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  1. In December my carry on bag was lost/stolen whilst queuing to board a flight overseas. It contained just about everything important, laptop, camera, clothes, sunglasses,makeup the lot. As terrible and distressful this was I knew i had travel insurance to cover me for up to £2k of personal possessions. So i thought! I submitted my claim at the beginning of January. When you submit the claim they take 10 days to respond and tell you if they need further info,this has happened twice, meaning that today 20/2/19 still battling with this. "Please note that your insurance policy has a limit of £150.00 in total for unreceipted items. Therefore, as you have only been able to provide a receipt for the trainers of £73.97, our maximum liability for your claim will be £223.97. This will be paid into your nominated bank account within the next 5 days working days. This has been paid as a gesture of goodwill based on the report you provided as it still does not give all of the necessary information. We suggest you contact the airline for further compensation as they are responsible for the loss, we trust this clarifies our position". I called them and said I was very disappointed with this, as there was nothing for the laptop (It says they will cover upto £500 - the laptop was a gift from my late partner and i sent them receipt which was address to me). I also clarfied that the airline were not responsible and provided documentation accordingly. I.e lost and found reports comcluding item not found. I have missed my mortgage payment as have had to replace my laptop (as i cannot work without it) - they are taking so long to come back to me. Also I purchase essential items on arrival and they have not covered them either. They are not covering the majority of items in my bag basically. They have suggested i contact them via the complaints procedure. I am so annoyed, I took out this cover for peace of mind and it was hardly worth it. For the amount of time its taken to get the claim together, I should have just worked more hours doing my job and i would have basically been better off. Does anyone that is familiar with insurance policies know if it is acceptable to time they take to respond to these things, if i complain today (for them not covering the laptop and essential purchases which were receipted) they will probably take another 10 days to respond!
  2. Well, Not really "Inhuman" rather "Non-Human" Just trying to follow up a problem with the Post Office. CAB website and online searches shows 0345 611 2970 for PO Customer Care as number for complaints. The automated message says 'or to complain press....' then you're told to email or write. Their complaints form can be found here: Doh! system wouldn't let me post a link could an admin please tidy up it can be fount at www post office co uk / Contact us complaint So don't waste another 12p and your time on a phone call to a machine only to be told you need to write. I've emailed CAB requesting they update their web page. Hope this helps Kind Regards.
  3. Post-Monarch review finds too many passengers flying unprotected READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/post-monarch-review-finds-too-many-passengers-flying-unprotected
  4. British Forces Post Office: last dates of posting in time for Christmas READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-forces-post-office-last-dates-of-posting
  5. On the 13th of Jan 2018, changes came into effect to stop companies adding on fees for people using a card to pay with. I was under the impression that this was now illegal. The other day I went into a Premier Stores franchise and bought a few items, came to less than £7... But when I went to pay, the price had jumped to £7.17... I queried my it had gone up and was told there was a 50p charge for using a card. I pointed out that this was now illegal, but they were adamant they were allowed to do it. I told them under no circumstances was I accepting it and that they'd lost my business... and left. I then left feedback/reviews online to warn others. But what 'exactly' is and isn't allowed now? I read that one of those takeaway delivery apps that used to charge extra for card payments as now simply extended the charge to 'ALL' types of payments, and that's supposedly legal as they're branding it a delivery charge rather than a 'card fee'. If the shop is acting illegally, where do I report it?
  6. British Forces Post Office: last dates of posting in time for Christmas READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-forces-post-office-last-dates-of-posting
  7. Hi There, Just wondering where I should post a new question relating to where I could find information on who I had a HP credit agreement with a few years back when purchasing a car? Or who I should write to to ask? Any pointers gratefully received. Many thanks :0)
  8. Hi, I have a debt with Capital one. the account was opened July 2007. IS there any point in asking for CCA? how to best deal with it ?
