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  1. What is the score with someone signed off on long term sick, and on UC with income based ESA being called in for a Review to see if they are doing enough to seek work or increase their hours They haven't had a report from a Work Capability Assessment as yet? this is what was on their To Do List about the interview: "This is to check you're doing everything you can to find a job, or earn more". If they say they are signed off with a Fit Note stating they are Unfit For Work would they get a Sanction for refusing to look? A neighbour has asked me about this, as they are a tad confused.
  2. I hope I'm posting this in right place. I hope some one can give me some advice. I work in a small hotel. I'm the Head Chef. We have 2 other chefs working in the kitchen. One of the chefs is known to be very lazy. Likes to take time off saying he is ill when isn't, spends more time playing on phone than working etc. Earlyer this week on the Tuesday I was working with him and he started going on about how he had just got a new xbox and the new call of duty game that had just come out. He started moaning that his friends were already much higher level than him and that he need to catch up. He had his days off Wednesday and Thursday and Friday morning we hear from him and he has apparently been to doctors and been signed off works for 2 weeks due to stress. He is not stressed, he is only 25, is not married and has no children. He has only just come back off holiday a week ago. I'm sure he has lied to Dr to get time off to play his new video game. He has been playing his new call of duty game for nearly 80 hours straight. And is still online playing at 3am. Would some one who is under that much stress that they can't work be able to play videos games non stop. I am really angry, I have young children and my youngest son is very poorly. He has hospital appointments next week and weeks after. I had booked days off for both weeks, over a month ago. So I could look after my other children whilst my wife takes our youngest to hospital. These hospital appointments are very important. And include Nurosurgery appointments and appointments at eye hospital. We have no family to ask for help, and no friends so my wife relies on me to help. A lot of the hospital appointments are over 3 hours away at specialist hospitals, and a lot they require that my youngest son is bought alone, so it's not possible for my wife to take are other children with her. We are going to have to cancel all appointments as I have now got to cover for this other chef and will have no days off next week or the week after. Its so wrong that he gets to sit at home playing stupid video games and still gets paid whilst I'm left having to pick up the pieces covering for him working my self in to the ground and it will effect my children as they will not see me, and expecially my youngest as he won't get to his hospital appointments. I also feel sorry for my boss as she is a old lady in her 80s and I feel he is taking advantage of her, he lies to her and she believes him. I don't like to see him walking all over her, he laughs at her behind her back. She ended up in a simular situation with a different employee many years ago and she did sack them but then end up being sued for apparent unfair dismissal. Although that situation sorted its self out she is afraid to do any thing or sack any one else. Is there any thing I can do about this chef, how can I get my boss to see what he really is like. I have physical evidence to back up my claims that he wanted time off to play call of duty. Is it worth me mentioning to my boss. Surely as Head chef I should have a say in who works in kitchen. I don't want some one lazy, I want some one hard working who I can trust and who is reliable. If my boss will listen what should be her first step to dealing with this so she doesn't end up in same situation as last time. Any advice would be much appreciated If you wondering why I'm awake posting this at 3.50am is because a neighbours parrot escaped and is sitting in a tree out side my window sqauking like crazy so cant sleep. Thanks in advance.
