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  1. I am the property owner of a 1st floor flat with one flat below. Had a water leak (fixed) and owner of the flat below has put in a claim for damage to his property. I bought the property before I was married under the name 'Miss Schroedingerscat'. My partner is on the deeds as an 'interested party' but I am the owner of property and mortgage. We got married, My husband is 'Mr Jon Pavlovthecat' and I took his surname. The owner of the flat downstairs should know that I am the owner, as the freehold is owned by both of us and obviously there was legal contact etc at the time of buying the property. He knows I am married now as we contacted him ref converting our loft (we own that, not freehold) with my new name and explanation of marriage. He has made the claim against defendant Mr Jon Schroedingerscat. Which is a) not his name and never has been and b) is not the person against which the claim should be directed, not being the owner of the property. Rather than going through the whole process of my dispute (to be fair I've already written it out), should I just cite this as the reason for my dispute, as it's not an error in spelling or because I changed my name, it's the wrong person, and the wrong name of that person. What happens if I simply dispute it for this reason and no other reason? If the court disagrees that this is a valid reason, what happens next? NB. I am disputing the claim for a number of reasons, so this is not an attempt to get out of liability for the claim.
  2. Today I checked my credit file for the sheer hell of it. Personally I'm not bothered what it says as I don't borrow money. Made those mistakes years ago and now my file is at zero. However what I did find was a CCJ for £280 issued last October. Whoever the claimant was didn't write to me at my current address despite being on the electoral register and not at my previous one. They sneakily wrote to the old address so as to win by default. I have a very good idea who this, but it doesn't show on my credit file, just a claim number. I am guessing here but I think it may be a debt collector who has been harassing me for years over this alleged debt It was to Orange for a mobile contract which I had never has. ( I was the victim of ID fraud and they did other things too ). Despite many, many letters asking them for proof like the Deed of Assignment, Deed of Novation and a contract that proves I am the debtor and responsible, they have ignored me. To then sue me using an old address when they only wrote again only yesterday to my current one, I find this extremely bad practice that flies in the face of all the guidelines on debt collections. This is just spite of their behalf, nothing more. Today I wrote to that Mickey Mouse court called Northampton business centre where no judge ever sets foot and asked for the judgement to be set aside as I have not been notified and I have been denied my right to defend myself. Also I issued a counterclaim for a considerable sum as set down by a judge in a similar situation where PC World sued a man over a computer and filed an inaccurate and untruth report on his credit file. Now what will happen? Will my set aside be successful as it really is a bit cheeky to sue somebody deliberately using an old address so that you win by default. This smacks of a certain debt collector who we are all familiar with on this forum.
  3. Name on my NI Card, is not in full as on my Passport I was given the NI card with a short version of my name. Anyway I've have applied for a job, where I need to show my NI card (which are no longer produced) or NI Record, which I believe is no online, can I go online to the HRMC site register and update my NI record, so my name is now in full as per my Passport? Its not a name change, but update to my full name as on Passport
  4. Hi All, I need a little advice. I have received a CCJ letter from a private parking company called CPM. The CCJ has been put together by Gladstones solicitors. I have already submitted an acknowledgement of service however due to a holiday have only now a few days to file my defence. I noticed that the CCJ has spelt my name wrong on the summons letter for example by one letter - Joe Bloggs Would be Jje Bloggs. As I understand the court process they are all about the details - so surely this is enough to use a defence? Any advice would be greatly received. TIA
  5. We moved a while ago, about 10 days ago my wife Mrs x finally got in to a branch of Halifax to change address, job done. Mrs x then applied for 2 credit cards (1 from Halifax and 1 from BOS) and an overdraft for her current account, all were accepted, she was delighted. 1 of the credit cards arrived today and it says Mr x on it, her correct female first name but have put Mr and not Mrs. I thought this was odd so checker her online banking and her current account now also says Mr x She went in to change address, which they done, but also changed her from a Mrs to a Mr Will this affect the 2 credit cards or the overdraft, will all be removed. I assume we need to go back in to branch now to ask why a change of address resulted in her gender being changed. Very annoying.
