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  1. Hi there, it's been a while I received a shiny PCN in the post today for NO WAITING after I pulled up at the side of a bank doing a favour for someone. I'm a blue badge holder and didn't get out of the car any help would be gratefully received For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 24th August 2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 05th September 2018 3 Date received 06th September 2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [yes] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Waiting for advice from here Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? Park Watch 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Rugby Central Shopping Centre, Service area 3, Rugby For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. BPA pcn0009.pdf
  2. Sorry if this has been covered. CHAMBERLAIN BUILDINGS. Driver received Claim Form. Claimant EURO etc... Address for documents: GLADSTONES etc... Top right hand page: COUNTY COURT NORTHANTS etc .. This will be defended but firstly who should I respond to, if anybody? Parked for less than 5 minutes outside of bay(no ticket required) Insufficient time to read signage detailing 'contract' Operative had no id or uniform and proceeded to take a couple of pics of vehicle. Unsure who he was initially. Then POC £100 for PCN; £60 Contractual costs and then statutory interest . Grateful for any advice please.
  3. Hi this is myfirst post This is a verysimilar situation to another on this site from mechsman on 4/10/17 so I assume a lot ofthe advice there will apply to me. I have not received a Notice to Keeper and this notification letter(attached) is the first I have heard of it. Details in redas per other posts: For PNC's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answerthe following questions. 1 Date of theinfringement >Allegedly22 December 2018 2 Date on theNTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] > No NTK received; this is thenotification letter and dated 28 January 2019 3 Date received >29January 2019 4 Does the NTKmention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] >Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? >None provided or mentioned, butI'm assuming they must have entry/exit pictures from ANPR? 6 Have youappealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] >No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is theparking company? >UKCPS 8. Where exactly[carpark name and town] Bristol Abbeywood For eitheroption, does it say which appeals body they operate under. > It says there is no chance toappeal as it is beyond the 21 day period. I never received the NTK they claimwas sent. It mentions the IPC under complaints section. There are twoofficial bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, >please check HERE If you havereceived any other correspondence, please mention it here: None I am minded towrite and complain that I have not had the original NTK so: hadno chance to pay at a reduced amount. Donot know the time of entry so unsure if/how long the time period was exceeded Wasnot the driver (my wife was) They are sayingpayment is due 14 days of this notice, so 11 February which doesn't give memuch time to talk to them (no email address so only phone or letter). The previousexample with this company advice was do not respond and they will give up. Thisseems to have been the case and he had stopped getting letters 7 months lateralthough no further updates since to know whether this is still the case. I would appreciate advice on what to do please. Many thanks. Apologises for the font/spacing. I tried posting a couple of times and it got rejected so I copied a post in from Word rather than type all again and the formatting has gone astray. UKCPS 28Jan2019 redacted_Redacted.pdf
  4. got a pcn on my windscreen yesterday at asda newton abbot . Iwas working on site and didnt think i needed parking ticket . my van is a lease van and iam wondering whats my next move . i have seen a couple of other posts about the same site . they have had sucsess with letters .any ideas
  5. Hi. I had a problem with a PCN from Indigo a few years ago and received excellent advice from here to "sit tight". Was successful. Thanks. However, we now have another similar case and someone told me that recent case law has changed things, so I wanted to check that sitting tight is still the right course of action. My wife parked at a Southern Railway station car park recently and used the automated phone response service to pay for a day's parking. Unfortunately, the regstration number used on the automated system was incorrect - one letter was accidently missed off. There was no windscreen ticket, so I assume control was by CCTV. We have now received a PCN from the PCN Admin Centre (29 days after the event) acting on behalf of Indigo requesting payment of £100. It's a "penalty notice by post notice to owner" quoting byelaw 14. In the time between the incident and receiving the notice she has parked there twice more, so I assume we will receive more notices in respect of these dates. So, should we just sit tight? Would it be better to write to Indigo explaining what the mistake was? They could check their records and see that they did receive payment each time. Also, I don't think the registration number used actually exists. Thanks for your help.