  3. I have done a search. I have been off work for 6 weeks with work related stress with doctors note. Got a call today from a supervisor telling me that my manager wants to see me later this week at work. This is the only contact I have had from work since I have been off work. Do I have to attend this meeting? I have had no contact from HR or Occ health. I really do not want to go to the meeting as the manager is part of the reason for the stress, and I feel I could lose my temper. cheers
  4. Hi Firstly I am extremely upset/embarrassed by my son's behaviour - but I am trying to be practical in this post..... My 15yo son was caught shoplifting in our Sainsbury's Local this morning He was stopped by a shop assistant as he had put packs on condoms (!) in his pocket. He was stopped by the sandwich section near the door. My son admitted to nothing, nor made any excuses. Just handed the packs back. The store assistant took his name, address and mobile number, and said he was calling the police (he made a call, there and then at the till, and then bragged to the person on the other end of the phone about how good he was as this). All this happened in the store, he wasn't taken anywhere, no other member of staff was involved and there was no paperwork shared or anything, just a scrap of paper with my son's details taken. He was also told he was banned for life. So my questions are Why was there no paperwork? Surely there s some sort of official documentation? I would have expected that he would have been sat down, explained the seriousness of the accusation, told what happens next etc? Why was he accused when he hadn't left the store, he could have been buying a sandwich and put the condoms in his pocket as he was embarrassed about carrying them in the store? Did the shop assistant really call the police? Surely my son would have been detained first? Others on the forum who have been banned have been given a piece of paper -my son was given nothing Will the shop tell the school - just so I can be prepared for this when they go back after Easter. Also, they let my son go before my husband was called, and he was obviously very upset by what happened he didn't come home for another hour and we were very worried about him.....it feels irresponsible for a shop to allow a minor to leave without a parent coming to get them..... Any advice gratefully received - do we need to get legal representation? Would it nake a difference? Thanks for any help and advice
  5. Sick and elderly have to wait outside in all weather in the cold for up to an hour before a GP surgery opens - just to get an appointment. Patients are said to start queuing at around 7am every day, although the surgery doesn’t open its doors until 8.00am. What if you are elderly and living on your own? You can’t expect them to come and queue. It’s disgusting. There are lots of old people standing in the freezing cold in the middle of winter. The system needs to change. There are queues every morning. The surgery should open up its doors earlier and have a ticket system, whereby the surgery doors open early to let them inside that way Sick and elderly are not waiting in the cold. The weather is only going to get colder and colder, please help me draft up a complaint to the surgery to get them to change their ways.
  6. I have been off sick since the end of july due to the fact my knees starting giving way (I do a lot of walking in my job ) I had to wait for the op that sticks a camera in both knees and trys to repair the damage . Had the op and the specialist comes in and says ive got good news and bad news , Good news is ive repaired the damage to the cartilage, bad news is I found something I was not expecting so I took a biopsy fast forward to just before Christmas and she the next specialist and he confirms it as rheumatoid arthritis, my scores they use were off the scale and it had spred to shoulders elbows writst to a lesser extent. The company has paid me all I am entitled to due to SSP and sick pay and now I'm on contribution based esa . However they do not seem to be in a hurry to get me back when I talked to the union guy in November he said its because they are not paying you now it doesnt come out of their budget . The problem I have is I cannot forsee me returning to the job I did before due to the damage done to the joints however I would be capable of a desk job/office . The problem being is they are few and far between . Also if I return to work and have to go off again then they could get rid of me due to attendance ie sickness . because they would count it as 2 periods of sickness . They do not want to make me redundant due to ill health because it would cost them a lot of money due to a deal with the union at the company , I have asked the union rep to talk to the manager to see whether they could arrange something for me to return to work in the office that I could put in front of the specialist so he would agree for me to return to work at the end of the month but so far not a whisper . I really need to push this issue because of financial pressures building as well as my sanity not being at work
  7. I have a couple of questions, A company's policy on sick pay entitlement is as follows - During probationary period Zero Completed probationary period and up to one year's service 2 weeks full pay During 2nd and 3rd year of service 6 weeks full pay During 4th and 5th year of service 12 weeks full pay Firstly can someone tell me if that phrase 'completed probationary period and up to one year's service' means you start counting from the start of employment or from the end of the probationary period please? And next is there anything, if service has been continuous, which could mean an employee does not move into the next bracket on the appropriate anniversary? There is a further table on the contract for shift workers, same periods of employment but then sick pay is given in shifts and after this table it says 'once you have exhausted your sickness entitlement in any 12 month rolling period you will no longer accrue the right to further sick pay again until you have been back at work for a continuous period of 26 weeks'. This makes total sense for that table because of the nature of the employment but there's nothing to say this doesn't apply to both types of employee. Does this mean if you use up your entitlement, go back to work and five months later have a day off with eg a migraine you go back to square one and unless you do six months full attendance at some point you will never again accrue entitlement to sick pay?
