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  1. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help with this situation: In May 2015 I received a letter from UKPCS stating that I had an unpaid Parking Charge which was issued in March 2015. The letter stated that it is now too late to pay the initial charge, and the fine is now £100. The charge was for Driver - Passengers observed leaving the site. This was a retail park in Salford, for which there is no charge or barriers to enter or exit. On the day in question, there was no ticket affixed to the windscreen when I returned to the car, so the first I knew of the alleged offence was when I got the letter in May. I returned to the site and yes, there are signs around the car park, at high level, and small text, but did not notice them at the time. I received two further letters but ignored them. as per advice read on various motoring forums, but yesterday received a letter from Miah Solicitors stating I now had to pay a total of £275, comprising the fine, admin costs and legal costs. Should I write to the solicitor requesting: 1. Proof from their Client that a PCN had actually been affixed to the windscreen. 2. Proof that I had actually been observed leaving the site. I have also read on these forums that this particular firm of solicitors is not regulated to collect debts, although their letter is signed from the Debt Recovery Team. Any advice would be helpful.
  2. I received a windscreen invoice from UKCPS after being parked illegal in a private car park. The background to the case was that my elderly mother who is diabetic was having a hypoglycaemic attack. It was medical emergency. My mother is a Blue Badge holder but there was not time to display the badge. I completely ignored UKCPS demands for payment after reading advice on forums. I have now received the attached letter from Miah Solicitors. They have sent me Practice Direct on Pre-Action Conduct. What would action would you all advise me to take? Should I now just pay it or continue to ignore it. Are they likely to take to court and would they like win they did so. I'm unable to provide evidence to support my case. Many thanks.
  3. Hi. I wonder if anyone can help me. In June 2013 I received a parking charge notice at Chatham Maritime car park. It stated that I had been observed 'leaving the site', indeed I did leave to deliver a letter but then returned to the shopping centre where I purchased a few items. I wasn't aware that leaving the site was not allowed ( I used to regularly park in this car park and go to University) and did not notice the parking ticket until I got home. At the time I was all set to appeal and had written an email to send them but having browsed the internet I found the advice being given at the time was to ignore it and not acknowledge receipt of the ticket in any way. I subsequently received a few letters but for the last 18 months or so had heard nothing more so I assumed it was over. However last week I received a letter from Miah Solicitors stating that they had been instructed to pursue the outstanding amount ( now £275 - the original £100 charge, £25 admin fees and a further £150 legal costs). I was wondering if there is any time limitation on how long after the original fine they can continue to pursue it? I am now unable to find the original ticket ( I may have disposed of it, thinking that it was all over, or the receipts for the shopping) so am unsure if I would be able to appeal now or should I continue to ignore? I am now very nervous about the situation but am unwilling to pay £275 when it should have been free parking. Thank you in advance
  4. Hi all, A parking ticket was placed on the windscreen of my car from UKCPS last December (06/12/2014) whilst in the Staples car park in Hull which the PPC have named 'West Quay Retail Park'. The initial ticket which I cannot currently find stated that the driver was observed leaving the site and therefore according to the sign been displayed in the carpark states I entered into a contractual agreement and would result in a parking charge notice. This been £100 and discounted to £60 if payment was received within 14 days. (see Attachment 1) After talking to numerous people I decided to ignore this parking charge notice and did not make contact with UKCPS. Following on from this I received a NTK dated (09/02/2015) stating that '(vehicle) was observed parking Without a valid permit or authority'. The letter also stated that the charge of £60 had not been paid in full and therefore a charge of £100 was now due in which I had 14 days to reply. I also ignored this letter. (see Attachment 2) Another letter stating it was the final letter before court proceedings are instigated, dated (26/02/2015) appeared on my doorstep stating that the amount owing was now £125 if I settled the debt in full in the next 7 days otherwise may result in court action been taken with costs which could exceed £325. Once again ignored and thought it was an empty threat. (see attachment 3) Letter 3 dated (30/06/2015) looked near enough the same, amount now owing £125 and is the final letter before debt recovery action will commence. Failure to pay or make a binding agreement to pay within 14 days of receipt of this letter will automatically lead to recovery action. Once again ignored. (see attachment 4) The final letter which I have now received yesterday is from 'The Miah Solicitors', Debt Recovery Team. They are now telling me that the sum now due is £275. This been due to the £125 last demanded, £25 client administration fee and £150 legal fees in which I have 14 days from the letter dated. (see attachment 5) I am now starting to get worried that if I don't pay this amount that it may go to court, but from what I have been reading online this may also be an empty threat as the Solicitor of the firm was fined £68,000 after been in a Boiler Room [problem]!!! I have read numerous threads all with different advise. Could somebody please advise me on this matter as I am really uncertain on what I should do now and it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  5. Hi All, Wonder if you can help. Last year we parked in a retail outlet car park, which is 2 hour free parking. We went into the shops within the retail park but also to shops in a neighbouring park and on our return found we had been invoiced by UKCPS as we had 'been observed leaving site'; although we were only parked for around 90 minutes. I ignored the window sticker and awaited the first begging letter which arrived 66 days later so duly responded asking them to harass the driver of the vehicle and that I was under no obligation to inform them who that was. I, stupidly, thought that would be the end of it; alas no, they really are a persistent bunch. On the 16th June I received another letter telling me this was my final warning and that I had to pay up immediately, I then received another letter on the 17th June telling me this was my final warning and that I had to pay up immediately. These letters I ignored and now I have received a letter from The Miah Solicitors telling me I have 14 days to respond or court action 'may' result and that the letter is being sent 'in accordance with the Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct contained in the Civil Procedure Rules' The letter is signed Debt Recovery Team; however I cant work out if this yet another begging letter with a new heading to scare me into coughing up or if this a letter warning that the next correspondence will be court papers? Any advice on what my next move should be would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks!
