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Found 2 results

  1. At present, High Court Enforcement agents are only able to enforce judgments if they relate to non consumer credit debts and have a value of over £600. Judgements relating to consumer credit debts (typically, a debt relating to a bank loan, credit card debt, catalogue debt or any other finance agreement) may only be enforced by a County Court Bailiff. The High Court Enforcement industry has campaigned for many years for the law to be changed to allow them to enforce judgments in relation to 'consumer credit debts'. Earlier this year, the High Court Enforcement industry had their hopes raised that the law will be changed with the release of the Ministry of Justice's Civil Courts Structure Review that was chaired by Lord Justice Briggs. In the review, Justice Briggs stated that County Court enforcement is presently: “heavily localised, paper based, prone to error in form filling, and widely perceived to be slow, ineffective and expensive” A public Consultation was issued (now closed) and in the next few weeks a final report is due to be published. Today the Money Advice Trust issued the following release: http://www.moneyadvicetrustblog.org/2016/07/22/no-enforced-changes-some-thoughts-on-the-lord-justice-briggs-review/ A copy of their response to the Consultation is below: http://www.moneyadvicetrust.org/SiteCollectionDocuments/Policy%20consultation%20responses/Unilateral%20responses/Money%20Advice%20Trust%20response%20to%20the%20Civil%20Courts%20Structure%20Review%20Interim%20Report%20consultation%20paper.pdf
  2. I am in need of some help regarding Go Debt. I purchased a car from DAF in 2003 and was out of work by 2004. Tried to claim on the PPI and was told that I couldn't. Hence I couldn't afford the car and it was repossessed either late 04/early 05. From what I remember my husband handed back the key and log book to the car, I did not sign anything. I also don't recall them having a repossession order. I certainly never received one. I didn't want hubby to hand keys etc back but he thought it was for the best. By this time I was pregnant and not having a good pregnancy. Was xferred to GoDebt and did try making some repayments but on benefits with 3/4 kids not easy. Recently did an SAR on them and got a letter back from Hollis Briggs Solicitors stating that "We have not enclosed documents that do not contain personal data relating to this agreement and its management in respect of you. Please note that Go Debt Limited Holds some additional documents that contain personal data, copies of which are not enclosed as we consider that these are covered by the legal privilege exemption contained in paragraph 10 of Schedule 7 to the Data Protection Act 1988". There is no mention of the repossession order, a copy of it, or any thing signed by either of us regarding the vehicle being taken. Please can someone help me with this Cheers mpenn
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