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  1. Any help appreciated I bought a car on HP in 2003, It was beyond my means and I only made 4 repayments -the car was repossed in 2005. I had a company called Marlin ringing me at work constantly and I was bullied into paying £15pm - I moved house and changed banks and the payments stopped in 2013. In 2015 I had letters from Cabot requesting money - over the years I have argued with them over the debt. They say it was assigned to them in 2016 yet I have statements from the original HP company in 2007 showing the balance - so how can they have it assigned if it was still with the original lender. It was due to become statute barred on 01/02/19 - however Mortimer issued an online claim on 27/12/18 - I defended and requested a SAR - they have only sent me 2 out of 9 pages of the credit agreement - which includes PPI and Gap insurance. There are various inconsistencies in the paperwork, dates amounts etc. Do I stand a chance in court of getting the claim in my favour or should I just negotiate with the Solicitor on a reduced amount?
  2. Hi all. Right so I had a Vanquis credit card, it defaulted in 2015 with about 3k owing. Ive had various letters about it from Cabot (whom the debt was assigned to at some point) and Dydens. In 2016 I recived a latter from Drydens, threatening legal action and also making lots of inaccurate statements about the CPR and legal process, etc...I replied to Drydens asking for the usual stuff, letter of assignment etc, they replied saying they were halting any legal action. In 2017 I received a letter from cabot again saying no legal action would be taken. Then last week I received a letter from Mortimer Clarke saying that they were now the solicitor AND also including form N434 - Change Of Legal Representative but on this form it staytes Claimant = cabot, Defendant = Me, Claim Number is blank. The actual letter claims judgment was made against me on .... (yes that what it says, there is a blank space !). I have not received any letters about this claim, I suspect there is no claim, I phoned Mortimer Clark who said the claim was performed by previous solicitors Drydens and that they didnt have the claim number..hhhmmm Ive phoned cabot who know nothing about this so it look very like;ly there is no claim. Im surprised though that MC are prepared to lie in this manner, it appears to be it could have serious repercussions. An obvious give away is the form N434 they sent me, this is required to be sent to all the parties and the court, are they seriously saying they sent this to the court without a claim number !!???, as I found out this couldnt be a admin oversight as they dont actually know the claim number. Any thoughts on what next ?. I intend to phone Drydens to hear what they have to say. Phone Northampton Court, not sure if they can help with a claim number but Ill double check there hasnt been claim. Write complaint to Mortimer Clark, why are they misleading me, is this fraudulent ?, they are after all trying to pressure me to pay what hasnt been adjudicated on yet. Follow up this complaint to SRA Andy
  3. Hi All Around 2010/11 I was in heaps of debt, various cc, loans etc, totalling c £30k. I took some great advice from this site, worked hard, and managed to settle everything. Finally debt free by summer of 2016, credit score still not great, but heading in the right direction. And now I receive a letter from Mortimer Clarke (Cabot): ‘As you are aware a County Court Judgement has been entered against you under Claim Number QWERTY123 and we ask you to pay the outstanding sum of £2244 direct to this office within 14 days.’ The letter encloses an income and expenditure form with a view to arranging a monthly payment, but goes on to say: ‘…our client may be willing to accept a reduced amount for a lump sum payment to settle the debt’. First I’ve heard of it, and I’m gutted, thought all this nonsense was behind me. I’ve established that the CCJ was issued at Northampton and has subsequently been transferred to my local court. All paperwork was sent to an old address, which is why I knew nothing about it. All of this happened just over 3 years ago, and I’m just finding out about it now. And strangely, it doesn’t appear on my credit file? As I thought I was debt free, my circumstances allowed me to become a student, so I’m currently studying full-time, with negligible income (averaging about £200 pm). Seems to me I have 2 choices (unless any of you can suggest a third way?) 1. Offer about £20 pm, which they are unlikely to accept, as it would run for 9 years. 2. Offer a lump sum, I think I could scrape together £600 - £700, but again this probably wouldn’t be enough. All I know about the CCJ is what the lady at Northampton told me: That it has been transferred to my local court (don’t know when), That the payment terms were ‘Forthwith’ and, That the claim said it was in respect of a CC agreement ‘entered into on or about 19/05/2004’. (Is it suspicious that the date of the agreement isn’t precise? Suggests to me that they don’t have a copy of it). In the scheme of things, the debt isn’t that big (given my situation 7-8 years ago), but this is hanging heavier than those bigger debts ever did, because my circumstances are different now, and I have no real income to work with. I really don’t know which way to turn with this. Would be so grateful for your thoughts. Cheers Scarboro
