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  1. Signed a solar panel maintenance Contract in home for 3K (deposit paid on CC), with no mention of 'cooling off' period. in Contract. So how how long do I have to cancel the Contract & recover my deposit (s75)?
  2. Sick and elderly have to wait outside in all weather in the cold for up to an hour before a GP surgery opens - just to get an appointment. Patients are said to start queuing at around 7am every day, although the surgery doesn’t open its doors until 8.00am. What if you are elderly and living on your own? You can’t expect them to come and queue. It’s disgusting. There are lots of old people standing in the freezing cold in the middle of winter. The system needs to change. There are queues every morning. The surgery should open up its doors earlier and have a ticket system, whereby the surgery doors open early to let them inside that way Sick and elderly are not waiting in the cold. The weather is only going to get colder and colder, please help me draft up a complaint to the surgery to get them to change their ways.
  3. My wife has been staying at a relatives house. Someone just cold called the house asking for her from Nationwide, she has an outstanding loan, credit card, and overdraft with them.. are they allowed to do this ? - i thought not. ??
  4. Have had 3 or 4 calls recently from cold callers working for Halifax. When you answer phone it goes dead or they ask for you by name and then ring off. Has anyone else had these calls which are to get your feedback for service received. Are Halifax allowed to give 3rd party your contact details ?
  5. Cold calls offering exotic investment opportunities to people cashing in their pension pots will be banned under government plans. Ministers estimate eight [problem] calls are made every second to UK residents, leading to an annual loss of £19m. Advice services and legitimate companies said such calls had "plagued" the pensions world for years. The ban, which could be enforced with fines of up to £500,000, would not cover texts and emails. However, the government will gather views on extending the proposed ban to all electronic communications. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38029133
  6. A special register allowing people to prevent charities from pestering them for donations will be created following the death of a Bristol poppy seller. 92-year-old Olive Cooke killed herself in the Avon Gorge last May after battling depression. Shortly after her death it was revealed she had been bombarded with thousands of messages from charities she supported. The Fundraising Regulator (FPS) hopes to launch the service this year, subject to approval from members. HOW WILL IT WORK? Users create an account and choose which charities they want to block from contacting them. Each account will last two years - and users will be asked if they wish to renew their details three months before they expire. Charities which spend more than £100,000 per year on fundraising will be required to bankroll the register by contributing £15,000 annually. It will only apply to fundraising communications and not information letters, or calls put out by charities. http://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2016-08-26/charity-regulator-planned-to-stop-persistant-donation-pestering/ https://www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk/about/purpose-strategy/
  7. BBC rip off Britain report on man who set up a premium rate line to make money from cold sales calls received. So far he has made £4k. Could you imagine if a lot of people set these up and these cold calling companies were silly enough not to block them being called. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04bpgrv
  8. I never get a cold. Worked outside most my life and always thought as i do not mix with many people that is why i have never been struck down. But my throat is sore,my beak is running and my eyes are streaming,so i have taken to my nest. For a few days at least. It must be a strong one to catch the owl out. I have just wondered how it is in your area.Are you struck down by the virus from hell. Many maybe are laid low as perhaps a cold virus is running rampant Have you any remedies wise ones out there.Even my ears are itching. Good grief it may be a door that gave it to me,can you believe such a thing. Or maybe a supermarket trolley. Everything may be contaminated.Putting protection on. Oh,it is to late i am contaminated already. From a scientist at Cardiff University. Have you caught the virus and who gave it us.Who was the little devil who caught it first. And how did they catch it.There is a question to answer for the wise ones out there. OOPS I hope it was not me,going undercover in my nest.Pulling twigs over me and some down feathers.
  9. I recently entered two free to enter competitions shown on food products and within a month i have started to receive marketing communications from other companies. I ticked the relevant boxes to say that i did not want to receive any marketing from them or any third party companies. I don't normally enter such competitions which require online registration, for the reason of not wanting companies to sell my data. I thought stupidly that they had stopped doing this, given recent fines, but they are obviously still at it. I might make up a name to catch the companies selling data against my stated wishes and report them. Trouble is when Archie Aardvark wins the competition for a trip to the Rio Olympics, i might find it difficult to claim the prize.
