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  1. Dear Forum members, I would like to ask you if you could kindly help me draft the best POPLA appeal that I can in regards to the NTK I received from UKPC? Appeal sent as the Keeper of the Vehicle on the following grounds and asked for further information: 1. Equalities Act 2010 compliance (have sent them proof of disability for an occupant of the vehicle) 2. Parking Charge amount claim grounds 3. Asking them to give a breakdown of their actual loss. Is the charge a true reflection of damages? 4. Their status – the creditor? 5. Ownership of premises? 6. Contractual Authority (as required by BPA Ltd AOS CoP B.7) 7. Signage There was no admission on who was driving and that is stated in the appeal letter to UKPC clearly as well. UKPC Rejection of the Appeal: Their reasoning for rejection of my appeal was (verbatim): Disabled parking bays are reserved for Blue Badge holders only and that a valid disabled badge must be clearly displayed at all times. They have not addressed any other issues or points of appeal at all. I have also downloaded the photos they hold on file for my vehicle and they are all silly and also show how inadequate their signs are as they are absolutely unreadable. I have included in this document (further down on following pages) the following: • Copy of the photos UKPC has on their online system for the vehicle at the location • Copy of the photos I have taken subsequently visiting the site to check for signage • UKPC Notice to Keeper copy (personal info scribbled out) • My letter of appeal to UKPC as the owner of the vehicle (personal info scribbled out) • Copy of the UKPC Rejection of Appeal letter to me (personal info scribbled out) Could you please assist me with making the best possible POPLA appeal for this case? Thank you ALL for sharing your time and knowledge so selflessly!!! Below is the summary as per your guide and I have also attached full PDF document with photos and copies of letters etc (redacted for personal details): please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement: 18/11/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date]: 19/12/2018 3 Date received: 24/12/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] YES 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? YES (copy in the attached PDF) 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] YES (details in the attached PDF) Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up: YES (details in the attached PDF) 7 Who is the parking company?: UKPC (ukparkingcontrol.com) 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town]: Great Western Industrial Estate, Southall UB2 4SD PDF case copies for the Forum to ask for POPLA appeal help.pdf
  2. 1. The date of infringement? 17/2/19 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] N have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) n/a Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? n/a, but photos available online 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] n/a 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances] n/a 5 Who is the parking company? UKPC 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Alcock Crescent (Vickers Green Estate), Crayford, DA1 4LX Ticket says they operate under BPA ……………………….. Hi received a windscreen ticket from UKPC for parking on the road. In a residential estate, but on a road, not a car park. No markings, yellow lines on the road and wasn't blocking anyone or any entrances. A not very obvious sign parallel to the road saying "No Unauthorised Parking" which looked like they were for the parking bays, but on closer inspection after receiving the ticket say 'no roadway' parking in very small letters. They have photos showing car with a blurry sign in the background on other side of the road, plus a close up photo, taken at an extreme upwards angle (blurry, can't really read what it says - my own photo is much better) Considering whether its worth an appeal or not, any help appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hello all. My missus got a Parking Charge on the windscreen from UKPC for going over the time on her pay and display ticket. For a windscreen ticket (Notice To Driver) please answer the following questions.... 1 The date of infringement? 5th November 2018 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] No have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) Not Yet 5 Who is the parking company? UKPC 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Parkhouse Court, Tamblin Way, Hatfield, Herts. AL10 9QZ
  4. Hi all, Have utilised many a thread from these sites over the years with great success. Quick summary: Usual residential gated car park, management company bought in PPC - I actually from told the management company from the get go that I did not want my bay covered by the scheme because I knew the calibre of companies they would use and being a gated car park with fobs to get in, it doesn't happen that often and if someone was to park in my space although a tad inconvenient my world would not end. My management company actually agreed to this, not before however I had received a number of fake parking tickets! Have continued to receive the occasional ticket from the same UKPC lot and my management company just has them canceled. However, there were a number of tickets they originally issued that they refused to cancel. Fast forward 6 months or so and last week I received a claim letter of them trying to claim £800 for parking in my own space! I have read many many posts and useful guides on defending, however it is still fairly daunting. I am a lease holder, in my lease I have the right to use that bay to the extent that there is even a car park diagram A3 fold out sheet with my bay highlighted. I haven't read the lease with a fine tooth comb to check if it can be varied however. The claim form claims "I will provide the defendant with separate detailed particulars within 14 days after the service of the claim form". From reading the many guides & advice they say I have to acknowledge the claim. However some guides I have read say that if they are providing particulars seperately I have to wait until they arrive and if they don't to complain to the court. My first question I guess is, do I complain to the court after acknowledging or before? If before how do I do it and ensure it is received?
