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  1. Hi, Just need some guidance on this issue. Virgin Media came yesterday and laid some cable from the street drilling a hole in my front wall to put the cable through and then digging the garden to lay the cable . Now I have never ordered virgin media for any services nor am I a current virgin media customer. About 2 weeks ago I got a letter addressed to someone else but with my address on it that had a direct debit for virgin media, I got in contact with them and explained about and was told by the call centre that it would cancel due to incorrect details. I emailed the CEO explaining the situation and am awaiting his reply. Is there anything else I could be doing to get a resolution Regards Richard
  2. Four weeks ago, we secured a new home in an area where Virgin Media don't offer any services. This is a shame because we have enjoyed their service for the past 11 years. We let them know straight away that we would no longer require their services and they told us that they would send us three bags with cable plugs so that we could cap the cables and return the two set top boxes and router that we have. This took two weeks and when the bags turned up there was one bag big enough for the router and one cap. We let them know instantly and they said that this was a common problem and they would send the correct bags. Today they still hadn't turned up and we're moving on Friday (today is Tuesday). Their attitude is that we will just have to order the bags again so we can cap the cables and return the boxes. We have explained that we won't be here, but have been told that if we don't do this properly they will charge us £350 for the equipment. My question is that if we have given them four weeks notice, and they haven't provided the facilities to terminate our contract properly, can they charge us? I have to say that even when we used social media to contact them, they seemed to ignore the fact that we have to leave the property on a certain date and just kept giving us a link to order the bags an caps.
  3. Good afternoon all, I'm sure you're all busy so I will keep this as short as possible. Was a VM customer for 8 odd years. Had to cancel their services last year as my Ex and I separated and I was moving to a new place. Account was in my name, so I phoned to cancel it. Phone call lasted about 10 minutes as they tried to get me to shift it to the new address etc. They explicitely said "there is no further charges to pay" on the phone. (I have it recorded as an .m4a file.) In fact, we were due a refund. A week or two later, I get a letter (at my new address!) asking me to pay a £23 cancellation charge. I wrote them a letter explaining both the phone call, and my annoyance at them chasing the additional charge when we'd been good customers for 8 years. I got another chaser a few days later, and expected the letter hadn't been processed yet, and then nothing.... After not getting any correspondance, I assumed it was done. It was £23, and I thought it would all be sorted. Last week, i'm at the bank applying for a loan, and I am denied and told to check out Experian. Three strikes from Virgin Media over the late payment of £23. The rest of the credit report is absolutely sweet. Credit score tarnished by their mistake and incompetence. Any advice on how best to rectify this, and if I should pursue any further action? All the best, D
  4. Hi all I was a virgin media customer for years before someone manages to hack into my connected sipura voip modem device making it dial prem rate numbers and ran up a bill of £8000 in a matter of 3 days somehow bypassing the credit limit on my account. I have sent an email and called vm to try and sort things out to no avail Vm have made us responsible for the bill blaming the third party device and saying I shouldn't have had a third party device on the line? Somehow I think that vm are not telling me everything and that it could be someone inside vm that was the person who made the calls how was my credit limit bypassed?...
  5. VM are trying to charge me £40 for an unreturned router. I moved house and they sent me the packaging to return it two weeks after I moved out. The router is probably still in my old place. They are insisting that I go back, find it and send it to them or I will be charged the £40. I'm reading stories on this forum of people being chased by debt collectors and credit scores being affected. I'm scared of this. Should I just pay the £40?
  6. Virgin Media’s 4 million subscribers are set to lose 10 UKTV Channels from Sunday 22nd July. This includes Dave, Gold, Drama and W and popular shows such as Taskmaster, Red Dwarf XII and reruns of classics like Only Fools and Horses. Virgin Media customers are venting their frustrations over the loss of UKTV via Twitter, with some threatening to switch to rival television packages Sky or BT: David Bouchier, Virgin Media’s chief digital entertainment officer said: “The problem is the BBC does not grant the UKTV digital rights with its TV shows which leaves it somewhat stranded as a linear dinosaur in an on-demand modern world.” “Part of a commitment to audiences has to be allowing them to watch what they want, when they want and that also means being able to watch those programes on demand. From US studios to small program-makers, that is how it is done. The BBC puts UKTV in a very difficult position and we have been unable to come to terms and will replace the channels.” https://uk.yahoo.com/movies/virgin-media-viewers-arms-losing-10-uk-tv-channels-132054866.html Discuss ?
