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  1. Back in 2010 I received a ccj which I have been paying £10 a month to Hillesden Securities who were managing the account on behalf of Cabot. I have recently received a letter from Cabot informing me that they have asked Mortimer Clarke to take over managing my account. Apparently Mortimer Clarke are happy to keep to the repayment plan agreed with Hillesden, but they will need to speak to me to arrange for my payments to be sent to them directly. I don't particularly want to speak to them as I'm worried they will start to harass me for higher payments. I have found an email address for them so am going to use that. My question is though, should I be worried that Cabot have moved the account to Mortimer Clarke after all this time?
  2. Morning, folks. I'm in a particularly odd and confusing situation so any assistance in clarifying where exactly I stand would be greatly appreciated. In 2010 I took out a credit card with Virgin Money. In 2012 I defaulted on this due to financial difficulty and depression. I do not remember receiving a default notice from Virgin Money. It's possible I received a default notice from MBNA, but I closed an account with them in 2006 (I have the letter) so would have discounted it. In January of 2017 I found out a CCJ was registered against me with Hillesden Securities as the claimant. I did not receive any correspondence prior to it being registered, as I was not living at the address the CCJ is registered at. As soon as I found out about the CCJ (through a mortgage adviser telling me!) I attempted to contact Hillesden. This led me to DLC, which led me to Cabot, which led me to Mortimer Clarke. I spoke to a representative of theirs on the phone, explained the situation and asked if the judgement could be set aside. They said no, and that the best I could do was satisfy the CCJ. After some digging online I sent an N244 to my local court and received a hearing date. Mortimer Clarke did not show, the judge decided they hadn't been very helpful, and duly set aside the judgement. Happy days. This was earlier this month. Today I found a letter sent from Mortimer Clarke 4 days before the hearing, with the claimant now being ME III Ltd. The letter states they agree to the setting aside but that a full defense should be submitted within 21 days. They attached a draft order, assuming that the judge would made this order. She didn't. What happens now? Given that the draft order was not formalised, I'm assuming I do not have to submit any further defense (which I already submitted in full as part of the N244). And what are Mortimer Clarke likely to do when they receive the actual order from the court? Many thanks
  3. Hi all I've received a rather threatening letter from Restons Solicitors, I'm hoping you can assist me with my problem. Resotns solicitors been instructed by their Client Hillesden securities limited. I have received an n30 Judgement for claimant Resotns solicitors been. I believe it relates to a car finance agreement I had with Black Horse back in 2000 the Car price was £12000 to be paid over a period of 48 month. After few month later in year 2000 due to financial problem I wasn’t able to keep my payment of the monthly instalment to Black Horse. Black Horse decided to take back the vehicle and sell it at an auction for £5000. Black Horse put a default on my credit file (I do not know if that CCJ or not) but I wasn’t able to take any credit for six years and they started to charge me £20.00 a month until year 2010. Black Horse sold the debt to Hillesden securities limited with some advice from the Citizen advice centre I start paying them £1.00 a month as a token payment. In year 2012 for unknown reason I stopped the standing order by mistake. I didn’t receive any correspondents from Hillesden securities limited from year 2012 until November 2015 I received the court letter from there form Restons solicitors. They are demanding £1540 I wrote back to them asking to make a token payment of £1.00 but they didn’t reply back to me and when I phoned them they denied my offer letter. I received N1SDT from the court and they asked me to pay the £1725 court fee included. I offered the court £1.00 every month for six month until my financial status improved but they refused the offer and now I have N30 from the court asking me to pay instalment of £226 a month which I will not be able to afford. I do not know what action to take as I don’t own a property; I am currently in a renting accommodation and already have family financial problems. Do I consider this as a statute barred? I need your help guys.
  4. Hi, I've received some letters from Hillesden Securities informing me that they have applied to the courts in regards to a CCJ regarding a debt from 2004. I stopped paying as I couldn't afford it but and was on a debt management plan at the time the debt had been passed around various companies before Hillesden took it on, as I do not have any paper work relating to this debt I'm about to write a letter requesting details of the agreement as I heard I maybe able to contest them if they've not contacted me in what I believe to be around 6 years, if I do this can it be classed as acknowledgement of the debt? Thanks for reading.
