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  1. HM Courts & Tribunals Service Christmas and New Year closures for courts and tribunals 2018 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/christmas-and-new-year-closures-for-courts-and-tribunals-2018
  2. Predatory mortgage support boss disqualified by the courts READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/predatory-mortgage-support-boss-disqualified-by-the-courts
  3. HM Courts & Tribunals Service Christmas and New Year closures for courts and tribunals 2018 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/christmas-and-new-year-closures-for-courts-and-tribunals-2018
  4. Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I have an old MBNA debt which I defaulted on in 2010. Since then I have religiously been making pro-rata payments up to and including this month. MBNA sold the debt to Aktiv Kapital who in turn sold it to PRA in 2014. I know that PRA have been receiving my payments because they sent me a letter towards the end of last year saying "...thank you for your ongoing commitment to the payment arrangement on your account". It goes on to say "....We would therefore like to make you aware that if it suits your current financial situation, you could settle your agreement by paying a discounted amount which is detailed below" The letter ends with " If you feel you are unable to pay the settlement amount then please continue with your arrangement as normal." Which I have done! However, on the claim form they state "..Payments of £307 received up to 16/6/16" and are now claiming sum owed plus 8% interest + court fee + legal costs. I know I have not missed any payments because my bank statements tell me so I know they have been receiving them because they wrote and thanked me for my continued commitment 4 months after the date that they claim they received last payment. To say I was shocked and confused to receive the claim form from the court is an understatement. What's going on? and how to tackle this? Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Ryanair has told lawyers acting for a woman claiming compensation that it will no longer accept the jurisdiction of the English courts, in a case that has raised concerns over air passenger delay rights. The claims management company acting for a woman known only as Ms Menditta, who claimed against the Dublin-based Ryanair after a delay in 2015, have been told by the airline that a clause in the airline’s terms and conditions requires disputes to be decided by the Irish courts. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/dec/09/ryanair-says-womans-delay-claim-must-go-through-irish-courts Clause 2.4 of Ryanair's terms and conditions states that contract disputes will normally be subject to the jurisdiction of Irish courts, but until now has rarely invoked that clause. Ryanair has now declared it WILL recognise the jurisdiction of British courts in flight delay compensation cases, but only if customers shun third-party claims firms and approach the airline directly.
  6. Hi, wonder if anybody can help me here. Although I live in England and the contract undertaken was signed by all parties at my place of business in England and the contract is being serviced by a depot in England, I am being sued for non payment of invoices in Scotland as the petitioner's head office is in scotland, Now, I do have a legitimate defence to this, however, I am disabled and cannot travel the 300 miles to the scottish court to defend myself. I have spoken to the court and they have told me that i can challenge the jurisdiction of the court, however, to do that i will need to attend on the hearing date. Under no circumstances can i travel, and yet i am told by the court officials that if i do not attend judgement will be made against me. So, 2 questions, is it possible to get this transferred to my local county court so i can attend and defend myself, and secondly if judgement is made against me, can it be enforced in England? it all seems terribly unfair that i am required to travel that distance to defend myself when i am simply unable to do that. The amount involved is £4500
  7. In March I started a thread on here about the introduction by the Ministry of Justice of a Criminal Courts Charge that from May this year was to be added to each Magistrate Court Fine. The charge ranged from between £150 up to a maximum of £1,200. The charge is paid on top of the fine, compensation order, prosecution costs and victims surcharge. As can be seen in the following thread that I started, this charge has lead to the resignation of many Magistrates. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?443504-Criminal-Courts-Charge-to-be-added-to-all-Magistrate-Court-fines. There has been an intense amount of lobbying from amongst others, the Magistrate's Association and the Howard League for Penal Reform for this charge to be scrapped and I am delighted to hear today that the Justice Minister; Michael Gove has agreed that the Criminal Court Charge is to be SCRAPPED on 24th December !! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34993428
  8. In March this year I started a thread about the introduction of the Criminal Courts Charge. A link is below. As already mentioned in my above thread, Magistrates themselves are very concerned indeed about this additional charge that is added to all magistrate court fines and over the past few months there have been reports of Magistrates resigning. Thankfully the most recent resignation has been reported in the media: For the full story see : - http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/north-tyneside-magistrate-resigns-over-9752472#ICID=FB-Chron-main
  9. Hi, could anyone advise me how to get into the court system so that I can check a specific insolvency practitioners previous cases. I would like to know if any of the cases that they took to court had any people contesting their case against them or not. If no one contested their case it might give me an avenue to go down when I am fighting my case.
