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Found 14 results

  1. My line manager recently resigned, a new director has taken over the team in my first conversation I have with the new director he tells me "You are going onto a PIP". I was pretty shocked as had no warning from anyone, written or verbal, that this was coming. I was already feeling stressed prior to this and this tipped me over so I have been on sick leave for past 2 weeks and just been signed off for another 2 weeks. (I have had virtually no sick days in 12 years prior with my employer). The PIP objectives themselves have not yet been discussed or agreed / signed by me. My questions are 1) Has correct process been followed for the PIP? (i.e no warning is required?) 2) I learnt yesterday that because I am on a PIP my boss has option to only pay me Statutory sick pay and that's what he has instigated for next 2 weeks. Is this legal even if PIP has not been signed / formally agreed with me? 3) Linked to 2) as this was unexpected (it places potential financial stress on me when I am already off with stress). Is that fair or does impact on me not matter? Thanks in advance for responses p:s - Background is below if this helps with responses to the above I have been with my financial services employer for 12 years and have always had ok to very good performance reviews over the years. I moved roles about 10 months ago (Having been in a very stressful role previously) The new role is very much spreadsheet reviews of very complex datasets (not my strength) although certain aspects of the role I did well. When I did get feedback I only got 2 pieces (one from a peer who has a "coordinating role") and one from my line manager. My line manager didn't give written feedback just answered some questions which require a "Always, often, sometimes, seldom, never" type response. His responses were "sometimes". When I arranged a meeting to go through his responses, he explained that sometimes I do something well and sometimes I don't (how enlightening!).
  2. I am embarrassed to say I got caught eating a product at tescos I did not pay for today, which I completely forgot about, long story short, the police didn't get involved they took the RLP route said a letter will come through soon. I know most members advise against paying these [problem]mers but I feel far too embarrassed and would rather just get it over with. My question is, how will the record they keep affect my future employment with Tesco themselves? Since I am a pharmacist and Tesco is a very big chain, would paying the RLP effectively prove that I'm guilty? Thanks in advance to anyone that can help
  3. An investigation has come to light into missing correspondence about patient care. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/feb/26/nhs-accused-of-covering-up-huge-data-loss-that-put-thousands-at-risk?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+main+NEW+H+categories&utm_term=215114&subid=7192694&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2 HB
  4. Hi All, new to the forum. The work you guys do is great so I've bought a webmail account to support the site how I can. A family member has received a letter from CapQuest stating they've taken over their T-Mobile account. The letter seems politely worded but not fooled going by CapQuest's reputation (I've been through several threads on the site). This appears to be due to a default on a 'phone contract around 2010 I think (aftermath of the recession). We've moved to a new house since then and they must have employed their usual methods to get in contact at the new address. The first DCA was Lowells who added a default a few years after the original default and were hassling for a while then stopped. It seems CapQuest have picked up the baton so to speak. Nothing was paid or acknowledged with Lowells. It's past six years now so are they still able to pursue this? I've advised sending a Statute Barred letter but thought I should get some advice here first? Thanks for any advice offered.
  5. I have discovered a knitting wool that is virtually impossible to purchase in the UK. The one store that does sell it has to order it from the UK/Canada once it has been ordered from the UK website. I found a company in the USA that sells packs of "mini skeins" at a reasonable price which allows me to then decide if I want to buy the full skeins. I set up a subscription to join this "mini skeins club". The price including postage is US $ 26.00 Just over £15.00. So I was a little miffed to discover that I had to pay £11.41 for my package before Royal Mail would let me have it. £3.41 VAT and £8.00 handling charge !! I have had to unsubscribe from the club because this is just too expensive each month
  6. Hello, I`m self employed, I work most of the time for a company in suffolk ( i live in london ) I drive up to suffolk to collect their van ( i get no renumeration for doing this, no fuel expenses, I dont even get paid for the day i spend driving up to suffolk) I travel the country selling their products at shows & events. The van stays with me for 75% of the year & they pay the fuel I invoice on a weekly basis per show I am considered by them to be A Sub Contractor I pay my own NI & Tax According to their Risk Assessment all employees need to have Manual Handling BUT I`m not an employee Am i obliged to do this course ?