  7. Hello All, My flight from Barbados to London was delayed over 3 hours. When I put my claim in they stated it was denied stating the flight was delayed by arrival in UK 2 hours and 51 minutes. Are these claims not based on the time the flight departs also?
  8. Hi there, seeking advice of the legal variety... Over a month ago now, Virgin Mobile called me as an existing customer to try to upsell me a new phone and tariff. After discussion an offer was made that was too good to decline. A new S8 and suitable tariff for £29 per month over the period of 24 months. The offer was made of two parts, a loan for the device at £25 per month and the tariff of £4 per month. At the end of the 24 month period, I would just be paying the tariff of £4 per month. I was pleased with this offer and accepted. I confirmed the offer several times and each time it was verified by the representative. On the basis of the offer made and accepted, I agreed to undergo a credit check for the purpose of the loan part of the offer. The credit check was duly scored and passed. The representative advised I would receive three emails, the first relating to the credit agreement. I was instructed to click the link in the email and accept the terms of the credit agreement at which point the device could be dispatched. While on the phone still to the representative the first email arrived but it contained details of a credit agreement for 36 monthly instalments, not the 24 agreed. I raised this with the representative who ultimately advised that the offer made still stands and that I should proceed and accept the credit agreement. I advised that the agreement is wrong and so that a new one should be sent. The call finished and I waited for a corrected agreement to arrive. But it did not. No further emails arrived. Only two text messages advising that I had upgraded and that my tariff. I called Virgin Media the next day to query the agreed sale and after discussion with that advisor, I requested a complaint be made. The advisor stated I would be contacted within 48 hours about my complaint. In the following 5 days I received no contact from Virgin (only other than to chase why I hadn't signed the agreement). I then wrote to them laying out the situation and my complaint asking them to honour the offer. No response had been received to that letter I wrote another advising that I demand they remove the credit reference score they made from credit agency records, which has still not received a response. It is clear that Virgin have no intention of addressing his complaint. The issue for me is that they have performed a credit check against me based on a mis sold product. That credit score needs to be removed. 1) how do I go about getting this done? 2) who can I complain o to ensure Virgin are exposed for this practice? Thanks Mr P
  9. Just a quick question I have tried to send a letter to virgin credit card twice both times they have been signed for I have not received a reply . where should i send it since this is to do with pro rata offers
  10. My mum was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and Vascular Dementia, she has been with Virgin Media since 2011 starting out on a 18 month contract. Five months ago my mum came to live with me, I then went through the process of obtaining a Power of Attorney so I could deal with her housing arrangements ect. A month ago I phoned Virgin Media to cancel her TV services, they said they would need to speak to her and she would have to give them her password. After telling them I had Power of Attorney and my mum had Dementia and could not remember what she did a few hours ago let alone remember a password she was given 6 years ago they said they would have to send her the password. Luckily enough I still have the keys to her old flat as Social Care will not let me surrender the tenancy until they assess her as if I did they would look on it as me making her intentionally homeless.(whilst she waste's £600 a month on rent ect) Virgin Media said they would send a new password in a couple of days, after waiting a week I checked the flat and there was nothing from them. I phoned again weeks ago, again was promised they would send out a password. I was in the flat again last night and all there was from Virgin Media was a new bill for the coming month. I have now cancelled the Direct Debit. Who am I best to contact regarding this.
