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  1. Hi Car was parked on double yellow lines - ticket inspector observed car from 1.02pm - 1.02pm gave a ticket 01 Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours - one picture of the front of the car was taken at 1.02 another was taken at 1.04 when I got into the vehicle to drive off. (I was definitely there by 1.03. what's the best way of appealing this? technically its parked on double yellows - not on a restricted street during prescribed hours as there are no prescribed hours on double yellows? thank you for all the help in advance
  2. Hello everyone Unfortunately, my husband has gone and got himself another PCN. This time it's one that was stuck on his car I haven't seen any photos of the situation yet - I think they will be uploaded tomorrow at the earliest as he only received the PCN today. I was trying to upload the pdf but this website says that I have the incorrect file extension Is anyone able to help me understand what I've done wrong? I tried following the instructions about uploading files. Thanks
  3. Hey guys on 19/10/2018 I have parked my motorbike next to the car bay in Olympic Park, the ground was not marked by yellow crossing lines there, while I am pretty sure it was in other places, so I assumed it is not a problem to park there. Received a PCN on that day and waited for NTK which arrived on 21/11/2018. The Parking Charge is 100£ at the moment. If not paid in 29 days, I am informed (threatened) that charge will go up by another 60£ I will try to scan and redact the NTK once I am in the office and will send it here as well Questionnaire: Date of infringement: 19/10/2018 at 13:15 Not appealed to PCN Received NTK: 21/11/2918 The NTK mentions Schedule 4 of Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 Parking Company is Gemini Parking Solutions Location is Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park London
  4. Hi guys, I've been advised by a friend to come on here after i received a parking charge notice this afternoon. I was parked incorrectly, however to get into that space i had to drive through a narrow gap & swing the car into the space. As you can see from the attached pictures, it is not possible for another car to park besides mine, due to the the vehicles parked across the front of the car park. Do i pay the the £35 fine within 24hours or appeal? If appeal gets rejected then its £60! Many thanks.
  5. Hey guys, I just received a parking notice, the observation time is 10:19 to 10:27. I went and saw the same cars which were parked right next to me, and they didn't receive a parking ticket, but I did? I'm not sure how this has happened, it was a single yellow line, with no time restriction sign anywhere. Please help. Thank you in advance, if there is more information required from please let me know Cheers. Hope you aren't having a bad day as myself.
  6. 1 Date of the infringement 6/12/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 12/12/2017 3 Date received 14/12/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] no (at least not that I can see) 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] yes - see below Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up yes - see below 7 Who is the parking company? Horizon Parking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Aylesbury Leisure Complex, Aylesbury For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. - Yes, IAS (POPLA) There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here Appeal email: I’m really sorry that it appeared that we had parked at the Leisure Complex. On the evening in question, my wife and I were taking our children to eat in Aylesbury (a town that we’re not familiar with). Unfortunately, we got confused by the signs for Exchange Street Car Park and mistakenly pulled in to the small layby outside the Aylesbury Leisure Complex. After pulling in we quickly realised our mistake, but there was a delivery van in front of us that was pulled sufficiently far forwards as to be blocking our path, and reversing back out onto the main road would have dangerous with the level of traffic (especially so close to the roundabout). When we initially pulled in the driver was in the middle of the delivery. Once the delivery was completed we waited for a while, before I got out to ask the driver if he could move. He was looking at something on his phone but apologised and then immediately drove off to allow us to exit. I would greatly appreciate your understanding in our appeal of this PCN, and hope that you are able to review the imagery from the cameras to confirm what I have described above. Response: Thank you for your correspondence regarding the above Parking Charge Notice. I can confirm the Parking Charge Notice was issued correctly and legally in accordance with the British Parking Associations (BPA) Code of Conduct Signage throughout the car park is compliant with the BPA rules and regulations. The signage is quite clear in its intent and is located throughout the car park. When parking on private land it is the driver’s responsibility to ensure they adhere to the terms of the conditions of the car park. As vehicle XXXXXXX was found to be parked in a no parking area, a Parking Charge Notice was correctly issued The land is private property and signage within the private car park clearly set out the rules and regulations of the car park. When parking on private land, a motorist freely enters into an agreement to abide by the conditions of parking in return for permission to park therefore if the driver fails to comply with the terms and conditions a Parking Charge Notice will be correctly issued. In light of this, your representations have been carefully considered and rejected.