  6. Hello, I would be grateful for some support on a PCN issued by Norwich Traffic Control on 2017. The car park is also for a DR's surgery that I was attending. I parked my car in a car park that was being enforced by NTC on 12/05/17 The entrance for the car park is only wide enough for one car so if you are maneuvering to allow another car to pass, you are not able to read the signs as you enter the car park. Upon parking my car, I went over to the pay and display machine to see if there was anything reading the Dr's surgery, there wasnt, just the usual generic sign. I then went into the Dr's surgery to ask them about the pay and display. They informed me that there were allocated parking spaces and the sign detailing this was only at the entrance for the car park. They also said that I wasnt the only person not to see the signs. I went back out side to move my car however I was met by a NTC Warden who had already issued a parking ticket. I had been away from the car for 1 minute. I explained to the NTC warden and the fact they must have seen me go into the Dr's.... I was informed that it wasnt her problem. Later that day I emailed NTC and explained the situation, they informed me that ticket was still valid. I appealed via the IAS and highlighted that i believed NTC had not complied with the Code of Practice for the IPC as follows; IPC Code of Practice Part B, Clause 2 – Signage Clause 13 – Professionalism Clause 14 – Predatory Tactics Clause 15 – Grace Periods BPA Code of Practice Clause 9 – Professionalism Clause 12 – Requesting registered keeper details Clause 13 – Grace Period The IAS dismissed the apoeal by stating the following; "Whilst having some sympathy with the Appellant, once liability has been established, only the Operator has the discretion to vary or cancel the parking charge based on mitigating circumstances. For the reasons given, the appeal is dismissed." I have today received a County Court Claim from NTC's solicitors claiming £246.06 for the parking ticket. I still believe that NTX did not comply with the Code of Practice for all of the reasons detailed above however I would be grateful for anyone's assistance with this. NTC are notorious for things like this and there are numerous complaints about their methods of operation. Photos.pdf
  7. Hello, I'm in need of help and advice please............. On Monday 14th January 2019 I received a parking charge notice from PCN notice to keeper NTK St Mary's Road Retail Park Car Park, Sheffield S2 4AL- DFS sofas, Ammount charge -£100 within 28 days or £60 if paid before 24.1.19 contravention date: 27.12.18 contravention reason: parked for longer than the maximum period permitted - 120 mins!! Total duration stay: 199 minutes I visited DFS to look at sofas, I presumed this was owned by DFS not a private company!! NTK are lying because I left the car park- drove to Ikea Sheffield and Next outlet over at Meadowhall, at least a 20 minute drive over there. Looked the whole way round Ikea- and got stuck in traffic and then Next outlet, i then called at centretainment to pick family members up and then returned back to the car park to show my family a sofa I'd seen in DFS I have contacted my online banking and have evidence via online chat with them the time of transaction I made at Ikea and also have printed a statement with the date I made the transaction. I'm so upset about it- firstly I presumed the car park was owned by DFS and didn't see a sign. I haven't done anything about this charge notice yet- can someone please advise?? Do I appeal if so what should I reply with? Do I ignore it? Many thanks in advance
  8. Hi, I wonder if you could give me some advice about a PCN I have received today. Having seen one of your previous responses I have answered the same questions in order to assist below: For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 30/12/2018 @ 13:59 (Letter calls this contravention date) 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Issue Date 15/1/2019 (it says 'posted' ? in brackets at the side of issue date) 3 Date received 17/1/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No I cannot see this on the PCN 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] NO I have not appealed at this stage. Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? Vehicle Control Services, VCS. (I think the address is 2 Europa Court, Sheffield Business Park, Sheffield S9 1XE 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Berkeley Centre, Sheffield, S11 8PN For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. It says on this PCN that any appeals would be handled by the IAS There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE- BPA If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here I have not received any other information but the letter does say that if payment is recieved within 14 days then I could pay £60 instead of th £100 they intend to charge. The letter also says that if I want to appeal I must do so within 14 days. I am not sure whether or not I have any sort of recourse here, it would be great if you could please give me some advice. Many Thanks, John.