  5. Hi there! I would like to ask for some advice. I found a similar case (same place, same issue) to mine in this forum and would like to know what was the outcome. Or I'm looking for some solution from someone more clever than me. I parked my car in the St Stephens car park in Trowbridge end of May. I purchased my free three hours ticket (still have the ticket) and put on the dashboard in a visible place. Shutting the door moved the ticket further down and fell under the windscreen wiper (not fully visible, but definitely there). I had an hour meeting at Nandos (I'm a manager there) and when I was leaving I realised I got the yellow bag with a parking charge. I appealed straight away. UKPC rejection response came three weeks later. I appealed with POPLA risking my parking charge to be £100. POPLA closed the case today with another rejection. Im a manager at Nandos, work in Trowbridge restaurant quite often. I am fully aware of the rules of that particular car park. My girlfriend is from Trowbridge, we visit the cinema and town shops and we always use this carpark. Why wouldn't I purchase a free ticket and risk a parking charge if I know the rules? I could pay the £100, but I don't think I have been treated fairly in this case. I just don't feel I did break the rules of that car park. Don't think it's okay. My question is: - What shall I do next? - Do I need to be worried if I decide not to pay? - How likely is me to go to court? thanks for the help, it means a lot
  6. Hello Guys, I'm new here and any help would be greatly appreciated. Over the past 2 years i have received around 35 parking tickets from UKPC, the majority of which have been issued in my work place office car park. So far i have not replied and ignored any correspondence from UKPC and their debt collection agency. Previously they have been sending all 'debt' letters separately but in July 2018 the debt collection agency have issued me with a letter accumulating the full amount (£5000+) and stating 35 tickets have been issued and that if i don't reply by 08/08/18 they will inform their 'client' to take legal action. It is now 23/08 and nothing has happened. While most people online tell you to simple ignore them as speaking to them in any capacity makes you agree to their 'terms' and by ignoring them they have no power, i have since had a colleague in the same situation for a smaller amount £1500 had a CCJ taken out against his name and his car clamped! This has now panicked me a tad bit and want to resolve the issue ASAP! I can think of two options and would like to know what is best or if you guys have any other advice for me. 1). Call UKPC and negotiate to pay half the amount over the period of a year, or something. Saying i was not the driver (cannot give driver details as i don't know who was driving on the given dates) but would like to settle the issue regardless, not accepting fault but wanting to settle this none the less. Do you think it is likely they would agree to these terms? Also how on earth do i get into contact with a person at UKPC as they have no number and hard to find someone to get into contact with! I don't want to go through the number provided on the debt collector as i assume they have no power and will request the full amount. 2). As i said the majority of tickets were issued at my place of work, if i am able to get a email on a headed page or headed paper from the building manager/security guard who is employed by the property management company who look after our office, who i assume engage UKPC, saying that there was an issue with my permit and that i shouldn't have received the tickets (along the lines of this) then forward this to UKPC. Again i have the issue of trying to contact someone at UKPC and then i can say i will pay any other tickets issued at another location but i want may void any of the ones issued at my place of work. Sorry for the lengthy post but quite a large amount of money of which i neither want to or can afford to pay. Is there any advice you guys could give me about what to do and how to get hold of a person at UKPC. Many thanks, Kyman595
  7. Just spotted this on the Pranksters website. http://tinyurl.com/jvzl7dp Hopefully this will take ages for the DVLA to investigate and ensuring that UKPC go broke
  8. Hello , I was issued a ticket on an industrial estate where I worked for not displaying a permit . My car was parked outside of our unit , i was one of two employees who were ticketed in the same week for not having a permitt . Parking permitts are issued by the company but there are never enough to go round , visitors forget to hand them back in or they get lost . I contacted head office who were going to deal with this but yesterday i recieved a " notification letter " stating they had already sent out a previous letter in regards to this matter . This is the first communication i have had from UKPC & i thought it had been dealt with as the " offence" occurred at the beginning of December . I have since changed jobs . UKPC are threatening court action , the amount they are claiming is £100 . I am looking for advise on how to procceed . Many thanks Fred
