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  1. Hi all, I'm a young lad, I'm trying to keep things as discrete as possible with my current situation. After leaving college, I went to work with someone that I classified as a friend (Who's a lot older than me) who needed someone in-house to build websites, apps, provide customer service and help in other areas in return for a £500 work retainer. In the beginning the work flow was small and I was happy to help as and when I can. There has never been a formal agreement signed from the outset. For the £500 retainer (Which he classes as good value for money) - He currently has strict rules over me which include: - Working 11 hours per day, 5 days a week. - Provide first hand web development, online application design, mobile apps, customer service (regarding website enquiries, telephone & email based), graphic design and proof reading. - Every day, I'm required to complete a document what says what tasks I've completed, what time i'm checking in and out of work etc. - I'm being asked to multi-task on various projects throughout the day, whether that is working on multiple website development, apps or other time lengthly work related tasks during the day. - More times than not, I'm being supervised based on the work that I'm completing throughout the day. If I try to get time out during the day to focus on other prioritises, I'm constantly being reminded that the £500 retainer will stop if I don't spend work from at least 9-5pm per day, sometimes 8am whilst 5pm. There is no form of any sort of employment or contractor agreement in place. It all began as a friendship which seems to have envolved in to a controlling situation where I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. I just feel like this is normality as this way of working has been the same for almost over 2 years now. Without blowing my own trumpet, I would say I have great talents when it comes to IT. I just feel like I'm wasting away at the moment and being paid very little for the amount of work and commitment I'm putting in. All I seem to get back in return is negativity to the point I'm being told I'm not being disciplined enough with the work I'm following through on a daily basis. I have no issues when it comes to committing to work, but I just feel like since there is no employment agreement in place, I just feel like I'm being taken fore-granted. I wanted to see what other people's thoughts are, I'm not sure if I'm going mad or whether I'm being paid a reasonable amount for the commitment I'm putting in. Thanks!
  2. I had a payday loan about 4.5 years ago when I was in a bit of a rut and didnt end up paying it back. The past few months they have bombarded me with emails to pay it back, around 61 emails to be precise - I have emailed them 3 times advising they are no longer to send me emails but they continue to do so and even replied to my email saying they will email for as long as the money is owed. I am sure I read somewhere that if you request a stop to call or any emails they have to by law comply - Is this right? I have even put them on notice that should they continue to send emails that I will charge then £15 for every email they have sent me - They has since sent me another 7 emails since that warning Where do I stand on this?
  3. I joined Vodaphone taking a phone for myself and one for my wife. We both got the free spotify on a 24 month contract. My wife has been charged £9.99 for spotify every month since March 2015 despite this being a included free option. Basically Vodaphone shop where I got the phone investgated and advised that when the data inputter put the contract on their main system they did not tick the box for free spotify! They would arrange for a refund to be automatically made each month. The first month this worked, then it did not again. I complained around 6 months later when I noticed the bill was for the incorrect amount (could finally check online after several months, assumed my wife has been sending pics home to her parents who live in Europe, hence the higher bill). Vodaphone sent a new link, we reloaded spotify, and they said they would refund the monies taken. A few months later, I checked the bills again, same problem, charged £9.99 each month for wife's spotify. Vodaphone said we must have done something wrong on our side. I did not think so but we went through the process again, but this time I went to the Vodaphone shop where the person set it all up on my wifes phone for us, to ensure no mistakes. Problem persisted... went through the same rigmarole again in April this year, 3rd attempt. Vodaphone assured us the monies would be refunded, the problem would be fixed. Also for all of my trouble, they would give me one month for free. Nothing changed, still same problem ,still same overbilling for spotify, £9.99 each month. I cancelled my direct debit, so currently owe Vodaphone for the June payment 4 days overdue now) . I spoke to them today, went through the long winded process, got bumped up to a higher complaint handler level, same promises etc. Here we are 15 months later, same problem. I have been overbilled £119.96, I asked Vodaphone to return the money, they said they would, less the outstanding bill. I suggested actually they have owed my that money cumulatively ocer the last 15 months, and i owed them money only for the last few days, so send me my full overcharge back, and I will pay the bill immediately. They said they couldnt do that, I suggested they could do that, but simply wouldnt. I told them I wished to cancel the contract as I have been complaining about the same problem for 15 months and they have not fixed it...for over a YEAR!! I was told there would be a penalty payment for cancelling my contract early (it expires March 2017) . I suggested by failing to fix the problem for 15 months, overcharging me each an every month, that they are in breach of contract, so they cannot charge me early cancellation penalty as