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  1. Very unhappy with this company. We bought a printer via an online marketplace site. bircat offered an attractive price and said the printer was in stock and stated an estimated delivery time. They took payment straight away but every time we checked the order status it just said it was being prepared. After about a week, we rang the marketplace helpline and they said they would tell bircat to contact us. When they did, it was to say that the item was in stock but they should have the printer in about three weeks. We cancelled the order but nearly a week later bircat haven't refunded the payment they took. Trustpilot has a few recent reviews of bircat where people had payment taken and were left in limbo waiting for their items. Never again HB
  2. i bought my graphics card (PC part) in October and the Part isn't usable because it is broken. I sent it to Ebuyer for an RMA on the 29th January I've had to chase it up 3 times since then since their turn around is supposed to be 3-5 days 10 days later I still hadn't heard anything back. The 3 times I've called (after the 5 day period) I was told the card was given to another member of staff "with experience with such things" then today after being on hold for 50 minutes I was told my card is being sent to Hong Kong and to expect a 28 day wait AFTER they receive it. that will be a 2 and a half month turn around for an RMA when they state on their site, you can choose direct replacement and it'll take between 3-5 days. I sent an email with the information below: I bought the card using finance from Close Brothers Personal Finance and I'm still paying for something I have no access to. I read the Consumer Rights Act 2015, part 1, chapter 2, section 23 - right to repair or replacement and in that it states; in response to (3): In no way did i say to them i wanted the graphics card repaired. In 95% of cases they can't be repaired due to the nature of their manufacturing process. I clicked the option that states on their site "Direct replacement" In response to (3,b): How exactly is a direct replacement disproportionate since the retailer would get either a replacement item or a refund for the item? How is it disproportionate to expect a direct replacement when on your site it asks what you want as an outcome and i selected direct replacement? In response to (5): i bought the graphics card for heavy 3D rendering work which I do as a side job in my spare time and haven't been able to make money since this. I was expecting a replacement in 7 days not 2 and a half months. And this is the reply I got to the email i sent: Palit (the card maker) states on their website that if the card wasn't bought from them the retailer is responsible for RMA requests. how does a retailer as big as Ebuyer think this is acceptable behaviour. Surely under UK law Since it's under 6 months old and it was bought on finance and it's an electronic good surely there are protections in place for this sort of thing past what I've already posted because apparently they can just shoo that away? What am i supposed to do here? I feel like this is an utter joke. I had no communication, no warning, they changed their own terms to suit themselves and I'm without my £1300 purchase (that i'm still paying for without access to) due to what can only be described as a manufacturing problem with the card and their absolute lack of customer service? I honestly feel stuck and like I'm being played for a fool. Someone please help.
  3. I booked a hotel last week on Hotels.com. I found it a lot cheaper on another website, filled out the online form for a price guarantee and Hotels.com responded and confirmed they would match it. I was told that I should pay the hotel directly and then within 72 hours after check out I would be refunded.. I did all of this, on day of check out I contacted them and they said to wait a little longer. They then said that they would not do the price match as they could not verify it, I said I am not accepting that etc. They said they would but they said that my details are not matching (email or telephone number that I booked with). I am 100% sure that I booked with the details I have given them, plus I have email confirmations of my reservation going directly to my email that I have given, along with my phone number. They have told me that they cannot do anything without the correct details. I have provided screenshots etc but they are not having it. I think that hotels.com have changed my details so that I can not benefit from the price guarantee. Any idea what I should do? It is quite a bit of money that I am due back! Thanks!
  4. I bought a dash cam from wish.com and when it arrived I realised that it wasn't a 1080p camera as advertised it was only 720p. I returned the item, but wish will only refund the initial outlay and will not cover the cost of my return. I have pointed out to them that they should be covering this cost also seeing as the goods were misrepresented but they won't change their stance. I will probably write off the money seeing as it is only £2.79. They seem to be based in San Fransisco (though also have an address in Amsterdam), would they be covered under the Consumer Contracts Regulations or the Consumer Rights Act. Also who would I report their business practises to if they are covered, Trading standards?