  11. Ok heres the deal. I signed up for a 3 month virgin active membership back around july, after one months use I wanted to cancel, they wouldnt agree and the idiot manager would not even agree to simply talk with me. I didn't use the gym in the last two months but they don't care and the contract doesn't of course. Arc debt collection has been dealing with me, I owed around £170 or something in total ive already paid £90 worth, maybe that was the wrong decision but I do not want to pay them the remainder. I've set loads of dates to pay and many I have not paid and we just rearrange one guy called saying the solicitors will get involved and court action if I do not pay, I do not want to pay them and i did not pay a payment recently. No doubt they will call me saying solicitor or court action will be taken. What should I do??? I know I should have came to this forum earlier. I do not want to pay these morons or go to court and be forced to pay this little amount and travel there since its out of london etc. ????
  12. Morning, folks. I'm in a particularly odd and confusing situation so any assistance in clarifying where exactly I stand would be greatly appreciated. In 2010 I took out a credit card with Virgin Money. In 2012 I defaulted on this due to financial difficulty and depression. I do not remember receiving a default notice from Virgin Money. It's possible I received a default notice from MBNA, but I closed an account with them in 2006 (I have the letter) so would have discounted it. In January of 2017 I found out a CCJ was registered against me with Hillesden Securities as the claimant. I did not receive any correspondence prior to it being registered, as I was not living at the address the CCJ is registered at. As soon as I found out about the CCJ (through a mortgage adviser telling me!) I attempted to contact Hillesden. This led me to DLC, which led me to Cabot, which led me to Mortimer Clarke. I spoke to a representative of theirs on the phone, explained the situation and asked if the judgement could be set aside. They said no, and that the best I could do was satisfy the CCJ. After some digging online I sent an N244 to my local court and received a hearing date. Mortimer Clarke did not show, the judge decided they hadn't been very helpful, and duly set aside the judgement. Happy days. This was earlier this month. Today I found a letter sent from Mortimer Clarke 4 days before the hearing, with the claimant now being ME III Ltd. The letter states they agree to the setting aside but that a full defense should be submitted within 21 days. They attached a draft order, assuming that the judge would made this order. She didn't. What happens now? Given that the draft order was not formalised, I'm assuming I do not have to submit any further defense (which I already submitted in full as part of the N244). And what are Mortimer Clarke likely to do when they receive the actual order from the court? Many thanks
  13. My contract with Virgin Media was terminated on the 4th May due to the fact that they broke contract by way of serious issues with my broadband which they admitted they had trouble fixing and gave me permission to leave without charge or penalty. I've received my final bill to say I am owed a refund of around £15. I was told initially it was to be refunded within 14 days of cancelled contract. Its now over 14 days and I've not receive the monies due. Any advice please.
  14. I took virgin media to CICAS and they lied about the contract. They told CICAS the screen shot of the t&cs I provided was from an old contract from someone else while the screen shot they provided is from my contract (by this time they had changed my online profile and had updated my contract to show new t&cs). I did not have the original contract copy at that moment but later, after CICAS decided in their favour, I found out the email they had sent me which had the contract I signed and could prove my stance was right. The only proof they gave was fake screen shots which I can prove now was fake. CICAS would not listen to me as their decision is final. Can someone help me legally and take them to court. I do not want to spend more money on them unless I have some legal advise. They not only broke their T&Cs with me but also lied to CICAS deliberately as I had pointed out to them in a call that my online profile shows the old t&cs and after three weeks they changed those. I am sure they have done it to 100s of thousands of people and ripping them off. It's a big [problem] I can tell. Please note I am no more looking for the contract I signed as I have it in my email when they originally sent it to me.