  7. Hi Guys. So another week, another ticket. I was driving the Mrs car, parked in Stevenage Leisure park on Saturday 22/10/2017. I visited the Cineworld cinema for a few hours with her disabled brother. The disabled bays where full so i parked on the side, out of the way but not on marked areas (Yellow hatches / double yellows etc). I do park in the same spot when i come alone sometimes. I parked the car as the parking guy watched, but he didn't say anything. On returning I found a ticket on the windscreen from a company called UKPC. Reason stated was: Parked in a roadway. What to do? p.s. if you need photographic evidence I have downloaded it from UKPC website (even though they try to not let you!) parkingticket-StevenageLeisurePark_20171021-redacted.pdf
  8. Hi All. My partner was on the main road and pulled in to let the bus pass and the bus swung wide and scrapped the side of her car. He admitted liability on the spot and passed all the details on for the council. Question is what should she do till she can speak with them on Monday in terms of speaking to her insurance etc Cheers
  9. Hi, hoping someone has some advice. While visiting family last week, my husband parked up in a disabled bay in a council car park while we took the children to the park. Parking was free for up to three hours. Blue badge and time clock displayed clearly. he drives a WAV, he has to be careful about how to park, very few car parks have spaces that are ok for WAVs. This particular car park layout meant for safely and to not cause an obstruction, he was within two BB spaces, ie making a 'through' space. We've parked there before with our previous WAV. He got out the van from the back, two of our children were with him and they noticed a traffic warden nearby, he checked the sign, and went off to meet me in the park. He came back to the WAV alone just over two hours later, got in the back, got into driving position and realised he'd been given a ticket! He called over another traffic warden, who said the first one had told him she'd ticketed him for occupying two spaces and she'd called her supervisor to ask if she could do it. My husband asked to speak to the supervisor himself. 2nd traffic warden refused. My husband asked him if he were not a power wheelchair user, and could park up without alighting from the rear, if he would have got a ticket. The 2nd warden said no. 2nd warden also said if he'd purchased a ticket from the machine as well, he wouldn't have got a ticket. The sign says disabled parking free for up to three hours, nothing about parking a WAV and alighting safely, or having to buy a ticket for having a WAV. He told him he couldn't cancel it, so to appeal, gave him a number to ring for the supervisor as well. My husband asked how he was supposed to get the ticket off the windscreen, he couldn't reach from his chair. Bearing in mind he was alone, the vehicle is obviously a WAV with no drivers seat, and the blue badge is directly in front of the drivers seat anyone checking that could see it clearly, the 1st warden would have looked directly into the space to place the ticket. The 2nd traffic warden had to hand him the ticket. The time on the ticket is 15 minutes after he got there, and is for parking over a line. He told my husband he should have parked in one space and caused an obstruction. There wasn't actually room for him to deploy the ramp to alight from the rear of the vehicle if he'd done that. By this time, my husband was really stressed and upset, getting chest pains, and called me, the traffic warden left before I'd got there. We waited about 15 minutes till he'd calmed down and felt better but the warden didn't come back. My husband didn't get a choice with motability about the size of the WAV, it's because of the equipment, ramp etc, in the back and adaptations. He's had it for almost two years, we park in car parks every day. On the advice of our local police, we also carry cones to place behind because we've had a couple of incidences of people blocking the rear doors so he can't get in. My husband parks in the safest way possible so not to get run over when getting out, to avoid causing an obstruction etc. He's never had a parking ticket before, especially not for being a wheelchair user with a WAV, can't believe he said that! The children confirmed they'd seen the first traffic warden as they'd parked up with their dad. She could have come across then and spoken to him, the car park wasn't busy, but instead she decided to ticket him. I bet she told her supervisor it was just a van with a BB, not a WAV with no drivers seat. I messaged the local council that evening, and they're supposed to be looking into it. He has 14 days to appeal, it's now day 7. The council say it's an unusual situation and apologised but they haven't yet cancelled the ticket, apparently the team who'd look into it were away last week, no excuse yet for this week. I checked their 'other rules' for car parks online later on, and it mentions nothing about parking WAV's safely, without causing obstruction. If he'd parked like they wanted him to park, he wouldn't have been able to get out at all. We took photos of how he was parked, of the sign and how the 2nd warden thought he should have parked. Their sign said people 'may' get a ticket, suggesting they should use some common sense :-/ Not sure how ticketing a BB holder parked in a BB space is common sense at all, or to anyone's benefit really. Seems like a massive waste of time for them and us. I'm emailing the council again today, to find out if they want him to go through appealing or what. It's 200 miles away, so we can't just go in, or we would! Very much feels like he's been ticketed for needing a power wheelchair and adapted vehicle though. He's never got a ticket where we live, or anywhere else actually, and he parks up for work every day in a BB space. Any advice on how to handle this?