  9. My partner has had a letter regarding WTC. They are pushing her to open a bank account. She has been using a post office account for child benefit and wtc for many years now. Has anyone here had the same? is there a reason for it! usually is regarding dwp/hmrc. EDIT: Forgot to say we already have bank accounts but my partner has always liked using the post office one for budgeting etc. Tia
  10. An investigation has come to light into missing correspondence about patient care. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/feb/26/nhs-accused-of-covering-up-huge-data-loss-that-put-thousands-at-risk?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+main+NEW+H+categories&utm_term=215114&subid=7192694&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2 HB
  11. Hello All, I have an annual membership with British Military Fitness which was taken via Salary deduction through my company via third party provider GYMFLEX. I trained with BMF for 2 months but had an injury on 1st of March in my left ligament and have not been able to train since. I wrote to my company HR as advised by GYMFLEX , along with recommendation from my physio for 3 month no boot camps that BMF provides since its not a GYM but boot camp setup only in outdoor parks, and the response sent back is as follows. 'Thanks for your patience whilst we looked into this for you. This has been raised to the gym and I'm afraid they are not willing to authorise a cancellation in these circumstances. When you signed up to the benefit you confirmed that you understood it is a non-cancellable 12-month membership and there are no exceptional circumstances in this instance for us to go outside of the standard terms and conditions.' I have looked up GYMFLEX website and they do mention that it can be cancelled if the GYM agrees as noted below 3.4 NON-CANCELLABLE MEMBERSHIP Your GymFlex Membership is a non-cancellable 12 month membership. In certain circumstances, and in line with your chosen GymFlex Gym’s own Terms and Conditions it may be possible to upgrade, suspend or terminate a membership. This process is subject to a written request by your Employer and a Process Fee of £25 is applied by Incorpore Limited. In the event a refund is agreed by the GymFlex Gym, Incorpore will pass on the entire refund received by the GymFlex Gym, less the £25 process fee and the Initial Set Up Fee. But the GYM which in this case is BMF which doesn't have an annual membership and hence no terms and conditions either They have a 6 month membership offer in which T&C mention that in case of injury, membership can be cancelled. (i) Cancellation for medical reasons, relocation or redundancy We may allow you to cancel your membership before the end of the minimum term if you have been a member and: Have a medical condition that stops you from attending classes Relocate more than 20 minutes drive from any of our venues (as measured by AA Route Planner) Are made redundant Can you kindly advise how I should proceed to take this further. Having attended only 2 months, I will loose more than 200£ in this. Thank You Sunny
  12. Car Issues Post Accident Repairs. Car is a Vauxhall Corsa SRI less than 1 year old with just over 5100 miles (post accident) They were the middle car of the 3 cars involved, middle car & front car were only just moving off from traffic light being on red and changed to green, middle car was hit by car from rear with such force shunted into car in front. Rear Car that caused the accident has admitted full liability so no issue there. Car came back from the Insurers Approved Repairer looking all shiny and new except in pitch darkness so they were unable to view car. So they take it to local petrol station forecourt which is like Blackpool illuminations and that's where all the issues were picked up and complained to Insurer: 1. Front bonnet you can fit your hand under (that's without using the bonnet release lever). 2. Battery Terminals covers were not fitted and lying loose. 3. Oil warning light as Oil Low. 4. No Screen wash. 5. Intermittent display on the dashboard. 6. ECU at side of battery connecting clips broken and hanging loose. 7. Constant clicking noise from engine. 8. Hand Brake to be on is almost vertical. 9. Using the foot brake completely spongy with foot on floor. 10. Due to recent cold spell having to scrap ice of all inside windows of car and seat feel wet. 11. when engine started petrol fumes coming through the cars ventilation system. 12. A lot of fuel missing from car from collection. 13. Numerous mileage added while in Approved Repairer care. 14 Both Left & Right front wings where they join the window area to roof a slight touch with one finger and you can move the wing out. There is more but will stop at that as it gives an idea of the issue with the repairs. All the above has been made a formal complaint to the insurer I have told then that they also need to not ask but tell the insurers they want the following: 1. Copy of the Post Accident Inspection Report. 2. Copy of the Repairs carried out by the Approved Repairer. 3. They wish an Independent Inspection of the car carried out before sent to there Approved Repairer. (same lot different garage) 4. They refuse the Car going back to rectify the above issue to the same Approved Repairer but a different garage. 5. They invoke there right to chose which Approved Repairer these repairs are carried out (note: this individual has a pacemaker & went through the DVLA Medical process to drive and the Insurers are fully aware of this Now as this isn't my are I would be grateful for our motor guru's advice on this
  13. Hi We changed broadband and landline provider in May 2017 from Fuel Broadband to EE, we were not tied into a contract with Fuel Broadband at that time. When we tried to pay the last bill of £20 we were unable to as the site wasn't active nor were any of the contact details to pay them. Today we received a text message from the Post Office saying that we owe them £20 and threatening us with debt collectors. This is the first contact we have had. On phoning them they couldn't find details of our account and told us they would have to get Fuel Broadband to contact us. They rang us and told us to ring the Post Office back when we were ready to pay and pay them. Do we owe them? The contract was always a month in advance to begin with and we can't check on what the final £20 is for because since switching to EE we no longer had access to account history and Fuel Broadband disappeared. Can anyone give any advice? Should we just pay the £20 and hope that is the end of the story? Many thanks for any help.