  10. Hi all, I am not sure if posting in the correct area, but no doubt will be moved if not. I have four issues I would like some advice with please. I have had an order granted against me and the company have not complied with providing me any means to make payment such as banking details, i applied for a variation order and they have failed to respond to the courts, it has cost me 400 quid in legal costs to ask what options i have available, and they have advised to file the variation but to request costs for them failing to supply details, can i do this 2nd issue; my ex wife is making erroneous remarks to the csa about my supposed working and or moving which they then act upon without even speaking to me, what can i do on this front short of an injunction 3rd issue; in the above legal case the company were given my case papers which covered an appeal and query overpayment , which they have ignored yet again, despite this being given to the other sides legal rep he has not reported any of the information back to the company. and they repeatedly threaten and harrass me for money i do not owe whilst they ignore dealing with my overpayment issue, please can you advise on what options i have on this front. this case is still technically still underway. I understood the company should not be contacting me in any capacity untill it has been formally dealt with. given there is no contract between me and the company can i hold the person whom instructed them accountable personally.
  11. does anyone know who is the body, and address responsible for the county courts. we have a problem here in plymouth where they have no counter service, the phone is always engaged and they never respond to emails........... cheers
  12. The criminal courts charge is to be scrapped from 24 December, Justice Secretary Michael Gove has announced. Since April, convicted criminals in England and Wales have had to pay a charge of between £150 and £1,200 towards the cost of their case. MPs had called for it to be axed and the Magistrates Association said the decision was "tremendously welcome". The charge is paid on top of fines, compensation orders and defendants' own legal charges, and is higher for those convicted after pleading not guilty. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34993428
  13. At present, High Court Enforcement agents are only able to enforce judgments if they relate to non consumer credit debts and have a value of over £600. Judgements relating to consumer credit debts (typically, a debt relating to a bank loan, credit card debt, catalogue debt or any other finance agreement) may only be enforced by a County Court Bailiff. The High Court Enforcement industry has campaigned for many years for the law to be changed to allow them to enforce judgments in relation to 'consumer credit debts'. Earlier this year, the High Court Enforcement industry had their hopes raised that the law will be changed with the release of the Ministry of Justice's Civil Courts Structure Review that was chaired by Lord Justice Briggs. In the review, Justice Briggs stated that County Court enforcement is presently: “heavily localised, paper based, prone to error in form filling, and widely perceived to be slow, ineffective and expensive” A public Consultation was issued (now closed) and in the next few weeks a final report is due to be published. Today the Money Advice Trust issued the following release: http://www.moneyadvicetrustblog.org/2016/07/22/no-enforced-changes-some-thoughts-on-the-lord-justice-briggs-review/ A copy of their response to the Consultation is below: http://www.moneyadvicetrust.org/SiteCollectionDocuments/Policy%20consultation%20responses/Unilateral%20responses/Money%20Advice%20Trust%20response%20to%20the%20Civil%20Courts%20Structure%20Review%20Interim%20Report%20consultation%20paper.pdf
  14. Across the country, 91 courts and tribunals will close, while a further 31 will merge with existing buildings. See the link below for more details on this story: What effect is this going to have on local justice and how will the volume change for the remaining Courts to pick up the extra cases that will be heard at regional Courts in the future? So with the change to digital and more use of the video conference and the use of telephones will see a significant change to the justice system. How many more changes are in the pipeline and what will they be now? Only time will tell!!!! Centralisation will be more cost effective so will the EA's face the same cuts or will more be used? If the latter will this be just the start of a new justice system? Imagine facing the bench from your armchair? Homemade justice without the need to attend a live court!!!! http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/13424238.Essex_courts_to_close_as_Government_makes_cuts/
  15. Every daily newspaper is today reporting the dreadful events of yesterday when Tom Crawford's long running battle with his mortgage provider (Bradford & Bingley) came to an end when bailiffs eventually entered Tom & Sue's bungalow and repossessed it in accordance with the court order. Given the high profile and public interest in this case, over 70 police officers were in attendance and the cul de sac where Tom and his wife lived was closed off. Police also hand delivered letters to all his neighbours to advice them of the reason for their presence. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news Sadly every year thousands of homeowners suffer the same fate as Tom Crawford when their home is repossessed but none of them get the press publicity that this one has. There is because, unlike other home owners, Tom Crawford is a support of the Freeman on the Land movement. A few months ago bailiffs attempted to repossess the bungalow and social media sites appealed for supporters to attend the address to halt the eviction. Over 500 protestors gathered at the property forcing the bailiffs and police to retreat. Following that days events, Tom attempted to stop any further action by appealing the possession order to the court. In doing so, he did not seek assistance from a solicitor. Instead, he sought the services of various individuals who are well known on the Freeman on the Land (FMoTL) and Sovereign Citizen circuit. Quite simply.....the court rejected their silly arguments.
