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Found 15 results

  1. Hi everyone, Got a PE ticket through post back in Dec 17, appealed to PE and received their standard fob off appeal not accepted. Didn't appeal to popla and then received a PE Letter before County Court Claim. After reading up on the thread about this I sent a letter " Please therefore provide a Letter Before Claim which complies with the requirements of Annex A Para 2 of the Practice Direction on Pre-action Conduct as below: Received an email stating they looking into the matter then a today stating that Annex A of the practice direction (pre-action conduct and protocols were no longer in force and amendments were made on 6th April 2015. They state that their LBCCC is fully compliant along with their Reply form and information sheet attached to it. Finally, they state that they require further information to be able to understand my position and for them to provide a response. If I wish to dispute the charge please clarify the reason for this or make a payment. Not sure what to do next as clock may be ticking in their favour for the LBCCC. Cannot appeal to POPLA as the number given is invalid, probably date barred. Any advice greatly received please? thanks
  2. Hello I am just about to commence a PPI re-claim on an old Alliance & Leicester personal loan. There appears to be a number of addresses to where the SAR letter should be sent. Can anyone please confirm which is the best (correct) one to use. The options I have are:- Customer Services, Santander Consumer, Santander House, 86 Station Road, Redhill RH1 1SR. Alliance & Leicester Personal Finance Limited Building 3 Floor 2 Carlton Park Narborough Leicester LE19 0AL Santander (Abbey, Alliance & Leicester) Abbey National House 2 Triton Square Regent's Place London NW1 3AN Santander SAR's team P.O. Box 1111 Bradford BD1 9NQ If non of the above are the correct address, I would greatly appreciate info. on where it should be sent. Thanks James
  3. Hello all. New to this forum, just going to copy and paste the template with my answers. Name of the Claimant: Comprehensive Management Services LTD claimants Solicitors: Gladstones Solicitors Limited Date of issue: 25/09/2017 Date of Acknowledgement - 13/10/2017 Date to file defence - 27/10/2017 Particulars of Claim: 1.The driver of the vehicle registration ... (the 'Vehicle') incurred the parking charge(s) on 04/06/2017 for breaching the terms of parking on the land at QUEEN STREET APARTMENTS 2.The Defendant was driving the Vehicle and/or is the Keeper of the Vehicle. 3.AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS £160 for Parking Charges / Damages and indemnity costs if applicable, together with interest of £2.91 pursuant to s69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at 8% pa, continuing to Judgment at £0.04 per day. What is the value of the claim? £162.91 + £25 Court fee + £50 Legal representative's costs = £237.91 Has the claim been issued by the Private parking Company or was the PCN assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim ? Comprehensive Management Services LTD. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not sure what "Notice of Assignment" is, I did receive a PCN & a "Letter Before Claim". Full Story - I pay £50 PCM (in addition to rent) to Queen Street Apartments for parking in the car park in question. This is for my can. - As my car had suffered crash damage, and was stationary in the car park, I picked up a rental car (listed in POC) on Saturday 3rd June at 14:46. I have proof of this. It's worth noting that as this was a rental, I was the temporary keeper of the vehicle, but not the owner. - Once arriving at the car park in question with the rental car, I went immediately to the administration office of my building where parking permits are issued. They have previously provided me temporary permits for rental cars in the past, free of charge. - Unfortunately, the office was closed at this time, and as far as I am aware, there is no other way to attain a permit. - As soon as the Queen Street Apartments staff were back in the office on Monday, I immediately obtained the parking permit (it was too late, I already had the parking ticket). I still have the parking permit as proof. - My defence is that I did everything I possibly could have done in order to comply with the regulation, but was unable to do so. As a resident of Queen Street Apartments who pays for a spot in this car park, I was well within my rights for my car to be there - even though a parking permit was not present. I appealed the parking fine with the Independent Appeals Service (using my PCN number), and it was rejected on the basis that they are "only able to look at the lawfulness of the charge and not at any mitigating circumstances". Gladstones Solicitors then sent me a "Letter Before Claim". I responded that I am unwilling to pay on the basis of [what I wrote above]. Now, they sent me the claim form. I would appreciate any advice on how to proceed. While I am happy to fight this (pending your advice), it is a concern that if this goes to court, and I lose, I may have to pay out several thousand pounds in legal fees - at least I read that this is a possibility. I have yet to respond to, or acknowledge, the claim form, although I have until 13/10/2017 to do so. I am not sure if it is worth me defending this, or if I should just pay the money they are requesting?
  4. Hi, Appreciate any advice with the following please. Driving from Kent to Tyneside stopped at Leicester Forest East at 6pm had a coffee fell asleep and left at 9pm. It was dark so no recollection of any signage being displayed. I have now received the first letter asking for £100 but discounted to £60 if I pay within 14 days. I feel miffed as it was late and I was as tired and the car park was empty. What is the best couse of action? I fear that making an appeal to PE will just be rejected or should I just ignore the enevitable PE threatening letters which will follow. Regards Brassica
  5. had issue with shock absorber in 2015 when i bought the car off them but had to accept partial cost towards repair from them as i didn't have the luxury of wasting time chasing it due to work. Stupidly enough got another car from them couple of months back, it's a lovely car no doubt and on a cheapest finance deal but i think there is an issue with clutch may be. The car jitters in first gear just about when you release the clutch full way up. Not sure if i should report this and would be covered in three months warranty service they provide or is just a minor issue and i should overlook it. What do you guys suggest.
