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Found 5 results

  1. Investigation leads to shutdown of ‘asset recovery’ company that recovered no assets READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/investigation-leads-to-shutdown-of-asset-recovery-company-that-recovered-no-assets
  2. Good afternoon all, I'm sure you're all busy so I will keep this as short as possible. Was a VM customer for 8 odd years. Had to cancel their services last year as my Ex and I separated and I was moving to a new place. Account was in my name, so I phoned to cancel it. Phone call lasted about 10 minutes as they tried to get me to shift it to the new address etc. They explicitely said "there is no further charges to pay" on the phone. (I have it recorded as an .m4a file.) In fact, we were due a refund. A week or two later, I get a letter (at my new address!) asking me to pay a £23 cancellation charge. I wrote them a letter explaining both the phone call, and my annoyance at them chasing the additional charge when we'd been good customers for 8 years. I got another chaser a few days later, and expected the letter hadn't been processed yet, and then nothing.... After not getting any correspondance, I assumed it was done. It was £23, and I thought it would all be sorted. Last week, i'm at the bank applying for a loan, and I am denied and told to check out Experian. Three strikes from Virgin Media over the late payment of £23. The rest of the credit report is absolutely sweet. Credit score tarnished by their mistake and incompetence. Any advice on how best to rectify this, and if I should pursue any further action? All the best, D
  3. Hi, Started posting recently as I'm in the process of clearing a few things up. Having signed up to equifax I've noticed a default on my record from my Halifax current account. While in the USA I was using my Halifax debit card and juggling how much I had against converting it from Dollars to Pounds. Ultimately, they authorised a debit card transaction which put me overdrawn (there's no overdraft limit on the account) Because the transaction got authorised I thought I was good for the money at the time. During this situation I was also moving banks to Natwest. As a result I never used the Halifax account again since returning from the trip to the USA. It got left and now I have a default. Is there anything that I can do seeing as they authorised a debit card transaction even though there were insufficient funds? Cheers, Limelight.
  4. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/scotland-leads-support-for-uk-armed-forces
  5. [ATTACH=CONFIG]43907[/ATTACH] It was 11am on a Saturday at which time it is ok to park on single yellows. So I parked on a single yellow with my two front tires over the edge of a disabled parking bay. In the bay was another car (without a blue badge for what it's worth). I knew I had two wheels over the bay, but I'd checked the sign above the disabled bay and saw that it wasn't in effect. There were plenty of other clear single yellow lines around so I could have moved had it been. I returned to my car two hours later to find a PCN had been stuck on it for "parked in a designated disabled persons’ parking place without displaying a validdisabled person’s badge in the prescribed matter" . I want to appeal the fine on the basis that the contravention did not occur as per the sign the bay way not in effect. I know they will counter with the timings only applied to the 4 hour maximum bit, but my argument is that it just isn't clear (obviously otherwise I wouldn't have parked there!). Any advice / thoughts / my odds? Many thanks
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