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Found 17 results

  1. I have received an email from a company called Motormile Finance, they say thank you for payments on my account and they wish to work with me on a manageable repayment plan. I do not know of any debt with this organization. I did , two years ago, have a lot of problem with debt - I was unemployed for a while and experienced quite extreme depressions, I got into a mess and made some bad choices. I did have two payday loans which I stopped making payments on - I had repaid the original amount but not all the interest. One was lending stream and one was my jar. I intend to contact them when I am able to get some sort of repayment organised. What should I do about the email from Motormile? I have definitely never made any payments to this company and the email gives no details of any debt (amounts, or dates or anything) it just gives a reference number which I do not recognice, and my name. thank you in advance for any advice
  2. Out of the blue, I have received a letter from MMF which outlines three debts that have been assigned to them and that they are now chasing me for. There is no detail of the debts, just the original loan company name and a balance. The three companies are Mr Lender, Pounds Till Payday and Speed Loan Finance. did have a loan wih Mr Lender that was taken out around 2009/2010 but I was under the impression that I had paid this off, although I don't have any documentary evidence of this. The other two companies I do not recall having taken a loan out with. Should I make contact with these companies directly to see if they can give me any information? Am I also correct in thinking that I can ask MMF for the original credit agreements? Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Been contacted by MMF into a payday loan Im supposed to owe. In short they say the account defaulted in August 08 although I never received a default notice. I have never made a payment since. However in June 2014 I made a letter of complaint to the payday loan company which contained the words "I have a payday loan with your company..." Does this extend the statute of limitations?? I've a feeling I messed up. Any help appreciated.
  4. Hi All, I really hope you can help me. I've been repaying my payday loans over the last 18 months and I am almost there except 1 now (hurrah! ). I had 2 debts with Motor Mile Finance which are both now zero balances, and dispite reading loads of posts here they have always replied to my emails, until now that is. I was speaking to someone called Amir, would literally get replies within minutes sometimes. As soon as I paid the balanes I have had nothing. So on my credit file it only showed 1 of the debts from MMF, not the other. I paid the one on my credit file first for obvious reasons then a week later cleared the other one. 3 days after I cleared the other one, MMF then put that debt onto my credit file as outstanding. They also left the other debt outstanding. Neither are outstanding. I have constantly emailed them, they are ignoring all my messages and ive had no reply. Can you give me some advise on what I can do now please? I would like to complain but how and to who? Thanks everyone, you have helped me get into the position where I am now with only 1 PDL outstanding!
  5. Both my husband and I have received today a formal letter of assignment from MMF from pounds til payday. I e never had a PTP loan ever and the one my husband had was settled in full after ptp took the money out of his account. What can I do about this? Thanks. :-/
  6. Hi, I had a Payday loan with Wage Day Advance which was sold to MMF about a month ago. Since then it has been nothing but non-stop harassment from them, I get around five to six forms of contact per day, either by email, text or phone call to both mobile and landlines. This even started prior to receiving a formal letter from Wage Day Advance stating they hold sold the account on! They are constantly threatening a home visit from one of their officers, each day I receive some form of contact detailing this. I have both written and emailed MMF enclosing the standard formal letters for telephone harassment. I also enclosed one for disputing the amount owed as it is incorrect. To date these letters have been ignored. Yesterday my wife received a phone call at home from MMF saying they were sending round an officer to our house. This was quite distressful for her to say the least. So I phoned MMF to find out what was going on as I had really had enough. I was advised that all contact numbers would be deleted and details of the account sent in the post. This morning I received ANOTHER email requesting that I phone them to make a form appointment for one of their agents to visit my property. If ignored they would just turn up at my home, they also stated they would be adding further interest and costs to the account. I appreciate it was foolish to dabble in a Pay Day loan to start with, but unfortunately my circumstances left me no choice, as it does for a lot of people out there. I really am struggling with this one now, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Not sure whether I should just take this to the Ombudsman now? Many thanks.