  6. I recently ended a relationship with my girlfriend of 4 years. When we broke up i let her borrow my car for a few months. Everything was fine during this time and i was getting to see my son. All of a sudden i was not allowed to see my son and my ex is refusing to return my car to me. I am currently going through the court process to gain access to my son. In regards to my car, i recently learned that the v5 of the car was tranaferred to my ex name. I made a complaint to the DVLA and i was told that i was sent a letter notifying me the change of name, but i did not receive this letter. The DVLA have also stated that there is nothing they can do and it is now a civil matter. They stated once i gain the car in my possession to notify them. DVLA also sent me a copy of the letter that was sent to me, i am sure they stamp these letters? This letter has no stamp, i would have never have agreed to the name change if i knew about it. The police will not do anything as well. I took out a personal car loan to purchase the car for which i am currently making monthly payments for, the loan is against my name and not the vehicle. I really need some advice and help on what my options are and i would really appreciate it if someone can help.
  7. CAN ANYONE WHO READS THIS PLEASE GIVE ME SOME THAT IS CORRECT AND FACTUAL BECAUSE I HAVE TO HAND IN MY DEFENCE FORM AND EVIDENCE TO THE COUNTY COURT TOMORROW. This is something I think everyone should read as it may help you defend a sec 21 and eviction. I will give as much information a possible without it becoming to long to read or confusing. I will refer to the Landlady as She or Her. In August 2017 I moved into a self contained unit in a house that had been converted to 6 flats each with electric meter, bathroom, simple kitchen unit but still classed as a self contained studio. She did not take a deposit to avoid depositing it. Even the kitchen and bathroom had been converted into flats. as it had been done a few months before the other 5 tenants and i had moved in there was a lot to been done yet the landlady still demanded the £800 monthly rent. In addition the electric had been sub metered and we/I were have not been given a top up key or card we had to give Her £10 every Sunday and she would use a disposable prepaid card then tore it up so we could not read what was on it. She was charging us 20p kwh day or night. She put the heating radiators on when it got cold in December and put it on a timer to suit her as she was paying for it. I noticed that the extension at the back had walls that were not straight and all partition walls had no insulation. Heating the place got very expensive costing Me £40 a week. That suited her very well that she gave every tenant an electric blanket for Xmas . All the other tenants praised and thanked her saying she was the best landlord ever. OK I WILL EXPLAIN VERY BRIEFLY By now it was clear that getting them to report her to the council would be futile so I did it myself in January. They told her and she gave me a section 21 as tenancy was 6 months. I read it would be invalid if name was spelt wrong and she put a O instead of A. I had broken my leg badly mid January at work so was off for the next 6 months and being self employed the council now paid my rent. BTW....4 other tenants all on ESA and taking illegal substance paid for by tax payer. I thought council would take action but nope. I lived in a hostile place but they slowly came around to listening to me when I showed them how she was robbing us. It was only 30 June 2018 that a enforcement notice came from the council stating no planning permission and illegal use as flats that has to be rectified within 4 months of the notice. I thought finally they took action even though very late. 11 July an eviction notice is put under my door saying I had to be out on 19 July. Seems she had had a tenant get all important mail so I did not even get the defence form. i text her and asked where all that information was and she just replied i have until 19th. On 18th in went to court with a few photos of the place and n244 to stop eviction and give me a hearing and got one for 20th. On the 19th she came to the house and thought I was out I could hear her shouting to a tenant in room 6 above me as I am 4, asking why he didn't tell her I went to court etc. I ignored them and did my research for hours trying to find something to help as I knew the wrong spelling would not be enough when she tell court a lie that I got all letters from court. I was up all night and went to court for 10am and she was sitting there looking all confident. what I did was to tell the judge that the sec 21 was invalid because the EPC she gave me was not valid as law state every self contained unit must have its own EPC. she must pay me £200 and face a fine of 5000. I went on to say the GAS