  8. Hello, Since May 2017 my husband has been signed unfit for work by his doctor with all kinds of problems relating to anxiety and depression, he is in the middle of a 8 week course of counselling which seems to have a positive effect and we felt he was on the road to recovery. He has always been keen to return to work as quickly as possible and his doctor and counsellor agreed that if he wanted to return to work then they would agree to a phased return which his employer agreed to once an independent medical assessment had taken place and back to work meetings had been held with occupational health that all changed on the evening of the 21st July when he received an email to his personal address from the UK HR Manager, the opening line in the email was "Sorry to have to reach out to you regarding this but I need to you take urgent remedial action regarding your expenses". the expenses were all business related and I highlighted the fact that at they were outstanding to his HR in May which they ignored. As much as I tried to tell him the reports can wait and he was still signed as unfit for work he was immediately anxious and wanted to get them done as the email stated that the whole region`s rebate would be withheld and that would effect peoples bonuses due in August, that’s around 15 thousand people and I felt it was unfair to even mention that let alone ask him to push through 6 months’ worth of reports whilst no one is really sure on his condition until medical assessments have been done. Now my husband often told me the IT systems were unreliable and caused frustrations but until I tried to help him do his expenses and mileage reports I had no idea how exhausting it was, he had 6 months to catch up on and it took over a day from him to access all the systems etc as the passwords had all expired, he got caught up in it all and was trying to call Pittsburgh on a Sunday evening to reset his passwords etc, by this stage he was so caught up in it all it was pointless me telling him to stop so I decided the best thing for me to do would be to assist him where I could, I was worried sick as I could see his whole attitude changed but was unable to talk sense to him and have him stop , we eventually got onto the programmes needed (he works from home) and it then took a day and a half to complete the reports and submit them. over the course of 4 days he completed the reports but he slipped back so far he wouldn’t eat couldn’t sleep when he visited his counsellor that week I don’t think she could believe it and was disappointed as was I, he has been with the company for 3 years and enjoys the role but I wonder now if they should have considered this more and personally I have lost confidence in them supporting him back into the work place correctly. Is there any advice out there as there is no doubt that this has been a set back and I do not trust this company to make any adjustments or control his work load when/if he returns , if I could talk him into handing his notice in and moving on I would but he worries about money and finding another role and is also worried that they won’t want him back after the past few months. Has anyone been in a similar situation or heard of this. Thanks.Ann.
  9. Hi, My girlfriend has been working for an NHS Trust since March 2017, before which she was working with another trust since October 2016 (and has 10 years of service but not concurrent). However, the 3 to 4 years preceding this, she has been living abroad. She had to take sick leave last month due to accepting a (short notice) date for a major operation. The day she was offered the date for the op, she went to the HR dept and spoke with one of the officers, who informed her that she was entitled to full sickness pay for six months based on the fact that she had 10 years and more of service. Today she was informed that she has gone into half-pay since last week! Any advice on what she can do to correct this? She doesnt have a paper trail for the information that HR has given her although she remembers the date and approximate time that the conversation (face to face) took place.