  7. Hi, I'm new here and so apologies if this has been asked before. I have searched the forums for info on Motormile but have a few questions that I couldn't find exact answers to. Any help will be appreciated. recieved an email informing me that they have purchased a debt and I now owe them the outstanding balance. I actually don't have any problem with that. I do owe it and if I can work out a payment plan then I'll pay it. Questions I have though are this: 1) How likely are they to visit my 'home' address? From there website I can see that the closest doorstep office they have is around 70-80 miles from the address they are likely to have. I live abroad so I don't have any worries about them turning up but it's possible they have my parents address on file. Although the most recent address they should hold is somewhere else. Are they likely to visit 'older' addresses? And travel 80 miles hoping I will be in? 2) Does anyone have a working email address for MMF? Seeing as I am normally out of the UK I can't phone, have no postal address here and I need to email them to offer a payment plan. Or at least seeing if I can get a reduction and then pay the balance..... Thanks.
  8. I have just had an alert on my credit expert to say that a default has been added to my file, I am so mad I have a great credit and I have no idea what to do, I checked it last week and It was not on here. I have never had dealings with this company and they have today added a default It states added on 14.05.2014 date of default 22.08.2008 for £250.00 nothing else , any suggestions
  9. hi just got this by email Your file has now been passed to the Home Visit Department and a Doorstep Collection Agent will shortly be instructed to attend your property. The default will be registered with all 3 credit reference agencies in our month end report. If you wish to prevent this registration, contact us to accept one of the following offers: - Payment of the debt over monthly instalments. - A substantially discounted payment in full and final settlement of the debt. Contact us NOW before it is TOO LATE: 0113 887 3869. If we do not hear from you the default will be registered at Experian, Equifax and CallCredit and this will make it difficult for you to obtain credit now and for 6 years. Yours faithfully, Doorstep Collections Dept" MotorMile Finance UK Ltd. Not bothered by doorstep visit threat as if they dont go away when asked they can talk to Sam and Fynn who are literally barking mad but I thought the default date if there is one is from the origional default not when the groundfeeders buy alleged debt otherwise a "default" could never clear your file as it could simply be passsed around from bottom feeder to bottom feeder resetting the clock each time?
  10. Hi everyone I really need some advice please bear with me as this may be long, My daughter has serious mental health issues she has never been in employment due to this and needs round the clock care! About a year ago the phone started constantly going I can not remember the company but they were collecting on behalf of Wonga! I told them to write all details to me as I couldn't get anything from My daughter about this! I also contacted wonga asking what this was about and why they are claiming to have loaned nearly £1000 to someone who has no income other than disability benefits and to try find out as much information as possible but have never received any reply! Everything went quiet and to be honest I forgot all about it until last week I found my daughter screaming down the phone in tears I took the phone and went into her call log and found 48 calls/ 9 texts from the company motor mile this was in the space of 4 days They had called her 10 times within 2 hours!!! I was absolutely furious so I emailed them to make a complaint telling them never to call her and to keep everything in writing! the next day they emailed me which I found quite threatening and I am so glad it never went to my daughter It said we are contacting you about a loan you had with Wonga we are now waiting on you phoning us to arrange a doorstep collection or we will make our own arrangements if you do not want this we recommend you pay us a lump sum today if we do not hear from you we will send someone to your home!! I replied telling them they have no rights to send anyone to my daughters home and to my horror they have just send me another email stating home appointment and they have said they have made an appointment and someone will be going to her home!! Please please tell me how I can stop this! I haven't told me daughter someone is going to the house yet as she would get in a complete state! I am going to bring her to stay with me for a few days and maybe speak to her support worker about this! I have kept a log of all calls made to her and texts and the emails! I have also set up her mobile only to accept calls from family/friends and her support worker etc! Any advice would be greatly appreciated I apologise for any spelling mistakes ect I hope you can understand what I am asking! Thankyou
  11. I have been contacted by a debt collecting company called Motor Mile Finance. I received a rather threatening letter from their solicitor called Neal Chatrath which I was not happy with. It was a carefully worded letter to cause maximum distress. From reading postings on this company, I realised the threats were hollow. I sent this solicitor Neal Chatrath a suitable response and placed the account into official dispute. This alleged debt is in reference to a payday loan taken out in 2009. On checking my credit file Motor Mile Finance have defaulted this account 1/12/2012. I have never taken out a payday loan. Today I received a response from a Mr Barry Ellarshaw saying this account has been placed on hold and to expect a response within 4 weeks. I am enclosing a copy of the first page of their complaints procedure enclosed with the letter from Barry Ellershaw for consideration [ATTACH=CONFIG]48304[/ATTACH]
  12. Hi Guys Long story short, I dont know where these 4 accounts have come from and they dont show up on my credit file. This has been an ongoing saga for a few weeks that id thought id try and weather myself but im not sure of my next move. I requested over the phone very recently the address where i was to send the document requests to (4 x £1 Postal Orders With the usual on the back) however they said they could send them via email... However I got 2 today and they are attached below. Im no genius but these are not CCA agreements.... I think the wording of the letter is a joke... The main history here is i had a case of identity theft back in 2011.... But i dont know if it extended to the later part of 2012... :/ The 4 accounts are as follows, Quid24 - £375 WageDay Advance - £139 Cheque Centre... - £320 Notice the I said 4 accounts and i have listed only 3.... Supposedly there are 2 loans taken out on the same day with the Cheque Centre? I have never worked at Mcdonalds.... either... In fact i dont know anyone who has worked at Macdonalds who has been in close contact with me :/ I also dont want anyone coming to the home i live in as its a shared house and i love it here and i think if someone does turn up even though im going to send a "You have no rights to attend the property" letter from the template archive Down to you guys; What do I do next? - Send a Cease Letter / Letter Before Action? - Request The CCAs?
