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  1. Hi Am hoping someone can help. Originally had a loan with Black Horse - long story short, we hit hard times and the debt was not repaid. (This was originally a single loan, then further on became joint loan) Black Horse gained a CCJ, that was not defended, and later on secured a charging order against our property. (The property is a shared ownership). Had a letter a couple of years ago saying the debt had been sold to Hillesdens. Since then they have sent the occasional letter giving a sum of arrears etc. There has never actually been an agreement to pay. We have now received this letter from some solicitors. I know we have left things to long - but has anyone got any advice on our best course of action.
  2. I am in the situation where i was the victim of ID Fraud from a previous address. Hillesden have been at me for the last 18 months. I told them i had no knowledge of this debt, put up or shut up and take me to court. I did the usual and put it into official dispute. They came back and stated they believed i was the person that they were after and now seek payment. Now after a 6 month lull i get this. Looking through various threads it seems that hillesden purchase the right to use the Alpins letter head as a frightner. Is this true, or do i need to rack this up a gear myself with hillesden thanks
  3. Hi all, It's 2PM in the Morning and I am wondering what to do next, any advice would be REALLY APPRECIATED. I have just received a claim form from Northampton (CCBC) dated 18th September 2013 Claimant: Hillesden Securities Sending address: Alpins Banbury The claimants claim is in respect of a credit facility 4******* provided by capital one (europe) Plc at the defendant's request on 4/11/2004. Failure to meet requests for payment resulted in the account being defaulted. On 11/12/2009 all legal and beneficial interests for the monies were assigned to Hillesden Securities LTD. The defendant was duly notified in writing of the assignment that a balance of £3170.20 was due. The balance of £3085.20 remains owing from the defendant. Amount claimed 3085.20 Court fee 85.00 Solicitors costs 80.00 Total amount 3250.20 *** I also received a Notice of default sums from DLC Hillesden's on 18th Sept 2013 *** Stating: 18/09/2013 Litigation costs (debtor) Total amount due £80 I was hoping for news of some money that I am owed to sort this lot above out but it has not materialised yet. Note: I have been paying regular £1 and £2 token payments and previously received a letter from Hillesden's back in June 2011 with a 50% settlement offer that I filed at approx. £1500 but could not afford it at the time due to financial problems created by a solicitors error with a property sale in another matter. So........ I have just called Alpins to see if the £1500 settlement could still be accepted to avoid a CCJ as a family member has offered to loan me the money, I offered £1000 waiting for a counter offer from them and willing to pay the previously offered £1500, they told me settlement would be £2900 now,far too much to ask my relative for, What do I do no ?, they are no doubt looking for a CCJ with a holding order to be placed on our home that I have a interest only mortgage on and have 5 months arrears, things have been getting better and paid regular mortgage payments for the last year, I am waiting for a pay out from a commercial property solicitors error that originally put me in this debt but have struggled paying solicitors to sort it out. Please Help, The papers served on me are dated 18th September. Me and my wife were planning on setting up a small business soon when some money matures, would the CCJ affect this? Every solicitor I have dealt with in the past 5 years have had me over, even the ones that I have paid to do a job on my behalf.
  4. Folks we we unfortunate enough to rececieve a CCJ in 2010 and duly started to pay the agreed amount. I was then diagnosed with cancer and with one thing and another from Jult 2011 we forgot to continue to make the payments we then in October 2011received a leeter from DLC saying 'it's a while since we have been in contact with you etc. etc.' I rang them and asked why they were involved and was told they were acting for the court, I didnt believe this and ignored all further letters from DLC, then the letters started coming from DLC stating that the creditors name was Hillesdens Securities Ltd formerly Black Horse Ltd. All these letter state that the CCJ was awarded at my local court, it wasn't it was issued through NCCBC. My questions are as follows: 1) Can a CCJ judgement be sold on? 2) If so should I not have been informed? I completely admit not paying anything since July 2011 as I could not get a definite answer as to who owned the bloody thing! I now have a letter from Alpins saying that they are applying to have me brought before my local court to be examined on Oath as to the reason for non-payment plus detailed information of my income, assets outgoings and overall finacial situation. This will involve a court fee of 50 pounds and potentially a commital warant could be issued form my arrest if I fail to attend. Advice please....I do intend to start paying again!
  5. Hello again all, I have already been here before spookily almost 1 year to the day when I got CCJ paperwork from Arrow Global and the case was struck out in the end. This time its Hillesden Securities and they already seem to be better prepared than the last lot! I'm after a bit of guidance if possible please: Claim form from Northampton CCBC dated 2nd May 2012 Claimant Hillesden Securities Ltd Via Alpins. POC: The claimants claim is in respect of a credit facility, ACCOUNT NUMBER, provided by Lloyds TSB Bank PLc at the defendants request on 03/12/1999. The agreement was subsequently defaulted. Failure to meet requests for payment resulted in the account being terminated on 15/07/2011, all legal and beneficial interest for the monies was assigned to Hillesden securities Ltd. The defendant was duly notified in writing of the assignment and the balance of £2341.65 was due. The balance of £2341.65 remains owing from the defendant. OK I have done the AOS on line on 15th May with the intention to defend in full. On 16th May I sent a CPR request 31.14 On 16th May I also sent Section 78 request with £1 postal order. Today I got a letter from DLC Direct Legal Collections (trading name of Hillesden securities) saying the following: We have been passed a copy of your letter dated 16th May 2012 by our solicitors. We acknowledge receipt of your request for information filed in accordance with Part 31.14 of the civil procedure rules. We are still awaiting copy documentation from the original lender and will forward it to you in due course. We confirm that your account will remain on hold until we have done so. Should you require an extension of time to file your defence pursuant to part 15 of the practice directions we will consent to an extension of 28 days. You have also requested a copy of your credit agreement under s.78 Consumer Credit Act 1974. As you have requested a copy of this document as part of your CPR Request, we are returning your fee. Yours sincerely Litigation department. The thing that is giving me some worry is that these lot sound a whole lot more on the ball than the last lot as they have already anticipated my request for an extension (which I have not yet asked for waiting as I was waiting for the reply to my requests!) Am I on the right track and I'm not sure what difference it makes that it is through Northampton (last time it was the local court to the solicitor) I am sure last time I was advised that Northampton do things automatically without the request of the claimant so how do I go about the extension they have agreed in the letter?? Many thanks in advance if anyone is free to help me out again!!
  6. Hi Guys, I have received a few letters from Clarity which started with the usual we are trying to contact someone, which I ignored (why help them?) then came the "you owe us loads of money" letter, which I also ignored because I see why I should ring them or do anything initially. Then came the "we will send round the FieldCall people to discuss the fact that you owe us loads of money" letter. I was not too purturbed because a) I had been chased almost a year ago for almost the exact same amount by Lowell, who finally admitted they were wrong and appologised for writing to me (I had written a very polite "prove it" letter), and b) I recently came across these forums which are a revelation. I wrote a letter back basically saying, very nicely (I think) - prove it, and I don't want you sending anyone round to talk to me about it. Today I received the attached letter (suitably redacted), to which I want to reply in this way: Dear Clarity, If you don't know who I am, then stop accusing me of owing you money. Yours faithfully, etc. What do people think? I don't wish to fire flaming letters at them, because I feel that that sort of thing can later predudice things, if, for some reason it all turns sour. I am not worrying particularly, but would like to ensure that my response is measured and reasonable. Any advice?
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