  4. Good Afternoon, I am hoping somone would give me some advice, I have been recieving letters from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors, i have attached the most recent one. This debt is from a Loan i had from Sainsburys in 2011. I had been making payments on it for some time and paid 70% of it off. For some reason the payments stopped, possible due to closing my old Barclays Bank Acc and moving address aruond the same time, the loan was fogotten about completely. Cabot are now after the remaining £300 of the debt + all their fees and charges. I have responded saying i will pay £70 per month which is what i used to pay Sainsburys but they now want me to fill out their expenditure form. What are my options here? They mention Court Judgement and a Warrent of control? but i havent reieved anything from the Court this issue was only bough to my attention about 6 weeks ago. I have not refused to pay, i have responded to all thier letters a Warrant of control seems slightly over the top. Any help would really be appreciated. i checked my Clear Score and its been hit hard by this! infact its gone down about 90 points. Many thanks
  5. Advice please I have received this letter, see pics, its a debt with marbles credit card which was then sold to cabot this year, now i have got this letter from Mortimer Clarke regarding potential court action if i do not respond in 30 days. ( i also have an aqua credit card and aqua loan which i have also not paid off they are sending me letters as well but not go to this stage yet and they are the same company as Marbles so i guess will be doing the same thing next. I cant afford to pay this and have been struggling. Long story short, my ex used to take my money and use my cards to gamble and pay for a drug habit i didn't know about i was subject to mental torture for an extended period of time, if i didnt let him do this he would threaten to tell my job lies to get me sacked which made me feel sick as i love my job and i am good at it, now he is finally out of my life i have a shed load of debts that will be chasing me like this one. What is the best thing for me to do. Thanks in advance.
  6. I need a little help with this claim form please: Name of Claimant : Cabot Financial Ltd Date Of Issue : 5th April 2018 What is the claim for : By an agreement between SAV credit Re Aqua & the Defendant on or around 11/04/2016 (The Agreement) SAV Credit Re Aqua agreed to issue the defendant with a credit card. The Defendant failed to make the minimum payments due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 1300 2.Costs I have not received prior notice of a claim to be issued. Value of the claim is 1511.83 Claim is for a credit card Original agreement was after 2007 Account was apparently assigned to Cabot Financial and the claim has been issued by them I did not receive a notice of assignment I don't recall if I received a default notice from Aqua I have received no Notice of Default Sums Ceased payments because I was out of work and claiming carers allowance I did contact Aqua and told them of my position, but they claimed I could afford a level of repayment that was way out of my affordability, I did try to negotiate reduced payments with Aqua but my offers were rejected by Aqua. I'm in the process of writing a CCA request, can anyone give me some help with what else I need to do please?
  7. Back in 2010 I received a ccj which I have been paying £10 a month to Hillesden Securities who were managing the account on behalf of Cabot. I have recently received a letter from Cabot informing me that they have asked Mortimer Clarke to take over managing my account. Apparently Mortimer Clarke are happy to keep to the repayment plan agreed with Hillesden, but they will need to speak to me to arrange for my payments to be sent to them directly. I don't particularly want to speak to them as I'm worried they will start to harass me for higher payments. I have found an email address for them so am going to use that. My question is though, should I be worried that Cabot have moved the account to Mortimer Clarke after all this time?