  10. in a rush for a meeting today i parked in what i thought was a bay but on returning to the vehicle a parking charge notice had been attached to my vehicle stating "Not Parked in Allocated Bay" 1 The date of infringement 22/3/2017 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? N have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) Not yet 5 Who is the parking company? Premier Parking Solutions 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Premier Inn, Southernhay Exeter
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4488560/Shoppers-trapped-car-park-100-fine-overstaying.html
  12. Hey guys, Looking for a bit of help. Got this parking ticket while dropping my daughters medicine off to nursery. I was literally in and out. I have checked the signs and road markings, I don't think I have grounds to appeal on those. My only saving grace might be the fact that the ticket was issued at 9.50 am and it was observed from 9.50 to 9.50. I know some councils have an observation period but I couldn't find anything relating to this on Havering councils website. I found some in Camden council (3 minutes) and Brighton council (5 minutes). Could anyone give me some advice whether I have any grounds to appeal this? Many thanks, Bogyo79
  13. Good Evening today I have been the recipient of a nice little piece of paper requiring me to pay £50 to the council for a parking infringement. The PCN states it was contravention 30, parked for longer than permitted. However I was not parked in a limited waiting area, i was actually parked on DYL which should be an 01 offence however i also had my blue badge on display.... so the question is can i appeal this pcn on the basis that the ticket was incorrectly issued on the basis of the wrong contravention code. cheers lets ps was parked for longer than the 3 hours on the badge
  14. Hello I live in a cul-de-sac and my house is the last house on the road and I have my own drive at end. Today, I received a PCN code 62 while parked on my own Drive. It states 'Parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway'. My car was parked with the back wheels just on the edge of the footpath, something I have been doing since 1988 but for some reason I have received a parking ticket today. The footpath ends at my house, although a neighbour whose garden backs onto my drive has put a small gate in his fence so he can leave his house from the back. What can I do in this instance as I will have problems parking on my drive in future? With the back wheels close to footpath, the back of the car stands over the footpath by a foot or more depending on the car that is parked. I would appreciate any help or suggestions
  15. Hi, Decided to post here as after googling ANPR it seems a lot of people here have relevant experience. Went out Sunday morning to find a ticket on my car. I live on a private road (with what I believe are ANPR signs at regular intervals). The ticket says I was parked on double yellow lines in the early hours. I checked their website and the photo they have as evidence doesn't show my wheel over the line (of course there may be more photos?) - I didn't read the ticket until after I'd driven off but I believe my wheel was actually passed the end of the lines. There are no bay markings. I would like advice as to my next course of action. Should I write to them and ask them to prove it first and send me proof that they work on behalf of the land owner? Ticket (all details correct) and 'evidence photo' attached but censored in case they are watching. Many thanks for looking! EDIT: Forgot to mention, my car is leased so cannot risk a Notice to Owner.
  16. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/pensioner-reunited-car-forgetting-where-122008200.html#Vt0qp4x The principle again proving they call the shots...