cert she gave me was also invalid because it has a Beko gas stove test results in the kitchen....OPPS, there is no kitchen in the house or gas stove, I went on to say the law says if she sub meters electricity she can't charge more then what she is paying the supplier and if she did she is to pay me back double plus the bank of England interest rate (needs better explaining I m writing fast as its getting late) she charge 20p and at times was paying 10p. The Judge had to look up everything I said for 30 mins then came back and told her I made my case the sec 21 is cancelled. She did say anyone can say they didn't get the defence form and he explained that when I got the eviction notice I contacted her and took action in taking evidence to court, And that did not make a difference because my EPC evidence is water tight. She kept insisting about the defence form so the judge said he will give me the form and other docs and I should file my defence form in 14 days which is tomorrow. to make things worse she offered me £500 to move out as she needs the property empty to do the work and I turned it down. She turned my electric off this past Monday saying she was changing the meters. Yet I told her I was doing my evidence for court and she kept it off all day. My question is can counter claim and ask for the £920 paid in electric, £200 for epc, my time and expenses gathering evidence and the stress I been through in the past 2 weeks or do I have to file separately in small claim court? I also want the court to award me an amount that will get her to know she is not above the rule or law because she has 12 other tenants living in the same type unit as I and just yesterday she tried to rent flat 1 that got vacated when she gave a sec 21 because he spoke up to her Thank you for your time.
  8. Hi Firstly thanks in advance for help, had some very bad news yesterday and just looking for any advice In early 2018 I was driving a company vehicle and was doing 36 in a 30 zone. The prosecution notice when to the employers as the owners of the vehicle asking them to name the driver. They named me but I left the company around this time. I got a letter asking me to name the driver/if I were the driver. I have to confess I didn't respond. No doubt I have been stupid but this time coincidended with me leaving my family home and having some health issues. I later moved back into the property Because of health and money issues, I do admit I didn't respond to a couple of letters. I guess I just didn't want to face the truth and accept a fine. I got a letter yesterday saying I got taken to court last Thursday. I did not get any letter about going to court. I have been given an £800 fine and banned for 6 months. This seems incredibly harsh as I didn't have any points on my license. I accept the fine although it won't be easy to pay but the ban seems very harsh and makes life fairly difficult for me. Cheers again for any advice received, just wondered if I could appeal/defend in anyway
  9. Hi all. I’m looking for some advice. I recently opened up a noodle account and noticed that a TSB account of some sort had been opened in my name. I think it was a loan as there have been monthly payments and now has a balance of £0. I know I should have checked sooner but in the past we used ones like Experian mainly for our credit score. Here are more details anyhow. The account was opened approx 3 years after we left the address it is registered at in 2014. There have been regular payments into the account/loan and everything other than it being false, seems ok. Payments stopped in April of this year and is marked up to date as of the end of April. Not sure how they managed to get my details as we had a redirect on for the mail and quickly notified people of our change of address etc. but something got through or left behind in the move. I’ve contacted the bank and have been given the number for their fraud department and have also marked the account as disputed on noodle. What I would like to know is what steps should I take to make sure this account is dealt with appropriately. Thanks and any questions that might help let me know. Spoke to their fraud department and it’s a current account, not loan etc. They’ll investigate and send me a letter in 10 days detailing what evidence was used to open the account. They’ve stopped the account and put a note on it.
  10. Astronaut Tim Peake launches competition to name ExoMars Rover READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/astronaut-tim-peake-launches-competition-to-name-exomars-rover
  11. In August 2000, after divorcing my husband I kept my marital name. I now want to revert back to my maiden name, can I just go back to it or will I have to pay for a deed poll to change my name to my maiden name? If I have to pay to change my name, how much will this cost?