  10. Thank you for your time and advice. We're looking for some general advice on this issue regarding my partner who is off work with depression caused by her workplace. The employer has told us they will visit this Thursday to "discuss her absence". Here's a bit of the back story: Mt partner is a Cleaner. She is off work due to depression, this was caused by her undergoing treatment for recurring miscarriages and her Manager moving her from a job she was happy in to another part of the company where it is very quiet, no interaction and a totally different world than where she had been. My partner asked to be moved back but was told it is not possible. She thinks she was only moved because her Manager had to cover 6am to 7am as she couldn't get into work for 6am. Funnily enough, the person who took my partner's old position starts at 6am (!) Events and Mismanagement that has led to my partner's Depression: 1. She was late for work twice when the buses here were effected by a huge amount of roadworks (which was front page news). Her bus simply didn't turn up two days in a row and she had to wait for an alternative bus (the following days she caught a taxi rather than lose her job). Both times she rang the Manager and let her know. All seemed okay until over 2 weeks later when her Manager issued her with a stage 2 warning for absence (not even a 'late'!). Luckily I was able to speak directly with the city bus manager who kindly emailed a letter explaining the missing buses and her Manager took the warning off her record. It was like a letter from Mummy for not having a PE Kit! 2. A few days later (revenge?). My partner received a printed warning document detailing things that would need to be improved in her cleaning duties. These included a set of stairs that experience 24-hour high traffic from hundreds of staff which she was warned were dusty and dirty. She was told another inspection of her work would take place on 4th April and if it wasn't satisfactory a PIP Procedure (warnings that can lead to dismissal) would be put in place..skipping the written warnings stages completely! Two weeks later she had the Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th March 2017 off as holiday. My partner went back on Monday 27th March 2017 and was called her into her Manager's office and told that the showers had body-fat in them, even though she had worked hard to make everything A1 before her days off. Her Manager then said "Just because you signed that warning, doesn't mean you can F?cKing slack off anywhere else!" (Bullying?). 3. Two days later (29th March 2017), My partner had a small operation to investigate the fibroids the hospital believe have caused her recurring miscarriages. She was not allowed this as unpaid leave and had to work before going to the hospital. She had to go work the day after the operation too. On the day after the operation she was taken home by the people she cleaned for in FOST and they phoned my partner's Manager to complain; which no doubt will be mentioned in the absence meeting and my partner blamed for it! Anyway, that date was 30th March which was the last day she worked and has been off with depression since. 4. On 24th April we received the letter saying they'll be coming to our home on 4th May 2017 to discuss her "illness, current health status, long term diagnosis, current abilities and when you might be fit to return to work. And also to gain authorisation to contact your GP for a medical report." - We appreciate any advice you can give and for reading this long post. If you can advise on what we should do at the 'Meeting to Discuss Absence' and whether we should print off this post and discuss it or if that would probably mean them finding an excuse to get rid of my partner? She has had depression all the time she's worked there (10 years) and never had long-term sick so could they sack her for depression knowing she has it anyway (last year she had a miscarriage and went sick with depression) Would she have the right to be asked to be moved and, if so, would they have to move her to a post that has the same hours/amount of hours? Staff who have complained in the past have always ended up sacked Finally, their letter says she can have a member of staff/Union Rep (unfortunately not in a union) at the meeting but I intend to be their. It is our home so can they say I can't be there? We will also be recording the meeting, as it is our home do we legally have to tell them so?
  11. Hi My partner his off sick from work. A few months ago we started a new business together for when she is finally sacked/leaves etc. She is joint Director and shareholder like me. We have not even done any work yet, all we have done is put money into the business. No wage has been taken out, no dividend taken out, no money at all has come out of our business bank account. The fire service who employs her says you must have permission for another job but nothing about being a director of a company, especially a dormant one. She has had lots of problems at work and put a grievance in finally 2 weeks ago then alas this disciplinary letter turns up saying she works for this company. However she doesnt she owns it with me. They now want to see her asap. Should she take copies of all accounts, share certificates, bank statements etc to prove no wage has ever been drawn. I am also a witness. Thanks
  12. Hi all, I am a driver with a major high St retailer, about a month into the job but have already thrown out my lower back, it is a job that requires frequent heavy crates . I also have some foot issues so can't stand for long periods. My Doctor has signed me fit for work providing I neither lift, nor stand much, which rules out doing my job, unless I act as a pure driver for one of the guys. My ideal outcome here is that I'm sent home as sick, on full pay, until my back is diagnosed, treated and strengthened - however long that may take. My contract stipulates I work from my local store so I don't see any danger of them sending me to sit at a desk in Head Office in London, and they probably wouldn't want to retrain me as a Cashier (which I'd really not want to do). Nor could they could send me out on the shop floor, which obviously would involve a lot of standing. Bear in mind I'm in my probationary period, I've just passed the 4 week mark where, if they want to terminate they'd have to pay another 4 weeks, so it would be a tad uneconomical for them to terminate. I guess this comes down to two questions... 1) Do I call in sick, and state I can't do my job? I had a brief chat with a guy who knows an awful lot about it and his advice was get the Doctor's note, and call in sick. 2) Should I put my negotiating cap on and maybe strike a 'buyout' deal of some sort?