  15. Hi, I purchased two hot air balloon flights in 2015. Due to weather conditions the flights I booked and subsequently booked were cancelled - this happened 4 times. The person I purchased the tickets for is now pregnant so cannot fly so I have asked for a refund. I have been refused any refund and it is in the t&c's that the vouchers are non refundable. Would I have any chance of success challenging this in county court citing the consumer rights act 2015 - unfair terms in a consumer contract provision? I have paid £204.00 and not received a service. Thanks
  16. Good morning everyone, This is my first post to a forum like this and I am looking for some advice. I have signed up to a 12-month Virgin Media contract in November 2016, due to expire in November 2017. Since I signed the paperwork in the shop, I have had a number of issues and conflicting accounts according to the service agents I speak to. 1) I signed a contract in a local high street store outlet. The sales agent was the store manager. I asked explicit questions about billing and the charges, several times, to make I understood. I got confirmation of the maximum amount I could expect to be billed in any given month was the price quoted and circled on my agreement statement. I only wanted Broadband, but for some promotion at the time, it made it cheaper to take Phone and TV too: 12-month promotional discount for the package of all three services, making my overall charges cheaper than Broadband alone. Satisfied I was given clear information and adding all services I needed, ex-directory, etc (to avoid nuisance calls), at the time I took the contract, I was happy. I also asked them about their Refer a Friend scheme before I signed the contract. I was advised, I need to wait for my first bill, after a Month, and then call Customer Services, provide my details, and my friend's details, and we both get an effective discount. - Minor issue, but discrepancy number 1. I made an initial upfront payment instore for something, and left the store. When I was contacted given all the details of my contract and installation dates, etc, most of my services could be set up the next week, but one of them would take up to a Month (the broadband I think). Given the Broadband was the whole reason I needed the service, this wasn't ideal. I called up a few times and this date got moved forwards. Following the installation, the service took some time to get activated. The installation engineer even called up himself a few times to see why: changed the router, left to install another job and then returned. The service eventually worked. When I got my first bill email, it was a LOT more than the package price I was expecting to pay. I was advised in-store, the first bill is twice the monthly charge, so that was expected. In my case, my first bill was nearly 4 times the charge and then some. When I called the Customer Service number to query this, it was looked into. The excess charges were because payment had not been taken initially instore apparently, and the rest was incorrect package price details: discount had not been applied. I assured them I had paid instore, to the Manager and had a receipt to that effect. I emailed a picture of the receipt of the payment taken instore along with the agreement I signed: package details and price. The store payment was then credited to my account and the excess charges added as a 'credit'. No chance of a refund. Bearing in mind they have charged me for 3 months in Advance. I was told the excess would be credited to my account and I would not be billed until the credit had expired. Since this was my first bill, I also decided to ask about the 'Refer a Friend' to credit myself and my friend with £50. I was told that the referral should have been made at the time the agreement was taken out instore. This is in direct contradiction to what I was told by the Local Branch Manager at the time I was taking out the contract. On another occasion, I went to the store again and was told again, for referrals, you must still wait for the first bill before calling Customer Services. This has always been the case. Since the credit has expired on my account, I am now being billed again. At no time has the billing amount been as agreed or expected. My bill is expected to be around £30/month. My most recent payment was nearly £60. My next bill is nearly £80. I do not understand why I am being billed so much, with such variation. As such, I have recently written to the Executive Office and by post, to inform them I have cancelled the Direct Debit. I want to make manual payments in future, so that I know how much I am being charged. My question: Can pay the remaining difference for my next bill or do I need to pay the bill in full: I was charged £58 for a £30 bill last month. Can I pay £2 for this month, and then £30 manually every month after, or do I need to pay the £80 stated on my my Bill statement for this month? I don't understand why it is £80... Further information: my Virgin Media Direct Debit was listed as a Variable Amount. I have a phone contract. The payment type and amount for my phone are listed as 'Fixed amount, £xx.xx". Why is Virgin Media a Variable Payment amount? Should it not have been set up as a Fixed charge? I need advice because I do not want this to affect my Credit file.
  17. Afternoon all! My girlfriend doesn't watch live TV, at all. That said she does have a Virgin set top box due to signing up for the tv/phone/internet package when she subscribed. She also has no TV license, but hasn't ever told the TV license people that she doesn't watch TV. I'm telling her to cancel the TV package and just fill in the form on the TV license website to say she doesn't watch TV and that will be the end of it. She's worried that they will investigate and see she has been a Virgin TV customer for ages and ages and demand back payment for a TV license. I'd really like to get this sorted as it's a big worry for her and she really doesn't need it at the moment. How should we play it and what do you think she should expect to happen?