there is no contract! UI am awaiting a call back from Vodaphone to resolve this, but I do not hold out any hope of the slightest satisfaction, they are a resolution avoidance machine, who design the whole procedure based on the fact people will just give up. I am very happy to go to small claims court or county court. I have no issue with them trashing my credit rating as I do not need any credit. I have been fortunate/lucky/successful in life so have no mortgage or need for one, plenty of savings to last me and mine, and happy to spend a few thousand pounds on a lawyer to take Vodaphone to court on a matter of principle, the principle being this company is acting as a bully and the customer service is stunningly bad. Just a review on google shows an incredible number of complaints over so many years it is mind boggling I would appreciate any feedback from people who hve had the same problem, I have seen the Vodaphone/Spotify/Overbilling issue via google with hundreds of people, so any current people having the same issue let me know Thank you
  4. Hi, I've spoken to the ICO about this a few times, but they've told me that they don't deal with individual complaints when it comes to "Internet Media". 192.com persist to put my personal information up on their site publicly, despite having written to them on several occasions to request that my name isn't used to promote their company. Anyhow, I'm sat here, another year later, another release of the Voter Role and voila... There I am again... What do I do with these email exchanges I have between myself and them getting my name removed. What do I do about the ICO. Despite filling in their form here: 1) http://statics.192.com/rel-4b316/downloads/C01.pdf 2) The emails which are obviously automated i.e. 10 in a row (spaced out over a week last year when I had the same issue), all reading the exact same (yet with different fonts). I've had a thought about this. Never once did I give them permission to sue my details to promote their business. As a director of a company, I'm in two minds whether to pop them a surprise "consultancy invoice" in place of the usually yearly opt out (which I didn't even opt in to). Any thoughts on that? This is driving me moggy. Cheers, A
  5. This is a letter i have drafted to some managers at orange and was wondering what else i could add as its getting beyond a joke now......thanks in advance Dear Sir I have been a orange customer for many years now and for the past few years I have put up with very poor reception in my house,It has come to the point that I have to write to you as the situation has become worse over the last year and a half. I had been in contact with your customer services A few years ago regarding the situation and was told "There's nothing we can do It's a bad area for signals",So i just left it at that but Half the time I have no signal and the other times I have one bar of signal sometimes I can be sitting indoors with my phone next to me and my home phone will go off with someone calling me on that after trying my mobile or my phone will come to life later with a message of a missed call all the time it has not been moved. It has come to the stage that if me or my partner(who is also on orange)want to use the phone to have a decent conversation we have to move towards a window and stand there trying to get a decent signal which I find unacceptable bearing in mind I'm paying orange over £500 per year(for my phone alone) for a service I am not receiving and my partner is paying her own contract...
  6. So Ive been being chased by Mackenzie hall for some time. They call me easily 5 times a day. I have an iPhone so i've blocked unknown calls, although a few still slip through. The annoying thing is, ive spoken to them, and told them outright that i WILL NOT give out any personal information over the telephone, and that if they wish to discuss the matter, to contact me by Post. Their perpetual calling wont change my view on the matter. Because they use spoofed numbers to call, Its made me paranoid about answering my phone, and i've actually missed some pretty important calls because of it. Having to delete two or three voicemails a day from their robot caller is getting on my nerves too. At what point does this become harassment and something i should report to the police?
  7. Hi, I had a Payday loan with Wage Day Advance which was sold to MMF about a month ago. Since then it has been nothing but non-stop harassment from them, I get around five to six forms of contact per day, either by email, text or phone call to both mobile and landlines. This even started prior to receiving a formal letter from Wage Day Advance stating they hold sold the account on! They are constantly threatening a home visit from one of their officers, each day I receive some form of contact detailing this. I have both written and emailed MMF enclosing the standard formal letters for telephone harassment. I also enclosed one for disputing the amount owed as it is incorrect. To date these letters have been ignored. Yesterday my wife received a phone call at home from MMF saying they were sending round an officer to our house. This was quite distressful for her to say the least. So I phoned MMF to find out what was going on as I had really had enough. I was advised that all contact numbers would be deleted and details of the account sent in the post. This morning I received ANOTHER email requesting that I phone them to make a form appointment for one of their agents to visit my property. If ignored they would just turn up at my home, they also stated they would be adding further interest and costs to the account. I appreciate it was foolish to dabble in a Pay Day loan to start with, but unfortunately my circumstances left me no choice, as it does for a lot of people out there. I really am struggling with this one now, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Not sure whether I should just take this to the Ombudsman now? Many thanks.