  16. Low-value civil court cases in England and Wales could be dealt with by an online disputes system similar to that used by eBay, a report recommends. A Civil Justice Council report says settling non-criminal cases of less than £25,000 online would reduce the expenses generated by a court. Principal author Prof Richard Susskind said eBay disputes were "minor", like many civil court cases. Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service says it welcomes the report. The proposed online dispute resolution scheme would be similar to the one used by online marketplace eBay to diagnose and resolve disputes. Online facilitators would be used to help parties reach an agreement, and if that failed, online judges would rule on cases without the need for courts to be booked or for the parties involved to appear in person to give evidence. The report, from the council's online dispute resolution advisory group, suggests conducting a pilot, ahead of an anticipated full roll-out in 2017. The BBC's legal affairs correspondent Clive Coleman says the report is calling for a radical and fundamental change to the way courts deal with smaller claims. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31483099
  17. For a very long time (at least four years that I know of) plans have been made at the Ministry of Justice to charge a fee to debtors when court fines are imposed. I have posted brief details of these plans on the forum over the past year and the official announcement was made yesterday of the actual amounts and the reason why they are being charged. The following link provides some background and I will post further details later. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/336085/fact-sheet-criminal-courts-charge.pdf
  18. Hello - can I ask for some advice please? I have found an almost complete set of statements from Sep 1998 to May 2002. It covers an Alliance & Leicester credit card now taken over by Santander. I have to say that Santander have previously been good within limits - paid out when statements missing and very quickly. Of course, we should never have been in this position to start with but they do seem keen to be seen to be doing the right thing, unlike many others. My questions are these: 1. Given that the start date is so long ago, if I went legal, the compound interest is likely to make the award much larger than using the simple interest method. Can you please point me towards the spreadsheet that would enable me to work out the likely award please? 2. Also, how long does court action take, typically? What I might do (as they are likely to make me an offer within the next 2 weeks) is to suggest a compromise settlement to avoid court action but need to know what the likely sum is to start that discussion I think. Thanks very much for your help
  19. On the 13th October 2012 I was travelling (with my son) under common law along a Dual Carriageway, through a non residential area at a speed appropriate for the conditions. At no time on the dual carriageway were there any speed restriction signs. I came upon two policy enforcement officers hiding in the bushes with a speed camera. They pulled me over at the end of the dual carriageway to attempt to gain jurisdiction over me. I was adamant that no crime or traffic acts had been broken and the officers had no business pulling me over. With the policy enforcers getting increasingly aggressive I was reluctant to leave the car & asked if I was under any obligation to get out or sign anything. They refused to answer my questions. We ascertained that the policy enforcement officers were not acting under oath and yet they threatened to damage my personal and private property and incarcerate me if I did not comply with their unlawful demands. I refused to contract with the officers and only gave my name and address under threat and duress. shortly afterwards i received the FPN offer of £60 & 3 points. I agreed to the contract on the condition that GM Police proved that I was Liable for their Notice. I did not receive a reply In Substance, only an account of the police's side of the tale. 1. It is my understanding that the speed limit on a dual carriageway is 70 miles per hour (unless otherwise clearly signposted). Section 4 The Traffic Signs and Regulations and General Directions act 2002 2. It is my understanding that it is the responsibility of the local authority to ensure that any restrictions to roads are clearly signposted and illuminated. The Traffic Signs and Regulations and General Directions act 2002 3. It is my understanding that the speed restrictions are unenforceable unless the restrictions are clearly signposted and illuminated. Section 18 The Traffic Signs and Regulations and General Directions act 2002 · It was based on these Acts that I made an appeal to Crown Court after Magistrates chose to ‘deal with the matter in my absence’ despite me being present in court and stood up to give evidence. · In December Dec 2013 a decision was made based on the judge’s personal opinion that the road was a single carriageway that the previous judgement was upheld. · Further evidence from the Traffic & Network Management l Unity Partnership has revealed that the road is officially classified as a restricted dual carriageway. · As we have already ascertained from the extensive photographs that the dual carriageway was not restricted with