  8. Hi All Received a letter from Mortimer Clarke today regarding a debt to Cabot Financial. Letter claims their client obtained a judgement against me on 04/02/2016. First paragraph says "Because you have failed to pay the judgement debt in accordance with the terms of the judgement our client is now entitled to take action to enforce the judgement order against you. Our client has instructed us to apply to the County Court for an Attachment to Earnings order to be made against you." Final paragraph says "If you do not contact us within 7 days , then our client has instructed us to apply for an Attachment of Earnings Order against you." Notes: 1. I have checked Trust Online for my current and previous 3 addresses and there are no ccjs registered against me. 2. I did not receive any correspondence threatening to take me to court, advising I was being taken to court or asking if I wished to defend and finally I did not receive a judgement. 3. The letter makes no mention which court they obtained the judgement from or any judgement reference number. 4. The debt is from 2007 and I believe it may well be statute barred now. Can anyone provide any thoughts or advice on how I should proceed at this point? kind regards
  9. Morning, folks. I'm in a particularly odd and confusing situation so any assistance in clarifying where exactly I stand would be greatly appreciated. In 2010 I took out a credit card with Virgin Money. In 2012 I defaulted on this due to financial difficulty and depression. I do not remember receiving a default notice from Virgin Money. It's possible I received a default notice from MBNA, but I closed an account with them in 2006 (I have the letter) so would have discounted it. In January of 2017 I found out a CCJ was registered against me with Hillesden Securities as the claimant. I did not receive any correspondence prior to it being registered, as I was not living at the address the CCJ is registered at. As soon as I found out about the CCJ (through a mortgage adviser telling me!) I attempted to contact Hillesden. This led me to DLC, which led me to Cabot, which led me to Mortimer Clarke. I spoke to a representative of theirs on the phone, explained the situation and asked if the judgement could be set aside. They said no, and that the best I could do was satisfy the CCJ. After some digging online I sent an N244 to my local court and received a hearing date. Mortimer Clarke did not show, the judge decided they hadn't been very helpful, and duly set aside the judgement. Happy days. This was earlier this month. Today I found a letter sent from Mortimer Clarke 4 days before the hearing, with the claimant now being ME III Ltd. The letter states they agree to the setting aside but that a full defense should be submitted within 21 days. They attached a draft order, assuming that the judge would made this order. She didn't. What happens now? Given that the draft order was not formalised, I'm assuming I do not have to submit any further defense (which I already submitted in full as part of the N244). And what are Mortimer Clarke likely to do when they receive the actual order from the court? Many thanks
  10. I have just received a letter from Mortimer Clarke stating that they act on behalf of their client Marlin Europe II Limited asking for details of my financial circumstances for a debt that they say a county court claim was issued on April 2014. It also has a claim number at the top of the letter and if I don't respond they will lift the stay and request Judgement. I have never had any claim form for this debt and I have logged on to MCOL and there is nothing on there with that claim number. I also went on to my credit file and it says the debt they are talking about is with Cabot for a different amount. I'm not sure what to do.
  11. Hello need some help with a CCJ letter received today from Mortimer Clarke, for what they say is a 2012 mobile phone account with EE that I can not remember ever having. I have had previous letters but not knowing what they were for just ignored them. It say I have 14 days to reply to the court letter or pay in full with their 75 pound charges on top what can I do. Regards Jdene
  12. Apologises in advance if this comes across as a little vague but I am asking the question on behalf of my sister who is not a CAG member and as such I don't necessarily have all the facts. She received a letter from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors who are acting on behalf of M E III in regards to a debt of £1000 that they claim went the way of CCJ and remains unpaid. She has looked at her credit report and can see no sign of a CCJ and says she has never had one on there after I pointed out to her that if it was over 6 years ago it wouldn't appear on her report anyway. Rather foolhardedly she therefore ignored the first letter but has now received another letter from them stating that they are going to get an attachment of earnings. So I guess the first question is could there have been a CCJ that never appeared on her file? This seems unlikely I know but historically Ive had the experience of being in a joint IVA and it only appearing on my file not my wifes for some reason. With the above scenario seeming highly unlikely would the debt be statute barred based on it being over six years old? I have read that in some cases the court will revive the debt but am not sure what is required to trigger this. Finally what should her next step be as wouldn't any communication from her be seen as acknowledgement of the debt and therefore void the 6 year period anyway?