  12. Hello all, My daughter has a joint account with her ex that she wishes to have her name removed from but the Bank/Halifax are making it difficult. Her ex left earlier this year and moved back to Scotland and left her with debts and a load of other problems which she has slowly managed to get sorted. She had to give up her courier job to look after the two children(6 and 4 yrs) and so has had to claim IS. However, due to this joint account the IS people are making it difficult to get the benefit and this has been ongoing since March. After many calls to the IS they said she would have to make a new claim which she has now done so has to get around the Joint account problem. Noe the bank says there are only two ways she can get her name off the account and these are, 1] she has to go to Scotland and sign a joint application paper to have her name removed as both parties have to go to the bank and sign the same time. She really really does not want to do that, 2] The other way is to actually get him to close the account and has he is out to cause as many problems for her as he can the chances here are probably a big fat zero. So, is there anyway that she can get this account closed/ name removed other than what the bank has said. She really wants it closed as to protect herself from any debts he may run up. The other question is now she's made this new IS claim will they take it from the date of the claim or will they back date it to the start of the original claim. Any help/advice is appreciated
  13. Hi, I'm hoping that someone might be able to help here. My wife bought a new car from a broker back in June on Hire Purchase, something we haven't done in a while. She only involved me in the purchase here and there and so I've only just stumbled upon this information, but I questioned her as to where the V5 was as we needed to apply for a Crit'Air sticker. It turns out she hadn't received one. She chased up the V5 and was told by the dealer that for the first year they are the registered keeper, but on the 1st year anniversary it will change to her. I've gone back through the paperwork she signed and it clearly states that she is the registered keeper and they are the owner until the final payment has been made - which I believe is normal. I'm a bit confused because I'm sure she should be the registered keeper as its a purchase and not lease. Is this common practice? Thanks in advance
  14. I do hope I've posted this in the correct place as I'm new to the forum. Sorry for the long post but can anyone advise me if I have any comeback on the following: I have a domain name which was set up for auto renewal on 03/03/18 (2 years for £38.38). On 24/02/18 I received an email saying the payment had failed. On 25/02/18 I received a further reminder saying the renewal was overdue and I risked a disruption or loss of services. I checked my account and noticed that the credit card details they held were out of date so I updated my credit card details. On 27/02/18 I received another email stating my domain was overdue for renewal and I could always renewal manually, so I contacted 123 reg through their support centre advising them of the situation and stating that I didn’t understand why they hadn’t taken the payment from the new credit card details that I had entered as the domain is set up for automatic renewal. They replied as follows: “I would like to make you aware that the domains are renewed 7 days prior to expiry. The payment was attempted on 2018-02-24, however, it was declined by the bank. The system might try one more time, however, if the domain is not renewed until the 3rd, it would be best for you to manually renew it to avoid any unwanted interruptions.” I replied, advising them that I had taken their advice and manually renewed the payment, to which they replied: “Thank you for the prompt reply. I am happy to inform you that the domain has been renewed and the new expiry date is now 03/03/2020. It was only when I was recently completing my self-assessment form that I checked through my credit card statements and noticed the payment of £38.38 had been taken twice so I contacted 123 reg and asked for a refund of the duplicate payment. Several messages have been passed between us but to cut a long story short they are saying it’s not a duplicate payment but it just means that the domain has been renewed for 4 years because it was under auto renewal and I also renewed manually!! They say that they can’t refund any money because I chose to manually renew the domain name without waiting until 3 March. Also they say that because the invoice is 6 months old they can’t refund any money (my fault I