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Found 10 results

  1. I am trying to help a friend who lives overseas but whose father lived in the UK. His father died without leaving a Will and left an Estate worth £58,000. My friend has a Solicitor acting on his behalf in the UK but he was informed that his father was overpaid benefits from both the DWP and the local authority whilst he was alive even though he was living in a local authority run residential home. The total amount of the overpayment was £38,000. I am just wondering how is this possible when he was unable to make a claim for himself? My friend is only relying on the information received from his Solicitor but he would like to know how could he go about finding out the total amounts overpaid to both of these departments and whether indeed there was an overpayment. Any advise would be appreciated.
  2. Hello, I got a pension savings pack from my father now passed away for a large sum. The policy seems legit with a policy number, its a defined contribution policy and it has payable before death of pension age. I thought the lawyer dealt with all his affairs turns out he didn't. So, what does the law say on pension savings for someone who has deceased do the next next of kin, children inherit it just like property rules of intestacy? Thanks.
  3. Hi, I am new to this forum. On the Tuesday 10th April 2018, I got caught using my Dads 60+ card at Angel underground station. I was in deep financial hardship due to bad management of money and a gambling problem. I had no money in the bank account and had only £3 on me. I explained to her that I needed to travel to university for mandatory classes and assessments; I insisted to her that I had no choice but to borrow my fathers card (without permission of course). It was either don't go or fail my module; I didn't know what to do. I showed her my real 18+ card as well as the 60+ card. She noted down that I had -0.30 on my 18+ card and took down the number on the back. She asked me if I was going to use the 60+ card for the whole journey, I said yes. She asked me how long I have been using it.I think I mistakenly told her that I had used it on the Monday as well but this was wrong, I never used it on the Monday, I had only used it on the Tuesday 10th and the Tuesday 3rd; a total of TWO times for the card. I had only used the card because I was literally broke (No money...nothing to travel with). I insisted that I was never to planning to abuse my fathers 60+ card by using it everyday. They can check the usage right? I even said that I used my 18+ card before that (during march) and she even checked it and it said it was last used on the 29th of march. She wrote everything down on her notepad and she repeated what I had said. I said everything was true and signed (but I quickly said that I used it on Monday as well without thinking, but this was false). Strangely she even took my appearance down (skin colour, hair, body build and height), is this normal? At the end of it, she told me that I would receive a letter with the provided address that I gave her. I told her my real address and then she let me go. She told me that "your father can get a replacement". I asked her if I was going to court and she said that "it depends". I haven't received this letter. When should it arrive to the address?. I already planned what I am going to write down, begging them that this was a mistake and a decision that I regret, offering them to pay any fees involved (despite relying on a maintenance loan). I am very worried. I dont want a criminal record, its the last thing I want. This is the first time something like this happened to me. I am an unemployed student with minimal amount of money. Even if I wanted to settle out of court (by looking on this forum its a 20% chance they settle out of court), I am scared they will fine me something like 700 pound which I don't have. How likely is it for TFL to just give me a formal warning without a fee (considering my financial circumstances). Please help.
  4. Hello All I am posting on behalf of my parents , my father in particular, he is 79 and gets DLA mobility component only, he has done since he was in his late 40s, he has menieres disease, I would like to know as my parents are reluctant to make any changes or new claims. they do not get any other benefits at all, and as my father has got older his needs have changed and he needs more care, they are frightened he will lose his DLA even though he has been told he has been awarded it indefinitely. My mum also has a heart condition and has bad hips, I would be grateful if anyone could give me some advice on what they could claim, my dad has a small pension and gets state pension, my mum has 2 small pensions and she gets the state pension, they get £20 off a year from their community charge , because my father had a downstairs toilet put in a number of years ago. thank you for your help.
  5. Hi. New to the forum. I am currently trying to help my father through some serious debt problems and having been to the Citizens advice a couple of times bankruptcy is looking likely (although need to save enough money first). I have also discovered though that the mortgage company have been to court and been issued a possession order for his house. The date given on the court form says he should have been out on the 26th October. He has been ringing them weekly and paying something but still owes £500. He has sold most of his furniture and other belongings to try pay the arrears off but it's not enough. I was wondering if anyone knew since the court has already issued the possession order, whether the house is going to be repossessed regardless of what he pays now? They have told him it is in the hands of their solicitors. What happens next? He does have a permanent job but the pay is not great. had an IVA fail as unable to keep up payments. could probably pay off mortgage arrears if had no other debts to pay. also has CCJ and bailiffs coming to recoup another debt. lots going on here. Unfortunately I don't have anything spare to help him (married with two kids) He has accepted he can't keep the house but needs to find somewhere else to live before repossessed. The CAB has said the council are unlikely to re-house him and private landlords won't touch him. I'm unsure where else to go right now so would be grateful for any advice anyone has. Should he keep trying to pay the mortgage company or keep the money to save for bankruptcy?