  5. Hello Caggers! Not sure which category this really should go into... It involves both EBookers & Halifax so wasnt sure where to put in Holidays or Halifax so have put it here for now... Anyway, I have managed to get into a sticky situation with Ebookers and Halifax (Section 75 team) and could really do with some advice with this as have exhausted all avenues now and have hit a brick-wall with both Ebookers (owned by Expedia) and Halifax (Lloyds Banking section 75 team). This is rather a long post so I can tell you everything that has happened regarding this. I would grab a cuppa before continuing, and I’ll try and keep this brief… Here we go! My sister travelled to Spain in July this year and had booked a Villa through Airbnb. On arrival this turned out to be unsuitable for a number of reasons (this is being dealt with separately with Airbnb). This turned out to be quite upsetting after the first night so my sister rang from Spain to see if there is anything I could do. At this point I quickly realised from the pictures I received they needed to get out of their and find somewhere else. This is where the problems began! I went off to Expedia, Booking.com, various websites etc looking at hotel rooms around Lloret de Mar for 2 Adults and 2 Children (8 and 3). Eventually, stumbled across a hotel being sold by Ebookers which was all-inclusive and the room stated it was a family room with 1 Double & 2 Singles – Perfect! Phoned my sister back, said I found a hotel, blah blah, send link over so she could see photos etc. Told her that I will book on my credit card here and we can sort out the money when you get home. All good, so went off and booked. Total cost £1,144.37 for 9 nights. Confirmation email arrived, forwarded over to sister who was then in car travelling to hotel. Sister arrives at hotel, checks in etc and goes to room to find a small room with only 2 Single Beds. They go back to Reception to be told initially that is a family room! Sister askes where the kids are going to sleep. A lot of ‘flap’ ensues with Reception phoning different people. Told to go back to room and someone will be along shortly with a solution. Sister messages photos over WhatsApp and basically says not sure what is going on… I told her to sit tight for a bit and see what happens. Eventually she went back to the hotel reception and spoke to a manager. They explained that the hotel keeps having this issue where Ebookers place a booking with them, but the rooms are not suitable for a family of 4. They apparently have made Ebookers aware of this but it keeps happening. The only ‘solution’ the hotel could provide was to put another 2 beds into the room. By this point it is gone 7pm in Spain, my sister and family went off for dinner whilst they waited for housekeeping to add the extra beds into the room. However, when they got back to the room, I can only describe from the description and photos sent that the extra beds were basically shoehorned into the room. Literally all the beds are touching together (one huge bed – kids loved it!) however, you now could not open the balcony door at all, had to climb over the beds to physically get into bed, couldn’t open drawers because the bed was touching them, and was very difficult to get into the bathroom, let alone trying to move with 2 suitcases in the room as well. Anyway, this is now up to 8.30pm and the kids are tired. My sister now getting very upset, returns to Reception. Manager has gone home. Asks if this is really the best they can come up with and there are no larger rooms available? None. All rooms are the same size. Asks for a manager who is just the night manager who says he cannot do anything until manager returns in the morning. Sister then rings me in tears, doesn’t know how they will be able to stay in a room like this for 9 nights, is fed-up, tired etc. Told her to calm down, the kids are fine (and loving the huge bed ), told her I will call Ebookers and get them to step in and try and sort this out or get them to move the reservation to a suitable hotel. I then call Ebookers, and spend basically the next 3 HOURS on the phone dealing with the *worst* customer service I have ever experienced. All ‘contact’ is with Customer Services in India who in my opinion have no empathy towards the customer situation, and I ended up just getting transferred to multiple people who couldn’t do anything and kept trying to refer me to the hotel. I even ended up getting transferred to Ebookers ‘wholesaler’ of rooms, HotelBeds, who were surprised to even have a customer on the phone. Ended up telling me sister to go to bed, nothing can be done tonight and will sort out in the morning. I then spent the evening looking at other hotels in the area, and cross-checking details to make sure the room was actually suitable. Found a couple of places, but both more expensive. Called up the hotel the following morning and spoke to the manager. Explained everything that happened yesterday with Ebookers and the hotel and made it quite clear that the current room set up was unsuitable and either a larger room needed to be provided or transferred to another hotel (the hotel is part of a chain and has a number of hotels in the area). Manager said give me 30 mins to check with his reservations team etc. Called back and was told that there was a room available in a hotel further up coast (20 mins away in car) which was large family room, but as this class of hotel was different, there would be an extra charge of £400 (£400 something – can’t remember exact figure). Told him this would be fine and go ahead and change the booking. Sister and family had breakfast and packed up and travelled up to other hotel and finally began their holiday. So, upon their return to the UK, got all the details, photos, confirmation emails etc etc altogether and fired an email off to Ebookers customer services. Waited and waited and waited (14+ Days – no response). Called up, asked for this to be escalated as had not heard anything. Apparently, the reason I was hearing nothing back from Ebookers was because the difference of name on the email and the reservation. Was advised that it was not Ebookers issue and to take it up directly with the hotel. Refused and told Ebookers that I booked with them, not the hotel and they are the hotels agents and they need to deal with the hotel. Complaint went back into Ebookers system and silence continued. Got fed up with this and emailed CEO of Expedia and Head of UK Customer Service for Ebookers. Complaint was then escalated internally to ‘Premier’ Customer Service at Ebookers. After some emails, back and forth, Ebookers refunded the £400 or so to change hotels, along with £100 compensation. Refused this, explained that due to spending upwards of 8 hours dealing with this, I would like a full refund of the initial £1,144.37 paid also. Ebookers refused. Told Ebookers this is your final chance to ‘put this right’ and learn from their ‘mistakes’ before I asked Halifax to put a chargeback through. Told there was nothing further that could be done. Emailed back to the CEO explaining my full disgust and disappointment with whole situation etc etc. Called Halifax Credit Card and explained briefly all the above. Told that this was enough to on. Halifax then sent a letter about a week later asking to send more info and this could be emailed across. Did this, hear nothing for weeks. Chased, told they would be in touch. Eventually this escalated into a complaint with Lloyds Banking due to no contact (was 30+ days since sending info). Then received two emails sent by different people at Lloyds apologising over delay. Turns out they had lost emails etc. Re-sent info over and asked if this could be looked at as a priority. I then receive the below via email from Halifax on Friday 28th Sept: Dear Mr 123NeilyB Card Number: **** **** **** 1234 Transaction Details: Ebookers.com Transaction Amount: £1,144.37 Transaction Date: 19/07/2018 I am contacting you regarding the above transaction. I am sorry to learn of the difficulties you are experiencing with this merchant. Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 covers purchases made using the card costing between £100 and £30,000, where a misrepresentation or breach of contract has been proven. I would advise that you as "the cardholder" are the debtor in this agreement and therefore must establish a valid claim for breach of contract or misrepresentation against the merchant to whom you made the card payment. In this instance, the agreement is between yourself, and the merchant, Ebookers.com, who have fulfilled their obligations by passing the funds to HTOP Olympic Hotel. Any breach of contract is by HTOP Olympic Hotel, who is not a party to the credit card transaction. If you accept this decision and you still wish to pursue the matter with Ebookers.com, you may want to seek independent advice, perhaps from your local Trading Standards Office or Citizens Advice Bureau. I am sorry that this may not be the outcome that you were hoping for however I hope that you will understand this decision. Yours Sincerely, A.Person | Customer Service Advisor | Section 75 | Card Operations | Lloyds Banking Group  Andover Credit Card Operations, BX1 1LT  [email protected] Now, to me, this email in itself contradicts what it is trying to say. I called Halifax Credit Cards to try and get an explanation. Told that ‘Section 75’ team do not deal with inbound calls, and advisor could not see actual email above but could see the correspondence between Halifax Section 75 team and Ebookers. After pushing the advisor for an explanation of how Section 75 have come to the above, it transpires this comes down to the fact that Ebookers have responded to Halifax and according to Ebookers terms and conditions of booking, they accept no liability in the accuracy of information on their website. This left me rather astounded. In my eyes they have just ‘wriggled out’ of this by relying on their T&C’s. I have responded to the above email to the Section 75 team with the below email (not mentioning that I have called up and spoken to someone and know about Ebookers trying to wriggle out by relying on their T&C’s) Dear Mr Section 75 Advisor. Thank you for your email. I have tried to call and discuss this but apparently the ‘Section 75’ department is not ‘customer facing’. I find the below email misleading. Let me break this down piece by piece: I would advise that you as "the cardholder" are the debtor in this agreement and therefore must establish a valid claim for breach of contract or misrepresentation against the merchant to whom you made the card payment. Correct – The merchant in question is Ebookers.com In this instance, the agreement is between yourself, and the merchant, Ebookers.com – Correct up to here - who have fulfilled their obligations by passing the funds to HTOP Olympic Hotel. Any breach of contract is by HTOP Olympic Hotel, who is not a party to the credit card transaction. Incorrect – it is not my job as the consumer to identify breach of contract between the website and the hotel. I booked and PAID to EBookers, not the hotel. If a reversal is performed, then it is up to EBookers to recoup their losses from the hotel. At the end of the day, due to a mistake either by either EBookers or HTOP Olympic Hotel, my sister and her family suffered due misrepresentation because the website was misleading. So, as I do not accept this ‘decision’, I would like this escalating higher within Halifax/Lloyds to be re-assessed. Kind regards, 123NeilyB So, fellow Caggers, thank you for reading all the way to the end! Note, I have DSAR’d Halifax already to get ‘everything’ they have regarding this as they refused this give the info over email the other day. Just to see what they have been 'discussing' with EBookers... Also, I don’t think I will get anywhere by going back to Ebookers – they have already stated their case. The hotel I am pretty certain will just point me back to Ebookers. Just a note. If Ebookers had been cooperative at the beginning and the problem had been sorted on the evening this all happened, then we would had no issues paying the booked rate at all. It was the subsequent failures by Ebookers that have really upset us and that is why we were looking for a full refund. Thanks a lot. Neil & Kim
  6. Hi folks and thanks for taking an interest. I have a consumer issue which I would like some opinions on please? Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place. On 18/07 I selected and booked accommodation for two nights via the Booking.com website for a place called Juras Mols in Bigauņciems Latvia. I was hoping for a few days away from consumer related hassle, ha ha, must have broken a mirror recently. The website clearly says on the accommodation page: 2nd Paragraph: “Guests can enjoy a sauna and a heated indoor pool. ….” 4th Paragraph: “Free Wi-Fi and free private parking are available. …” My children very much enjoy swimming pools when they’re not on the internet and my wife also enjoys saunas and so I booked on the basis of the information supplied. The general facilities tab for the accommodation shows: Pool and wellness • Swimming Pool • Indoor pool (all year) • Fitness centre (Additional Charge) • Sauna Internet • WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge. All rooms include: “Private bathroom, Hairdryer, Ironing facilities ….” From the rooms available at the time I booked a “Standard Quadruple room with Balcony” containing 2 single beds and 2 bunk beds at a total price of €138 which I paid via a Visa Debit card though the web site. The description of the accommodation and facilities along with the claim on the web site of the 2nd best hotel in Bigauņciems gave me good expectations that the accommodation would suit our needs for an enjoyable break. (laughable really as when I got there, I found there are only 2 hotels in that location ). On arrival we were met by a member of staff, who showed us the common dining room and kitchen and took us to room Num 3 where we were shown the door to our ‘balcony’. This was in fact a metal fire escape leading to the ground. It had close growing conifer trees and overlooked the ‘hotel’ junk yard which I obviously photographed for the record. We asked about the “pool” as we could not see anything that might be a pool and were told that there was no pool and no sauna available. My wife later discovered on the second evening while having a conversation with a member of staff in Russian that there was a sauna in a room marked “Private”, but that (paraphrased), ‘we don’t use it because we have so many guests’. Later we were allowed to store our luggage for a couple of hours between check out and departure in the same Private room. We saw that it was being used as a store room with mattresses and bed linen and was obviously not available to guests. The staff clearly didn’t want us to photograph this room. The only sign of any ‘pool’ was an empty circular ‘plunge pool’ of not more than 1m diameter. Wifi: The