  9. Hi all, can anyone recommend who I should structure a PCN appeal given this situation? One half of the road (where I usually park) had its resident parking suspended temporarily for works, so on Friday I parked on the other end of the road. Having returned to my car for the first time today they have re-opened the usual half and suspended the half I was parked in. Because I hadn't been to my car in 4.5 days I had no idea they had moved the parking suspension. My partner and I are absolutely certain there were no suspension signs where they are now currently - we made a point of looking to check both halves weren't suspended. All they have done is taken down the suspension signs on Friday from the first half, sellotaped a new piece of paper on them and stuck them to posts on the other half of the road (I have a photo to prove it). We live in East London, so we have to park 250m away from the apartment to get a residents bay. We don't check on the car and the availability of the bays daily - that would be nuts. 1. How can I structure an appeal to say that I was parked there before the parking suspension signs were even put up? 2. How much notice does the council have to give its residents before suspending parking? Thanks in advance for any advice and support!
  10. I had an appointment for dental treatment last week. I parked the car, with a blue badge and 'clock' correctly displayed, on the opposite side of the road. This is an area previously covered by double yellows and had, 12+ years ago, been a service bus stop. I am fully aware that no service buses have used this stop since the opening of a new Interchange down the road in 2006. It is a popular parking place for blue badge holders as it is a quiet stretch of road since the buses stopped running through there, other services with stands in the next street stopped using this area of town last year when a gap in the dual carriageway was plugged and traffic lights removed as part of other works taking place. But, the council have since marked out a 'Bus Stop' at one end of the parking area and claim this is for a community transport minibus for the disabled. These minibuses have run for some years now and my understanding was they went a different way, dropping off and picking up on the other side of the road to where I was parked. I contested the ticket. They've written to say no, I was parked in a bus stop and therefore have to pay. I disagree. I accept that they have marked out the 'Bus Stop' and put a thick solid yellow line against the kerb, which I didn't see when I parked between other vehicles already there as it was raining heavily. I have checked, this work has been done in the last year. I used Google street view to see how it was marked last year, just double yellows although the whole stretch had green tarmac. Before I appealed the ticket I checked with https://www.askthe.police.uk/content/Q388.htm and there is a single line which says under PLACES WHERE YOU CANNOT PARK, 'A bus stop during hours of operation;'. So as part of the 'informal appeal', as they term it, I had said "I have challenged (the council) to tell me the hours of operation for this stand". They have not supplied this information. I am not against the disabled persons bus service, being a blue badge holder myself, but I question the legality of the stand being there. It is not for service buses and therefore would not have 'hours of operation' in that respect, meaning I complied with the information I obtained from the Police website. The community transport service is pre-booked, so by definition not a 'public service' bus as we know them. The 'bus stop' is therefore not in use for service vehicles and I was parked there outside any known 'hours of operation'. But where do I get this sort of thing verified so I can make a formal request to the council for repayment of the PCN on the grounds I was parked legally ? I am paying it under protest as they double the amount if not paid within 14 days.
  11. Hi, I received an email from my lease company in December, advising of a PCN with the reference number to login and view/appeal/pay etc. It was my son-in-law who had been driving and got stuck in a box junction. He logged on and paid the £65 fine. Then we received a letter from TFL that the PCN was going to be reissued to me as the lease company had provided my details. If the PCN had been paid then it would be reunded by CHEQUE. No cheque was ever received, and my son in law didn't notice the money be refunded into his account - it was a few days before Christmas. To be honest I forgot all about it as I assumed it was sorted. I didn't get a reissued PCN, but have now received a letter saying that the fine has increased to £195. I called them and was told I could submit a late appeal. I guess my position is that if we have made the effort to pay the initial fine within the time period, then that is sufficient to assume that it has been paid. And is there any challenge in that their letter stated that they would refund by cheque? The fact that they have to refund any payment must be some weird admin thing, to do with the party who the PCN has been issued to. Which seems daft as anyone can pay any fine, you don't need to enter any details. anyone have experience of this Thanks in advance.