know for not checking my CC statement sooner) . The only way they can issue a refund it for them to release the domain to the open market as Verisign do not allow partial refunds and keeping the domain so I would lose the domain and any money I’ve paid. They state it’s been more than 6 months since the payment was done and the Money Back Guarantee for the .com domains is 5 days including the renewal date and they can’t pass over the registry rules on this. It may just seem like a small amount of money but I’m really angry about this as no way did I intend paying for this domain twice and I was only following their advice by manually renewing so why did they then take the money again. I’ve asked this question but didn’t really get a satisfactory reply to that other than it’s “ the system”. Thanks Maureen
  15. Today I received an email from PRA Group Dear XXXX Ref 1234567 Capital One Discount Availability: 65% Please note this offer will expire on 15/04/2018 Accept Offer ------ In 2010 I had a breakdown after being bullied at work, and was placed on unpaid sick leave. I managed to make the monthly payments but was made redundant five months later. I got married two weeks later. I was a non EU national and our spousal visa was declined so moved abroad to Spain. I contacted the CC provider as I had PPI, but was told that I wouldn't be eligible to claim as I wasn't registered with a UK employment agency seeking work. I disputed my PPI asking for a refund as I wasn't able to seek work in the UK due to my visa situation, but this dispute was rejected. I asked for my account to be closed and asked for a payment arrangement . They closed it but wouldn't come to an arrangement. I kept making adhoc payments, with the last being in November 2014, but had another breakdown and ceased payments. We are still living in Spain. Before I left the UK I changed my drivers licence to my new married name but it has now expired. I did update my bank account to my new address but didn't change my bank account name. I've since moved to a different part of Spain but haven't updated my bank account address. I've exclusively used my married name here in Spain. The debt was around £2,000 but penalties will have been added since 2010. I'm resentful of paying the debt as I feel I got screwed by PPI and we are now settled in Spain so won't be moving back to the UK. Are they likely to track me to Spain? Should I close my UK bank account to avoid it being linked?
  16. Something that has been bugging me for a while. I do not want to name this company but people who have been following my thread against a certain security provider. Will know who it is. They have recently had a revamp ad have renamed their Mobile Patrol Officer position as Protective Services Officer . However reading up on this it appears it is the same name that police use in Australia . http://www.policecareer.vic.gov.au/pso/about-the-role Is this legal as the name is misrepresenting the actual job the person or company is claiming to do . Which is nothing near what the police do.
  17. Just a quick heads up, I have received a e-mail threat-o-gram which has been placed in my File 13 (the bin!), however I noticed at the bottom of the e-mail that MMF is changing their name to Lantern as of the 8th March....... Apologies if this has been posted but I thought that you all should know!.
  18. I have received a ccj for unsecured credit at my home address and there is no defendant with that christian and surname at this address. Would this make the ccj or any enforcement valid? For example the defendants name is spelt Richardgale Bridg but there is a person here called Richardgalle Bridgewaters. I have used fictitious names but the mistakes are exactly the same in proportion. I do not really want to go to the expense of having the ccj struck out. But, if that name is so wrong should I just ignore the ccj and any enforcement action. I am not too worried about bailiffs but I am worried that if the creditor requests an oral examination the person with the similar name could get arrested for ignoring it.
  19. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. I checked my Credit report today on Noddle and noticed that a Credit Application check has been run on my maiden name of over twelve years ago, and an address which I haven't lived at for the same amount of time. The check was carried out just days ago. This concerns me as I'm worried someone is trying to obtain credit in my name. The company that ran the check are called Shop Direct. Obviously I will need to contact them, but if I could have people's thoughts on why this may have happened I'd be very grateful.