  10. A firm selling call blocking devices has itself been fined for making unsolicited calls to those who have opted out of receiving them. Cold Call Eliminations, based in Chichester, made calls to the elderly, including cancer sufferers. One was said to have been left "badly shaken". They were registered on the Telephone Preference Service (TPS), so should have been exempt from such calls. The company, which has been fined £75,000, refused to comment. BBC Oops
  11. It's a brand new build, and is suppose to be very energy efficient, however I'm not convinced it has been properly insulated. The heater is a "heat exchange unit", so there is no boiler in the property, just a big unit somewhere else which pumps hot water to each flat which is used for hot water from the taps, and heating. The issue is that I would leave the heating on its highest setting (30), for several hours at a time, but the flat never gets warm, it stays below 20 I would imagine. The radiators warm up (can comfortably hold your hands on them), but no where near the temperature I have seen with gas boilers. I am having to use electric heaters along with the central heating to warm the flat. Is there any duty for them to provide me adequate heating?
  12. Cold callers hiding behind withheld numbers could be fined more than £2m in a new law to be announced today. From 16 May, all direct marketing companies registered in the UK will need to display their phone numbers when making unsolicited calls, even if they have call centres overseas. Companies can risk fines of up to £2 million from Ofcom and a further £500,000 from the ICO if they continue to bombard consumers with unwanted calls. The move will make it easier for people to decide whether to answer their phone and to make formal complaints if they are harassed. It will also help the regulator - the Information Commissioner's Office - to investigate those who break the rules by continuing to make nuisance calls. http://news.sky.com/story/1684141/fines-for-cold-callers-using-withheld-numbers Report it If you have received an unwanted sales call, please report it to the ICO. Although they cannot investigate all individual cases, reporting your concerns will help them take action in the future. https://ico.org.uk/concerns/marketing/report-telesales-calls/
  13. The Government has announced plans to put an end to anonymous phone calls from British companies in the UK or based overseas. Telemarketers will be forced to display a valid phone number when they make phone calls - or face heavy fines in a new crackdown on nuisance calls. The welcome change to the law means it will be a legal requirement for direct marketing callers to show a valid caller identity that shows up on phone displays when they call. The changes make it easier for people to report any company that makes unwanted calls. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2016/01/cold-calling-firms-forced-to-display-phone-numbers-429776/ How to stop the nuisance callers First, make sure you’re not handing your details away. If you don’t want to hand over your own phone number when filling in forms, use this one instead . You can complain about a cold caller to the ICO here . If the cold caller is from a claims management company, such as those calling about PPI, you can also complain here . Cold callers aren’t supposed to call you if you’ve signed up to the Telephone Preference Service .
  14. Is there anything I or my phone company can possibly do to stop harassment and sometimes abusive calls ? I have logged times and dates and I have answered on a couple of occasions but can never quite understand the person talking. Now I have been receiving calls early morning and late at night. Always ask for the same person but incorrect name and when asked who I am speaking to its either Jon, Joe, Reggie, Ronnie etc and then sometimes followed by abuse if further questions asked
  15. I went on the Virgin Media website to see what I could get. I put in my address and postcode - nothing else. I found the information I needed and decided I'd think about it for a while. Within two days a Virgin media person was on my doorstep. I have a very clear no cold calling, no sales people sign. He knocked regardless. I was pretty agitated already by the arrogance and contempt for my no cold calling sign not to mention the principle of sending someone out to chase up the loosest of enquires. I assumed he would get the message as he could see us ignoring him through the living room window. He buggered off and I hoped that would be the end of it. I was mistaken, he called AGAIN tonight just as I sat down for dinner. With this I was LIVID. I opened the door and asked him why he was knocking, to which he said "Did you make an enquiry with us?". I pointed to my sign and said "Can you read" to which he replied "if you've made an enqury it's not a cold call!" What!!??? I asked him what my name was and he obviously stumbled and looked blank. "Have I invited you?" "Then you're a called caller" He made his protests and I got really furious "how dare you read that and disregard it, wilfully choosing to interrupt my evening" Things escalated and I threw several extremely strong insults his way and then told him to get off my property in 5 seconds or I would get physical. At some point I also recall telling him he could shove his fibre optic cable. I am absolutely shocked at the arrogance of this company. To come back AFTER you have read the sign and clearly been ignored. What was he expecting. Now i'm stuck. I don't want to pay BT prices and I don't want a company like Virgin in my life. Gah.
