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Found 17 results

  1. Could anyone please give advice on taking the CMS to court. I have been paying maintance and have gone above and beyond by paying the same volume of money whilst my daughter was not in school for a year. she came to tell me as she lives with her mum that she was 3 months pregnant and was keeping the baby at the age of 15. despite me not agreeing with this in any way she still went ahead and had the baby. whilst she was out of school for a year I still paid the full amount agreed even when I was not required to do so. since then my daughter has not contacted me at all despite me paying for items for the baby and paying full money for a year. to top this off her PWC opened a claim against me many years ago which has now come to light despite me paying her what we had agreed and not missing a single payment. The CMS have now sent me a letter stating that I owe over £9000. I have contacted the CMS and since this has happened myself and the PWC came to an agreement. this I have stuck to despite my disagreement with this being claimed but according to the CMS I have no choice. This has now gone a step further as the PWC has no choose to go back to the CMS for the outstanding money even though she contacted them and so did I and I was confirmed on the phone that this had be closed and she only had 30 days in which to change her mind. 120 days later after keeping up with the agreement that we had and both signed they are now saying that they can reopen the case despite telling me that this was not possible and wouldn't happen. they are saying that although she called in and cancelled on the 7th july and only had 30 days to change her mind she then phones in on 1st November for them to tell her she can now claim all of the £9000 supposable owed due to the fact that they had said I was closed and all the paper work had been done there end they had simply not sent out a letter to state that it had been closed. there error not mine. due to this they are now saying that the 30 days was from the letter and the case was still open. can someone please advice as it has taken them a grand total of 2 hours to contact me to tell me I owe money and have said that I will receive this in writing in 5 working days. yet I have waited 120 days for them to send me a letter to say the case is closed and to date I have still not received this. How can it be that they can send a letter in 5 days yet I wait for 4 months and still no letter. there must be something within the law that says this is wrong and needs to be changed as the fact that they didn't follow procedure and didn't send me the letter even after 4 months showing me their level of incompetence that this letter or lack of has now cost me £9000 purely due to there incompetence. can any one please help any information would be appreciated.
  2. I am a non-resident parent who has been paying maintenance via the CSA for years. I was aware that my agreement would be ending and fully expected to start a new agreement and continue paying for my non-resident daughter. My question is, as no-one seems to be able to answer it at present, if my agreement with the CSA ended on 13 February why should I have paid a full months worth of money to them in February? My new agreement with CMS starts on 14 February (some valentine lol) so technically I will end up paying twice for the second half of February. Now as this money is for my daughter this wouldn't be a problem but 1 her mum has aways made things difficult for me and 2 when I needed assistance from the CSA many years back they well and truly shafted me. So my thoughts are I want my money back? Is this going to be likely or possible? Thanks, Rich
  3. HI, just wondering if anyone can help at all plz, im in receipt of payments fro my ex for our 2 children that live with me throughout the week and visit their mother 6 nights per month plus 2 weeks holidays. The CSA closed there file on the 11th Feb but collected the arrears on the schedule, CMA have assessed payments but starting the 7th March leaving quite a shortfall in payment. Ive been on the telephone to both companies and told theres nothing they can do about the period in between which is alomst a months payment.. is this right as they both state that the paying parent has a legal obligation to pay???? This has also gone the same as receiving nothing for the first 14 months of our separation.. No wonder my ex first agreed to direct payment and then worked the system, its the children i feel sorry for not myself.. Any advise would be appreciated as to what i can do Hadituptohere
  4. Hello, Has anyone made a claim directly to claim compensation for mis sold solar panels I have had a solicitors contacting me claiming people are being successful getting their agreements cancelled and refunded money they paid from the start. Also, they get to keep their panels and feed in tariffs! However they charge 30% fee plus 20% VAT! I want to do this myself. Anyone been through this road? Anyone?
  5. Child maintenance calculator READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/calculate-your-child-maintenance
  6. First of all the background information. My first uni course started 2007, lasted for a year and I took out the standard tuition fee loan of £3000. When I restarted uni in 2009 on a different course at a different uni, I didn't take out a loan until my final year which was 2012. I then took the standard £3000 plus a maintenance loan and I qualified for a maintenance grant of £1800 because my parents' situation had changed. Now I've been working full time for the last 3 years and noticed that the SLC had been overcharging me interest because they wrongly classed my second loan as Plan 2 when it should have been Plan 1. I complained by phone and they denied it. I submitted an official complaint by email and they have just replied. And here's the kicker... .they agree they wrongly classified my loan as Plan 2 instead of Plan 1 and it was their fault because their system changed my start year to 2012.. ..but as a result of this, I received £1100 too much in maintenance grant and now they are demanding I repay it!! Almost 4 years later!!!! If I hadn't of said anything, they would never have realised. It was their mistake, not mine, do I have a leg to stand on here? I'm on maternity leave receiving Stat. pay, in the middle of a house move with not a penny to my name currently! HELP!!!