  13. Hi All, I'm sorry to return but I again need a little bit of advice regarding a letter from Mortimer Clarke in relation to an alleged debt with capital one... I received a claim form from Cabot Financial via Mortimer Clarke.... Details below Claim Form Issue....18/11/2016 Received.... 21/11/2016 AOS Submitted... 29/11/2016 Defend all AOS Received... 30/11/2016 CCA request sent to Cabot...28/11/2016 CCA request received by Cabot and signed for.....30/11/2016 CPR request sent to Mortimer Clarke... 28/11/2016 CPR request received by Mortimer Clarke and signed for... 30/11/2016 POC... 1.By an agreement between capital one and the defendant on or around 01/07/2009 (the agreement) Capital one agreed to issue the defendant with a credit card. The defendant failed to make the minimum payments due and the agreement was terminated. The agreement was assigned to the claimant.. 2.. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS XXXX... As of todays date the following has happened.... 1) No response from Cabot for the CCA request 2) Mortimer Clarke responded to the CPR request with the following letter dated 01/12/2016 received 07/12/2016 Dear XXXX We acknowledge your request for documentation pursuant to CPR 31.14 We Confirm our client is willing to agree to the extension of 28 days, for you to file your defence, Pursuant to CPR 15.5(2) please notify the court in writing of the agreement.... CPR 31.14 relates to a right to inspect a document and can be distinguished from standard disclosure of evidence during the course of proceedings. We believe that you may have already "inspected" the documents to which you make reference because on various dates in the past they would have been sent to you by another party such as the original creditor. We would be grateful if you could confirm what documents you have in your possession or control relating to this matter to avoid duplication over document inspection. We will then take our clients instructions... So my question is.... Do I ignore the letter from Mortimer Clarke? reply to Mortimer Clarke with something along the lines of.... not interested in your beliefs, supply the documents requested in the CPR 31.14 request... As always your help/advice is greatly appreciated
  14. Name of the Claimant ? ME III Limited Date of issue – 12 Dec 2016. What is the claim for – 1.By an agreement between WELCOME FINANCE SERVICES LTD & the Defendant on or around 21/11/08 ('the Agreement') WELCOME FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD agreed to loan the Defendant monies. The defendant did not pay the instalments as they fell due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the claimant. 2.THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 5930.89 What is the value of the claim? £6440.89 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? loan When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Unsure, I think is was around or before 2007. Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Possibly, but I have no recollection. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Again I don't know for certain. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Don't think so. Why did you cease payments? F ell into difficulties when losing my job in 2008, the payment demands were unreasonable, c harges were being added to the account at an alarming level (£10 for a letter/visit etc.) and after severel doorstep visits, I decided to just accept a default on my file and see what happened. A lot of what is claimed is charges, the original loan I think was £2000. What was the date of your last payment? Don't know, could possible be more than 6 years ago, I've asked for a full statement of the account. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Haven't heard dirct from Welcome in many years. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No Hi, I have read up on other cases and have already sent off the various requests for documents, and completed the online form stating I intend to defend all. But I may need further help. The particulars are as below. This is a very old debt that has dropped off my credit file, and I thought it had disappeared, to be fair I forgot about it. I received a reply from my CPR request today (30th Dec) as below. We acknowledge your request for documentation pursuant to CPR 31.14. We confirm our client is willing to agree to the extension of 28 days, for you to file your defence. Pursuant to CPR 15.5(2) please notify the court in writing of the agreement. CPR 31.14 relates to a right to inspect a document and can be distinguished from standard disclosure of evidence during the course of proceedings. We believe that you may have already "inspected" the documents to which you make reference because on various dates in the past they would have been sent to you by another party such as the original creditor. We confirm that we have requested documents from the original creditor and will forward these to you upon receipt. The account will remain on hold in the meantime. Any advice on how to play this out would be very much apprecaited.