  16. Well I had a very thoughtful call today from a nice man called Geraint - and he was a junior adviser for a company called U Legal which I had never heard of before but he directed me to the Ministry of Justice website and I found their entry there - https://www.claimsregulation.gov.uk/details.aspx/30643/Scarlet_Marketing_Services_Ltd/?search=simple&business=&authID=crm30643&sector=-1&county=-1&status=-1 … although he didn't mention anything about them being investigated by the MOJ – even though it was written at the bottom of their entry "Scarlet Marketing Services Ltd is being investigated by the Claims Management Regulator under Regulation 35 of the Compensation (Claims Management Services) Regulations 2006" , but I decided not to refer to it because I didn't want to embarrass him – he seemed like such a nice man. But of course he was only a junior adviser and he kept on talking about the senior claims adviser and so eventually I was put through to her and her name was Carly but in fact she told me there was an E in the name and in fact it was Carley. It's always embarrassing when you spell somebody's name isn't it? Anyway, the call started with simply an automated announcement telling me about some PPI money that might be due and telling me to press number five if I was interested. I have a feeling that this is called a "broadcast" telephone message. It's funny really because I thought that I noticed on the claims management regulator website that that broadcast telephone calls were not allowed – but maybe I got it wrong. Also, through the call they kept referring to the fact that I was on an "opt in" list. I kept on saying that I didn't think I was and I could never remember opting into anything but they said that I was on the list and that's why they phone me. They kept on repeating this a lot – opt in – opt in – opt in. They also told me that Lloyds bank was the worst offender of all the PPI mis-selling companies. I have to say that this gave me some confidence because I'm sure that it is probably true and it made me want to trust them – but not quite. They told me that Lloyds had been fined £33 billion for PPI mis-selling - but when I queried this, he said that in fact they had set aside £33 billion to repay PPI mis-selling claims. I was astonished. That is a huge amount of money. They also said that they got much better results in much quicker than the ombudsman. That amazed me as well because I thought that somewhere in the claims regulator guidelines, that they were not allowed to say this. Maybe I got that wrong too. Also, they said something about my claim going to their legal team. One thing that puzzled me though was that I kept on asking them how much it would all cost and they seem very reluctant to give any answers on that until I asked so many times that Geraint put me through to Carley, the senior claims adviser and she gradually gave me the information – but after a lot of questions. They really didn't seem to be very clear either about what would happen if eventually it got so long that I wanted to part company with them. She seemed to be saying that that wasn't possible. Luckily, I recorded the whole thing. U_Legal PPI_Cold_call.mp3 If you feel that you can listen to 34 minutes of the conversation, then maybe you might be able to tell me if you think they broke any of the rules which are displayed on the claim regulator's website - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/claims-management-company-regulations-guidance-and-legislation A copy of this recording is being sent to the Ministry of Justice so that they can take it into account during their investigation – and hopefully exonerate U Legal and those nice people Gerald and Carly whoops Carley sorry. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the way, this call was recorded on a Samsung mobile telephone using the Automatic Call Recorder app from the Google play store which is available for free. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appstar.callrecorderpro&hl=en the sound quality was excellent although there was a slight imbalance on the two sides of the conversation. It was processed slightly using Adobe Audition to normalise both sides and also to reduce the volume slightly. However, the recording was perfectly good as it was without any processing and you could hear both sides perfectly. We give lots of advice on this forum about recording your calls. You should always record your calls. If you receive calls on your android mobile phone then you should install an automatic call recorder so that you never have to think about it. You should always record your calls. You will never regret it if you do. If you don't record your calls, then you will regret it. Sooner or later you will regret it. Whoops