  5. Hi, and apologies if I've filed this in the wrong section - sleep deprived trying to research how to respond to the above. The particulars of the claim are: The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant(s) under a contract between the Defendant(s) and Black Horse Ltd dated on or about Apr 30 2008 and assigned to the claimant. PARTICULARS a/c no xxxxxxxxx DATE ITEM VALUE 10/11/2015 Default Balance 7xxx.xx Post Refri Cr NIL TOTAL 7xxx.xx Issued on 02 Dec and I've completed online acknowledgment of Service. Reasons that this large debt exists aside for the moment, I'm 99.9% sure I haven't made any payments on the account since mid 2009 and I've certainly not responded or acknowledged the debt in any other form. Assuming that I'm correct about the last payment date, how would I proceed with defending this? Do I write to the court, solicitors, or the claimant with a SB template letter - or should I seek more info on what they have on me? Some help and direction with my next steps would be hugely appreciated as I feel my health is already suffering with the anxiety of it all. Many thanks in advance.
  6. hi all, A Family member has just received a ccj claim form, I have filled the form out as best i could, we are almost 100% sure it is statue barred and believe they are just chancing it, Hillesden securities Limited t/a dlc Date of issue – 14 DEC 2015 What is the claim for – The claim is for the balance of installments due & unpaid under an agreement dated 12/07/2005 & under which Black Horse LTD agreed to sell the defendant goods for a price payable by installment('the agreement'). The agreement was assigned to the claimant. PARTICULARS 1. Amount due & unpaid £1000 THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 1. Amount due & unpaid £1000 What is the value of the claim? £1000 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Loan for a Car When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? The loan is from 2005 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. It has been passed onto Hillesden Securities Limited t/a dlc Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not sure Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Approx. 2 month ago we received 5 annual statements of accounts dated from 28/09/2010-11/07/2015,they all come on the same day Why did you cease payments? It looks like no payments were ever paid What was the date of your last payment? It looks like no payments were ever paid Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Dont know Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No We have not acknowledged the claim yet but I have set up the login online etc, We want to defend the claim and are going to use the statute barred as defense, I am just wondering what wording i need to put for this and should i wait the 19 + 14 days or just submit it straight away ? Also I have not sent any cpr request as of yet cheers in advance
  7. Sorry if I'm repeating old info, I have had a read of other posts but these all seem to be at CCJ defence stage and I'm not there yet! Details are as follows: Hillesden have been chasing me for a payment of £848 for as long as I can remember. The debt was passed to DLC and most recently to Cabot. Mortimer Clarke are now chasing me on behalf of Cabot and claim that they will take me to court if I don't respond with a suitable payment arrangement. The van was returned in 2007 and my last payment on the debt was Sept 2008 (according to them). I do not know when it defaulted exactly but I do know it's no longer on my credit file. I wrote a SB letter to them but they have now responded stating that the contract was not terminated until August 2010! They say that means they can now take me to court. How do I proceed?
  8. Was quietly browsing my credit reports last night when I spotted on both of them that there was a CCJ listed. I check monthly and its the first time ive seen them. Was issued 29/12/15 by Northampton Bulk Clearance Centre. Called Northampton today and get a few details from them including the creditor, etc. Turns out ive been CCJed for a debt that I last made a payment on in 2006 and have never communicated in written form about ever. There were a few calls around 2008/9 from them but I requested more than once a copy of the Credit Agreement that they were unable to provide. Question 1, Is this debt statute barred? I think it is based on information on gov.uk. Next thing is the claim was made at my previous address but as I have lived at my current address for more than 2 years would the debt collector be naughty enough to deliberately issue against the wrong address in order to get a default judgement? Question 2, How do I go about proving that? There are a few searches on my credit file that have all returned my current address and as I am confident there is nothing else lurking in my closet I would assume these searches come from Hillesden. Question 3, Is there a way of getting the information on who made the search (and for what purpose) from the referencing agencies? Before the end of today N244 will be in the post with a cheque for £155 enclosed. Do I try and talk to Hillesden or their solicitors (I have their details) or should I just go straight for a hearing in person and try and resolve it that way. The logical thing in my mind is to give them an opportunity to either answer some questions or trip themselves up but usual advice tends to be leave them alone. As it stands with a CCJ on file I dont really have a lot to lose by taking the fight to them as hard as I can.