  8. Hi I would be grateful of anyones advice on this as I am now completely confused and dont know what to do for the best. ok this relates to council tax over a period of years due to an apparent overpayment of benefit...their mistake:-x 2006/2007 - £352.21 2007/2008 - £679.75 2008/2009 - £723.57 2009/2010 - £833.79 ok..so i had received a letter from the council/court saying they would be doing an attachment to my earnings to recover the monies owing starting from 2006 this began in Sept 2010. Now in June 2011 I was surprised to get a letter through my door from a bailiff for non payment of council tax...they called twice charging £24.50 for each letter I contacted the council as wanted to know why this was the case. They told me my attachment of earnings was only for 2006/07 but that would continue on to the next years once that was paid but the bailiff was coming for the 2009/2010! I asked them just to keep the attachment of earnings going to pay all of them once each was paid off as there was no way being a single mother could I afford to do both. They said nothing they could do as it was already with the bailiff. The bailiff called again at my house at the end of july 2011 and clamped my car telling me unless i paid in full he was taking it. I didnt have the money..he gave me 1 hour to come up with £600...thanks to family I raised it. he then told me I would have to pay £70 per month..I told him I didnt have that but he said not his problem! at the time of levy on my car the charges were amount due to council 833.79 first visit fee 24.50 2nd visit fee 18 levy charge 49 walking possession fee 12 vehicle fee 115 redemption fee 24.50 total then due 1076.79 this was obviously then 476.79 as i paid 600 i paid the 70 at the end of the month as he stated as i was scared of him taking my car...even though this meant not paying other bills! the next month i could not pay it, so he turned up at my house again in oct 2011 and charged 115 for attendance to remove goods....if I paid 250 he would leave my car, my mum again helped me out I then complained to the council and asked them to take the debt back as he had levied my car when it was still under a hire purchase agreement and asked for the fees to be removed they said the fees were just and would not be removed. various amounts of communication happened between the council and myself with me even disputing the amounts owed, I went to the CAB but they werent much help really just told me to appeal and put in a formal complaint, which I did. Letter came back to say I couldnt appeal as had been too long...jokers it was there fault it had taken so long. This then brings us up to Sept 2012 when i get another bailiff letter...i contacted them via email and said i acknowledged their visit but there was no need for them to come to my property to make a payment arrangement..I filled out an income and expenditure form and emailed it to them and made an offer of 27.05 per month which was pro ratad out with my debitors, they just said they would except payment without prejudice but nothing formal would be in place unless they came to my house and levied my goods. I refused but continued to make these payments each month. The bailiff turned up at my house again on 1/3/13 this time with liability orders but they dont state which years they are for...he wanted payment in full which was just over £2000!! told him no way i had it he would just have to take the car( no longer under hp agreemnet) I was very distressed and crying as was my 10 year old son...he even said "your mum helped you last time i can drive you to her house and see if she has the money for you!!" after about 45 mins of me having no luck obtaining that kind of money he said he would take £650....my sister bless her used all of her savings to help me...he's now demanding i pay £150 per month until its cleared! I said to him, im a single mother on a low income that figure it just ridiculous..he said nothing he could do they wont take less. Im confused on his charges too, can he charge me 3 times for each thing?? and how can i get my payments reduced?? the attachment of earnings I previoulsy had says about a 7% of my net monthly earnings which is about what I can afford charges this time by bailiff are amount owed £308.98 1st visit 24.50 2nd visit 18 levy charge 33 walking possession fee 12 redemption fee 24.50 total 420.98 amount owed £554.68 1st visit 24.50 2nd visit 18 levy charge 42 walking poss 12 vehicle fee 115 redemption fee 24.50 total due 790.68 - 182.80 + 45 waiting time= total 652.88 amount owed 723.57 1st visit 24.50 2nd visit 18 levy 47 walking poss 12 vehicle fee 115 redemption 24.50 total 964.57 does this all seem ok? how can they be allowed to make all these charges when it was all in one visit?? hopefully I havent confused you all too lol and you can advise on my best course of action...the bailiff is expecting a payment of £150 at the end of the month many thanks
