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Found 8 results

  1. Hello all. New to this forum, just going to copy and paste the template with my answers. Name of the Claimant: Comprehensive Management Services LTD claimants Solicitors: Gladstones Solicitors Limited Date of issue: 25/09/2017 Date of Acknowledgement - 13/10/2017 Date to file defence - 27/10/2017 Particulars of Claim: 1.The driver of the vehicle registration ... (the 'Vehicle') incurred the parking charge(s) on 04/06/2017 for breaching the terms of parking on the land at QUEEN STREET APARTMENTS 2.The Defendant was driving the Vehicle and/or is the Keeper of the Vehicle. 3.AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS £160 for Parking Charges / Damages and indemnity costs if applicable, together with interest of £2.91 pursuant to s69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at 8% pa, continuing to Judgment at £0.04 per day. What is the value of the claim? £162.91 + £25 Court fee + £50 Legal representative's costs = £237.91 Has the claim been issued by the Private parking Company or was the PCN assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim ? Comprehensive Management Services LTD. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not sure what "Notice of Assignment" is, I did receive a PCN & a "Letter Before Claim". Full Story - I pay £50 PCM (in addition to rent) to Queen Street Apartments for parking in the car park in question. This is for my can. - As my car had suffered crash damage, and was stationary in the car park, I picked up a rental car (listed in POC) on Saturday 3rd June at 14:46. I have proof of this. It's worth noting that as this was a rental, I was the temporary keeper of the vehicle, but not the owner. - Once arriving at the car park in question with the rental car, I went immediately to the administration office of my building where parking permits are issued. They have previously provided me temporary permits for rental cars in the past, free of charge. - Unfortunately, the office was closed at this time, and as far as I am aware, there is no other way to attain a permit. - As soon as the Queen Street Apartments staff were back in the office on Monday, I immediately obtained the parking permit (it was too late, I already had the parking ticket). I still have the parking permit as proof. - My defence is that I did everything I possibly could have done in order to comply with the regulation, but was unable to do so. As a resident of Queen Street Apartments who pays for a spot in this car park, I was well within my rights for my car to be there - even though a parking permit was not present. I appealed the parking fine with the Independent Appeals Service (using my PCN number), and it was rejected on the basis that they are "only able to look at the lawfulness of the charge and not at any mitigating circumstances". Gladstones Solicitors then sent me a "Letter Before Claim". I responded that I am unwilling to pay on the basis of [what I wrote above]. Now, they sent me the claim form. I would appreciate any advice on how to proceed. While I am happy to fight this (pending your advice), it is a concern that if this goes to court, and I lose, I may have to pay out several thousand pounds in legal fees - at least I read that this is a possibility. I have yet to respond to, or acknowledge, the claim form, although I have until 13/10/2017 to do so. I am not sure if it is worth me defending this, or if I should just pay the money they are requesting?
  2. I am a non-resident parent who has been paying maintenance via the CSA for years. I was aware that my agreement would be ending and fully expected to start a new agreement and continue paying for my non-resident daughter. My question is, as no-one seems to be able to answer it at present, if my agreement with the CSA ended on 13 February why should I have paid a full months worth of money to them in February? My new agreement with CMS starts on 14 February (some valentine lol) so technically I will end up paying twice for the second half of February. Now as this money is for my daughter this wouldn't be a problem but 1 her mum has aways made things difficult for me and 2 when I needed assistance from the CSA many years back they well and truly shafted me. So my thoughts are I want my money back? Is this going to be likely or possible? Thanks, Rich
  3. HI, just wondering if anyone can help at all plz, im in receipt of payments fro my ex for our 2 children that live with me throughout the week and visit their mother 6 nights per month plus 2 weeks holidays. The CSA closed there file on the 11th Feb but collected the arrears on the schedule, CMA have assessed payments but starting the 7th March leaving quite a shortfall in payment. Ive been on the telephone to both companies and told theres nothing they can do about the period in between which is alomst a months payment.. is this right as they both state that the paying parent has a legal obligation to pay???? This has also gone the same as receiving nothing for the first 14 months of our separation.. No wonder my ex first agreed to direct payment and then worked the system, its the children i feel sorry for not myself.. Any advise would be appreciated as to what i can do Hadituptohere
  4. I am divorced from my husband who is living with his new girlfriend. I am the carer of our two children. When we got divorced the agreement was that he pays £300.- per month and has the kids for two nights per week. He at some point shortened it to £200.- and told me that's all I am getting. Financially I could cope with this reduction and left it at that to avoid any hassle with him. He then paid £200.- on the first of every month but started to have the kids less than 2 nights a week, he would have them willy nilly when it suited him. I asked him to stick to the agreement or pay more maintenance. He declined to do either and told me to sue him if I wanted anything. I decided to start a case with the CMS and paid £20.- for the privilege. They assessed his income and his personal circumstances and decided he should pay around £90.- more per month, based on him having the kids for at least 52 night per year. he has been told to pay me £289.- on the first of every month, but starting on the first of December, not the first of November. I am now a bit concerned that he won't pay anything on the 1st of November, which would leave me short that month. His last payment was on the first of October. going by the CMS he doesn't have to pay anything for eight weeks. If he fails to make a payment on the first of November and says the that's in accordance with the CMS, can i still pursue the missing payment for November through other channels, i.e. Small Claims court or would that be a waste of time ? Strictly speaking he has underpaid for a while and now he gets a free month on top of it ?