  18. I and my wife have been with Virgin for over 15 years we rang them 3 weeks ago to explain that we were moving house and unfortunately they do not supply a service in the area we are moving into. .i rang them and spent almost 1 hour on the phone to a lady that had very poor limitations of the English language at the end of the conversation i had to hang up as i was wasting my time ..i was told as i was ending my contract i would have to pay £250 i tried to explain i was not cancelling my contract and i wish to stay with Virgin but was told i have to pay a cancellation fee but as i was a loyal customer they would knock £50 of my final bill.. my final bill is £200 . .i still was not happy.. i rang Virgin Media 2 days later and i was so happy i spoke to a guy called Josh He spoke perfect English on the phone call lasted around 10 minutes.. as i had never missed a payment and have been with them for over 15 years he managed to get my final payment down to £167;24 but he said he would send a note on how to appeal against the charge. .also i would get a box to return the Tevo Box if i did not return the box i would get charged another £150. .Today i got a final bill for £294;73. . my question is how can i get 3 different bills for different amounts . .. what would have happened if i had paid the lowest amount first.... .i.can afford to pay this but why the hell should i BTW the person that bought my old house uses Virgin Media now so Mr Richard Branason hasnt lost a penny
  19. Hi, have just found this thread whilst trying to respond to claim forms to PRA group. I am hoping that someone can help. I received a claim form dated 19th December from PRA group for a historical debt with MBNA. I just logged on to the moneyclaim sort this out and am baffled. I had a historical debt and was making regular payments, I hadn't intentionally defaulted from these payments. However PRA group have stated that my payments stopped in June 2016 as the company (experto credite) passed the debt on to PRA group. However looking at the court documents it appears that PRA group had the debt since Dec 2014 so I can't understand why the payments have defaulted. I emailed PRA group requesting a copy of all letters but haven't heard back. Is there anything that I can do? Should I defend the charges and interest charges or just make an offer of payment?
  20. Hi all, I'm about to enter into an IVA. I have several thousand pounds of debt owed on my Virgin credit card and as a customer of Virgin Media, I am concerned that they may try to recover the debt through that account somehow (e.g increasing the direct debit) Does anybody have any thoughts / experience / advice on this? Thanks in advance.
  21. after 12 months of trying to book our balloon flight - it was booked, on my calendar for tomorrow. With all the stress and disruption the last few weeks have brought - I had put the wrong date down! It should have been today! The weather was awful this morning, extremely cold and freezing and guess what - the flight actually happened! All the beautiful days we had it booked on and it didn't go -- Paul even taking time off work on a couple of occasions. Rang VirginBalloons this morning to be told to ring back after mid-day - to be told tough - you missed it! You can pay another £80 each to book another date! disgusted Virgin Balloons no heart! and guess what - even Tom at Virgin said he was surprised the flight went ahead as most others had been cancelled. Sums up everything! * to expand a little further - my mother has just had two heart attacks since the beginning of October and with my sister, I am helping with her care, This has been extremely stressful - as she has been in hospital twice and sent home quite unwell. Normally I am very good with administration and keeping records of appointment/meetings/important dates.