  7. My sister has recently received a back payment (£30,000) from her ex, for the upbringing of their child. Child is now 20 and dad hasn't paid anything since they split up (before the birth). My sister has received different benefits on and off over the years and is currently receiving different benefits for her and her youngest child. (due to my sisters different health needs). Does she need to declare this money to anyone? Really worried in case she ends up getting into trouble for failing to declare.
  8. Are parents aware that the Child Support Agency (CSA) are going to be closing claims down by the end of 2017? It will be replaced with something called "The Child Maintenance Service" (CMS) for short, if not you may want to read up on this here https://www.gov.uk/government/policies/improving-the-child-maintenance-system Partial quote "The improvements planned by the government will help separated parents work together on the range of issues they face at separation, including arranging child maintenance. Child maintenance is regular, reliable financial support paid by one parent (the paying parent) to the other (the receiving parent) that helps towards a child’s everyday living costs". Actions Closing Child Support Agency cases "We will close Child Support Agency (CSA) cases by the end of 2017. We will ask parents to consider their options for their future child maintenance arrangements. This is to allow parents an opportunity to consider alternatives to using the Child Maintenance Service. Using this service incurs a cost to the applicant and, depending on arrangement type, could also incur ongoing collection and enforcement charges". It looks like that Government want to charge the parent/s to use this service, so it may pay you to read up on this now so you are prepared for this change. Further readings are available from here http://www.cmoptions.org/
  9. Hello my situation is as follows. I have recently managed to pass the 6 year mark on most of my two relatively small debts. I have a CCJ that was paid but remains unsatisfied on my CRA that is just over 5 years old. My partner and i are looking to apply for a mortgage we have as a deposit £17 - £20,000. I was thinking about the CCJ and i remember years ago i was sent a letter by Northumbria water threatening to take it to court and i managed to prove that it had been paid. Could they have still sought judgement on this? I have no paperwork left to prove that i paid it, but it was at a time when i was living with friends in student accommodation and because they were late getting their chunk and i didn't have the full amount we got the late letter and CCJ threat. I would ideally like this to come off my CRA file but at the least have it satisfied, i was annoyed that it is in just my name as their were 4 names on the account. I would appreciate any help and advice in how to move forward so that my CRA file can be in its best state applying for a mortgage.
  10. Hi, My husband and his ex agreed with the court during their divorce 15 years ago that he would pay for his 3 children with her so much per month with the understanding that payments would stop once each child would reach 18 or the end of full time education, whichever came first. Every payment (and then some) has been made without fail since. The 2 eldest are over 20 with their own families now so we stopped paying for them a while ago. The youngest moved in with her sister when she turned 16 in September 2012. Since then we have been paying her sister the money instead of her mother. Youngest daughter is now in 6th form and maybe pregnant. The sister is also receiving child benefit and child tax credits for the youngest daughter. I don't want to be the wicked stepmother here but we are really struggling ourselves and have just found out that the sister has more income from her total benefits than me and my husbands combined wages. I thought I read somewhere that once a child over 16 moves out of home of their own accord then payments don't have to continue. Can anyone help with a bit of advice please? Thank you and Happy New Year
  11. Hi all,just to let everyone know,csa no longer exists it is now cms as of 25 Nov 2013 . if you have shared care ie 50/50 you do not have to pay ANY maintenance for any child. check out netmums. handy phone num 08009880988
  12. Hi guys, I have a repair & maintenance contract with British Gas whereby if you have a boiler problem, they fix it for a fixed fee of £99. I called them out in February when I had no hot water. The engineer said ideally I need a powerflush and when I laughed at his extortionate £700 price-tag said he should be able to fix it by adding a filter. Being low on money and knowing that exclusions often apply, I repeatedly asked if this would be included in my £99 or an additional cost and each time he said all costs would be included and that I'd get an invoice that would be waived - so I said to go ahead. He said he'd put in a temporary fix that "should" keep me going until he could return the next day with the filter. A week later I got the invoice and ignored it until I got a threat of credit blacklisting and that's when I put in a total of 4 complaints saying I felt misled by British Gas and that irrespective of Ts & Cs they may hide behind, British Gas was in my house assuring me all costs would be covered. Today I came home to an answerphone and an email from a British Gas bod, kindly IGNORING all my points about British Gas giving me their assurance and that I pushed and pushed to make sure there's no extra costs. Instead, as predicted, he hid behind Ts & Cs, claimed the filter was an "upgrade", that my threat of going to OFGEM was moot because OFGEM only cover gas & electric, and included a photocopy of paperwork I signed agreeing to work listed as an "upgrade". Do I have a case? Yes, I signed the paperwork which mentioned "upgrade" but this was after an hour of a British Gas representative repeatedly assuring me all costs would be covered in the £99 charge. He told me the invoice will be sent but that it will be waived and never once mentioned an "upgrade" - only "fixing" the problem. If he had "fixed" my problem and mentioned the filter being an "upgrade|"then I never would have agreed to the work being carried out! That is why I was asking him over and over if the cost would be at no extra cost! My signature was given in good faith and assumed under false pretences (or at the very least, through ineptitude and ignorance). I seem to recall EDF door-to-door salesmen fraudulently obtaining signatures, claiming it was to prove they'd read the meter but was really to switch their gas and electricity supply, and they got hauled over the coals for doing so. If the engineer was uncertain he should've checked with the office, or consulted the booklet before telling me the work would be free of charge, surely? Any help is appreciated.