  17. Please, could any one kindly advice me. I used to be an employee of the Bucks hospitals (NHS) Trust working at the Wycombe hospital. I have now retired but they retained me as a bank staff helping them out when they are really short of staff. I occasionally work there at weekends and nights when parking is not a problem. Now UKPC which recently took over the parking management are giving me these parking charges which I feel are rather unreasonable. They recently gave me a parking charge while I was parked and inside the laboratory working. I just find it ridiculous because here I am providing a very important service in the hospital for the benefit of patient care and then these people keep worrying me with these parking charges. My question is, shall I just ignore them and wait till they take me to court? Is my contract with the hospital to provide laboratory testing not superior to any perceived contract that UKPC might think I have with them? After all to provide my service I necessarily have to park on the site. Moreover it is never during hours when parking is limited. By the way, when the hospital originally introduced parking control it was meant to be operative only during working hours. (9am -5pm, Monday to Friday). However, UKPC has now extended it to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I think because of the financial incentive they prefer it this way. I am prepared to fight it all the way but I just wanted to know what my chances are. I also question this idea of the hospital grounds being private land. is that really the case? is an NHS hospital car park regarded as private land? It is our hospital, we the tax payers, right? please give me all the advice available. Oh, I have not bothered to apply for a parking permit because I don't need it except the odd weekend day or night. Applying for a permit would only deny another member of staff who would really need it since there are only a limited number of permits available due to the limited number of spaces. Thanks to every one in advance.
  18. Hi all, Firstly, apologies for starting a new thread. I have read all the sticky threads and as much as I can on other websites/forums, but I'm still not clear on the best course of action. Any advice would be massively appreciated. I rent a flat, which has an allocated parking space. Unfortunately, I was not provided with a parking permit badge by the letting agent or landlord when I moved in. There are UKCPS signs in the car park, but as I was a tenant and had an allocated parking space, did not really pay them any attention. UKCPS have since issued three charges (charges on the windscreen and NTKs all received). These were issued in August and September 2015. I wrote in response explaining that I was a tenant (and providing a copy of a utility bill and lease agreement), but there response was simply to state that any time for appeals had elapsed and the charges stood. I did not bother with an IAS appeal, based on the comments on forums such as this. I am now at the stage where I am receiving letters from Miah Solicitors stating that unless payment is made "...we will take our Client's instructions regarding how they wish to proceed which may include considering issuing legal proceedings." The main questions I have are: 1) How likely is it that this will proceed to court? 2) What action should I take now? I have asked the Property Management Company to clarify their arrangements with UKCPS and asked them to request the charges be cancelled, but they have not been especially helpful so far. I have read my tenancy agreement and unfortunately it does not specifically refer to the parking space (but it is numbered, i.e. specifically allocated to the flat. Sorry for the long post and many thanks for any help!
  19. Hi can anyone advise me if I will be fined. I declared my car off the road when the tax run out as we only use one car so its been sat outside my house for a while untaxed, I have been meaning to scrap it and spoke with a scrapyard a couple of times who said they would come and pick it up but they never turned up, someone on the street must have reported it to the dvla now and it has been clamped today. I don't want the car, I rung the car tax enforcement company that has taken the car and told them, she said if you don't want it don't pay the release fee and it will go to the pound you will be sent a disclaimer sign and return the disclaimer declaring you don't want it and it will be destroyed with no costs. I don't trust this , will I get fined of the dvla?, I don't want this to cost me money.