  13. Hi all its been a long time since I've posted. I worked at this agency since 2014 and was suspended without pay over a safeguarding issue. Due to stress and anxiety I went on to statutory sick pay and the employer went quiet. I wrote to them recently and they responded that the case is on hold and I have to come off the sick for the case to proceed. At the moment I'm thinking along the lines of an Employment tribunal as I think that they are behaving very unfairly. I don't really want to stay with them over the way that they have treated me but I just don't know what to do next and am worried sick about having no money at all. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Hello! It seems I am another persons struggling with CRS/Harlands etc etc. Way back in 2012, I entered into a gym contract with Fitness First in Leeds whilst at University. I then moved back home (40 miles away) and called Fitness First and asked them to transfer my "home" club to being back at my parents home, they said this was fine. Fitness First then shut down my local gym, I called them and they said everything was cancelled and that they were sorry for any confusion. I then found a DD on my bank account to "Harlands" in around February/March 2013, went into my bank, said I didn't know who this was and they reversed the charges, I didn't hear anything at all. Then came emails in August 2013 from The Zinc Group, asking me to contact them. Being a naive early 20's anxiety ridden mess, I only communicated with them once to tell them to stop calling me. This went on for a few weeks as I ignored their calls, then I heard nothing from them. Roll on to Friday last week (December 9th 2016) and I receive a text message from CRS saying "Please call CRS today on 01444 449*** as your account has now been returned to us from the Zinc Group. We're open between 8:30am and 6pm" I then received an email asking me to contact them regarding my account at TruGym Leeds (which is what the Fitness First turned into - I never stepped foot in the place), and I have received another email this morning asking me to contact them today, other wise they will pass it on to Spratt Endicott Just looking for some advice really. I don't think they have my correct address as I have not received anything in writing from them, and old emails from Zinc have my old student house address on them. The balance is apparently £193.35, but I do not plan on paying them a penny. I do not have a copy of my old contract with Fitness First, and I have never signed ANYTHING with TruGym Leeds. I never even set foot in the building to my knowledge. If anyone could advise what I need to do next that would be great. Should I continue to ignore everything from them? Seems a bit strange for them to contact me three years since they last attempted to. I genuinely thought all this had gone away. Thank you for taking the time to read this, you lovely bunch of people!
  15. My company is undergoing a restructure and my job is being made redundant. I have had 3 consultation meetings and I have now been invited to attend my final consultation meeting at which I will be made redundant. I am currently off work with work related stress as things have got so bad that I just can't cope. I have been with the company for over 12 years. Do I have to attend this meeting or can I ask for it to be rescheduled? I know that it is only delaying the inevitable but at the moment I just can't face people. Thanks.
  16. My wife is off sick, and is in the process of being given her prognosis for her cancer (Specialist biopsy going to London specialist Hospital.) It's not looking good, and we're both worried about it being the worst case scenario. She has problems with incontinence and is signed off sick with doctor's notes, etc. Her work (DWP) are constantly on the phone, trying to talk her into coming back to work and saying things like "Well, we can work around you having to go to the toilet every five minutes." What is the legal position of all this? Things like how often are they allowed to contact when you have a medical certificate, etc/ Thanks in advance.