  13. When applying for student finance (I think May if going to uni in Sept 2013?) and you put down your parents income, do they ask for your parents income over the last whole year (P60) or their current wage? So if a parent only got a job in Feb/March then their wage over a year would be minimal? Also, what if they turned out to be not well enough to continue to work and so had to give up or reduce hours, can you apply to increase any maintenance grant award or is it set for the year even if your parent only worked for a month in the end and is back on means tested benefits? Thanks.
  14. About 4 years ago I asked for a quote to install a stairlift. The cost would be £5400 as the stairs curve and we'd need an automatic rail extension at the bottom. This was totally beyond us as I had naively thought that the cost would be about £1800. I apologized to the rep as I wasn't trying to haggle but there was just no way we could afford it. In the days after he'd been, the company phoned frequently, reducing the price all the time and when they offered £3100 I said yes as it was a necessity. I thought that we'd just have to manage the costs and I felt that the company had tried to be helpful. After the installation I kept getting calls to see if I was happy, did I really need the lift and would I like to buy the maintenance contract for £1400. This was happening at least 3 times per week and when we'd had to call the engineers out at least 6 or 7 times in the normal warranty period and the end of that was getting close I got in touch with the company and told them I'd take it to the Daily Express Crusader. They responded by giving me another years cover and they stopped the calls. Last week on coming down on the stairlift it lent severly to one side to lean to the same downward angle as the stairs. It stopped midway, the extension bar was down blocking the front door and it was difficult to get off of. I telephoned the helpline and was told that they would arrange for an engineer that day. I got a call from them a few minutes later to say that they didn't realise that I didn't have the service contract so they'd put me through to that department to discuss the "options". The man on the phone said that for £145 + parts someone could come out within 14 days, for £285 + parts they could come in 7 days and the lift would get a service as well or the option he recommended was for me to pay £1495 and this call out would be covered, the lift would get an annual service and so would any more callouts including parts and labour for 4 years. Is this how all stairlift companies operate?
  15. CSA will introduce the higher payments from Monday 10th.December. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2244303/Fathers-hit-rise-maintenance-children-following-sweeping-new-reforms.html
  16. the mother of my unborn daughter has insisted that she wants no child support from me. to cut a long story short, i am what you would call a sperm donor. is it possible to get a legally binding contract stating this? my biggest concern is not giving any child support as agreed with her, only to get a letter from the CSA if she changes her mind. Bruce
  17. I have a property with my ex partner which has been solely funded by me. The deposit was raised from equity released from my previous property and I have solely paid the interest-only mortgage for 3+ years now. The property cost 400K, and is now estimated to be worth 300K. He has been living in the property since we split, 6 months after buying it. I live in a different country with my parents and our young son. I have not received any child maintenance from my ex. I have not pursued this through the courts, as he has never worked and as I understand it, I’d only be entitled to 11% of his salary, so that’s 11% of nothing! I want to sell the property now to cut my losses as the property is in bad repair and deteriorating and interest rates can only go up. He claims not to want to live in it as there is no central heating and very little comfort, but he says he won’t let me sell unless he can make a profit on it, or I buy him out with the funds I made selling my previous property (our previous home to which he contributed nothing in bills or rent for the time I owned it). He claims that I should pay him for the renovation work he did to this previous property to increase its price. We both worked on the property and we never had any agreement they he was entitled to any of the profit should we separate. The reality is that the profit was only 10K after I had deducted my downpayment on the property. I can afford to take a hit on our jointly owned property using this downpayment, as I’m afraid of losing more in the long term. Alternatively he wants me to invest a large sum in the property so he can do it up to achieve a better sale price and walk away with half the profit. What he refuses to recognize, is that it would still be in negative equity in the current market (we have had it valued in its current state and finished by two local agents). I believe that I would also be entitled to deduct my deposit and his unpaid half of the mortgage payments from any profit before it was split. This he also disagrees with. Any advice please as how to force him to let me sell our property? And whether you think he is entitled to anything? Thank you, mary unfairly
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