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Found 3 results

  1. Hi All I have been in an ongoing tennis game with letters going back and fourth with regards to an old debt i had with the bank of scotland (Credit Card) I have sent the usual CCA request to the PRA Group and have received the following A signed credit agreement A notification of assignment - (showing PRA Group as holders of the debt from July 2014) A statement of account up to March 2011 However the statement of account is where I have the issue, they only provided me with a credit card statement up to March 2011, the total they are chasing is lower than the one issued on the statement. I know this should the case as I was using a debt management company (Compass) to handle the account, and they issued payment of £6.49 a month, Compass ironically went under in April 2014, taking my debt savings and no more payments were made to PRA Group. My point is PRA group have only produced a official statement up to 2011, and only provided a spreadsheet on business paper showing payment of £6.49 made a month. There is no official statement showing these payments were made by Compass and especially nothing to indicate compass was acting on my behalf. I am assuming that if PRA group cannot prove the £6.49 payments are made on my behalf, the debt can be classed as Statute Barred as officially my last payment to Bank of scotland would of been in 2011 I have attached the last letter from PRA which includes a sample of the statement they provided (which anyone could knock up on excel). Am I ok to challenge this statement and ask for proof of who paid the £6.49 and confirm documents stating on who's behalf the payments were made? Any help on this is appreciated Thanks
  2. anyone watch tennis anymore? used to watch the good ole tennis, the likes of mcenroe era etc. a few groans here and there, but now they all scream their stones off when they make a shot etc, partic some of the women. does all that screaming put you off watching, or is it enjoyable ?
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160617/Argentine-tennis-player-David-Nalbandian-booted-Queens-Club-final-wild-kick-line-judge.html?ito=feeds-newsxml http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/tennis/4378332/David-Nalbandian-disqualifed-from-Queens-final-for-injuring-tennis-official-with-kick.html
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