  22. Hey guys cutting this very short for you. I was out of contract and decided to go to Sky unless i could negotiate a deal with VM. So i rang them up and everything they offered as an existing customer was way higher than Sky so i said i would think about it. I was ready to go with Sky so rang VM to disconnect. Talking with them i managed to wangle an excellent deal!! They matched the top bundle with an exchange vbox for 500gb tivo in other room for £89.73 see link below.I said that i should get a good deal similar to this as i was out of contract and they would lose me as a customer otherwise so I jumped at it and confirmed price and 12 month contract twice. ( i was stung years back. ) I got an email saying my bill was £153 + so today i ring to complain and get told that £153 was the price end of! Then after much explaining and to and fro they mysteriously found what i had told them but the 2nd tivo cost extra plus it was a 9 month contract?!?!?! I complained and they sent it to a manager who said take it or leave it. I then said i want the recording of the initial deal and they said it would take 40 days and it would be hit or miss if they even recorded it. They also said i had 4 days cool down period left which they refused to extend until i got the recording PLUS they kept insisting that i was told it was extra etc etc and that i agreed to a 9 month contract not a 12. So i said OK take the lot out!!! As you will see by the link that the VIP pack which i was given says 12 months contract. http://www.virginmedia.com/shop/bundles/vip.html OK, then i was put through to disconnect and i told my story and hey presto i could have the bundle including the extra tivo box but only for 9 months then it would go up BUT if i ring shortly before the 9 month period i will then be offered a new or extended contract virtually the same as i have at near the same price ...... i was told that they do it all the time? I managed tom record this conversation lol. The deal i got was excellent but i am adamant that i only agreed for 12 months and got verbal confirmation twice! No way would i agree to something that would end up twice as expensive for 3 months!! Is there anything i can do to get them to stick to their deal? Yes i know i can renew etc and even with a recording what happens if they have made a note and then shaft me at 9 months and not allow me to renegotiate the same package for the same price?? Can i get them to enforce the initial verbal agreement (sadly never thought to record that)? I have lost out too because i was getting a free 43" 4K tv with sky but is out of offer now : (
  23. Good afternoon, I've had a bit of an issue with Virgin Media which started out with what I assumed would be a simple and relatively easy house move / purchase in October this year (2016). N Both addresses have the same services installed, cable, telephone line - so it was intended to be a simple move out, move in - call to activate blah blah blah. First months bill came through (all the trimmings of the first bill, migration fee etc), however 23rd of October Virgin Media tried to bill me £53.69 on my old account via the old account's Direct Debit. It bounced due to my bank account being empty at the time, ! I called up the service desk and told them that I'd received a letter (to my new address might I point out) stating that the direct debit for £53.69 had bounced and that I was required to pay £53.69 immediatly. About two / three days later my old landlord had posted some bills for my old address that arrived from virgin media through my door. I checked the bill and low-and-behold it was the bill for £53.69. Whilst on the phone to the lovely lady that migrated my services service's, I had asked to be walked through the process of which one step is that they take the remaining balance from the old contract at the old address and add it onto the new contract for the new address - which I thought was ok as it meant I'll be paid up. with the above information I had received and empowered to not let this issue go any further - I rang their customer support desk and ended up being routed through VM's (Virgin Media's) Indian call center. The gentleman I spoke to was great, he looked through the issue and told me that I wasn't required to pay them a penny and that it was simply a mis-understanding or human error which could be rectified there and then. as any bewildered and incredibly happy customer does, I simply waited for him to say "Thank you for waiting Mr. Customer, I've fixed the issue on your account - your E-Billing portal should update within 24-48 hours." to which I replied with glee: "Brilliant, but am I going to receive any future letters regarding this?" to which he tells me not to worry as the issue is all sorted and that the outstanding balance had been rectified and to ignore any future correspondance. It's now the first week of November and I'm still seeing my old (what should be inactive) account on my E-Billing portal which should have been closed off by now, I decide to check it . I begin to fret slightly due to the fact that it's still reporting that I owe £53.69. I'm slightly confused, I call through to their customer service desk and once again I am routed through their indian call center. At this point I'm more upset than I was the first time I called, due to the fact that I was promised verbally that I would not have this balance any longer. I re-explain the issue and the situation, another gentleman glances over the account and comes to the same solution as the first that it was in fact human error and that he would also fix this mysterious balance of £53.69. I wait some more, the agent comes back and tells me that it's now fixed - having less faith than the last time I called I explain the situation and ask for something more promising than a verbal statement of that "it's now fixed, don't worry - you won't receive any more letters or bills" - to which he says that he can't - so I ask for a second time, "am I going to get any more letters", he responds in kind with "No Mr.Customer, you won't receive anymore letters after today" . So I leave it there. 