  9. A brief outline, I have had 40+ calls texts letters in 4 months from various DCA's and had had enogh of asking them to stop finally I grab the raging bull by the horns and didnt let them go, they refused to comply with kind requests to stop intimidating me, so after much help over time from here, I had a 39 hour ride to success and rode out the storm, still I only have this 1 debt that WILL be sorted soon, my advise is for everyone to look learn listen to advise given here as its invaluable and it WORKS if I can help I will I am no hit and runner lol 101 posts with no qualifications in law but a great understanding of it now, I can run rings around a 3rd year law student now I can now relax and be me again, worry free and happy once more, with the knowledge gained here I can now help others both on here and in my community thx To the CAG long may it live Thank you once again for your telephone call on the 28/02/2013 timed at 19:39. Your company has been as far as I am concerned harassing me by text and on a mobile number, you have been requested by email to refrain from this and yet you still refuse to write a letter and state your intentions, as I said in my email earlier this week I WILL take action against you if you refuse, so therefore I must inform you that on the 28/02/2013 I made an official complaint about you to the FSO (Financial Services Ombudsman) I was given a reference number of ********, my call was placed on the following date and time 19:48 on the 28/02/2013 to number 0800 023 **** and they are now aware of your constant texts and calls you are HERBY INFORMED one last time before action in the Southend County court for harassment under Protection From Harassment Act 1997; Communications Act 2003 s127; I will no longer tolerate your harassment at all. You are hereby instructed to remove the telephone number *********** from all of your systems immediately and to communicate in writing only, this is your final warning, this email must be followed up by you in writing that you clearly understand my request, failure to do will will result in legal action on the above acts and complaints to the relevant authorities for your fitness to hold a credit license in 5 working days of 28/02/2013 no further comminication will be entered into with you regarding the account number ******** period, As the account is in dispute as per my last email to you this week I then got this from the DCA after they recieved notice from the FOS Dear ************ I can confirm that your telephone number has been removed as requested, also the account have been closed and returned to our client ******* ****. Please contact the client if you are disputing the repayment option as stated in a previous conversation. Kind regards ***** ********** Total response time with the DCA/FOS was 39 hours from start to finish and the only reason I have posted this is that the DCA complaints system is not sustainable for customer complaints, as all they want is your money, so please stick to your guns stand firm take no rubbish from them The scores on the doors is as follows MM 19 DCA's 0
  10. Hello, I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience with being constantly disturbed by viewings in a rental property and can help in telling me the best way to deal with them. My landlord is selling the flat I live in and as I am in the process of buying a property I can't move out as I would have to sign into another minimum 6 month contract elsewhere which isn't practical. The property has been on the market for over 2 months now and he has it on with 2 different agents. They booked 3 viewings at 10.45am, 12.45pm and 3.15pm last Saturday and so I was disturbed 3 times. As I don't want this to happen again I have now asked that 1 agent does a block viewing between 1pm and 1.30pm and the other agent does from 1.30pm to 2pm. Both agents have agreed to this but to be honest I wasn't expecting the viewings to go on for this long and I think the flat is over-priced in the market which is why they aren't getting any offers after all the viewings they have done. This means I will continue to be disturbed every weekend for an hour for the foreseeable future. I text my Landlord last Friday to ask if he thought it was fair that I was to be disturbed 3 times on a Saturday - my weekend and the only time I have to relax and he completely ignored me. They also do viewings in the week and usually email in the morning to say thy have a viewing that day and as I am at work I tell them it's fine and to go ahead. I am working from home today and have just had an email at 12.30pm from one of the agents saying he is coming at 3pm today to do a viewing. I have checked my tenancy agreement and it says I have to have 48 hours notice for someone to gain entry to my flat yet I am allowing them to do the viewing so as not to be obstructive. I was also working from home last Friday and exactly the same thing happened. As I am being constantly disturbed in my home and not enjoying peaceful enjoyment of it - do you think I am entitled to ask for a rent reduction? I pay a lot of rent to live here and resent doing so now that it is being invaded on a daily basis. Any help or advice you can give would be very much appreciated as I am going to write to my landlord to tell him I am unhappy with the current situation and paying full rent. This could go on for months and I have been extremely accommodating so far - even changing plans 3 times to meet with agents for them to measure up and take photos - which really isn't my responsibility but the landlord's. He doesn't seem to appreciate it - rather I feel he is taking advantage of my good nature now and am very fed up with the whole situation. Thank you in advance for any help or advice you can give Pickles18
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