  12. Parked in a residents` or shared use parking place or zone without either clearly displaying a valid permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place, or without payment of the parking charge (shared use bay) This was the reasoning for being given a PCN (hire car at the time) - wrote to them straight away stating that there were no pictures taken of the vehicle as none were uploaded on council's website - "no images were found for this PCN!" council responded saying wait until you receive notice to owner but not having photos isn't sufficient grounds as they don't need photos or something along those lines. so hire company were contacted - gave my details (this is just before Christmas) but no letter was received at my address apart from a letter after the new year stating I needed to pay £110. I wrote back to them via online stating that there were no photos and I had not received a previous letter so why am I being charged £110 already I also said I wanted to go to independent adjudicator - they stated a letter was sent on the 19/11/2018 and I missed the opportunity to speak to the independent adjudicator as I didn't respond to the previous letter - Their wording was : a notice to owner was sent to you on ..... this notice provided you with the opportunity to make formal representations. as you failed to make rep a charge certificate (CC) was issued. once a cc has been issued there is no longer the formal right of appeal. the pan has been reviewed and we are satisfied that it remains valid, your representation has been reviewed I must advise you that we issued the pcn because your vehicle was observed pared in a resident's or shared use parking place or zone without either claeary displaying a valid permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place, or without payment of the parking charge. The CEO had recorded detailed notes at the material time of issuing the pcn and can confirm the contravention has occurredl. the photographic evidence is secondary. it is the responsibility of the driver to insure that they understand the restrictions in place and follow the designated signage. at this stage we have reordered 110 as a gesture of goodwill (whatever you say mate - gesture of goodwill is you not giving me this ticket) 110 payment should be made within 14days blah blah what can I do now? how do I respond to a letter I never received for adjudicator ? how can they prove I was parked there - what if a ticket guy has it in for me and just stuck a ticket on and not provided photos cause I wasn't parked there? thanks for the help oh and to top it off the car was only observed from 13:34pm - 13:34pm
  13. Hi, I received a Parking Charge Notice for parking in a place I thought would be fine to park in. I have a PCN for £60 rising to £100 that I just can't afford to pay. Things are so tight i'm afraid that this might take me over the edge. Is there ANYONE that can help me? Key details... - Date of infringement: 11/01/2019 - Not appealed yet. - NTK: Not received the notice to keeper - Company: One Parking Solution Ltd. - Place: New England House, Brighton.
  14. Saw my car with a clamp on it this morning and found out it was due for non payment of a PCN which I appealed against. Now i never received the council's response to my appeal and the only letter i recently received was on the Wednesday ( which i was told by the enforcement office, was hand delivered! which I think was posted via royal mail) The letter from the bailiffs stated i owe £200 as the for the PCN and court an legal fee due immediately. I was actually going to response to their letter today, but then saw the car clamped and i was charged £438 which had to be paid within 2 hours otherwise it would have been towed away at an additional charge. Had no choice but to pay and now am fuming over this ridicules fee which i cannot afford at the moment. Apparently once it goes to court, I don't get the court's decision and goes straight to a bailiff. Would appreciate advise on how i can take some of the charges back.