facilities says, “WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge.” The normal expectation of a reasonable person would be that this would provide access to the internet. (Isn’t there something about internet access being a basic human right?). In truth is was sometimes possible to get a Wifi connection, but it did not give Internet access in most parts of the building that I tried. It was useless to us, unless we were in the common dining area on the ground floor. Not a complete disaster, but certainly not what was advertised. We returned from the beach on the first evening around 9 p.m. we found the shower was broken, and judging by the condition of the broken fitting, was of a long standing nature. Not the biggest problem in the world to hold the shower head up, although more difficult for the children to shower on their own, but certainly not a quality experience. Soon thereafter my children complained to me that the hot water in the shower had gone cold. I checked and there was no hot water from the shower or sink. I went to the reception and was told that it was because too many people had used the shower and that the accommodation’s boiler wasn’t able to make enough, but that it would be ok in about an hour. We ate and I checked the water on several occasions up until midnight and it was always cold. I checked again in the morning when it was at best tepid. So I ‘enjoyed’ two invigorating cold showers. I checked again in the late evening following our return from a day trip and again the water was cold. I spoke with another guest who said that they had never had hot water on any evening of their stay. – I took their name and address. This property and the facilities available to guests had clearly been misrepresented. Due to the lack of the advertised facilities: Wifi, proper balcony, indoor pool and sauna etc., I photographed and noted all of the problems and kept a copy of the website pages. I contacted the booking .com customer services on my return and informed them that I considered them to be in breach of contract due to their misrepresentation of the hotel and requested a full refund and claimed damages by way of the cost of a trip to the nearest indoor swimming pool with a sauna. I said that: I believed it was an express term, of the contract for services, that the facilities described would be provided as part of my booking at this hotel. It was also an implied term that the service provided would be done so with reasonable care and skill. Under UK law there are a number of pieces of legislation that provide consumer protection from unscrupulous or negligent traders, namely the: Misrepresentation Act 1967, Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (amended 2014), Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 and most recently the Consumer Rights Act 2015. I note now from their website that they disclaim liability for pretty much everything and state that “any dispute arising out of these general terms and conditions and our services shall exclusively be submitted to the competent courts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.” I said I would be most surprised if there was not similar provision for consumer protection from misrepresentation by a business under the Dutch Civil Code. I also believe that Article 6 of EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DIRECTIVE 2005/29/EC – the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive covers misleading business practices (“A commercial practice shall be regarded as misleading if it contains false information and is therefore untruthful or in any way, including overall presentation, deceives or is likely to deceive the average consumer, ….”), is generally applicable in this instance. And in any event the Consumer Right Directive 2013 should still apply. First off they claim to have not received my email. Then they offered 25 Eur compensation without acknowledging or answering any point of my claim. Next they said that it was difficult after the event and again offered 25 Eur. They now claim that: it’s nothing to do with them as they are just an ‘advertiser’, that the hotel does not accept my complaint and again they offered 25 Eur. I have raised the matter on the ODR platform for what it is worth. I have asked Visa about a charge back and they have said, “It’s a very weak claim, but if you want to submit it we’ll take a look.” Misrepresentation of the fraudulent kind is fairly clear in my eyes. I’ve taken a look at the Resolver web site, but that talks about legislation relating to package holidays, which I don’t believe is appropriate for room only bookings. So, please: 1 Am I barking up the wrong tree or being unrealistic in expecting things to be as described? 2 Anybody know about the ‘harmonisation’ of consumer laws across Europe or the Dutch Civil Code? 3 Which is the most appropriate legislation? 4 Anybody had experience of the “European Small Claims Procedure” (I hope I've included the relevant link) Thanks in advance for any info. Dave
  7. I have used this company in the past, at least 2 times for low value items where their £20 base compensation amount would suffice on my last experience I used them to carry an item of higher value and that is where things started unfolding. As a parcel broker, I though they are just brokers like travel agencies I was wrong because the moment you purchase a delivery slot through their company with one of the main shipping agents such as UPS, DHL, TNT, Royal Mail, Parcel Force, YODEL and many others, you cease to be the sender of the package as they are the sender/shipper so the actual shipping companies don’t want to know you and always refer you to the [removed] at Parcel2Go.com. For my most recent service request, I booked a collection through Parcel2Go via UPS late October with next day delivery on 1st November for a printer I purchased from eBay The seller kindly agreed to allow me to organise collection at my own cost through my own courier of choice. 1st November came and late in the afternoon, the UPS delivery driver arrived at the delivery address and rang the bell to state that he has a parcel for us to my surprise, moments later he stated that the parcel in question was not my one and that my parcel would follow on the next delivery. I could clearly see my parcel in the back of his van with exactly the same box, make and model of the item ready to be unloaded but the packaging appeared to have been tampered with. After the driver stated that he actually has 3 more of the same boxes in his van and that my one would be delivered on the next delivery, I took his word for it and let him go here I was wrong because that was indeed my package. (I am taking this matter with the UPS on a separate complaint and will also address this issue with the driver in question in due course) This is where things get even uglier by the day. I contacted Parcel2Go via chat after that day passed and no delivery took place the same day or the next day or the day or week after. They started a so-called investigation. During this time the tracking details for my parcel were updated to state that my parcel was incorrectly sorted and then days later it was updated to state that my parcel was now damaged. I made countless calls to UPS and made countless chat contacts with Parcel2Go.com to ensure that regardless of the damage to my parcel every effort was made to return my parcel to the address on the shipping label. Whilst the [removed] at Parcel2Go claimed that