is programmed to start up with everything I try to do. I can't even install a program with a flash drive because when I click on 'setup' WMP starts again with the same message. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Guys. ps. Her OS is Windows 7 Home Premium.
  5. Hi guys, My friend was given an MP3 player as a gift (Alba MP4200BUK). I wanted to put some music on for her but there is a problem. Windows cannot find any drivers for the player. It doesn't even recognise the device. I have Googled this and it appears to be quite a frequent problem for other people. I have the manual, and it basically says you just plug and play. Hope someone on here can find the solution. I can't even find an Alba website (not the manufacturer of this MP3 player anyway). Thanks in advance
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160617/Argentine-tennis-player-David-Nalbandian-booted-Queens-Club-final-wild-kick-line-judge.html?ito=feeds-newsxml http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/tennis/4378332/David-Nalbandian-disqualifed-from-Queens-final-for-injuring-tennis-official-with-kick.html
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