  15. Good Afternoon Hopefully I have posted this in the correct place I recently return from a job abroad since getting a new place started receiving mail from Cabot re an supposed out standing balance which they have bought (under 500) today I returned home to a letter from Mortimer Clarke telling me their client (cabot) has instructed them to start legal proceedings which would lead to a ccj they have recently added to my credit file a default but it also states this was default in 2011, some one has advised me to send a cca request but i am not familiar with this and whilst there is so much great information on this site, it has me a little info-dizzy. so I was hoping someone can assist thanks in advance
  16. Hello guys it's been a long time since I have been on here but im in a bit of a pickle. I have received a claim form from County court for a debt from 2002 with The AA. In 2006 I sent a CCA Stating that I do not acknowledge any debt from them to The Bank of Scotland who I asume owned the Debt at the time. I was wondering what to do and whether this debt may be Statute barred, I have not made a payment of this debt in over 10 years. Please help im panicing a bit here.
  17. Hi, I'm not sure if anyone has any advice on this: I took a Welcome loan in 2008, which was refinanced. I then defaulted and did not hear anything for a few years. I did not follow up as heard they had gone into administration. Last summer I received a County Court Summons via Cabot/Mortimer Solicitors. I sent one of the CPR request letters, from this site and needless to say, they missed the deadline. This morning, I received a letter from the fore-mentioned Mortimer Solicitors, who have included all the info I requested in the CPR letter. They have stated that their client is happy to settle out of court and have offered a 50% reduction to settle. The question is: 1. is there anything further I can do? 2. Can they issue another County Court Summons, when first one timed out? Many Thanks talkback
  18. I received the N1SDT from Cabot/Mortimer Clarke as I have been working away so only saw it yesterday morning, I have already Acknowledged it via MCOL I chose the option Intend to defend all. the Particulars of Claim as follows:- By an agreement between LTSB & defendant on or around 15/10/1998 ('the Agreement') LTSB agreed to issue the Defendant with a credit card. The Defendant failed to make the minimum payments due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 3830.31 At the total cost Amount Claimed 3830.31 Court Fee 185.00 Legal Rep Fee 80.00 Total 4095.31 My question at present is as there are no account numbers on the form What should I put on a CCA in the Account number Reference to Cabot. Also sending CPR31:14 to Mortimer Clarke To clarify I do accept I had a card through Ltsb and also have been a bit of an ostrich in the past, due to various reasons I also have not been good with repayments since Jan 2015
  19. Hi , Can these people request an income and expenditure form be completed even though an offer of payment has been made ? or is it only the court that can legally request one ?
  20. Hi.. Good afternoon everyone, I really hope someone is able to help me. This morning I've received a County Court claim. The perusing claimant is Mortimer Clarke Solicitors acting on behalf of Cabot Financial. The debt of £413 is from a Capital One card from 2004 (£213 of this is interest charges). The last payment I believe I made to (Aktiv Kapital) was back in December 2009, although I can't confirm this as I have a different bank account now, and I've made no contact or acknowledgement since. I checked my credit file in late December (screen shot attached) and seen they (Cabot) had registered 2 recent payment defaults against me. Just checked my file again today and it's disappeared, no trace of it. However it did show the default payment date recorded on the account was 29/01/2010. so would this make it statute barred ? Do I still have time to send off a CCA request to Cabot in the hope of delaying this, or have I left it too late ? Should I complete the section of the court claim document to Dispute the Claim as it maybe Statute Barred ? Please help, not quite sure what my next course of action should be. Kind Regards L
  21. Hi, I received a claim form for Northampton from Mortimer for an old capital one credit card which Cabot are claiming for, Ive sent off the cpr request to Mortimers and asked Cabot for a copy of the credit agreement. Today I receieved a letter from Mortimer saying we are taking our clients instructions in relation to your correspondence and will come back to you as soon as we can. In the meantime, the matter has been placed on hold. They have also attached a without prejudice letter offering me 50% off the debt and no further court action if I pay in monthly instalments. I still need to file a defence and have 2 days to do this, Ive defended claims for catalogues in the past but with this being a Credit Card not sure if its the same. Can anyone help me with what I need to put in my defence statement. Thanks
  22. Hi, Received two letters today: One from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors (dated 28/01/2016) Re: Cabot indicating that they have received no response to the claim form issued.( I was going to ignore it until I looked at the second letter...) Letter Two: Judgment for Claimant (in default), from the County Court, dated 28/02/2016 Claimant: Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd. I checked my credit file using Noddle: It shows one active credit card which is OK and currently active. Then .. Starting from Oct 2015 to Dec 2015 there is an entry for Cabot with a Default for each month. There is nothing else there, no balance history . The account details state that it is a credit card , defaulted 25/04/2010 - Balance: £680. Account start date 11/04/2008. On public information there is a CCJ from 28/02/2016. I had two credit cards back then , one I know was paid off, the other obviously was not. I think it may have been a Capital One credit card. I have never received a Claim form and have not had any dealings with Cabot. I have not had a Notice of Assignment . Should I contact to Court to apply for the Judgment to be set aside because I did not receive the Claim Form and have no proof that I owe Cabot anything? Can I get a copy of the Claim Form? (i feel disadvantaged because they seem to have all the information whereas I have none) Should then CCA Cabot and CPR 31:14 Mortimer Clarke? Any help or guidance greatly appreciated .... Thanks.