13th of November and I get a bill for the old (not at all in-active) account stating that I owe them £53.69. At this point I'm begining to dispair due to the fact that this will have been the third call I would make to their customer service desk, in some form of attempt to rectify the issue. I end up being routed to VM's indian call center to a third gentleman to whom I end up explaining the situation to, he agress that this is a waste of time and that the previous two agents hadn't actually rectified the issue I'm told he will rectify the issue and that he'll raise a complaint relating to the human error surrounding how my move of services was handled as it appears it wasn't handled correctly. I'm then informed that he had rectified the issue and that I should hear back from the complaint within 10 working days , he then passes on a complaint reference number (which I've lost, along with the first bill that relates to this issue) and that I can ignore any further correspondance until I hear back from the complaint - so I cancel my old direct debit through my online banking portal. I wait 11 days, no written or verbal correspondance in relation to my issue at all but by this time I'd received yet another letter headed "we are sorry to hear you are leaving", reminding me that I still owe them £53.69. I once again check my E-Billing portal to find that the old account is still there and still reporting an outstanding balance of £53.69. I call to check on the status of my complaint and end up being routed to VM's call centre in Ireland. Again the lady I spoke to was fantastic, checking the issue told me that the issue was resolved so the complaint was closed and that there was no need to inform me of such. I mention that the issue has now spanned a total of 2 months, 2 bills, a letter stating that I was leaving, several phone calls and that the E-Billing portal was still reporting that I owe £53.69 . Doing her due dilligence, she decides to check the old (and rather overdue for closing) account - which resulted that she discovered that none of the three previous agents whom I had actually spoken to have done anything about and that's the reason why I "apparently" still owed money, and why my E-Billing portal was still showing that I owe £53.69. she decides to apply a "mis-applied billing correction" adjustment (a credit) to my account of £53.69, which I can see on the E-billing portal so I'm quite happy and she informs me that it will take up to 24 - 48 hours for the online portal to update. I ask if there's anyway that I could have it in writing that I would no longer receive any further correspondance from VM relating to the moneys that has been confirmed several times that I do not owe, and she says the best she can do is put it in an email. of which I'll post below: " H....! As we discussed on the phone tonight the balance on your old account of £53.69 at ADDRESS REMOVED has been cleared off now. I apologise for all this hassle you have had with this however I can no assure you that no letter will come out for this again. Kind regards Shiona Lachlan Virgin Media -------------------------------------------------------------------- Save Paper - Do you really need to print this e-mail? Visit virginmedia.com for more information, and more fun. This email and any attachments are or may be confidential and legally privileged and are sent solely for the attention of the addressee(s). Virgin Media will never ask for account or financial information via email. If you are in receipt of a suspicious email, please report to virginmedia.com/netreport If you have received this email in error, please delete it from your system: its use, disclosure or copying is unauthorised. Statements and opinions expressed in this email may not represent those of Virgin Media. Any representations or commitments in this email are subject to contract. Registered office: Media House, Bartley Wood Business Park, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 9UP Registered in England and Wales with number 2591237 " 22nd of December, I arrive home from work to find another letter from virgin media - this time it's a default notice. In a panic I ring up and get hold of a gentleman from the Irish customer service desk. Explained the issue in depth once again (plus the email that I received) and that it was starting to take the preverbial to a new level - of which he agreed, checked the account but had discovered that the previous agent from the Irish call center had actually mis-applied the "mis-applied billing correction" onto the wrong account. She in fact had credited my new account with £53.69 instead of the older account. he explains the situation and tells me that in order to actually "fix" the issue, he has to apply a credit to the old account and then debit the new account to rectify the mistake the previous agent had made - I agreed this was the best course of action and away he goes. However he sends me a screen shot of this correction, showing my account is now zeroed. He also then sends me yet another email stating the work he carried out and that I will not receive