they were making call and sent emails to UPS to request that the parcel would be returned to the original delivery address, UPS was telling me to go back to Parcel2Go as they are their customer not myself and that they are the official shipper not myself even though I booked the collection and I am the recipient of the parcel. UPS was able to confirm on numerous calls that Parcel2Go was not telling the truth about the state of my parcel and that due to confidentiality reasons they urged me to go back to them they kept on apologising day after day without offering any concrete solution. UPS agents did however confirm that Parcel2Go did not make any contacts with them regarding a request to allow my parcel to continue its journey to the original delivery address. Clearly Parcel2Go agents acted dishonestly and gave me incorrect information on every occasion. I recorded all my phone conversations with UPS and have kept all the chat logs with Parcel2Go in case the matter escalates. I am now glad I did because things took another turn from bad to worse. Following many contacts with UPS and Parcel2Go, I was then told that UPS could not return my parcel to my address and that it had to go back to the sender (Parcel2Go warehouse). I was then given numerous assurances by Parcel2Go that my parcel, regardless of its state would then be returned to my address. Subsequently, I was told by UPS that the parcel was indeed sent to Parcel2Go and then during another live chat session, the agent from Parcel2Go did confirm that the parcel was at their warehouse and that it would be returned to my original delivery address as agreed. By this time, as per their claims process, my claim for damage in transit was settled with an offer of £20+shipping fees but here is when things got worse. After 2 weeks passed since my last contact and the promise of return of my parcel (as recorded on chat logs), during one live chat where I queried what was happening, this time I was told that my parcel is now lost in transit. I challenged them but they kept on giving me scripted excuses, apologies but no concrete response. I was very shocked and complained to their claims department but they kept on stating that as my original claim for the damage in transit was settled there was nothing else they could do. [Removed] Because they have non-disclosure agreement with the courier company, the customer is always sent back to Parcel2Go and the courier does not accept any liability. [Removed] I am giving you a brief account of my experience here [Removed] as well as false promises about the actions they would take to resolve my issue. In the end I wrote to their CEO and every other email address I could find because they don’t have a dedicated customer service call centre and all I get was a bunch of staff with fake aliases or accounts of what they will do to resolve my issue but no honest action on the problem. As a result, I demanded for them to at least refund me the declared value of the item plus compensation for the stress and inconvenience caused for more than a month they even failed to realise and acknowledge their underhanded practices aside from scripted apology lines. I am now convinced that if I had taken insurance for my parcel , I am sure they would have jumped upside down to get my parcel back to me and to find excuses to pay less or no compensation. Just because I did not take insurance, they are trying to take advantage of the situation like they have done with many other people. I am very disgusted, angry and disappointed with authorities for allowing such a dishonest company to trade. They are [Removed] with disgusting ways of dealing with customer complaints and have no regard for customer service. They should be banned from trading. I gave up on dealing with them directly, so here is what I am planning to do with immediate effect; 1. I will publish my story on every forum, website where there is concerns raised about [Removed] so that others don’t fall into the same trap that I did. 2. I will report this matter to the local trading standards in Bolton, {removed] 3. I will use social media to highlight the dangers of dealing with these dishonest companies and will name and shame each of their employees that are involved. 4. I will log a complaint with ActionFraud to get the police involved in investigating [Removed] 5. I will initiate a Small Claims Court action to recover my losses. I have sufficient evidence to sue them thanks to their chat logs and the UPS call records as well as emails but what will they have to defend themselves. Hope justice will be done to prevent them from trading any longer. More importantly eBay and other responsible companies should not allow the services/lack of Parcel2Go and the likes ever. Stay clear of this company at all costs. If you have been a victim then do not wait and put up with their crap, take the matter further and report to the relevant authorities and take action to recover your losses. Don’t be an easy target.
  8. Can someone please help me I am going round in circles and can not navigate this forum at all I am disabled and my head is so foggy and I need help Please So sorry new here and finding this all a bit confusing and not sure where to post. I am in an argument with Jackpot.com who say I clicked a subscription box when I did not. I popped on there occasionally to bet on the EuroMillions or so I thought. Turns out I wasn't actually buying tickets for the draw but that is another issue entirely. So today I see £16 has gone out of my bank account so I ask them to cancel the subscription and to refund my money. They are refusing point blank to give me my money and gave me the run around all morning. Have I got any rights? Thanks in advance for any help at all
  9. Hi All, Just want some advise on where I stand from a consumer side of things, I purchased a HooverDXCC5962B_BK Washer Dryer in Black from AO on the 01/04/2017 for when we moved into our first home and last week it came up with a heat sensor error code (E11.) It washes but no longer dries (luckily I kept our old dryer in the shed so have been able to dry larger items) I made AO aware about a week ago of the issue and they passed me onto Hoover, so I dealt with Hoover and they sent someone out yesterday to repair the machine. He turned up on time (always nice these days) and replaced the sensor in about 15 minutes, so assuming it was all sorted he left. My partner then put a wash and dry load on before she left the house, on arriving back the error code was still there So back on the phone to AO who this time didn't automatically put me through to Hoover as it was out of their opening hours and I was told I would have to wait for her to call Hoover in the morning to arrange another appointment to have it repaired, I said that's fine and we agreed an appointment. I then asked what happens if this second repair doesn't work where do I stand as I don't want to be waiting days at a time for an appointment as I can't take any time off of work and my partner works shifts so timed / all day appointments can be a bit tricky, I was told that I would have to have Hoover out a "few" times to try and repair it if the previous repairs don't work. In legal / consumer terms what would be considered a "few" times before I can ask them to just replace it as it obviously isn't fit for it's purpose ? It wasn't a cheap machine and I don't want to be passed around in the middle of the two companies trying to get it sorted. Thanks in advance.