  14. Having had windows 10 since inception, I have recently been to the 'store' where being silly I typed in TV. Now here is the very interesting point/part you can now add tiles and apps to get free movies TV shows and much more. The part that is worrying is it legal to install the apps and view the movies and TV shows that have not been released yet? (Goldeneye syndrome)! All of this and much more is available on the Amazon fire stick with various apps that allow you to stream the content and now for free from the store. I wont name them here but they are available on a well known auction site. Now it appears you don't even need a fire-stick either, very strange.... Your thoughts please and ideas......
  15. I failed the PIP medical (by a mere few points). I'd gone through the Mandatory Reconsideration and had posted the paperwork to lodge an appeal before the imposed deadline. On chasing this up, I found that the appeal paperwork had not been received by the tribunal. Thankfully, I had help from a welfare rights worker at my local housing association, who contacted the tribunal and managed to fax them a copy of said paperwork. It's really lucky that I chased this up. They will now process my application and get back to me with a date (hopefully not too far into the future). Please, please, please keep on top of your paperwork. I'm sure it's very rare for important letters to disappear in the post, but it does happen. If you have someone to help you, ask them to confirm that everything is proceeding as expected. If I hadn't asked my welfare rights worker if they'd received any news, I'd be none the wiser and my appeal would be going nowhere.
  16. Now old Tawnyowl has moved into the import market,sometimes a little exporting after buying a few goods from China. I did not think I ever would but I cannot resist their prices. Watches and other articles on a small scale,just in case the Taxman is watching i did say small scale.You never know where they are these Tax Men from what i have read. Then i sell to my friends,online or on the car boot. Now of course i want sales and even compete the Chinese if possible out of business to win sales from wherever. But no matter how i try am convinced that i am on an unfair playing field.In one way. How can the Chinese businessman or lady ship goods half way across the world so cheaply when i try to sell items but sometimes the postage makes me frown when only going to the next town.Postage costs are holding me back. Now a year ago i did say to my postmaster who had done the job for decades.Hey Mr Postmaster how come your parcel delivery service over 1 or two kilo say is so damn expensive.Do you not want to compete,do you want to let competitors take your business away. He said it is the cost of Pensions,that is why they are so high.But surely you have to compete not let that part of the market be ripped away. I thought when people pay pension contributions the money goes into a pot and the wise ones invest so plenty is available when employees retire. Now of course he may just have been trying to calm me down,there was a big queue by then behind me. May have just been saying anything to get rid of me,but always found him truthful and a pleasant chap. Another thought out of my head.Think what you like about my one thought for today.And say what you think. I am sure there are many wise ones out there want to put me right. Carry on, i do not mind.My skin lately has got a little thicker,i can take it. Tawnyowl.
  17. Hi, I would be grateful for any help.I completed the work programme in October 2016 and am back on jsa,my advisor keeps giving me conflicting information on how to provide evidence of jobseeking but that is not the main question.At my last signing he said that somebody had made a mistake on my claim and that I was to be reffered to annexe 12 but that it was not appropriate as my claim began only seven months ago and that it would have to be 12 months since claim began. he said that if reffered before 12 months dwp would have to pay!i asked him what annexe 12 was and he replied "it is something we use to bring you closer to the labour market" I asked him if it was like the work programme and he replied"something like that ".he said it was sorted out now and not to worry but I have tried to find out what exactly annexe 12 is with no success and am wondering if anybody on here knows? thanks,I like to be prepared when dealing with that lot!