  9. Hi Guys. So another week, another ticket. I was driving the Mrs car, parked in Stevenage Leisure park on Saturday 22/10/2017. I visited the Cineworld cinema for a few hours with her disabled brother. The disabled bays where full so i parked on the side, out of the way but not on marked areas (Yellow hatches / double yellows etc). I do park in the same spot when i come alone sometimes. I parked the car as the parking guy watched, but he didn't say anything. On returning I found a ticket on the windscreen from a company called UKPC. Reason stated was: Parked in a roadway. What to do? p.s. if you need photographic evidence I have downloaded it from UKPC website (even though they try to not let you!) parkingticket-StevenageLeisurePark_20171021-redacted.pdf
  10. I recently found a PCN attached to my windscreen from UKPC even though I was displaying a permit. The PCN stated that I was not displaying a valid permit, although the out of focus pictures taken by them, and displayed on their site, show the permit on my dashboard. I have appealed the PCN and asked that they stop harassing me, as this is the second time I have had a ticket whilst displaying a permit. What I find frustrating is that rather than cancel the first PCN, they simply waited 2 months for it to expire, and my guess is this one will probably go the same way. As this means I have to not only waste my time appealing these PCN's but also have to wait 2 months for a resolution, is there any way I can force them to issue a cancellation in a timely manner and to stop this happening repeatedly? As it stands,this series of events could go on infinitely and I have far better things to do with my time.
  11. Good morning people, I was hoping you could help me in regards to a parking charge I received back on the 27th of July. The car park I used is free for the first 3 hours, but you have to get a ticket. I had done this, went to have some lunch on return to the car had a parking notice on the windscreen from UKPC. I found this very odd as I'd got a ticket as soon as we had arrived. Once in the car I noticed that the ticket had fallen next to the gear stick. It must have been blown by the wind when we were getting my daughter out of the car (this took a little longer than normal as she was Having a meltdown) the ticket was just a paper one, no adhesive. I immediately sent my appeal explaining the above, (I now know I shouldn't have done this) I received an automated response that i very quickly scanned and the only part I took in was how they'd respond within 35 days. With that I put it to the back of my mind. On Saturday the 14th of October I received a letter from a debt recovery agency telling me I owe them £160! I do find this totally unfair considering my appeal was obviously ignored. I still have the original display ticket that had blown out of my windscreen. And the original parking charge ticket. I emailed BPO with all the information and have received a response today saying , Thank you for your e-mail. I can confirm UK Parking Control Ltd are members of the BPA and an Operator under the Approved Operator Scheme. Please be advised that unfortunately if UKPC can provide copies of the rejection letter they sent we cannot advise there to be a breach of the Code of Practice. Are you able to provide copies of all correspondence you have sent and received from the Operator? Please also detail any dates of calls made to the Operator so we can contact them with a timeline if necessary. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Gemma Dorans AOS Investigations Team Any help from you guys would be gratefully received. Many thanks
  12. Hi All My partner received a windscreen ticket for parking in a disabled bay. As per the advice on this forum, we have waited for the NTK, which arrived 34 days after the ticket was put on the windscreen. I am planning on writing for a POPLA code but wanted to clear up a question I have on the POFA Act 2012. Under section 8, which (as I understand it) is the section applicable if you have a windscreen ticket, the act says: (4)The notice must be given by— (a)handing it to the keeper, or leaving it at a current address for service for the keeper, within the relevant period; or (b)sending it by post to a current address for service for the keeper so that it is delivered to that address within the relevant period. (5)The relevant period for the purposes of sub-paragraph (4) is the period of 28 days following the period of 28 days beginning with the day after that on which the notice to driver was given. Does this not mean that the notice to keeper must be received within 28 days starting from the day after the windscreen ticket was received? It's just that advice elsewhere says that the NTK must be received within 28-56 days.
  13. Hello guys, some advice needed. Just been to the cinema at valley park leisure park in Croydon and have received a parking charge for parking not in a box. The car park was full with no spaces available and a few other cars had parked on the end of rows, so we did this too. It wasn't blocking anybody in and not blocking any way in or out. As we came out we had a parking charge notice on our windscreen. This happened just earlier tonight so as yet no action has been taken. Thanks in advance.