  9. Wow... Cabot are becoming a debt powerhouse... The extract is from CreditToday's article of 4th June.
  10. Hi Am hoping someone can help. Originally had a loan with Black Horse - long story short, we hit hard times and the debt was not repaid. (This was originally a single loan, then further on became joint loan) Black Horse gained a CCJ, that was not defended, and later on secured a charging order against our property. (The property is a shared ownership). Had a letter a couple of years ago saying the debt had been sold to Hillesdens. Since then they have sent the occasional letter giving a sum of arrears etc. There has never actually been an agreement to pay. We have now received this letter from some solicitors. I know we have left things to long - but has anyone got any advice on our best course of action.
  11. Hi All, I first received court papers from Aplins on behalf of Hillesden Securities dated 6th August Read alot on here and sent CPR request to Aplins Solicitors, immediate response saying they were in touch with their client and would agree to an extension of 28days. Acknowledged online on 18th August Sent CPR15.5 letter to court with copy of Aplins letter. No response so phoned court and advised to enter defence. Defence entered and accepted on 11th September, was a couple of days late but they accepted. Not heard anything since from anyone. Is it likely this has now been stayed and what should I be doing? Appreciate advice and thanks
  12. hello i am currently in the process of paying off the last 2 of my 9 debts, in total i owed in excess of 10k, over the past few years i have managed to clear a considerable amount, currently im down to £3200 owed to DLC/hillesden on behalf of a car finance loan from blackhorse. all of my previous debts were paid off in full either as a full payment or payment plan over a set amount of months, the last debt totals £3200, in this case i am wanting to send a letter to offer a settlement figure and need some advice. first of all im not sure whether i would need to send this to the original creditor; black-horse or would i send it to the debt collection agency hillesden/direct legal collections. also i am hoping to offer a reduced offer, any tips/realistic % to offer any help is greatly appreciated and i look forward to hearing from anybody who has similar issues or can help thanks
  13. Hi All I will try and give a quick back ground of what has happened since 2009. I got into money problems when my company went into liquidation in 2009. I re mortgaged to offer F&F to all credit cards and bank loans through accountant he managed to settle on all accounts except MBNA who never replied to his letters. Since then in 2013 I started getting the standard letters from DLC no telephone calls then in December 2013 I got a letter from Aplins stating if payment was not made to DLC they would be apply to take me to court. I got a court claim form in post dated 08/01/14. the sum is for £3500 which I don't have, why have they taken from 2009 to do this and why did they not just answer accountants letters when the money was there. Is there any good reason they have decided to do this now ? My MBNA account was opened in 1995 now I have a court claim against me is it to late to request if they have all the paper work ie terms and conditions etc I got a default notice dated September 2009 but credit card agreement was not the right number I then got a letter nine days later saying my account has been sold to DLC but account number they gave was not the right number it was even not the same number as default notice letter, is there anything I can do ?
  14. Hi All Hope you can give me a piece of advice. Took a loan out with Yes Car Credit in Sep 2004 made repayments of over £10k over 3 years got into difficulties. Owe £3904 now. DLC did make me an offer in 2009 to close the account for £904. Hillesden Securities are reporting on my credit file default date 03/09/2008 but I believe I received a default notice in Sep 2007 from DAF. Last payment/contact with Direct Auto Finance 08/05/2008 Could someone tell me when the debt becomes statute barred and when it will drop off my Credit report. I have the ususal problems with my Yes Car Credit CCA, deposit put against insurances, PPI missold, kept in small room with my small children for 4 hours until I signed etc. but I dont think its worth pursuing any of that now I am nearly free. I just want to check when I will be free. This is the only default on my Credit Record. Thanks MrsHippo
  15. Hi, Today I received a statement of account from dlc the creditors name is Hillesden securities ltd formerly Lloyds tsb the original date of agreement is the 15/06/1995and is fir over £1000. Can someone give me advice on dealing with this matter. Regards Wade.
  16. Hi, any advice would be very much appreciated. I have received an email off a company called Hillesden Security. It asks me to urgently ring a number quoti ng a reference number. It doesn't say what it is about but I have looked it up and see that it is a debt collection agency. I am scared - should I ring them or not? I have obviously not phoned them back. It maybe related to £600 that I owe a college that I did a course with. I was a month late applying for a grant from student finance that would have paid my fees. I was depressed and had high anxiety levels at the the time and the thought of completing a long and difficult form seemed an impossibility to me.When I did complete it i was a month too late and student finance turned the appication down.I was already a good amount through the year of the course. I had had the fees paid the two years before as we live on a low wage. It took 8 months for the GP to get me onto a dose of antidepressants that worked for me. I finished my course 9 months after everyone else and it took ages for my life to return to normal. I haven't got the £600 to give them.