  17. Hi, I have been suspended from work after I made a complaint about my manager, basically I had to be investigated for being late to work, on the day in question I was very unwell and couldn't get the bus due to having no money, I walked to work and was a little late. My manager sent an email to the person doing the investigation stating that I am a confrontational person and the person doing the investigation should have a witness present for their own protection. This email was shown to me and I naturally complained as it is a slanderous email and it suggests I would get violent towards a colleague. I complained to the senior manager regarding this email. The senior manager visited me and suspended me on the grounds of a complaint that came in from a member of public about a month ago. There has been no investigation into the complaint and I haven't been suspended awaiting disciplinary action. In my job I have had lots of complaints from members of the public, being a civil enforcement officer it is a common occurrence, but as complaints are usually just from disgruntled people and never anything serious, which is the case this time, I have never been suspended before. These complaints are always investigated first. I believe I am going to be sacked of spurious grounds to avoid the issue of my manager and the slanderous comments made about me. Do I walk? Do I allow the sacking and appeal? Should I escalate this with HR before it reaches any of these stages? I am unsure what to do here. Employment tribunal? Thanks for any advice you can give Tony
  18. I was/is on SEETEC, but my doctor told them that I was travel sick, they've given me 3 sets of tablets to help me. I do 9-5 job search which is 5 days a week, Thursday and Friday I go to a city 45 minutes away via bus. They knew I was travel sick, but ignored the doctor's note, I wasn't well. On Monday I was ill and kept retching, I told the receptionist that I felt ill but had to wait for the manager. Well, she came back and told me I had to stay at tehe centre till 5pm, it was 12.30 and my stomach wa shurting and I felt sick. So I walked out and had a doctor's appt and he gave me the 7 day sick not which has ran out. Because I have now got the month long one I can sign off JSA and onto ESA.. I'll ring them on Monday, but I don't understand if I have to continue with the job search or ring SEETEC to tell them I won't be in. I will on Monday as they need a copy of my sick note. Can anyone help me? The doctor wrote down anxiety as cause for me being off sick. He also said this place is stressing me out and making me ill. I would gladly get myself a volunteering placement myself.
  19. Hi , i worked part time 16 hrs in a care home as a maintenance man for 9 months up until june this year i worked in the dementia unit , the job was quite stressful and upsetting at times and was made worse by a recently promoted carer/manager anyway we didn't get on and we had argument and she tried to give me a written warning about my attitude , so i walked out , the other managers were very understanding and wanted me to return and sort out the problem but i just couldn't deal with it so i resigned went to see my doctor and I've been on the sick with depression/stress since . i have recently got a questionnaire fit for work thingy and my doctor tells me they will probably say i'm fit to work which is ok because i'm ready to start work , my question is will i be able to claim jsa or whatever it is when i get signed off the sick , i will tell the job centre i left the job because it was making me ill . thanks in advance.
  20. Hi, on the 13th August I was referred to Ingeus by my JSA Advisor and told to expect a call off them. On the 15th August I had a severe epileptic seizure caused by stress and was given a sicknote for 12 weeks by my doctor. He thinks, due to me being severely depressed and prone to more seizures, that I should be on ESA. I closed my claim for JSA on the 17th and opened my claim for ESA on the same day. Later that day I had a letter from Ingeus telling me to attend on the 27th. There were no mentions of sanctions or anything like that, but it caused me to become very agitated. I called the number on the letter (their general enquiry number I think) and the man, without asking for any details, told me I still had to attend. Is this correct? My JSA claim is now closed and my ESA claim is being processed. I've never met nor spoken to Ingeus before, so do I still need to go? I'm very ill at the moment and this might make me worse I fear. Obviously in 13 weeks if they put me in WRAG, that's a different situation but right now I am very ill. Any info on this would be very very appreciated!