  7. Well finally OFCOM have finally find a result with the Vodafone Investigation they were dealing with. The investigation relates to a fairly wide period between 1st January 2014 and 5th November 2015
  8. This may be of some use to consumers when dealing with complaints made to their energy suppliers: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2008/1898/contents/made
  9. Hi sorry if this is the wrong forum, I couldn't really find a match-fit I imported some goods from the US a while back and they were delivered straight away by DHL International. Some time after this, I received mails saying that I owed them for Import Duties & VAT. I rang them and the person I spoke to said that DHL would never under any circumstances release any shipment that required payment(s) without that payment first being made in full. He advised me to ignore any future mails. Mails kept coming but I ignored them. I have now had two correspondences from an outfit called controlaccount plc who are claiming to be acting on behalf of DHL International for the recovery of monies owed. Here is the first letter: IMPORTANT NOTICE DHL International (UK) Limited have recently written to you in relation to an outstanding invoice for Import Duties & VAT. According to their records this invoice still shows as unpaid therefore this matter has now been passed to us for collection. An administration charge of 7.5 has now been levied in addition to the original invoice sum. The sum was incurred and levied by HM Customs & Excise upon your shipment arriving in the UK. As the recipient of these goods and with the sender not having nominated to pay the required duty, you legally became liable for these charges. We confirm that under current regulations the cost of delivery was added to the declared value of the product to make the shipment 'value for customs'. In addition a VAT value adjustment may also have been calculated which represents the cost of the transport with the EU borders. Further information with regard to Import Duty & VAT invoices can also be found within the 'Information tab' on our client's website at (link removed). We must now insist that payment of this invoice is made immediately to us. Payment can be made online via credit/debit card, Paypal or one of our payment methods detailed overleaf. DO NOT CONTACT DHL DIRECT - we are their appointed agents. We can deal with any queries that you may have. In the even that no response or payment is received within the next seven (7) days, this matter will be passed for further action Yours sincerely Controlacount plc There is a second correspondence which I can type in if you wish to see it but what do you think so far? The whole thing reads vaguely and I get the impression that they know they don't have anything and are trying the 'vaguely legal-looking' approach in an attempt to intimidate
  10. I was shocked to see when I logged into the HSBC forum that no-one was talking about the recently publicised details of the HSBC scandal and HMRC's handling of it. Then I though maybe it is being discussed in here. But no. This is a huge issue that effects us all, is no-one interested? DJ
  11. Im trying to find a section to help me with a serious Court matter I need to make a complaint about a Court where I have serious concerns where court staff are personally helping the defendant. I am being prevented from getting justice access to clarity from the judges direction and all sorts of delay tack ticks. It may seem to hard to believe but I have evidence of all this and need some serious advice If there is a topic for this I would like to post more about my attempts to complaint and get justice for theft.
  12. Hi friends, I have been trying to find information on the forum about Barclays' cheque handling fees but most threads are very old or unresolved. I would like to know what is the latest on reclaiming Cheque Handling Fees. Can I reclaim them? Thanks
  13. http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/regulation/fscp-banks-must-fix-claims-handling-for-ppi-deadline-to-work/1067726.article
  14. hello sir i would appreciate if you reply to this thread, i infact had an accident in february on motorbike, it was my first accident, didnt know anything about solicitors or sumat, i contacted a solicitor and gave him my case, but later on some of my friends told me he is dodgy and always rip the customers, from february to this date he didnt inform me of any progress, today i called him and he said your case has been rejected, and your case handler will call you tomorrow, i dont trust him, and i am thinking to ask him to send me in written on solicitor's letterhead that my case has been rejected, can someone help me what shall i do? my accident was with an illegal Romanian on car, i was on motorbike, and he was driving without any insurance or without any license, police caught him on the spot and sent to court straight away, and i was badly injured even police woman said to me you will get compensation and dont need to worry about, then how can the solicitor say the claim has been rejected? i would be thankful for any replies, thanks
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