  17. Hi all, It's 2PM in the Morning and I am wondering what to do next, any advice would be REALLY APPRECIATED. I have just received a claim form from Northampton (CCBC) dated 18th September 2013 Claimant: Hillesden Securities Sending address: Alpins Banbury The claimants claim is in respect of a credit facility 4******* provided by capital one (europe) Plc at the defendant's request on 4/11/2004. Failure to meet requests for payment resulted in the account being defaulted. On 11/12/2009 all legal and beneficial interests for the monies were assigned to Hillesden Securities LTD. The defendant was duly notified in writing of the assignment that a balance of £3170.20 was due. The balance of £3085.20 remains owing from the defendant. Amount claimed 3085.20 Court fee 85.00 Solicitors costs 80.00 Total amount 3250.20 *** I also received a Notice of default sums from DLC Hillesden's on 18th Sept 2013 *** Stating: 18/09/2013 Litigation costs (debtor) Total amount due £80 I was hoping for news of some money that I am owed to sort this lot above out but it has not materialised yet. Note: I have been paying regular £1 and £2 token payments and previously received a letter from Hillesden's back in June 2011 with a 50% settlement offer that I filed at approx. £1500 but could not afford it at the time due to financial problems created by a solicitors error with a property sale in another matter. So........ I have just called Alpins to see if the £1500 settlement could still be accepted to avoid a CCJ as a family member has offered to loan me the money, I offered £1000 waiting for a counter offer from them and willing to pay the previously offered £1500, they told me settlement would be £2900 now,far too much to ask my relative for, What do I do no ?, they are no doubt looking for a CCJ with a holding order to be placed on our home that I have a interest only mortgage on and have 5 months arrears, things have been getting better and paid regular mortgage payments for the last year, I am waiting for a pay out from a commercial property solicitors error that originally put me in this debt but have struggled paying solicitors to sort it out. Please Help, The papers served on me are dated 18th September. Me and my wife were planning on setting up a small business soon when some money matures, would the CCJ affect this? Every solicitor I have dealt with in the past 5 years have had me over, even the ones that I have paid to do a job on my behalf.
  18. HELLO ALL, TWO OF MY DEBTS (FROM CITI AND EGG) WERE BOUGHT BY DLC. I TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THEIR 90% DISCOUNT ON CITI DEBT AND SETTLED ACCORDINGLY. WHILE THE EGG ONE IS STILL UNDUE, THEY MADE ME AN OFFER OF 75% ON EGG BUT I DO NOT HAVE THAT MONEY SO I AM STILL PAYING THEM £1 PER MONTH. I STARTED DEFAULTING ON THEM IN 2006. I AM NOT SURE WHETHER I ASKED for a CCA file or not but all of their correspondence mention the original creditor name. So far I have been advised by DX to send them a CRA file. Which I shall do as soon as my printer is fixed. A new development is that none of these appear on my Equifax credit file any more. Do they still have enforcement powers as I have been paying them a statutory payment for each account. They have offered discounts in the past. What should I be doing meanwhile, apart from the CCA file? And while I am asking for CCA file, should I keep paying? Thanking you in anticipation. P.S: BTW ARE DLC, ROBINSONWAY, BRYAN CARTER, LOWELL SUBSIDIARIES OF THE SAME COMPANY? ARE THEY CLOSELY CONNECTED ANYWAY?