  10. Feel its not far off , sickening, especially when its being used to manage essentials https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/sep/18/britain-debt-timebomb-fca-chief-crisis
  11. Having been a loyal customer over a number of years every time I wanted to hire a car on holiday. When we were needing car hire from Stuttgart Airport to take us down to the Black forest I contacted Rental Cars. Com for a quote. They quoted a price I found acceptable and booked our hire car, this I found was through a supplier called Europcar. When we arrived at their airport rental desk the lady spoke poor English and after between us completing our hire agreement, she drew on a map to direct us to find our car a long walk away across the airport dragging two large cases and two cabin cases. I had requested a Sat Nav which I found still talking to me in German! I managed as it was built in to find a way to switch the language to English and we set off for our booked overnight stay in Stuttgart. After breakfast it was time to head off to our apartment in the black forest, and as we got onto the A8 and started to travel faster I noticed a smell of burning from the boot area but decided as it didn't get any stronger it may be the cat exhaust as I had not driven this make of car before. Fast forward to 2 days later now in the Black Forest this smell appeared again so I decided best to ring and tell Europcar of my smell and concerns of was this car safe to drive. The supplied number rang and was answered by a recorded German message which I didn't understand and after repeating it I was disconnected! So I left it and continued driving on our holiday and the smell again vanished. The day before we were due to leave the smell returned in the evening as I parked up. The following morning I went to the car to load the luggage in and couldn't open it, so this time I searched the internet for another number for Europcar. Rang it got answered and after finding some one who spoke English reported my problem and was told I needed to ring the other number as I was speaking to sales. When I explained he told me he would call them explain and get them to call me by someone that spoke English. They rang told me to remove a plastic handle insert so I could open the car with the key. Luckily I tried to start the engine as it was the battery that was dead, so I was told a local garage would be sent. One hour later this non speaking german man arrived started the car with a machine and passed me a piece of paper saying follow me to garage to check car! When we got to garage the owner appeared saying how you paying please? I told him to call this number which he did after asking us to both get out in the cold, and sitting in the car while he rang, he pushed a number before it disconnected him and he said will call back? After what seemed to be ages standing in the cold his phone rang he spoke in German he got out the car said ok and walked away. So we left and travelled back down the A8 to Stuttgart airport with this smell of burning still. I took a safety risk assessment not to go into a garage to bring the hire car back to full as it was meant to be returned. When we returned the car again I tried to tell the guy there was a fault and not to hire it out again before it had been checked but he didn't understand and just said ok go? I immediately rang Rentalcars.com to tell them of the problem and why i had not refilled the car and to contact Europcar urgently. I was requested to put all this in an email on my return which I did? Fast forward to three weeks later I am given a one day rental refund and told over the phone and confirmed by email that there would be no further charges due and the matter was now closed by Europcar so there would be no need to change my credit card number Europcar had. Three months later Europcar charged my credit card £83 which is for fuel and a penalty charge for returning the car not full as per their contract! After again contacting Rentalcars.com and sending emails too and throw I have never been given that money by either Europcar or Rentalcars.com so needless to say I am no longer a customer and I wanted to share this to warn others as this is a story that couldn't be made up I promise you! Thank You Soundguy:shock:
  12. Door2Tour.com are what is known as a holiday portal company and only offered holidays they booked through other companies. They Limit their liabilities to only £50 in their hidden Terms and Conditions on their website when they make a mistake leaving the customer with no where to go as they did us as well as never sending the £50 promised!! We booked and paid for a 7 day coach holiday to the rhine valley in Germany last Sept with Crusader coach holidays we thought. However when we rejoined our coach after crossing on the ferry our coach driver announced please put your passports away now as you won't need them again until thursday? Us and another couple we later found out thought he had made a mistake as we will return on Saturday. It transpired we were both on only a 5 day holiday so would be returning on Thursday. I rang Door2Tour back in the UK and was told just enjoy your holiday I will look into it and call you back tomorrow which she did and admitted they had made a mistake and it was only a 5 day holiday and they will discuss us losing 2 days holiday on our return. After the holiday the trouble started and the attitude of Door2Tour.com. We were told by the other couple to complain to Crusader coach holidays as their paperwork for the holiday was not clearly written which is why they had thought they were on a 7 day holiday also. We both discussed this with the coach driver, but were told he was a free lance driver so could do very little as he didn't work directly for the company. I made a complaint to Crusader Coach holidays as our itinerary stated we could see the barges going up and down the Rhine which was impossible without a 10 minute walk to the bank of the Rhine. Worst still the hotel was right next to the local main line railway station and freight trains run all night so all complained of not getting much sleep! I have since found out they have a different holiday hotel next to the Rhine this year? But guess what mine and many other complaints got nowhere I know from the Managing director of Motts travel who Crusader coach holidays are owned by confirming by email I had to address my complaint direct to Door2Tour and not Crusader and I also heard no one had any luck either. i was told by Door2Tour as a good will gesture I would receive a discount on booking another holiday through them but as per their T&Cs we are not entitled to any more compensation over and above this £50! When protested we had lost two days of our holiday I was told sorry that is it the cheque will be in the post. To this day it has never arrived so I thought I would write this post so others realise what a holiday internet portal only company can do by writing it into their T&Cs and there is nothing you can do about it if you don't have the money to sue. Thanks for reading Soundguy
  13. Hi, I paid for a night in a hotel that I booked via hotels.com. The price shown by hotels.com and the paper invoice that I got from the hotel was correct - however I have subsequently checked by card statement and see that a 2% surcharge was applied to the booking. Having checked the hotel listing, and the ts&cs I can see no detail of a 2% credit card surcharge anywhere and have printed out the website details as a permanent record. Where do I stand on this legally? I was under the impression card charges must be clearly stated? Thanks Abe
  14. I recently had problems with a B&B booked through Bookings.com. The accommodation was paid up front to Bookings.com. Once back home I complained to the company, who initially were most apologetic but informed me they had nothing to do with my complaint as they only act as intermediaries. They advised I take the matter up with the accommodation owners. The internet advert on Bookings site was misleading and just plain wrong. It is my understanding that once money changes hands that a contract is said to exist. This is between buyer and person /s who originally receives the money. Although bookings.com are HQ in Netherlands, they have an office in England, so I maintain that they are subject to SOGA & Consumer Protection Rules. They don't even think I am allowed to try & sue them in a Small Claims Court. In other words, like a well known major cut price retailer, they think they are not subject to UK law. They have now stopped corresponding and say the matter is now closed. Even although I said we are waiting for medical evidence.