  23. Hi, I am sad to say that I have a second county court claim issued against me. The first one is sorted. This new one is just as scary and any help will be appreciated. Name of the Claimant ? CABOT Date of issue – . 08 JAN 2016 What is the claim for – 1. By an agreement between CAPITAL ONE & the defendant on or around 03/11/2010 (‘the Agreement’) CAPITAL ONE agreed to issue the Defendant with a credit card. The Defendant failed to make the minimum payments due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. 2.THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE RE CLAIMS 650.00. What is the value of the claim? 780 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? CREDIT CARD When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? AFTER Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. CABOT Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? NO Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? NO Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? NO Why did you cease payments? MY HUSBAND BECAME SERIOUSLY ILL AND HE WENT ONTO DLA – I BECAME HIS CARER AND OUR INCOME REDUCED DRAMATICALLY What was the date of your last payment? I AM NOT CERTAIN (AROUND JUNE 2011) Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? NO Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? NO
  24. Hi Guys, A friend has received a letter, which I suspect is a fishing one, from the above. The debt is for £1700ish and it was a Sainsbury's credit card, taken out in the middle of 2004. The default date is January 2009. The correspondence they've sent contains lots of if's, maybe's etc. and that if it goes to court, ''our client will request that the Courts grant a Judgement in default by instalments of £50 per month''. It then goes on to state the consequences of a CCJ and also enclosed is an Income and Expenditure form, as well as a rather convenient Direct Debit form. My friend is certain, but not 100% that she stopped paying around 2009 due to her own circumstances back then. How can she find out when she made the last payment without going through Mortimer Clarke or Cabot?? Going by what she says, this is Statute Barred, but how can she find out for definite? Regards, Buncrana
  25. hi all, A Family member has just received a ccj claim form, I have filled the form out as best i could, we are almost 100% sure it is statue barred and believe they are just chancing it, Hillesden securities Limited t/a dlc Date of issue – 14 DEC 2015 What is the claim for – The claim is for the balance of installments due & unpaid under an agreement dated 12/07/2005 & under which Black Horse LTD agreed to sell the defendant goods for a price payable by installment('the agreement'). The agreement was assigned to the claimant. PARTICULARS 1. Amount due & unpaid £1000 THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 1. Amount due & unpaid £1000 What is the value of the claim? £1000 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Loan for a Car When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? The loan is from 2005 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. It has been passed onto Hillesden Securities Limited t/a dlc Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not sure Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Approx. 2 month ago we received 5 annual statements of accounts dated from 28/09/2010-11/07/2015,they all come on the same day Why did you cease payments? It looks like no payments were ever paid What was the date of your last payment? It looks like no payments were ever paid Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Dont know Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No We have not acknowledged the claim yet but I have set up the login online etc, We want to defend the claim and are going to use the statute barred as defense, I am just wondering what wording i need to put for this and should i wait the 19 + 14 days or just submit it straight away ? Also I have not sent any cpr request as of yet cheers in advance
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