  18. Greetings All, Been a fan of the forum for several years and kudos to the site team and members for all the great resources on here. I'm hoping someone can profer some advice re an issue I'm having with the gentleman that purchased my house late November. As mentioned above completed the sale of my home late November 2016, prior to the sale the property was rented, although tenant moved out prior to completion and I am living with my partner. Problem is I indicated that fixtures and fittings were not included in the sale, i.e. beds, fridge, washing machine etc. I personally was awaiting the funds from completion to enable me move the leftover items straight to storage and shipment abroad as I am relocating.. Completion happened and I had to travel abroad immediately for a family issue and I immediately called the buyer who I had met and he told me he had collected spare keys from my estate agent and I should agree with him when I was ready to attend the property to remove my belongings. As I returned to the UK I made several call to said buyer and he ignored several calls and text and eventually agreed to grant me access on the 15th of December 2016 for proposed removal. When I arrived at the property I was given access by his builder for 5 mins but they claimed to have lost the shed keys where I also had items in. I was told to break the shed door by the builder but was hesitant to do so without new owners consent. I called said buyer as I exited the property and explained above to him and also reminded him that fittings, fridge , washing machine etc not included in the sale. Long and short of it is he has ignored and avoided my calls since that day and I have been unable to get any of my belongings. He answered my call once this week to tell me a tenant was to move in this week and he will call me re stuff in the shed but is being evasive re other stuff and trying to say I never collected them. Question please is what legal recourse I have and best suggestions in resolving this situation. I have tried to communicate with him civilly to no avail. Thank-you. Pete
  19. hi all after getting my latest credit report i think its time to try and sort it all out my debts total about £4000 probably a bit less i also have one ccj and have just recieved another one of the claim form things , other debts are still being paid because when i fell on a real bad patch with health and work they helped while some just refued to try any help . i know i should pay every single one of them but i cannot i thought i would ask some advice on where to start seeing if any of them are enforcable any help is appreciated
  20. Hi, Been on Forum for ages and managed to win all but one claim that has been brought against us with advice from here. However, this one is confusing me a little as not had to do it in a while. My wife had a Marshall Ward catalogue taken out in Aug 07 so after the April changes, everything was fine until 2012 when we got into a bit of trouble one thing led to another and she got defaulted, in 2013 Capquest aquired the debt, we CCA'd them, they sent a recon agreement and then all went quiet. Oct 2016 my wife starts to get letters again from Capquest and now passed over to Restons. We have SAR Shop Direct as we know the account has a few hundred in charges, and sent a pre action letter to Restons. Now I know the Default is invalid on at least one point but the recon CCA that capquest sent in 2013 I am not sure it is complete and correct. I understand that post 2007 CCA have very little wriggle room. I am going to be sending off another CCA to Capquest see if they can get anything this time. 1: Dates, it is dated by them nearly 4 months before the account was opened. Is this valid? 2: It has a term under key information that says "Details of up to date charges in relation to each of these matters are available from us" . They never sent anything relating to the charges mentioned within the CCA, do they still have to include everything mentioned? 3: Final agreement, again is dated 2010, the account was terminated in 2012, are these correct 4: Neither agreement has a tick box just a sig box, Is this right? Does any one have a copy of the original T & C's from Marshall Ward Spring 2007 and ISME from Autumn 2012, I am sure I have seen somewhere that the 2011 /12 agreements actually mentioned the £12 default charges whereas the agreements I have don't.
  21. Hi I have previously started a new post/thread and was wondering how to start a new, separate thread? I have done one before but totally forgotten how to do one. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  22. Good morning! I have an interesting issue here. Last week a friend of mine came to a Post Office branch at Canning Town. There was already a small queue of just 3 people. It was Saturday. Closing time was 12:30. She came to the branch at 12:10. All she needed was to register her biometric details. The procedure normally takes around 4 minutes. But the staff of the Post Office refused to service her, because otherwise they would have to stay at work later than 12:30.. After several minutes of arguing my friend had to leave the branch, it was 12:20, still 10 minutes before closure. What should my friend have done in that situation? I'd like to know if the Post Office staff violated the law by doing so? If yes, how could the girl make them act in accordance with the law?
  23. Hi everybody, I've been pointed in this direction by a reddit user for help relating to a Parking Charge Notice. I took my car to my local garage to get an MOT check done on 01/09/2016. The owner then drove the car to the MOT garage and parked it up inside and then returned back to his garage. A few hours later I hadn't received a phone call yet to say it had been completed so I rang up to find out that my car was OK to collect. I then made my way there and collected my car from the (private) parking lot less than 30 meters away from the MOT garage. Fast-forward a week or so and I've received a letter in the post saying my car was broke the allowed parking period in the car park and I need to pay a fine for £100, I replied to the letter stating the address of my local garage and to take it up with them - I then received an email a month later saying that the time period had ran out and I had to pay urgently - I reminded them that I sent a letter in the post some time later I received this response I then replied with this email (1, 2) using a template I was advised to use. I then explained to take this matter up with my local garage and the MOT centre. I then received this. What should my next action be? I'm really not in a position to be able to afford £100 so close to Christmas. My local garage has told me that they can vouch that I wasn't the person who drove the car there/parked it in the space. Any ideas? Thanks in advance EDIT: I now have a signed and stamped note from the doctors saying I was there when this incident took place. I've managed to find my google location history showing the time I dropped the car off at my local garage and when I picked it up from the MOT centre, this is attached. My local garage has said if it goes to court they will provide further evidence that I didn't have the car after 9am until Also included text to girlfriend with date and timestamp. Omitted names etc for confidentiality EDIT 2 - it turns out I cant include links or images, any idea on this first?
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