  6. My other half is being taken to court by these guys for an unpaid loan from the bank of Scotland the sum is £1680 plus Intrest . Now he's never had a loan with bank of Scotland. But has with Halifax which I believe is all one group now ? . I'm unsure whether to admit the loan or defend . Think the loan company who have it now is central credit . Should I ask them for the original loan agreement or would they have to have this in order to take him to court ?
  7. Hi guys, I have recently contacted Santander regarding an alliance and leciester loan which was taken out about 2004. I have had a response saying that they are unable to locate an account, product, or PPI policy based on the information provided and as such they will not be upholding the complaint. As my own memory of the loan is sketchy other than the amount and the fact that I did pay PPI (I was told at the time my application would likely be unsuccesful without taking PPI); I was wondering if there is any other way I may find details. I have no paperwork left to do with the loan, and the bank account that repayments was made from is long closed down (Was with natwest I am going to contact them to see if they still have any records), the loan is also long gone off my credit file. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Gary
  8. I have issued a County Court Summons against Barclays Mortgage Service, PO Box 8575. As they failed to respond I have entered judgement against them and a warrant for full payment was attempted to be issued by the bailiff, because we only have a PO Box address the bailiff is unable to execute the warrant. Does anyone know the real address for this office in Leicester ?
  9. Good Morning I wondered if some could help me please. Firstly, we are looking to move house and therefore need to sell and apply for another mortgage, this is why I am forced to sort the problem I have with A&L and Santander. Originally we had a CCJ with A&L in 2007 and agreed payment of £small amount a month, at the time we had both lost our jobs and that was all we could realistically afford. The solicitor ask for costs and interest to be added and I specifically remember the judge saying no. When we got the court payment work through, the paperwork did not reflect this… we were quite ignorant at the time so thought that A&L knew what they had said and so would not add the interest and charges. HOWEVER, they did add the charges! I was advised this is contempt of the court. Didn't really know what to do about it so just kinda remembered it incase I ever had to face the court again. Well A&L tried a year later to put a charging order on the house accusing us of missing a payment. So there we were before the judge again, once again, NO costs were awarded and the judge was not impressed that they had tried it on with us. I was so petrified they would take our house I forgot to ask the judge about the previous misdemeanour. I believe that costs were still added by A&L! and this time I believe it was on the court paperwork that NO costs were awarded. I was on the understanding wrongly or rightly that if you are in a payment arrangement, either, PRO ROTA or CCJ, no interest could be added. Well a few years ago, the debt was sold to Santander, and every time we get a statement they have added interest. Even though we paying £small amount a month, obviously the debt just increases every year!!! Not too sure what to do with this one, I feel afraid to fight anyone and don't know why I feel like that either.. I've fought all our other creditors in the past and won all of them re the CCA, with help from the people here on CAG, and i'm so grateful. CAG truly was a miracle to me. If anyone could offer any advise I would be so grateful. In my mind, Im thinking of writing to Santander to explain that the debt sold was a CCJ so no interest should have been added… don't know if thats right or wrong. But then I'm also thinking that A&L and Sandtander are in contempt of the court so do I have any legal grounds to fight the debt completely?.. I appreciate its a long shot. I just don't know what the correct thing to do is. Many thanks for anyones time. Kindest regards Red
  10. Just watched the video on how to post so i went to welcome to the consumer form trid to post and it said i have to post in the right section which section relates to the consumer credit act 1974 and 2006
  11. Hi guys, I'm looking for a bit of help for myself with regards to a PPI claim against Santander/A&L. I have a feeling I may be too late to deal with this but you never know. I first launched a claim for this last year and received the ''get lost'' letter in August. From the start I told them that the claim was for a card from A&L that was terminated around late 2004. They then sent back the letter stating that I had nothing with them in the previous six years, something that I had already told them. I then spoke to them and was informed that according to their ''C.U.G.'' system (I have no idea what that is), yes, I did have a card with them, and yes it did have PPI. She could also tell me that the card ran from October 1997 until November 2004. The ''get lost'' letter was received August 14 2012. Unfortunately, due to various other things going on at the time, I mislaid the letter and it wasn't dealt with the way I normally would. Is there a next step for me, or should I just forget it, or should I SAR them? I am aware of the six month time limit from the date of their letter. Any advice/help/suggestions will be very gratefully accepted. I do realise that I am probably too late, but you never know Regards, Buncrana.
  12. I have a credit card with MBNA this was issued to me when Alliance and leicester were taken over by Santander on my bills is PPC is that the same as PPI and could I claim back from my yeaars with Alliance and leicster?
  13. Hello. I know I'm going back in time here, but I think when I opened my A&L Premier Direct Account online in Feb 2007 the deal was a free o/d facility. I notice that I have been charged £5 by Santander since 2008. I'm sure the free o/d (up to its limit) was for life, but Santander insist it was only the first 12 months. Who is right?
  14. ]Hi....I have become very aware of this ruling because it is mentioned by lawyers/agents attempting to get a judgement and citing times they believe are unreasonable,to get loans etc repayed.....Does anybody have a clear cut answer for what is the legal definition of REASONABLE TIME.???.. Is this actually fixed or discretionary or have there been guidelines as to what reasonable is? [N]o Judge could properly exercise the power conferred by section 71 of the County Courts Act 1984 to make an order for payment of a money judgement by instalments which it was known would not satisfy the judgement within the lifetime of the debtor or indeed within a reasonable time.” Many Thanks
  15. Hi I put a cheque in the bank last week which was for American dollars. I was told there would be a charge for processing the cheque which was fine, but before the cheque has even cleared the bank has taken the fee, leaving me overdrawn on my account. Is this my fault ? or are the Allieance& Leicester/ Santander out of order, by the time they take their charges, they will make more out of the cheque than me. Any advice appreciated. Mike.
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