  20. Hi, could someone please advise. My friends recently had to use the services of a funeral director and with all the added stress of the funeral and the situation, she did not notice at first that the funeral directors had put the invoice in her brothers name and not hers.she called them and they said that they would change it. She needed the invoice in her name as she is claiming some help from the social fund. To cut a long story short, the funeral directors told her after that that they could not change the name on the invoice because it is fraud. It was their error in the first place. I am sure that this is not true and they could raise a credit for the original invoice and re-invoice in the correct name. Can anyone shed any light. Many thanks
  21. Hi folks I really appreciate any help or advice given on this debt. I will try to simplify as much as possible so its not boring. Although at first this may not seem relevant but as you will read on it does so. Unfortunately i was abused a lot by my step father for 10 years, until a teenager. Moving on from that weird fact at the age of 18 i found a nice gf and started a business. Due to making really rookie mistakes and my girlfriend at the time taking huge advantage of my generosity I ended up with a failed business, no girlfriend and 30k worth of debt (i live in scotland) a few years later I met the girl of my dreams, we got engaged and married. She was aware of my past trauma with my stepfather and relevant family members i no longer speak to, decided to change my name completely (first and last) and just her surname to match my new surname. Shortly after we moved to Canada to make a fresh start for both safety and career prospects. Just before we moved I had been making payments and got this down to about 26k (with still a planned 18k worth of interest planned by the time id finish paying this off according to the bank) I had become very angry and frustrated with this level of interest but the bank were not budging. Even the bank of scotland branch staff were shocked at this loans level of interest and the branch manager although sympathetic could offer no help to fix it. my plan was to move to canada, establish a career with my wife who was well qualified and had a good career lined up. Leave the debt until I had a more stable financial life. its been 15 months into canada now and i doubt we will ever go back to the UK. We are about to buy our first house and have our first baby. I did get a phonecall from a debt collection company in the UK a week ago addressing me by my old name (which i did not confirm) the bank and that company do not know what country i am in, nor my new name. But i am still majorly worried this might be the start. I cant afford to pay this money back yet, i have always paid and cleared all my previous debts (6+ credit cards, a small personal loan) ive had a max credit rating of which i was proud of. But in combination of bank of scotland robbing me with obscene amounts of interest and the amount of profit they have made off my time in the UK, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth paying this money back, but that taste would be there if I didn't. Can they track me down properly in canada and find my new name and enforce this debt? Thanks for any help and advice, it really is appreciated.
  22. I applied a mortgage with Halifax bank which was accepted initially later I change the house on which my mortgage was accepted on the second mortgage Halifax rejected my mortgage and put my name on the national hunters date base giving reason that my Job is not verified where as I am working with same employer for over an year I tried few other banks but on the basis of this report no one is willing to approve the mortgage and I won't be able to buy a house for my family really stressed and need some serious help to get out of this trouble
  23. Hi, This is my first time on here so sorry if this is not in the correct thread. I took a loan out in my partners name in 2015 and he's only just found out. I had a massive gambling problem then, I have tried repaying some of it but my debt spiralled out of control due to the gambling issue and I've stopped paying it! I just need some advice on how to fix this? I know probably some people will judge me for what I did and I suppose it's fair enough but any advice is appreciated. The loan was for £2200 taken with AvantCredit, they did not ask me to prove my identity either, that might've perhaps put a stop to that (I'm not blaming them). Thank you in advance
  24. Hello all. I want to make a claim in small claims court but believe I have been given a false name for the person I wish to claim against. He sold me a car and lied on the advert. He has since claimed it was a private so sold as seen but I have evidence that would likely indicate that he is selling cars for profit. (multiple adverts for selling cars, pictures of property with multiple vehicles advertised etc). How can I find out the name of the person to make the claim against? If I use the fake name he will obviously ignore it. I do have the license plate of his car so is it possible to find out any info from that? Any help appreciated!
  25. Hello, One of my old payday loans has been sold to PRAC Financial. I have received the formal notice of assignment. The debt is from 2014 and have never been registered on CR as a default. Since then I have also changed my name via Deed Poll. Now I have three questions and would appreciate some help from fellow CAGers: 1. Do I need to notify PRAC about the name change and send them copy of my Deed Poll? My new name is registered with all three CRAs (I checked). So is that sufficient without sending the copy? 2. As the default has never been registered (only late payments) and the debt is from 2014, will now PRAC just register a default nearly 3 years after and mess up my credit score? Is there any legal time scale as to when a default should be registered or can they register it whenever they please? 3. How to approach this? Should I send PRAC a CCA request with a postal order and just wait for the reply and take it from there? Many thanks in advance for all your help!!
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