  15. i have posted on this mse forum to get more info Hi all I have been given a run around by stove cooker manufacturer and Ao.com. I recently purchased a stove cooker and fridge from ao.com . It was purchases around june time . i purchased it on finance via v21. The cooker is called SFG60DOP . A few weeks after we brought it the rubber feet on the pan support melted away . i phoned the manufacturer and they sent new pan support. A few week down the road the pan support melted away again and there was discoloration around the large hob. Looks like the paint has bubbled up. The oven was also taking a lot of time to heat up.Just baking fish finger would take around an hour and half. They way they have fixed the rubber under pan support is not very professional .i took images of the rubber support when i received the new pan support. Before it was used I got images but i cant post link here being a new user. i phone the manufacturer again and they decided to send new pan support and book an engineer. The engineer placed his tester in the oven .He said if the temperature reaches around 15C near the targeted temp then the oven is working fine . The oven reached the temp and he said it looks okay..He couldn't explain why the food takes so long in the oven where in the old oven it took just 30 minutes Regarding the burnt mark he said this happens due to over hanging pots. Meaning we are using large pots. According to engineer this is also causing the rubber on pan support to melt. Engineer didn't look or took any pictures of the pots. He said stove will be in touch. Two weeks later i called stove and asked what they will do about the cooker.they said as i was using large pan , it is not covered under the warranty.I measured the diameter of the pots and the largest have is 10 inches pressure cooker. i told this to stove and there manager said pressure cooker is not designed to be used on this cooker. therefore i am not covered under manufacture warranty. I am only supposed to use small pans on this cooker. we are a family of four and my wife has been using this pressure cooker for a long time.our old cooker never got burnt. Nearly everyone i know uses the same size pressure cooker and their gas hob is fine. I phoned AO then.they contacted Manufacturer. they came back to me saying the same thing. They will not help me as i was using wrong pots. i have looked the manual page 7 and it doesn't mention pressure cooker. Manual is available on stove website. All it says in the manual is Always ensure that pan bases are dry and flat before using them on the hob. • Always position pans over the centre of the heat zone, and turn the handles to a safe position so they cannot be knocked or grabbed. • Always use pans which are no smaller than 100 mm (4”), or larger than 250 mm (10”) in diameter. • Limit the maximum flat based pan diameter to 230 mm (9”) above the wok burner, if two or more other hotplate burners are in use at the same time. • Always match the size of pan to the heat zone – do not use large pans on small zones or vice versa. Neither AO mention on there website that do not use this cooker with a pressure cooker. Has anybody come across this.I am never buying anything from AO.com or Stove made appliances. naf
  16. Hi I only just noticed that £13.99 had been taken from my Santander123 cureent account by Ancestry.com via DD !!!!!! I checked the DD and it states it started on 29/07/16 and i most DEFINITELY did not start/confirm this Direct Debit. Thus far they have taken £13.99 on 29/07/16 and today 02/09/16 !!!!!! How do i go about cancelling this, i can not recall using this service !!!!! I have an excellent credit rating and am more worried about it effecting that. Also i have no details of an account with them, so would not know how to even 'log in' to cancel it on their site. Anyone advise. Thanks Little update, i had full info on the DD, it has been taken by - Payee name: GLOBAL COLLECT BV RE ANCESTRY.COM I have NEVER authorised this !!! Anyone advise ? Thanks
  17. I met Mr Toussaint Davy ("Mr Davy") whilst in Spitalfields Market, London. Mr Davy was purchasing sugar cane for his business "Jamaicadeli.com", which sells, amongst other things, sugar cane juice. I agreed to assist Mr Davy with selling sugar cane juice at Nottinghill Carnival and thereafter I occasionally assisted Mr Davy with his stand in a local food market As part of his business, Mr Davy supplies sugar cane juicers and advertises the same on his website. Mr Davy suggested I should purchase a sugar cane juicer for my own personal use and I agreed to order a juicer from one of his contacts in the Far East. On 12 April 2016, I paid £750.00 to Mr Davy by way of bank transfer. Mr Davy confirmed that the brand new sugar cane juicer would be delivered to me and he would test this before delivering it to me. Mr Davy advised that this process would take in the region of one month. Approximately one month after paying for the juicer, Mr Davy informed me that the juicer had arrived but it had been taken apart by HM Customs and damaged in the process; he was not therefore satisfied with the condition and he was awaiting a refund from HM Customs. Mr Davy assured me that he had ordered a new juicer that would arrive on or around the middle of June 2016. I tried to contact Mr Davy on numerous occasions but received no response. On 14 June Mr Davy informed me via text message that he was not satisfied with the response from HM Customs, and so he would give me a full refund. On 15 June 2016 I sent Mr Davy a letter requesting a refund of the £750 by no later than 5pm on 17 June. Mr Davy acknowledged this letter, but admitted that he would not be able to refund the money within such a short timescale. He confirmed that the money would be refunded by 19 June 2016 at the latest. On 20 June I had still not received a refund and so I sent a further letter to Mr Davy. Mr Davy acknowledged receipt of all of my correspondence the following day, and explained that he had had three juicers which had been damaged by HM Customs. He implied that a 'guy in Malaysia' was currently holding my money. I asked for proof of this and although Mr Davy initially agreed to provide the same, this has never been supplied. On 24 June Mr Davy agreed to transfer £250 to me and confirmed that the balance would be transferred the following week. I received the £250 on 27 June, but I had not received the outstanding £500, despite numerous telephone calls and text messages. Mr Davy failed to provide me the full refund, to which I am entitled and the outstanding balance amounts to £500. I entered into an oral contract with Mr Davy for the provision of a juicer and Mr Davy failed to provide the goods contracted for. He is thereby in breach of contract and accordingly, he is under an obligation to refund to me the cost of the goods. Additionally or in the alternative, by virtue of Section 28 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015, it can be argued that Mr Davy has refused to deliver the goods (the sugar cane juicer) and I may therefore treat the contract as having come to an end. Mr Davy is under an obligation to reimburse all payments made under the contract without undue delay and he has failed to do so to date. Due to being messed around by Mr Davy, I took it upon myself to employ solicitors. Having received various letters from solicitors Mr Davy decided to partly pay the outstanding £500 in various parts I can confirm that I received £100 on 3 August 2016 In addition, received a further £200 from Mr Davy on 18 October 2016. Lastly I received £50 from Mr Davy on 29 November 2016. This leaves a total of £150 outstanding, after 6 months and many solicitors letters. Seeing as any legal fees will now far exceed the value of my claim, I now have no other option then to issue proceedings myself against Mr Davy in the Small Claims Court. Please can fellow Caggers be so kind as to advise me of this process? Can I claim costs in the small claims court? What happens if I receive the £150 after lodging the claim with the small claims court. Sorry for the length of this post for a first post. Best wishes and seasonal greetings to all and thanks for taking the time out of your schedules to read my thread. Regards
  18. Please if you could help me in getting my money from funkyclock [problem]: 28 Oct VIS FR FUNKYCLOC.CO LONDON 75.97 28 Sep VIS FR FUNKYCLOC.CO LONDON 76.06 after 3 day trial period which they took which is not mentioned clearly. I want my money back. Please let me know how to go about getting my money 152.03 GBP back.