  13. Hi all, My First post. I was recently been very successful in getting a default notice from a welcome finance debt which was being chased by a dca called Compello. The debt was statute barred! My attention has now turned to Motor Mile Finance (MMF). I'm not one bit concerned about their threats of agents coming to the door etc, the debt is for £140!!! Payday loan from the Loan Store. What I am concerned about is the effect on my credit file. Firstly the debt is about a year old and they have registered the default a couple of months after. However they have registered the debt at an old address (my university accommodation from about six years ago) on my credit file. It simply isn't the case that i haven't updated them with my current address as i have been in the same place since the debt was taken. I can only assume they pulled this address from my credit file. Can anyone please advise? does this give me any type of edge with trying to get them to remove it? Any advice and template letters would be great! - Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi everyone, I desperately need some assistance please. I have just received a Count Court Claim from Optima Legal on Behalf of Motor Mile Finance UK. The debt is for a PDL from QuickQuid dating back to 2010. I think they have sold the debt to MMF who are now taking me to court. I tied to make a payment plan with QuickQuid at the time but they refused to play ball other than to offer a payment plan over three instalments which I could not afford. How do I proceed with MMF as I have very bad things about them
  15. Hi I have Motor Mile finance chasing me for a couple of pay day loans. I received all the emails and texts threatening home visits etc. I have had to send letters my recorded mail for them to acknowledge me. I've finally had a reply and they have provide details of the loans taken out (1) October 2008 with Wonga for £180 but with interest now £588.08 (2) July 2010 with Uncle Buck for £200.00 but with interest it is now £2,035!! My question is for anyone who can help - what can I do about the interest that has accured on these loans especially the Uncle Buck one. I will offer them what I can afford inline with other debts I have but can I do anything about the interest??? Thanks
  16. Hello all, Out of the blue today received an E-Mail from mmf Nationwide Doorstep & Legal Collection Specialists, re an alleged debt to Uncle Buck. Circa £200. One of our Doorstep Agents will shortly be attending your property and this is a formal request for you to provide an agreed appointment time and date, failing which, our agent will have no option other than to arrive unannounced. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS MATTER AS COSTS AND INTEREST WILL SHORTLY START TO BE ADDED TO THE ACCOUNT BALANCE AND WILL GREATLY INCREASE THE AMOUNT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY. Please contact us urgently on 01138 876876 Yours Faithfully, Doorstep Collections Dept. Motormile Finance UK Ltd I have read several threads re them and their threatogrammes but need further advice/info on the best way to respond/react to their initial E-Mail as above. All advice/info will be as usual gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  17. What a shame, a strapping 6ft 5" and 300 pounds. Michael Clarke Duncan's fiancée says the Oscar-nominated star of The Green Mile has died while being hospitalised following a July heart attack. Publicist Joy Fehily released a statement from Duncan's partner, the Rev. Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, saying the 54-year-old actor died on Monday morning in a Los Angeles hospital after nearly two months of treatment after the July 13 heart attack. The 6ft 5in, 300 pound star appeared in dozens of films, including box office hits Armageddon, Planet of the Apes and Kung Fu Panda. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2197889/Michael-Clarke-Duncan-death-The-Green-Mile-star-dies-aged-54-following-months-treatment-July-heart-attack.html#ixzz25Ryc2QS1
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