  21. I know i am, it's not just because it's about people claiming benefits, but all the inaccuracies contained within these programs, the one on channel 5 about benefit cheats, is the latest, a Liverpool lad , claiming what was described as sickness benefits ,for PTSD told the undercover reporter that he was getting a total of £1,500 per month ,inc DLA , I find that very hard to believe, which makes me think of those IDS and his sanctions work leaflets that were based on lies , Also are those that are cheating the system really that dumb that they will boast to someone they hardly know about the hows and why's of what they do? Are these tv companies paying for stooges for entertainment value, and to help keep the governments hate propaganda against people on benefits alive ? if it isn't about cheating the system in some way, it's about their health conditions ie" too fat to work" ect
  22. I have been bullied at work by a colleague and raised a grievance. The meeting is next week which is making me very anxious and panicky. I signed off for anxiety and stress at work, informing my line manager that I will stay out of work until the meeting, because the stress is affecting my mental health. The absence will be less than five days. My manager's manager insists that I have to call in every day. I checked the Sick Leave Policy and there is only mention of keeping in touch, nothing about a sick employee calling the office every day. Is this allowed?
  23. Hi I wonder if anyone can help me. My daughters boyfriend has just received a letter telling him that he has to attend a meeting due to his sickness levels. Now before I go any further I should explain that he ruptured his ankle ligament 7 months ago and was initially signed off sick and then returned to work but with difficulties. He works for xxxx and obviously has to wear safety boots which he found difficult and painful at times but nonetheless he did so. So alterations were made for him despite asking for them and so he just struggled on, probably doing more damage. At the beginning of February he had an operation on his ankle and is now on strict non weight bearing instruction from his consultant for at least 6 weeks. He informed his employer as soon as he knew about his operation date and has kept them informed overstep of the way. He has today received a letter telling him that he has to attend a meeting, at his work place, on Tuesday to discuss his sickness record. Naturally he is very upset at receiving this letter. I should point out that he has also had other issues with the company i.e. not being paid correct and when he has questioned this he has been told that there is nothing that can be done for that month and that it will be sorted in the following months pay and that he will have to pay basic rate tax on that amount even though he doesn't earn enough to pay tax. He has read the letter to me and I found it very threatening. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you
  24. Hi i would be really grateful if anyone can help or advise my situation, i feel absolutely sick and i cant stop shaking.. Please dont judge me I got a letter today from tax credits saying they believe another adult is living with me and they need documents from 6th april 2015 - 30th June 2015.. I Have been living with my partner since january, he is the dad to my 2 sons and i am so ashamed for not telling tax credits that he is living with me..he doesn't work or he is not on any benefits at all..i work but im on maternity leave at the minute..what should i do? I feel physically sick at the thought of going to jail i dont want my kids to end up being dissapointed in me please help x
  25. Ok Just start with some background. for the past two years 2014 & 2015 i have had relapses of prolapsed disks causing me to have long absences , after the last absence it was agreed that i would be covered under the disability act (or whatever its called now) also after i had my injections i had to have physio which the occupational health provided so i got back to work a lot quicker than if i had waited for the nhs . Now on to this year i had to be signed of sick because my shoulder had frozen i cannot lift anything of with with one arm , doctor has put me on pain killers and on the list for physio for the shoulder which will allow me to return to worl . When it was diagnosed i told my line manager to refer me to OH because the waiting list was 3 months and they could get me seen a lot earlier like last time , then when i spoke to them again after i was given another fitness note and again they saud they would . Also the reason i need the referral is that they could arrange to gety me back to work in a different area not doing the repetitive actions which aggrevate it while i am waiting for physio or sending me to their physio . The problem is when i go back i know i will face a meeting about my absence but i cannot afford to pay to go privte to jump the list also I cannot go back to full duties because even the gp said i would see you within a week again . So where do i go from here. I am unable to go to OH without the referral but without Oh i can see me being signed off until i get the phsio from the NHS
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