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Found 6 results

  1. I bought a diesel Volkswagen Passat estate car around a year ago from a local car dealership. While my wife and I were out for a test drive, I made sure to ask the salesman if the car had been affected by the VW emissions scandal. The salesman told us that it was not as they had checked. However, I recently received a letter from Volkswagen stating that my car was indeed affected. We would not have bought the car had we known that it was affected. What are my rights in terms of the dealership? I have no written or recorded record of the conversation, but my wife and I were both present when he made the statement.
  2. I went on the Virgin Media website to see what I could get. I put in my address and postcode - nothing else. I found the information I needed and decided I'd think about it for a while. Within two days a Virgin media person was on my doorstep. I have a very clear no cold calling, no sales people sign. He knocked regardless. I was pretty agitated already by the arrogance and contempt for my no cold calling sign not to mention the principle of sending someone out to chase up the loosest of enquires. I assumed he would get the message as he could see us ignoring him through the living room window. He buggered off and I hoped that would be the end of it. I was mistaken, he called AGAIN tonight just as I sat down for dinner. With this I was LIVID. I opened the door and asked him why he was knocking, to which he said "Did you make an enquiry with us?". I pointed to my sign and said "Can you read" to which he replied "if you've made an enqury it's not a cold call!" What!!??? I asked him what my name was and he obviously stumbled and looked blank. "Have I invited you?" "Then you're a called caller" He made his protests and I got really furious "how dare you read that and disregard it, wilfully choosing to interrupt my evening" Things escalated and I threw several extremely strong insults his way and then told him to get off my property in 5 seconds or I would get physical. At some point I also recall telling him he could shove his fibre optic cable. I am absolutely shocked at the arrogance of this company. To come back AFTER you have read the sign and clearly been ignored. What was he expecting. Now i'm stuck. I don't want to pay BT prices and I don't want a company like Virgin in my life. Gah.
  3. Hello Friends, Yesterday, me and my wife had this bad experience at a carpet shop. After bargaining the price, when we decided to leave the shop without buying, the salesman asked me 'What happened?'. So I said that I will wait for being more closer to Christmas time. Then the salesman gave very rude reply to us that "come after two three years and the prices will be low" and in a very condescending manner. My wife felt very bad and insulted about this. Can I use any legislation to help me in this case here. Really help as my wife was almost in tears when she left the shop. I really want to fix that salesman. Thanks for your replies.
  4. Ordered a new car on Friday, realised there was an anomaly in the costs of around £200 in the dealers favour. Contacted the salesman yesterday and it appears he added a delivery pack to the finance agreement without asking me first. This 'pack' was for stuff like a valet, umbrella, mot for life, £40 fuel etc etc.. Nothing I wanted with a brand new car other than fuel.. He says he has to add them to all sales and only his manager can remove it, he says he will get it removed on Monday and let me know. I am now feeling a bit miffed and even feel like cancelling the order and telling the FOS. Am I being too sensitive? Is this normal? Whats would you do? Thanks for reading my rant
  5. Hi all. We are new around here and looking for any useful information. Cut a long story Found car on ebay david drove to us "for a look at it" before I knew what was happening I was in the bank taking £1250 out I got home to hit the "buy now" to find the Renault Laguna had changed into a Saab (yes same item number) Sorted insurance out, went to car next am & a Tyre is flat, had that sorted then could not engage any gears. called T/ standards (as most know it is the CAB) They advised to reject the car & get an engineers report. After a few Emails I got " see you in court chappie sold as seen" etc. I can prove he is a trader as the same item number has 70+ alterations to it, as in the Renault became a Saab, so a citron turned into a cavalier etc etc. Engineers reports says it is basically scrap. (£200 for the report) Also the VIN numbers are missing, gone from under bonnet & gone from inside widescreen, a sticker inside the b post shows all ok but you can have them made for £10, told police I could have a ringer & they were not bothered (actually said I should have spent the £200 on an engineer before I gave him the money !!! HUH The V5 is in original owners name & complete (ive written to DVLA) I managed to speak to prev owner telling him he must tell DVLA but im not sure if he was BSing me or just did not understand. 2 X registered letters were returned to me saturday last, a Miss Jones says please stop sending me these letters I have no knowledge etc etc etc. A search shows that Miss jones had David Jones living with her at last address, so this is BS too. My GF knocked Miss Jones door & he answered saying no david here & miss jones is out. I have a photo of him so can confirm it is him. I have sent 3rd & final warning to pay up or court action etc (no answer yet) So I can prove he is a trader, a simple google showed many cars sold (but never a feedback on ebay for any of them. So as to yet I have his name & address. a photo proof he is a trader proof he has lived with "miss jones" for a long time at 2 address (brother & sister or married ?) What are my best options next ? Do I have the car transported back to him with proof of delivery (I need it out of the way) Will TS ever get back to me & do what we pay them for ?. Will I get an order for my money (& costs inured & interest) Or do I just drive it through his from door & let "the lads" deal with him ? OK only joking last 2 lines but I feel like doing it Advice & opinions please. Chris (( I was going to add an icon but could not find a mad axeman chopping off the head of a rouge trader))
  6. my car recently developed a fault see picture attached , i took it to BMW and they wanted £650 to repair on top of the £100 i just paid to have a diagnostic . so i thought i would go see my friend that owns his own garage , so he rang bmw to confirm this could be done and they told him yes a second hand part can be put in and it will all be ok . so he fitted it , but couldn't turn the light , this can only be done by bmw , even though they told him he could do it . so i decided to get rid of the car , i got the service coming up the mot , it needs 4 new tyres and various other things , not cheap . i saw a vauxhall astra and thought i would go for that price £7249 , so i went and looked at the car , text drove it etc . the salesman looked at the car , came back in took his mate out and looked again , he then came back in and said he would give me £6000 as is for the car . so i said ok there are some others i want to look at first but will get back to you . i looked at some others , but decided to go back to the original dealer , i went in and seen a different sales guy , spoke to him and he pulled up all the paper work . he said i could have the car now , so i went home changed my insurance over and came back . we signed all the paper work and i paid the money , even the log books were signed over , they have this paperwork you have to sign that says that i am not aware of any faults , to me there were no faults , the car just needed programming . he then took the key to my car and went to look at it , he then came back in and said deal is off , i can't take your car because the light that is on is a critical light and means work needs doing , so i told him a bout the repair and he even spoke to the mechanic that did the repair . the dealer still refused to release the car even tho i now technically own the car , and he gave me my car back as a loan car to drive on their insurance and told me to bring it back when its repaired . i felt like i had no choice and i even let the dealer book the car in to be repaired . i wasn't happy because 1 sales guy said to me and i quote "£6000 as is" and 2 guys looked at it and he still wanted the sale . i would like to know where i stand on this ? was i in the wrong by saying no faults ? , because as far as i was aware the fault was fixed , it was just a light that couldn't be turned off .
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