  17. If you're annoyed by nuisance calls, you can opt out of them by text message. The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) has been running for a number of years, but according to communications regulator Ofcom only 48% of the people it surveyed knew that mobile numbers can be registered on the TPS (compared with 88% who knew about home phone numbers being eligible). The "text-to-register" service lets you add your number to the "do not call" database of the Telephone Preference Service (TPS), which is good news (provided it works). If you want in, all you have to do is text "TPS" with your number to 78070. And that's it. You should get a SMS reply from the TPS, which confirms that your number has been added into their database. http://www.bitterwallet.com/mobile/today-you-can-opt-out-of-cold-calls-by-text-92175
  18. How exciting. Those nice people at Rock Law who have been so nice trying to contact me from a Birmingham number - 0121 6152941 finally spoke to me today. Very strange because when I tried to call the number, it wouldn't ring. They were really keen to talk to me because they had been calling me repeatedly although strangely each time I answered there was silence. A loose connection I expect. Anyway, we finally spoke. Very nice guy called Gavin with a Welsh accent and he told me that he was in Swansea even though his number came from Birmingham very clever of these people to be able to do that and to be in two places at the same time Swansea is a very nice place I know because I've been there and he told me that I had some PPI which needed to be reclaimed and he also told me that every loan ever made by any bank in the last 25 years had PPI embedded in it and could be reclaimed. Wow and he was from Rock Law Rock like the stone and law like the police he said and he laughed because I think that it was meant to be a joke and he was going to send me an email to get things going but he wanted some personal information first and he really tried to persuade me to give him the information even though I said that I was worried about handing personal details over the phone to someone I didn't know but he was very nice and I nearly trusted him but not quite and so he said that he couldn't help me if I wouldn't tell him my birthday and I wouldn't so he went. Rock_Law_Gavin-2.mp3 And those people at Rock Law are very busy but they still find time to be very worried about my finances because they even phoned me again Rock_law.mp3 Call number one recorded on a Samsung mobile phone using the automatic call recorder app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appstar.callrecorderpro&hl=en no processing Call number two recorded through Skype using Amolto call recorder http://amolto.com/ no processing
  19. Cold Weather Payment It's that time of year, you can check by postcode if your getting one here. http://pensions.direct.gov.uk/en/col...yment/home.asp You may get a Cold Weather Payment if you’re getting certain benefits. Payments are made when your local temperature is either recorded as, or forecast to be, an average of zero degrees Celsius or below over 7 consecutive days. You’ll get a payment of £25 for each 7 day period of very cold weather between 1 November and 31 March. It’s paid into the same bank or building society account as your benefit payments. You don’t need to apply. If you’re eligible to get a Cold Weather Payment, you’ll be paid it automatically. Eligibility You may get Cold Weather Payments if you’re getting: Pension Credit Income Support income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance income-related Employment and Support Allowance Universal Credit https://www.gov.uk/cold-weather-payment/overview
  20. I have recently been trying to help my mum with her financial situation due to some very unfortunate debts accrued from my bully of a brother. Having been through her bank statements with her she has 3 direct debits going out to UNICEF, NSPCA and Leukaemia Research - when I questioned why on earth she had agreed to these (she is a pensioner living in charitable accomodation) she said she had got so upset with the many, many calls she was getting and they just wouldn't take no for an answer - and would grind her down from "oh- well what abut £5 a week, £3, £2 ?" until she said yes to get rid of them. I think this practice is appalling and having had a BHF door caller put his foot in my door recently to prevent me shutting it - I have come to realise this is standard practice by these companies. I shall be writing very strong letters of complaint to them and was just wondering where we would stand legally getting a refund of monies donated. £39 a month to a pensioner who can't even afford to turn up her heating in winter is a LOT of money!! Any advice greatly appreciated
  21. I have been attempting to do research on cold weather policies for canvassing employees. The company I work for has only been around for just over a year. As of now, they have not had a weather policy to protect their workers from being unable to work in unsafe weather conditions. I work in Minnesota, and our crew has missed 10 days in the last month alone due to to the subzero, unsafe conditions we are facing. The company has been receptive to our request for a policy to be enacted, ie, providing us alternate ways to work indoors (malls, etc), or half-day pay. I am wondering if any one knows of any weather policies provided by similar employers, what they entail and what, if any, compensation is offered? Thanks all!