any further correspondance relating to this issue. This issue has now spanned a total of three months and I'm still in the same position as I was back in October, due to querying the outstanding balance on the E-Billing section for my old account yesterday only to discover yet another human error related issue - same issue so I'm not going to beat a dead horse any longer. Today I'm awaiting a call from a manager in the Irish call center, due to the fact this has gone on for so long and also the fact my issue has not actually been resolved in any of the last five phone calls I had made to the customer support desk over the last 3 months, including the last attempt on the 22nd of December. I'm at the point of giving up and cancelling my contract with VM not just because their E-Billing portal is an absolute joke, but because I'm currently dispairing at the fact that this has gone on for so long now and that I could be taken to court for their internal mess ups with no apprent sight of resolution. I've also been brushing up on the terms and conditions and will be demanding compensation for the stress this has put me under and the sheer amount of human error involved. If the users of this forum have any advice for me, it would be great if you can share it. You can reach me here, or by email which I think is in my profile. I'll also post updates to my situation after I've had the call with this "manager". Kindest regards,
  24. hi all, Today I received a letter from Virgin Media broadband telling me that my bill will be increased by £1.75 from 1st of November. I install this broadband about three months ago. I choose the plan which will be unchanged for 24 months. Not the one which is half price and then jump into £30 per month after 12 months. So my question is can Virgin media do this? I heard in past that offcom change its law so mobile phone comapnies can't charge more mid-contract. Is this the case with Broadband also? I have 50MB broadband and I am paying £28.50 already for it. thanks in advance.
  25. Hi all. Recently my parents decided to move their Phone/Internet/TV over to Sky from Virgin Media, as there was an offer available from Sky for Free Family Package TV, £10 Unlimited Fibre Internet and £16.40 Line rental per month, so basically £26.40/month as opposed to the £56/month they were paying to Virgin for 100Mb Internet, basic TV and Phone calls/line rental. The day before Sky were due to install the TV, and a week before they were due to take over the phone line, my parents got a call from Virgin Media and handed it to me (as I tend to do all this kind of thing for them) and it was someone from a retentions team. I discussed the package we were going to get with him, and he offered to lower my parents monthly bills to £24.50/month for the same Internet and TV, but upgrading the phone package to the top XL package. We weren't too bothered about the phone upgrade, and my parents weren't bothered about the Sky Family package, they were fine with the basic Virgin TV package (basically Freeview with catchup), the whole point of the exercise was to save money. Plus the Virgin Media broadband was 100Mb rather than 40Mb from Sky, so we agreed to stay with Virgin Media and cancel the Sky installation. However, the following day my parents turned on the TV and found that all channels except 1-5 were now greyed out on the Virgin Media box. Upon logging onto the online account I found that the TV element of their package had been completely removed when the phone package was upgraded. I immediately called Virgin Media up, explaining the situation to them, however the person I spoke to said that the only ones who could do the package for the agreed price were the retentions team who spoke to me originally, however they could only call out and I couldn't be transferred through to them. He advised he could see the notes on the account fo what was discussed and there was no mention of TV, which there wouldn't be as we never discussed altering it at all. All he could do was send a form requesting they contact me within 48 hours. This was a bit of an issue as availability at home was going to be spotty over the weekend, then during the week everyone was going to be away from home. There was no call that day, so I called again the following (Saturday) morning, spoke to someone who said they'd mail the person I spoke to directly in order to advise them of our availability and again explain the situation. No call again late that afternoon, so I called once more. This time the person I spoke to discussed with me the possibility of re-adding the TV package as it was before, and downgrading the phone package back to what it had been previously, at a price of £26/month. I agreed to this, though asked for the contact request for the original person to be left open. The advisor assured me this was now all done and the TV package would be back in 24-48 hours. However, today, More than 48 hours later, no TV package showing on the account when I login online (and now nobody at home until Friday evening). I suspect the cause of the issue is simply some misunderstanding or mis-communication, but the main problem is the poor service I've received when attempting to resolve the issues. I know I know, should've recorded phone calls or got confirmations in writing and the like. Well that's exactly what I intend to do now. Does anyone have a good Virgin Media e-mail address to contact to explain the situation and attempt to get some resolution to this? E-mail contact is going to be the only viable option for the week anyway.
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