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Found 7 results

  1. Astronaut Tim Peake launches competition to name ExoMars Rover READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/astronaut-tim-peake-launches-competition-to-name-exomars-rover
  2. READ MORE HERE: https://www.thednrc.org.uk/whats-happening-on-now/we-are-fundraising/a-poem-to-remember.aspx
  3. Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 12:00 We have today referred the energy market to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) for a full investigation. The CMA will begin its investigation immediately and will likely publish its final decisions by the end of 2015. Clear the air The investigation is an important opportunity to clear the air and should ensure competition in the energy market effectively bears down on costs and drives improvements in customer service and innovation. This will help rebuild consumer trust and confidence in the market. It will also help to provide the certainty that is needed for investment in the energy sector and complement our recent reforms to make the market simpler, clearer and fairer for consumers. Supplier distrust Our recent assessment of the energy market, which we prepared with the Office of Fair Trading and CMA, showed that competition isn’t working as well as it should for consumers. It showed increasing distrust of energy suppliers, uncertainty about the relationship between the supply businesses and the generation arms of the six largest suppliers, and rising profits with no clear evidence of suppliers reducing their own costs or becoming better at meeting customer expectations. Investigation features The CMA can decide which features of the market to focus on in its investigation and use its powers to address any structural issues that would undermine competition. We fully expect the CMA to consider the action we’ve taken to intensify competition and protect consumers. The main areas we expect they will include in the investigation include: the relationship between the supply businesses and generation arms of the six largest suppliers barriers to entry and expansion for suppliers the profitability of the six largest suppliers whether there is sufficient competition between the large energy suppliers the trend of suppliers consistently setting higher prices for consumers who have not switched low consumer engagement that contributes to weak competitive pressure in the market We will play a full role assisting the CMA and will continue our work to protect consumers. This includes pushing forward next-day switching, improving the support available for vulnerable consumers in finding the best energy deal, developing new rules for brokers to follow in the non-domestic market, and working with government to ensure consumers get the maximum benefit from the smart meter revolution. A CMA investigation should ensure there are no barriers to stop effective competition bearing down on prices and delivering the benefits of these changes to consumers.
  4. The OFT today issued a Statement of Objections alleging that Booking.com B.V. (Booking.com), Expedia Inc (Expedia) and InterContinental Hotels Group plc (IHG) have infringed competition law in relation to the online supply of room only hotel accommodation by online travel agents. http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2012/65-12
  5. Ive been working part time for a photography company for some time now as a freelance photographer on a commission basis under contract so I could access their equipment and venues. One of the clauses in the contract states I may not work for a competitor or be affiliated with one within 360 days of leaving the company. Now the main reason im leaving is due to a change in management, the guy who took over has given all the work to his friends or people who have been employed longer than me and for at least two months ive had no work, or been offered work that does not even pay for fuel costs to get to the venue. Sounds petty I know, and its not like I can prove this to be the case but that's whats happened so all I can do is leave to look for work elsewhere. What I need to know is, is that clause enforceable under these conditions?
  6. Hello , I'm new to this forum but hope someone can advise me on the following. I have worked for 2 days per week in a retail shop as assistant manager for 11 years. It's a small friendly shop where I often advise customers and get involved in stock ordering.I effectively run the shop for several weeks of the year when the owner is abroad. The owner is 'getting on' and is preparing to put the business up for sale. As part of this she has asked me to sign a contract of employment which seems to be of standard format but I am not happy to include the non-competition clause which states that I will not engage in any business connected with any of her suppliers,or contacts etc for the period of one year. (It's obviously written in more legalese than that) In the course of my self-employed life (the other 5 days!) I already deal with several of the same suppliers which she is aware of. If she sells, I may not stay with the new owner, but until the time comes I'm not sure yet quite what I will do. I do not want to have my hands tied especially for that amount of time. My question is this: as she is unwilling to remove that clause altogether what do you think would be the shortest amount of time that I could offer.....and maybe I could offer not to set up in retail although I'm sure I would expand my internet sales. What would be considered reasonable.....I really don't want to fall out over this but we are both unsure as to how to proceed. thanks in advance
  7. This follows a lengthly investigation by the OFT into the motor insurance market. http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2012/44-12
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