  22. I've just had a telephone call from 01706833772, the guy on the other end sounded like he was from a foreign call centre. He asked was I Miss * to which I reluctantly said I was. He then blasted in to say he was from Rossendales and he was calling regarding an outstanding debt and wanted me to confirm my details for data protection. I told him I have no debt and will not be confirming any details over the phone, I then hung up. I'm fuming that whoever it is has managed to get my mobile number and I have no idea what they are ringing for. I'm now left stressed out and worrying that some big bully are going to come harassing me on the doorstep. I have no idea what they want. Any advice greatly received.
  23. No Cold Callers Template No Cold Callers.pdf Warning to Cold Callers Template Warning to Cold Callers.pdf I Do Not Recognise You Nominated Neighbour Template I Do Not Recognise You A5.pdf
  24. I live in a smallish village and visited my biggest store which is a COOP. An hour later I had to go to a Bargain Booze to get a tin of cat food I forgot. Both these stores were absolutely freezing when entering and the staff were wearing wooly hats, scarves and fingerless gloves. It was warmer outside than instore. Because I live in a village these store are not huge so about a third of their size are fridges and freezers stocking goods, which adds to the cold. However, I've not noticed this in previous years, as in, even in mid-winter, the heating of the store usually compensates for the chill outside and the internal fridges and one doesn't really notice it as it's regulated to be comfortable for staff and the shopper. Today was exceptional in these stores, it was absolutely freezing in both with winter hardly beginning yet. Both stores said their heating system had packed up. Anyone else suspect this is rubbish and they are just saving on fuel bills? The COOP group are in trouble as a whole, are they going bust?
  25. A man targeted by marketing companies is making money from cold calls with his own higher-rate phone number. In November 2011 Lee Beaumont paid £10 plus VAT to set up his personal 0871 line - so to call him now costs 10p, from which he receives 7p. The Leeds businessman told BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme that the line had so far made £300. Phone Pay Plus, which regulates premium numbers, said it strongly discouraged people from adopting the idea. Mr Beaumont came up with the plan when he grew sick of calls offering to help him reclaim payment protection insurance (PPI), or install solar panels. He said: "I don't use my normal Leeds number for anyone but my friends and family." Once he had set up the 0871 line, every time a bank, gas or electricity supplier asked him for his details online, he submitted it as his contact number. He added he was "very honest" and the companies did ask why he had a such a number. He told the programme he replied: "Because I'm getting annoyed with PPI phone calls when I'm trying to watch Coronation Street so I'd rather make 10p a minute." He said almost all of the companies he dealt with were happy to use it and if they refused he asked them to email. Warning The number of calls received by Mr Beaumont has fallen from between 20 and 30 a month to just 13 last month. Because he works from home, Mr Beaumont has been able to increase his revenue by keeping cold callers talking - asking for more details about their services. He admitted the scheme had changed his attitude, saying: "I want cold calls", and that he had moved on to encouraging companies to make contact. After a recent problem with his online shopping, he declined to call an 0845 number but posted his number on Twitter in the knowledge that the number could be picked up by marketing companies. But the premium number regulator Phone Pay Plus says the public should think twice before setting up their own lines. They say phone line providers must meet consumer protection standards, which include transparency, fairness and complaint handling, which would mean clearly setting out the cost of each call to any organisation that rang. They told You and Yours: "Premium rate numbers are not designed to be used in this way and we would strongly discourage any listeners from adopting this idea, as they will be liable under our code for any breaches and subsequent fines that result." A survey for charity Citizens Advice found that two-thirds of those asked had received unwanted calls, texts, emails or letters about PPI mis-selling. More than half said that they had been contacted more than 10 times in the past year. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23869462
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