  14. Hello everyone, I'm hoping to receive any suggestions on an ongoing matter with UKPC and DRP. I have been issued with 4 tickets from UKPC almost 2 years ago for not parking my car within my designated space. UKPC is patrolling our underground parking to impede unhautorized parking on our parking bays. My car is parked just underneath a grille overlooking to the basement of the building. There were some water leakings affecting the entire building so workers had to undergo a month long repairing job. While working on it they let a lot of concrete debries fall through the grille and into my car's bonnet and to avoid further damages I had to park just half a car length short of my bay. This was not in any way obstructing any other parking spaces nor any car manouverings but nevertheless UKPC issued me with those charges. I have endlessly tried for them to understand and remove the charges by putting in writing through our managing agency but they are not willing to do it. They have instructed Debt Recovery Plus to act on their behalf, they have sent several letters intimating payment but after one year they have stopped chasing me. Finally a couple of weeks ago, DRP sent me a FINAL NOTICE letter for a sum of £99 each (x4) after which they will say they will start legal action against me. I have read quite a few threads on the matter but I'm not sure what the best course of action would be. Any help would be really appreciated, thank you.
  15. The sign The PCN To my untrained eye I see 2 errors on PCN ,and the relationship of the PCN to the sign. On the PCN the reduced charge amount is obliterated by the miss alignment of the printing , so the driver would not know the correct amount to pay . The sign shows a penalty amount of £90 reduced to £50 for early payment , whereas the PCN shows a penalty amount of £100 reduced to £? Good enough cause for the PCN to be cancelled ? What I have not shown is that as well as above, the phone numbers for enquiry or payment on the sign are totally different to those on the rear of the PCN . The sign is on the outside of the loading bay at The Mall Wood Green , and the alleged parking offence is on a small area just outside of the bay ,obstruction being the “offence “ although nothing or foot way was being obstructed , no observation tine was given , and the alleged offence occurred whilst the driver was getting a permit from his place of work and taking it to the security office
  16. Hi I've attached a PDF with information about the ticket received, not much information on it as I've not received a NTK as yet, but before I waste everyone's time I wanted to ask if I should even be contesting the charge. In a nutshell, parked and bought my hour's ticket, car park was pretty much empty, my ticket was until 4.40pm, parking charge issued at 4.51pm and I got back to my car at 4.52pm, so bottom line is I was in the wrong, however I think being charged £60 rising to £100 is a bit much seeing as the car park was practically empty and I wasn't hours and hours late. In my mind the company has not lost £100 by me being a few minutes late to an empty car park. If the general consensus is that I should suck it up and pay, then I will, but if you think it's worth contesting, I'd be really grateful of advice as to how to go about it. For windscreen tickets (NTD) please answer the following questions. 1 The date of infringement? 08/02/17 2 Did you appeal to the parking company? Not yet If yes, has there been any response? If no, have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? No NTK received as yet 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances] 5 Who is the parking company? UK Parking Control Ltd thanks WeldersWife Parking.pdf
  17. I visited the car park at Eastbourne B&Q today and saw a UKPC operative arrive and wander round the car park. He stopped at a car that was quite properly parked, wrote out a ticket, placed it on the car windscreen on the drivers side, photographed it, removed it and wandered off to look at other vehicles. So, if you are the owner of a silver hatchback and get a NTK for some parking misdemeanour at around 1pm in the Halfords/B&Q/Mothrcare car park on Lottbridge Rd I will give you a full description of the dishonest person in a UKPC uniform for your evidence when these bandits demand money. Shame it wasnt yesterday, I had my camera on me then
  18. is this still relevant or has it been removed. Parking company stripped of power to enforce tickets after photo fraud DVLA stamps on parking company that cheated Published 28 September 2015 By Dominic Tobin Share Article HUNDREDS OF car parks across Britain could descend into a free-for-all after the effective shutdown of one of Britain’s biggest parking companies. UK Parking Control (UKPC) has been stripped of its power to enforce parking tickets after being caught doctoring evidence against drivers. Click to read car REVIEWS or search NEW or USED cars for sale on driving.co.uk The company has been suspended from the list of operators that have access to the government’s central list of vehicle owners. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) took the action when it became the latest organisation to launch an investigation of the firm over allegations of fraudulently issued tickets. UKPC claims to operate more than 2,000 car parks across Britain for hospital trusts, supermarkets and housing associations. Earlier this month The Sunday Times revealed that wardens working for the company had falsified time-stamps to make it appear that drivers had overstayed in car parks. They then issued their vehicles with tickets. The ruse was exposed when victims set up a campaign group to highlight cases of fraud and the company confessed that wardens had exploited a loophole in its software to alter time-stamps. The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau is also looking into one case of doctored tickets involving UKPC. Motorists who receive a parking ticket from UKPC while the firm is banned from obtaining driver details cannot be traced by the company, even if the suspension is subsequently lifted, the DVLA said.