  15. Good evening Guys Please see attached pcn I received couple of hours ago. I think it's unfair because it was momentary stop to pick up stuff from a friend. Any advise on how to challenge this would be massively appreciated. Thanks
  16. Hi, I received a PCN recently and I'm not 100% sure if a ticket was purchased for the time in the car park. The driver was in the ten pin bowling alley, which the car park is outside, with son for his birthday. Just wondering how I, the registered keeper, will go about handling this. 1 Date of the infringement - 10/2/19 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 18/2/19 3 Date received - 20/2/19 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?] - N 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes 6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal] - Y (See below sent 22/2/19) Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up - N 7 Who is the parking company? - Smart Parking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Havens Bank Retail Park, Exeter Appeal: I dispute your 'parking charge', as the keeper of the vehicle. I deny any liability or contractual agreement and I will be making a formal complaint about your predatory conduct to your client landowner and to my MP. There will be no admissions as to who was driving and no assumptions can be drawn. Since your PCN is a vague template, I require ALL photos taken and an explanation of the allegation and your evidence, i.e.: - If the allegation concerns a PDT machine, the data supplied in response to this appeal must include the record of payments made - showing partial VRNs - and an explanation of the reason for the PCN, because your Notice does not explain it. - If the allegation involves an alleged overstay of minutes, your evidence must include the actual grace period agreed by the landowner. If you fail to evidence the actual grace period that applies at this site or suggest that only one period applies, this will be disregarded as an attempt to mislead. In the absence of evidence, it will be reasonably taken to be a minimum of twenty minutes (ten on arrival and ten after parking time) in accordance with the official BPA article by Kelvin Reynolds about 'observation periods' on arrival being additional and separate to a 'grace period' at the end. - in all cases, you must include a close up actual photograph of the sign you contend was at the location on the material date. Formal note: Should you later pursue this charge by way of litigation, note that service of any legal documents by email is expressly disallowed and you are not entitled to assume that the data in this dispute/appeal remains the current address for service in the future. Yours faithfully,
  17. 1. The date of infringement? 17/2/19 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] N have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) n/a Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? n/a, but photos available online 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] n/a 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances] n/a 5 Who is the parking company? UKPC 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Alcock Crescent (Vickers Green Estate), Crayford, DA1 4LX Ticket says they operate under BPA ……………………….. Hi received a windscreen ticket from UKPC for parking on the road. In a residential estate, but on a road, not a car park. No markings, yellow lines on the road and wasn't blocking anyone or any entrances. A not very obvious sign parallel to the road saying "No Unauthorised Parking" which looked like they were for the parking bays, but on closer inspection after receiving the ticket say 'no roadway' parking in very small letters. They have photos showing car with a blurry sign in the background on other side of the road, plus a close up photo, taken at an extreme upwards angle (blurry, can't really read what it says - my own photo is much better) Considering whether its worth an appeal or not, any help appreciated. Thanks
  18. Hi, My wife attended a company meeting at the Grand Harbour Hotel, Southampton back in May of this year. Her company booked a package that included complimentary parking and a member of the hotel staff was tasked with collecting VRN's from the attendees. Unfortunately, my wife (and another lady) were somehow missed out and, as a result, she received a PCN from Parkingeye. We have appealed to Parkingeye and through POPLA, but to no avail. We have also ignored their 'gesture of goodwill' offer for us to pay £60 instead of £100. The hotel has stated, by emails on two separate occasions, that the PCN has been cancelled. However, the emails are from an intermediary member of the hotel staff and not the person who has, apparently, contacted Parkingeye. So we do not have copies of the communication to Parkingeye, or their response. We also have a copy of the hotel function sheet for that event which clearly states free parking. We received a 'Letter Before County Court Claim' from Parkingeye dated 31 October 2018, which we have responded to (in my wife's name but with my assistance). We acknowledged receipt of their letter and stated that we dispute the claim, re-stating our reasons why. My wife is due to attend another event at the same hotel next week and we are hoping that, with her being there in person, she stands a better chance of getting the information we need from the hotel concerning their PCN cancellation request. Apologies for tagging this on to another post earlier today I understand the need to start a new thread now. Any advice and guidance would be very much appreciated.