  19. Hello, This is my first post so any advice would be very welcome. I was made redundant back in 2009 from a 10 + year job and started struggling to keep up with my credit card from Virgin money.The last statement or contact from Virgin was july 09 I then received a letter dated 29 Aug 2009 from a company called DLC telling me that my debt has now been assigned to Hillesden securities trading as DLC and that MBNA no longer own my account they do and all future payments must be made to them . After telling these that I am struggling to find permanent employment and can't afford to pay my monthly c/c payments as I have to use all money i earn to pay my mortgage and priority bills I then received a letter from APLINS solicitors informing me that they have been instructed by DLC on behalf of Hillesdens to issue legal proceedings against me for the outstanding amount under the banking facilities provided to me by there client. I then get a claim form letter from Northampton court and a response pack to which i didn't respond as I was still struggling to find work and being Embarasised and burying my head with how I was going to pay the debt and the worry of what was happening that I will loose my house I didn't know what to do. I then get a letter from DLC telling me that Aplins have obtained an interim charging order against my property and a copy of a witness statement in support of a charging order from a team leader of DLC /Instructing agent to Aplins duly authorised to make a witness statement on its behalf. When i turned up to the local court on my own a man introduced himself as Aplins solicitor and took me into a side room and started asking how it got this far and why its gone to court, I told him I had been made redundant with 300+ other people and just cant find permanent work and that my priority debts had to come first with 2 young children to feed and keep paying my mortgage he then said its a bit scary if you have not been to court before all I have to do is just admit the debt is mine to the judge when he asks if I have a defence tell him No as you don't want to loose the security of you home . I now have a CCJ on my credit file and looking through the land registry official copy of the registrar of title there is NOTHING that mentions this debt. Now back in full time employment started paying the debt off and have paid nearly half of it.I asked Hillesden if they would consider the payments I have made as a Full and Final short payment and they said NO as they have a full charging order then the other day I found this site which OPENED MY EYES to the whole thing so I asked Hillesden for a copy of my original agreement from MBNA and was told they didn't have to send me one to which i replied you do as you have took me to court and have a charging order against my property. I then received a Photo copy of an agreement its not an original agreement and dosn't have any of my signature on it only a box with a tick in it saying this is a valid means of establishing the authenticity of my signature it has my name and address but clearly looks like they have printed this off from there computer. I have contacted my local county court and they have gone through all the paperwork that was submitted to the court and there is nothing with my signature on and nothing from MBNA as an original credit agreement.I have stopped any payments to hillesden. The advice I am after is if there is no charge on the register who owns the debt ?? and as I have not heard anything from MBNA that they have sold the debt to DLC who is getting the money. Can I be taken to court with NO original agreement. Can they put a CCJ on me and a charging order. Why wont they accept the payments i have made as full and final settlement and where should I go from here. Sorry its a long post but any advice would be grateful. Thanks Graham
  20. Hi Folks, I've received a letter from Hillesden Securities / DLC threatening to get a charge on my property. This relates to a debt bought from Halifax in December 2008 which had a payment plan in place for £35 per month that had been maintained with Halifax up to the date it was sold . I have continued to pay Hillesden £35 up to the present. In June 2011 - when my credit history finally cleared - I took out a loan to settle some of my larger creditors and this prompted a letter from DLC threatening at that time to get a charge on my property. I sought advise from my local CAB who informed me that because Hillesden had bought the debt with a payment plan in place my only legal requirement was to maintain the payment - which I have done. After a series of letters between August 2011 and now I have received another letter once again threatening to take legal action in order to get a charge on my property to secure themselves. I know from other threads on this forum a little about BCOBS COBS and estoppel but would be grateful if someone can give me some more details so that I can be forearmed in order to prepare a defense if necessary. Thanks.
  21. I've been getting letters (demands) from Hillesden Securities in respect of a debt that I have no knowledge of, because they don't tell you who the 'original' debtor is. Then I start getting letters from Direct Legal & Collections. The last one was dated 22 April 2013. Then, within a month, there was this from Aplins Solicitors.... Now, I've been a stupid 'head in the sand' person, but is it too late to send a CCA letter, and request a copy of paperwork bearing my signature? If they've got it, it may actually shed some light on what debt this is. But I don't understand what the 'Aplins' letter refers to as "this Judgement" , has this been before a County Court without my knowledge, and has there been a decision that I've not been informed of, or is it just wording designed to 'scare'?
  22. Morning all, I had an old Associates card which was sold off to Hillesden Securites way back in 2006, they could never find any paperwork associated with the alleged account, and as a consequence they removed the default. I have just renewed my Experian sub after about three years, and have just noticed they are updating the report with a six month late payment marker. The last payment I made on this account was at the end of January 2007, so should be SB in a couple of weeks. Can they keep updating like this, because surely it will never disappear (not that I'm bothered) and what should I do about it? Many thanks.