  19. just got notice to keeper from UKPC, ticket issued on 31/12/2016 ntc dated 02/02/2017. Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space. I parked in a bay with 2 wheels on the white line not outside but on it, this white line is approx 3 feet wide as its an end bay and the tyres were at least 1 foot away from the white line outside edge. i had to park like this as I could not let my passengers out of the vehicle because the vehicle next to me was very close to the white line so I had restricted access. Whats should be the next move against these muppets.
  20. Hi there, Can anyone kindly advise - Parking Charge of £100 received for not displaying BB in Disabled Space, at night in a large Retail Park from UKPC. I don't have a BB and I'm not disabled. I didn't see any signs for UKPC in that area and it was very dark - I only saw them afterward driving home once I had received the ticket. I took a photo to demonstrate that there were no signs in front of the car. Should I just ignore this. Or should I contact UKPC to say that I wish to contest this. I parked there because it was late at night and the car park was extremely busy and as I didn't see any enforcement I didn't think it would be a problem. I was rushing to meet a friend and didn't want to be late for the cinema. The vehicle is not owned by me - it's a leased vehicle via my brother's firm.
  21. Hello I'm just curious if I have to pay the parking charge notice which was placed on my car ? *photo to be added via mobile in a second*
  22. Good evening all, i hope someone maybe able to help me. MY GF had a UKPC Parking charge several weeks ago, unfortunately, we replied to the charge before we researched what we ought to have done on these and other forums. my gf parked my car in a space, and paid the charge via the RingGo app, however, a "rogue" registration appeared on the app, and my gf just pressed the first VRN she saw. When she got back we had the Parking Charge. We went through their appeals process, and although it was a genuine mistake, they said our appeal was invalid, we then went through the process with POPLA, today, their appeal came back against us, siding with UKPC. Even thou the daily rate had been paid, and we have receipts for this from the app, UKPC were found to be correct in giving us the charge. I have read somewhere, that as its a "Charge" that they had legal right to get this? And, as such we ought to just ignore any letters that may come our way now? I have also read that UKPC very rarely go to court, and although they may send letters and so called debt recovery agents letters, we again should ignore them? What should we do now?
  23. Hi, I have been given permission to use a fellow residents space while they are away and my permit must have slipped off the dash and landed on the floor. So UKPC have given me a ticket. Do I just need my neighbour to inform UKPC that I was given permission to park in their space?
  24. Morning everyone, First time poster on here, bit nervous as I've been a bit poorly recently but seen that this site has been fantastic support to so many people! I've received a claim form from UKPC/SCS Law regarding 5 PCNs from 2015 and are issued in a retail park car park where I worked in one of the stores up until about 3 weeks ago. The car park is a 3 hour max stay car park. I have not acknowledged or appealed any of the PCNs (I was following the advice of 'ignore all' but this now transpires may not be the best way, and I have lost some of the PCNs and NTKs) or entered into any correspondence with UKPC/DRP/SCS Law. I have not yet contacted the management company for the retail park as I thought it best to seek advice on here first before entering into any correspondence. LBA from SCS Law received 28/10/16 stating 14 days for payment. Claim Form from Northampton County Court Business Centre received 17/11/16. I'm going to acknowledge the claim on the MCOL website this morning. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  25. Back in May, I received a parking charge to my windscreen from our old friends UKPC. I was parked in a loading bay at my storage space and was displaying a permit. On the charge notice it stated that I was not correctly parked within the marked bay, although no such markings exist. I appealed anonymously, via UKPC online appeals, just giving them the reference number and the car reg. My appeal was acknowledged. Here we are, almost 60 days later and I have had no reply. As we are now over the 56 day I am assuming they will not be pursuing this but I have also noticed that they have not been ticketing cars that have been parking in the same loading space without permits. Are UKPC still in business? If yes,I guess they have lost their contract with the landlords.
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