the required appropriate signage and that the speed limit on a dual carriageway is 70mph, I am therefore of the opinion that no offence has been committed or Act has been contravened. Had the road been displaying appropriate restriction signs then I would have had no intension to exceed them. · I have been denied my right to be tried by my peers in a court-de-joure. · I believe the case lies with the local authority whose responsibility it is to ensure the proper restriction signs are in place. I have given the crown court opportunity to reconsider their decision for redirection before I launch a further appeal. - they have turned it down. I have also asked for a copy of the court's digital recording and asked for the fine to be put on hold until the process has been completed - they have neglected to reply I'm getting increasingly concerned that police officers can behave in this manner, the magistrates appear to ignore the laws laid out for them and gloss over the police's indiscretion. so far - 6 points , £800 court costs, £200 fine & £60 victim support After unsuccessfully flighting this alone I am now more determined than ever to find assistance to find some kind of justice. All constructive comments welcomed
  20. Hello, I'm pretty upset with what should I do so I thought you guys might be able to help me out... Last month I was caught in Tesco with electronic items in my backpack worth of £110, my details were taken and the police was called, afterwards I was not arrested, because I proved the location where I live at. I received a letter saying that I need to go to Crown Court next month to plea guilty or not. I think the best thing to do is to plead guilty, because I surely believe this was my greatest mistake I've done so far, and they probably have plenty of CCTV footage. I am a EU student here in the UK and I have no other offences so far in my life. I believe I will get away with a caution and worry about if I might get harder punishment than that. .. On the letter that I've received from the police it says that if I plea guilty as soon as possible I might get a reduced fine for up to 1/3 of it and I think I should write a letter to the judge explaining the situation. If someone has an idea how I should format or structure such a letter it would be of great help... However, the main thing that about this topic is that today I've received a letter from Retail Loss Prevention Ltd, which says I need to pay a total sum of £308.44 for settling this claim against me. I'm really worried about the amount of money that they request from me, since I am a not working student here and I live with up to £250-£300 per month. I don't want to let my parents know about my ridiculous mistake and I was told by a friend that such agencies do not have the right to request any money legally. I don't have money for solicitor for an individual advice and tried giving money to some online solicitor services but without any luck... It would be of a great help advising me about my situation and I thank you in advance.
  21. Im trying to find a section to help me with a serious Court matter I need to make a complaint about a Court where I have serious concerns where court staff are personally helping the defendant. I am being prevented from getting justice access to clarity from the judges direction and all sorts of delay tack ticks. It may seem to hard to believe but I have evidence of all this and need some serious advice If there is a topic for this I would like to post more about my attempts to complaint and get justice for theft.
  22. Just watched the video on how to post so i went to welcome to the consumer form trid to post and it said i have to post in the right section which section relates to the consumer credit act 1974 and 2006
  23. Hi There... I have a really abusive tenant who is on a AST in my property.She is now over 4 months in arrears and is incredibly abusive when i try to chat to her to sort out her issues. In the end Ive had enough and issued her with a section 8 notice. I need some advice relating to how I need to proceed with court papers now. Any help would hopefully put an end to all this stress this horrible person is causing my family. MJack
  24. It was revealed yesterday that the BBC are responsible for more that one in ten of all criminal prosecutions in the Magistrates Courts with over 3,500 cases being heard EVERY WEEK. Last year saw the BBC prosecute over 180,000 people for using a TV without a valid licence. Lord Pearson, UKIP leader in the House of Lords is sponsoring a private members bill to decriminalise the non-payment of licence fee. A full copy of the news article can be read in the link below: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/10256679/TV-licence-offences-account-for-one-in-ten-UK-court-cases.html
  25. Hi I received a letter from a County Court Bailiff called Mr Morgan. The letter says "I am holding a very important document for your attention. You must call " The letter then goes onto say, if you ignore this document you may be committed to prison for contempt of this court but at no point in the letter does it say what the document is. Does anybody know if i'm obliged to respond to this? Particularly as the letter doesn't state what the document is. An advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
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