  23. i need some advice, first a bit of background this may be long I had a loan with black horse june 2006, i kept up repayments for awhile but started to struggle after i was made redundant and in august 2007 they got a ccj against me. i agreed to pay £30 a month and did so for 15 months. Then my partner was made redundant who was the main wage earner and i could no longer afford the £30, i had the order changed to £1 a month and i paid that until sept 2011 when i recieved a letter from a company called hillesden securities saying they were the new owners of the debt and i should start paying them. i wrote to both hillesden and black horse. i didnt hear anything from black horse directly but i recieved a reply from hillesden with a black horse letter attatched to theirs saying hillesden had purchased the account. i wrote to hillesden to tell them i wouldnt be making payments until i was notified by the court or black horse direct. i didnt hear anymore and forgot all about it to be honest. oct 2012 we recieved a annual statement of account from dlc (direct legal & collections) i wrote to them asking who they were and recieved a reply saying they were acting on behalf of hillesden securities to which i replied with a letter saying i didnt have an account with hillesden and asked for further details. today i recieved a letter again from dlc with their further details, black horse agreement number, agreement date, date hillesden purchased the account from black horse, ccj number and date of ccj. plus they have told me dlc are a trading name of hillesden securities. Agreement number & ccj info are correct but their dates are wrong. the loan was taken out jun 2006 cant remember exact date but was last week of june and ccj 15th august 2007, dlc says original date of agreement is 26th aug 2007 and ccj was registered on 15th august 2007. yes that means the ccj came before the agreement, these dates have been quoted several times. is the ccj still valid or do hillesden need to transfer it to their name? i have checked my files with equifax, experian & call credit and also done a check on trust online but neither the account or ccj show on any. this is the first time i have check so do not know if there was anything showing before. can ccjs be removed from credit files even though its only been 5 years since ccj was registered? i know i definately have/had a ccj for black horse. confused as i have another ccj which shows on all. they havent made any demands for payments so not sure if i should just ignore them again or if i should reply or even sar them
  24. Hi Folks, Looking for some advice please on some letters my mum has been sent from a Company called DLC, working on behalf of Hillesden Securities who now claim they own a debt which was previously to Morses Club. My mum had a loan out with Morses some years ago before they went bust, afterwards no-one came round to collect any re-payments and no letters were sent to instruct her on how to make any payments. Now she has started receiving letters from this DLC company asking for her to make payments. I have sent the letter i got from here asking for a true copy of the CCA, this was in May of this year and all she had received back was a letter confirming receipt of the request and that they would request the info required. Every couple of months she got a letter to say that they were still 'chasing up' the required paperwork but that it didn't consitute enforcement if they still asked for her to make payments. She then received another letter about 2 weeks ago from the DLC parent company 'MDB' saying that the debt had now been passed to them as she wasn't making any payments. I sent the the letter from here saying that they had failed to comply with my request for a true copy of the CCA within the statutory time limit and as such the matter was now a formal complaint. We received a letter back very quickly from DLC stating 'The logistical aspects of recovering the original documents in time was virtually impossible' and that at the time the complaint letter was received they were 'technically' in breach of the 1974 act. They go on to say that while they disagree with my claims that they have failed to respond my complaint has been upheld. They say in their letter that as payments have been towards the debt the question of liability for the debt is not in question. I have asked them several times to supply a statement of any payments made but they have failed to do this, also with a copy of the CCA we have no idea exactly how old this agreement is. They have asked that i respond within 14 days to confirm what they have written but i was hoping to get some advice on here first before going back with another letter. Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks and Best Regards, Liam
  25. Hi all! I've been so busy sorting out 2 other defences for my OH, that I completely lost track of the date. Right! Claimant: Hillesden Securities (prev Black Horse) Amount: less than 5k. Aos returned disputing full amount. I have received no NOA, DN or response to my CPR31.14 request. I didn't know that Black Horse had sold the debt and the trouble started when I tried to reclaim my PPI from Black Horse 4-5 months ago. My PPI claim has been rejected but I am appealing (just with Black Horse at the moment but to FOS if necessary). My defence is due today and I'm really unsure what to do regarding what to say in my defence as the amount Hillesden are claiming for is directly related to my PPI claim. I don't know what the o/s balance would be without the PPI. I did default after running into financial difficulties back in June 2012 but I had sent a CCCS letter asking for reduced payments in 2010 - no response. We've seen through the recession and clung on by our literal fingertips, so don't want to fall at the hopefully final hurdle. I'm absolutely up to my neck in legal battles at the moment and just need some help to decide the best possible cause of action. Don't want CCJ as just going through Foster caring training. CCJ = no fostering. All advice welcome. With kind regards Kay Hillesden CC claim form 09.07.12.pdf
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