  6. Hi all, A little bit of advice if possible. My father owes £35k and has been with Payplan since 2007 (defaults didnt started until 2008 for some unknown reason) - The below is a breakdown of the debts Apex Credit Management - £ 6,808.70 Apex Credit Management - £ 4,617.89 Barclays Bank Plc - £ 2,271.87 Cabot Financial (Europe) £977.84 Lewis Group £12,710.39 Link Financial Ltd £4,695.86 Moorcroft Group Plc £1,237.10 Natwest/RBS £2,240.07 My father has just hit 65 - he still works full time however his income is all taken with day to day life and payplan. My father is of poor health but is eager to work for another 3 years before calling it time on his career. However he has just received a lump of around £6k from his pension and has also deferred on his OAP pension. He has thought of keeping this £6k and also next years £6k to try and work a full and final settlement for all his debts with £12k. Is this realistic ?? Also are the creditors able to get there hands on his oap pension if say they called time on one of the debts...there are a few large ones there. Thanks for reading Matt
  7. hi all i need information from various nursing homes regarding the dates that my father went in and came out and i dont have them all. can i approach them direct if i have the certificate of death with me? i know one of them wont be a problem, but have never visted at least one of the homes he was in for a short time. this post relates to money (unfortuntely) as we discovered his cleaner had been helping herself to all his funds (we discovered this at great length after his death) any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. as soon as we have all the information we need we will be handing our file over to the police. regards
  8. CSA will introduce the higher payments from Monday 10th.December. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2244303/Fathers-hit-rise-maintenance-children-following-sweeping-new-reforms.html
  9. Hi all, I am hoping for some advice please. My father passed away unexpectedly in November and had a property which is mortgaged with Webb Resolutions and administered by Lapithus Servicing. The mortgage is interest only. Lapithus have begun reposession proceedings as myself and my brothers decided that none of us wanted to live in the property and the mortgage is as much as the property is worth. however, we have had a change of heart and now decided we would like to keep the house and one of us will live in it. I have called Lapithus today to inform them and make an offer to pay a small amount on top of the monthly payments to clear the arrears. They informed me that i would be unable to do that and that i would have to get a new mortgage on the property with another company. I know very little about properties which are mortgaged and the owner passes away so please forgive me if i ask a daft question but can they insist that we get another mortgage for it. If i attend the reposession hearing and re-iterate that i am prepared to pay the mortgage aswell as payment towards the arrears is the judge likely to award reposession to lapithus. As I say i dont have much knowledge on this subject so any help and advice someone could give me would be a huge help. Thanks
  10. Hi, I am hoping someone may be able to help me to decide on a course of action with a problem. The background is that an account for a business was opened using my fathers name last year, everything was fine and we have been actively using the account. In January of this year my father withdrew from the business and so we wrote to all the companies we held accounts with to say that he was no longer involved in the business and that I was now running it. This company acknowledged this verbally, changed the address on the account and also my name was on any paperwork that consequently came through. I have fallen into problems with the business and the situation has escalated to the point that Thomas Higgins Solicitors wrote to me (using my name) trading as my company name to ask for payment. I was still speaking to the creditor and telling them that I had every intention of paying the £5000 that we owed but needed time. The next thing that arrived in the post was court papers from Thomas Higgins looking to issue a CCJ but the forms are in my fathers name trading as the company name and not mine. I have rung Thomas Higgins and the creditor to explain but neither of them seem concerned. I am very concerned because although I am not denying that I owe this money I cannot afford for a CCJ to be issued in my fathers name. I questioned Thomas Higgins about the difference between their letter to me and the CCJ in my fathers name and they just said they are acting on their clients instructions. The creditor will no longer discuss this with me. So, should I acknowledge the claim but in my name trading as my company, make an offer of payment and then hope that if they issue it, it is in my name or should I argue it as it's not in the right name. I have my sneaking suspicions that because they changed the name over without us filling out any paperwork they are now panicking because they don't have a signed application form in my name. I am not disputing that I owe the money and never have I just cannot afford for them to issue in my fathers name.... I'm more scared of him than the courts I hope that someone can help as I have never dealt with anything like this before.
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