  19. Hi guys, I'm new to this forum and I am not sure where to begin but I am a tad confused about a PCN I received on 18/11/18. I found myself at the Peel Centre in Stockport (first time I've ever been there) and there was an A4 sheet of paper over the parking meter that stated it was free parking on a Sunday. I thought to myself top banana and carried on with my shopping, after an hour or so I find this red notice from MyParkingCharge.co.uk plastered on the windscreen of the vehicle in question. I deduced that rather than walking away maybe I should have entered the reg of the vehicle but the signage didn't seem to stipulate that hence I thought nothing of it. Now, I'm assuming I'm going to get some letters in the post to declare who was driving. I have been looking for similar instances of cases such as mine to no avail so can someone please shed some light on this matter. Do I dispute the PCN? or Do I ignore any correspondence ? Any help would be golden. Ta
  20. Hello, Would appreciate if someone could help me. I received a PCN for parking in a restricted road in prescribed hours, the road I regularly park down, and is not a restricted zone. However, I noticed after checking my car that I was parked on double yellow lines that were covered in leaves on the ground. The car behind me was not on double yellows and I believe only the front of my car was on the double yellows. These are the pictures of my car. Is it worth appealing? If so what do I say? Thank you!
  21. I paid for 2hr and went over by 30 mins, do these parking charge notices to keeper have to be paid. What are the options What are the chances of it going to court and then debt collectors. 1) Date of Incident. 28/10/2018 2) Date of them sending NTK 09/11/2018 3) Date recieved 12/11/2018 4) Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of the protection of freedom act 2012 No 5) photographic evidence Pictures of front and rear date and times 6) Have i appealed No 7) Who is the parking company NCP. 8) where East laithe gate, Doncaster. Appeals body BPA
  22. Hello. I’ve today had a ‘PCN’ issued by NE parking Ltd in Blackpool town centre (Adelaide court, a car park behind some flats). Last night I went to a gig in town, I drove as I wasn’t planning on staying late but I ended up having a couple of drinks so had to leave my car overnight. My friend used to live in Adelaide court so I would always use his space should I be nipping into town, and have never had any problems before - until today when I’ve gone to pick my car up and been hit with a £60 charge. The reason for the charge is ‘parking without a valid permit/ticket’, and I know 100% permits were not issued to residents of Adelaide Court 6 months ago as my friend didn’t have one and never had to use one himself. Unless this has changed recently? However, the other cars parked there did not have permits on display either! I know a lot of people say to just ignore private parking charges, but can someone advise me what’s the best thing to do from now? Do I acknowledge? Pay up? Or just leave it? Thanks in advance!
  23. Hi, first post for a few years on here under a new user name so how I'm doing this right! Husband received a PCN from CE Ltd. He met a friend for KFC, they got chatting, lots to catch up on and he overstayed by 18 mins. He won't have paid any attention to any signage but he was genuinely a customer. Does he have any grounds to contest this as he was actually using the carpark as a customer or do we need to suck it up :/ Thanks in advance
  24. Hi, I received a PCN it has a date and time in but no exit time I was there around 10 mins I did not leave the car, Kids went in to the macdonlds there to collect take away You could always park there previously The sign upon entering is above head height when I sat in my car thats when I became aware of a sign; if parked there I would be liable for a charge, I left straight away I will try to take photos but the place is some distance away. Many many thanks for any help. 1 Date of the infringement 04/11/ 2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 15/11/2018 3 Date received 28/11/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] YES 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? YES, ONE CLEAR PHOTO OF BEING PARKED, ONE VERY SMALL PHOTO OF CAR LEAVING 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] NOT YET Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? UK CAR PARK MANAGEMENT LTD 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] WHITEFIELD SERVICES ANPR DOVER For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IPC The original PCN it doesnt state a duration and the entry time is in the exit place Thank you for your patience. pcnwhitfied.pdf
  25. Any help would greatly be appreciated. 1 Date of the infringement - 16/10/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 21/11/18 3 Date received - 23/11/18 (via email from the company I lease car from.) 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] N 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes number plate & time stamp of entry/exit 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] N Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N 7 Who is the parking company? ParkingEye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Durham County Mariott My partner could not pay for the parking as the ticket machines were not working (would not accept any money). It was heavily raining and she had our 1 year old with her. Below is what the PCN states. [Removed - dx]
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