  19. https://www.clearscore.com/?gclid=CI7ZqNXNzscCFUbkwgodrcsM7A Just seen this advertised Seems it is connected some way to carphonewarehouse What is the catch?? Comments people??
  20. Just when I thought we were getting somewhere, now they won't answer emails. We ordered 2 carpets from them, only 1 was delivered. They arranged to deliver the outstanding carpet on 3 separate occasions. Nothing turned up. After several emails, with days and days in between, they agreed to a refund. That was over a week ago and nothing has been actioned. We have emailed them over the last 2 days to confirm it has been done. No replies. I have had enough and want to send a NBA. However, they do not have an address listed on the site Sorry could not post website address Where do i go from here? Thanks
  21. firstship


    Fridge/Freezer purchased from AO.com,June 2013, now not working,they suggest you contact the manufacturer for the repair,or they will arrange the repair through the manufacturer for you.This happened and the fault is on one of the circuit boards which they have ordered,7 days after the spare part being ordered they have advised me that the part is faulty it will be another 10+ days,they want to charge £75+vat for the call out and charge for the part which they have not a clue on the price of the part.Naturally I am totally unhappy and have told AO that I do not propose to pay for the call out or the part.I further advised them under SOGA the appliance was not fit for purpose and I want it replaced or repaired within 48 hours,I further want the cost of the frozen food refunded as the value of the food was just below the excess charge on my insurance,they continue to say it's out of warranty and they will review my costs and make a contribution towards the repair,which I have said is unacceptable and I am not interested in their warranty SOGA clearly state the goods must be FIT FOR PURPOSE and the appliance falls short on all counts,it appears they are not up to speed regarding SOGA.???? best way forward
  22. Hope we have some experts around to do with ATTACHMENT OF EARNINGS? .For Council Tax . I Have 2 at the moment , the council have now sent me a 3rd ,According to the council they not only sent me 1 set of letters , they sent me at least 3 ,really? ? they Did send my boss a form telling them that AOE would be taken until the total sum of both ,had been settled ,I DID RECeiVE 2 weeks later a letter stating the same, with a chart showing amounts allowed to be taken , Now I must admit to being number dyslexic , On a monthly wage of £867 Not exceeding £900. are they allowed to take 7%...gross pay. My wages for this mouth are £867.80 before deductions, for AEO1 They took £58.89 and AEO2 They took £54.77.Total £113.66. WITH all my other household bills, i am now left with just £23 a week ,and I also have to buy food mmmm , 1 way of loosing weight I suppose ? But are they allowed to leave you with So little money ? Rant over
  23. Hi, not sure if i have a case on this but thats why im asking I bought some trainers around 9 months ago from Kicks.com who are based in Germany. Some of the rubber started coming away on the back of the trainer so i sent them back. Although 9 months old they had rarely been worn so were in excellent condition. I'm normally very happy to accept store credit but in this case i've been looking at their site daily for about a month now and have not able to find anything i like in my size. Im a right fussy git when it comes to trainers. I emailed them numerous times over this period politely asking for a refund explaining the above but they have refused. As of last week they are now ignoring my emails. I just rang them today and they are sticking to their guns. Am i entitled to a full refund to my debit card at all? Thanks for reading.
  24. I used booking.com to book a hotel near Frankfurt for two nights in October this year, 12 Oct. and 10 Oct. I paid in full using a credit card for both nights. I have requested a cancellation and have been informed that I will forfeit the full price. An email has been sent to me requesting that I confirm either acceptance of this or do not cancel my booking. I have a notion that despite the fact I did not insure my booking, I am entitled to a refund, on the grounds that they have ample time to find another 'punter' and that they have had the use of my cash for 3 months now. Is this the case and if so what legislation can I quote back to booking.com/ hotel.
  25. Hi, I've spoken to the ICO about this a few times, but they've told me that they don't deal with individual complaints when it comes to "Internet Media". 192.com persist to put my personal information up on their site publicly, despite having written to them on several occasions to request that my name isn't used to promote their company. Anyhow, I'm sat here, another year later, another release of the Voter Role and voila... There I am again... What do I do with these email exchanges I have between myself and them getting my name removed. What do I do about the ICO. Despite filling in their form here: 1) http://statics.192.com/rel-4b316/downloads/C01.pdf 2) The emails which are obviously automated i.e. 10 in a row (spaced out over a week last year when I had the same issue), all reading the exact same (yet with different fonts). I've had a thought about this. Never once did I give them permission to sue my details to promote their business. As a director of a company, I'm in two minds whether to pop them a surprise "consultancy invoice" in place of the usually yearly opt out (which I didn't even opt in to). Any thoughts on that? This is driving me moggy. Cheers, A
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