  20. Hi there and thanks for reading, I leant my car to my partners brother last November whilst he was over here on holiday as he lives in Spain. My insurance allowed him to drive so no worries there. Whilst he borrowed the car he parked on Private land in Cardiff and received a PCN which he never told me about. obviously after the ticket was not paid or appealed they wrote to me advising me of the fact and to which I replied with the drivers details and his address in Spain. I heard nothing more until about 4 weeks ago when I received a letter from a solicitors acting on behalf of the parking company advising me that if I did not pay the PCN in full plus expenses I would be taken to court. I wrote back to the solicitors advising them that I was not the driver at the time of the ticket being issued and again gave them the name and address of the driver all be it a Spanish address. I told the solicitors they should direct their action at the driver and not me. Today I have received a county court claim asking for £256 to paid or a CCJ will be registered against me. I have replied to the court claim with a full defence and explained to the court what I have wrote above. My question is as I was not the driver at the time of the ticket being issued and I have supplied the drivers details on 2 occasions am I liable for the charge? Any help or advise would be great. Thanks
  21. Hi all. Well what a lovely end to the week! Very briefly... i went to a local mini retail park on Newport road in Cardiff. Spent no more than 10 mins in Argos if that. Put a large box in my car. Went to Aldi again no more than 10 mins in there (walked out after not wanting to que) and i come back to find i ticket on my windscreen. Now back tracking, i work somewhere i have to park in a supermarket car park where im constantly having my car banged and scraped. when i go to park in the retail park i know im gong to have a heavy box (was buying a desk chair) so wanted to park as close as i could and when i go to pull in the car in the space next to me is completely on the wonk, and i just think there is no way im parking close to that idiot so i park over the next line. Now i do admit its annoying when people do this. However i dont expect to get charged £60 for the pleasure especially when its no more than a 20 min time period. What annoyed me most was the car that was parked far worse than i was had been there the whole time and they hadn't got a ticket. Can you please advise me what to do. If you think its pointless fighting as i was over the line id rather just suck it up and pay the lower fee. But £60!!! Jease
  22. HI, I've been happily living in my new house (since march last year - 2015) and at first my neighbours kids (now in their 2-s 30s) parked their cars covering about 1/3 my driveway. At first I didn't mind, but now I have a car, it bothers me as my visitors can't park in my drive at all. I've spoken to them and written them a note and left it under their wiper (friendly note)... I've called the council for advice and they advised that I call the police for "anti social" behaviour. Which way can I go (or should I?).. The council told me: "As there are no double yellow lines, they can park there"... Which I guess means they can park across my entire drive. (can they?) Some help should eb handy! Cheers, Ade
  23. Please advise! My 7 year old daughter is severely impaired and she has a blue badge. We use a wheelchair adapted car. We usually park in disabled bays. On 20th of Apr 2016 we received Parking Charge Notice from Gemini, parking operator ar Rivermead Centre Reading. The PCN states that the car exceeded the 30 minutes free of charge parking with 3 minutes. They've asked a payment of 100£, 60 payable in 14 days. My opinion : 1. I thought disabled parking (public or private) are free of charge. 2. The PCN was issued on 20th of Apr for a civil offence committed on 20 th of march - is thus corect? 3. The signs displayed in the parking are ambiguous without any mentions regarding terms & conditions. 4. I've sent an email to the Rivermead Centre asking for the terms and conditions that apply in their car park with NO answer back. When my daughter is not in the car we don't use the disabled bays nor her blue badge. I didn't find any other post with the same situation and I open this one. Please find attached the PCN I would appreciate a lot your opinions! Best regards, Marius
  24. Hi everyone Myself, brother and sister recently parked outside a parking facility for apartments at 12:07 on Monday 30/05/2016. We came back to the car at 13:34 to see a PCN from Salford City Council on the window. I took pictures so I could give more detail to were she was parked to see if she really has to pay. Please let me know if anything can be done. http://docdro.id/1ED7Zpn Thanks Andrew
  25. Hi, I've only just discovered this forum and wish I knew about it before! If anyone could help me in my situation I'd be really grateful. We have been renting a flat with an allocated numbered parking space. My partner parked the car, went in the house without realising the permit had fallen off. He said it was on the seat and still visible. CPM issued a parking charge notice. The pictures show the parking terms which are in the car park about the charge, permit must be displayed in the windscreen etc. In the pictures you can also see the permit holder on the dashboard, having come unstuck. The car's in my name so I wrote back as asked in the notice to appeal. I included a copy of the permit (also numbered), our tenancy agreement showing we have use of the space, explaining that it had fallen but also stating that my partner was in at the time and the bell for our flat is about 10 feet from the space, if they'd rung the bell he would have come down and reattached the permit. Didn't really think much of it, kind of assumed it would be fine. We're now moving out and I just received a letter saying they've rejected the appeal because the permit wasnt displayed, and that it's our responsibility to ensure its on. It also gave a POPLA number and web address to appeal to them. Maybe stupidly, I phoned both popla and cpm. I was a bit emotional but didn't really expect anything to come of it. POPLA told me i should have been sent a paper form, but i wasnt. I can try to do it online but only have my phone and 4g at the moment, it took me 10 tries just to register for this forum :/ Is it worth appealing to POPLA as well? We're not living at the old address and I didn't particularly want to give them the new one, especially if they'll just turn around and reject again. Thank you for any insight! Please let me know if I need to provide more info.
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