  5. Hi I am tryng to help a friend get back on their feet. They have a small military medical compensation which stops benefits. Also a few months back signed off with depression and attending counseling. Separated from ex several years ago now over Christmas period this has got them in a real state. They are not wanting to dodge responsibility they drove several hundred miles pre-Christmas to ensure children got presents from them. It may be only 20 payment a month but at this moment in time she just doesn't have it and her, If she has so little money and is signed off with severe depression from her GP, how would the CMS look upon this is their a mental duty of care. When they are working and on feet would happily pay towards children costs as have done in the past.
  6. Hi, as stated in the title i got a letter from CMS saying i parked at the car park for Pizza hut & cinema's but didn't use these business's so i had to pay.... blah blah blah I was already well read on these cowboys (Thanks CAG) so i knew to just ignor them and make confetti with said letters, which i did, including the letter from a so called debt collection agency. But last week i got a phone call from a lady who said she was with Graham Whites Solicitors and asked for me by name, i asked what it was in relation to because i suspected it might be this and didn't want to give her any information. She said she wanted to confirm my identity and coudln't tell me what it was about unless i did so, she did however say that i hadn't replied to their letter and thats why she was calling but without my details she wouldn't confirm what the matter was about. I said to her "listen, you called me... i didn't call you, i am not giving you any information as i have no idea who you are and i am concerned about being conned." i told her to send me a letter. Today i got that letter, it says that they are acting on behalf of "Roxburghe (UK) LTD" who are acting on behalf of CMS UK LTD and that they are asking for the amount of £188.00 to settle a PARKING CHARGE NOTICE. It also says that due to the absence of payment or a valid appeal they have been instructed to recover the amount stated. Funnily though at the bottom of the letter it say to contact Roxburghe upon reciept of the letter, does this mean that is my one letter from Graham Whites and their part has now been played?? I was very confident in my actions of simply ignoring these letters but receiving a phone call from them has effectively thrown me a curve ball and my wife who suffers with depression & O.C.D. has become very panicked by it, i keep trying to reassure her but she has become very scared about the whole thing. Everything i have read points to the whole thing being a bunch of **** but i have yet to come across anyone else who says they have been contacted by a phone call from a so called Solicitor? My instincts and every fibre of my common sense says IGNOR, IGNOR, IGNOR but for the sake of my wifes sanity and her being able to sleep at night i decided to post and ask for your opinions on this, It is tearing me up to see my wife reduced to tears over this bull**** so i can think of nothing else other than to seek advice from the CAG. Thank you, Mike.
  7. Hi Guys I have a bit of a problem.... I had cause to take my heavilly pregnant wife to my my local boots the chemist on a retail park. I dropped her right outside and moved off the double yellows (Kids in the back) to in front of a deserted cycle park.. facing the store so I could see her come out. A parking attendand asked me to park in a bay and walked off... I had a look round and there were non empty in the vacinity but one guy returned to his car loading his shopping.. I waited while he did this... I actually noticed the parking guy take a photo of my car.... I pulled into the space to await the wife... A few minutes later the guys supervisor knocked on my window and asked if I had a problem with their parking bays!!!! I`m afraid I lost the plot... resulting in a ticket from CMS Ltd (My mrs was in pre term labour). Now I have no choice but to contact them otherwise I will be charged a £28.00 admin fee from our lease company if they have to get involved.. in naming the driver. I was just going to advise them it was me though I did not intend parking and did not enter into any agreement to park up.. and would not accept any further corespondance from them... What do you think??? Many thanks Harry
  8. ]I have 3 different threads running at present so dealt with Natwest as I had spare moments,without adding another post on the forum the results have been very good and inthe attatched 2nd letter a statement from the bank in writing which makes the CCA1974 encouraging
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