  6. I received a letter from "The Miah Solicitors" debt recovery team about their client UKCPS. The details are: I parked out of a marked bay in a when visiting a friend who lives in a zone controlled by UKCPS, they put a ticket which I picked up on the windscreen. I parked in early 2015. The charge is £100, £25 UKCPS administration fee, and £150 legal costs. They also state in the letter "The supreme court ruled on 4th November 2015 that charges for parking on private land are enforceable, you should therefore arrange to make payment..." I have the following to say in my defence, which although waffley might contain something useful. I am unemployed. I was visiting a friend. There was no-where else to park, he directed me where to leave my car, which was on the "double yellow" lines, and agreed to park there as he said everyone ignores their tickets. I was not blocking anyone from moving through the car park, getting in our out of their space, or taking up a residents space so it was actually the least obstructive place to park. Outside the residents compound the nearest parking was over a mile away, so where do they expect visitors to go? My friend didn't have any visitor tickets, and I'm not sure if they provide them. I have ignored all letters up to this point and am considering talking to a solicitor about it. I have a few days to make contact before they send more threatening letters about me visiting a friend who is surrounded by their enforcers. Do you have any advice?
  7. Hello you wonderful wonderful people Let me cut straight to the chase I parked in a private land which i have done a number of times while going to the bank in town. I did not see any visible signs with terms and condition only a worn out red paint on the wall with the words private parking. I comeback half an hour later and lo and behold i have parking notice slapped on the windscreen of my car. As advised by friends and people on forums I chose to ignore it. Got a few letters and chose to ignore them as well. Then as usual with these private companies i got my case passed onto a 'debt recovery team' Miah solicitors in this case. The letter is pretty much as a copy and paste of all the other letters from miah solicitors people have posted on the forums. £100 owed to UKCPS, £25 admin, and £150 for legal costs to these culprits. Same idle threat stating 'this letter before action is being sent to you in accordance with the Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct contained in the Civil Procedure Rules. In particular, we refer you to paragraph 4 of the said pratice direction concerning Court's powers to impose sanctions for failing to comply with its provisions. Take note, that if we do not recieve any payment or contact you from within 14 days of the date of this letter, we will take our clients instructions regarding how they wish to proceed which may include considering issuing 'legal procedings' Here is my response letter gathered from information off the forums and watching a youtube channel called DerpJD To whom it may concern I am writing to you in response to the letter received regarding an alleged private parking ticket by your affiliate UKCPS. May I first of make you aware that I am well educated in the matter of private land tickets and the legalities. Before your idle threats can even be taken seriously you will need to provide me with the following; 1) Proof that Mr XXXXX XXXXXX was the driver at the alleged time. 2) Receipts of the legal charges that have been added by you of £150 with VAT. 3) A bill. The following are not bills, a parking charge notification, a statement, a charge certificate, not a notice, not an invoice. 3) Proof of a contractual agreement between me and your client. Under all commercial and civil laws, in order for man/women to take a complaint to a court or to a magistrate to make a claim for a court hearing tribunal/trial then there must be a documented contract with full disclosure by both parties with terms and conditions, signed with wetted ink (not a PDF signature) with human names and the date of signature. As you are well aware of no contract existed. 4) As advised by a solicitor in a free consultation, your letter has no reverse liability so it is better off throwing in the bin. For your letter to have reverse liability you will need a wetted signature with a human name printed. You know this will leave you opened to be counter sued so you have opted not to do so. S o your letters will remain meaningless and empty as long as you continue this practice. 5) If you have gotten that far then I will also need evidence of damage/loss of property during the parking of this vehicle at the alleged duration by the LAND OWNER to justify the fraudulent parking ticket. I will also like to state this is not an appeal this is a rebuttal. Any private parking companies that try to apply levy onto people in this exemplary matter is null-in-void. The only way you can get any squeaky leverage to go to a court or to get legal action in any way is to ascertain/obtain an appeal in response to the INVOICE. This invoice by UKCPS will never be paid no matter how much you escalate the price until all these lawful conditions are met. Have a nice day Regards (i put my own copy and paste signature from google images just like they do) Il be waiting for your wisdom Slick
  8. Hi all, Firstly, apologies for starting a new thread. I have read all the sticky threads and as much as I can on other websites/forums, but I'm still not clear on the best course of action. Any advice would be massively appreciated. I rent a flat, which has an allocated parking space. Unfortunately, I was not provided with a parking permit badge by the letting agent or landlord when I moved in. There are UKCPS signs in the car park, but as I was a tenant and had an allocated parking space, did not really pay them any attention. UKCPS have since issued three charges (charges on the windscreen and NTKs all received). These were issued in August and September 2015. I wrote in response explaining that I was a tenant (and providing a copy of a utility bill and lease agreement), but there response was simply to state that any time for appeals had elapsed and the charges stood. I did not bother with an IAS appeal, based on the comments on forums such as this. I am now at the stage where I am receiving letters from Miah Solicitors stating that unless payment is made "...we will take our Client's instructions regarding how they wish to proceed which may include considering issuing legal proceedings." The main questions I have are: 1) How likely is it that this will proceed to court? 2) What action should I take now? I have asked the Property Management Company to clarify their arrangements with UKCPS and asked them to request the charges be cancelled, but they have not been especially helpful so far. I have read my tenancy agreement and unfortunately it does not specifically refer to the parking space (but it is numbered, i.e. specifically allocated to the flat. Sorry for the long post and many thanks for any help!
  9. This is my first post so please be gentle with me! In October 2015 my partner went to a children's play centre on an industrial estate (Boundry Industrial Estate) in Bolton where I live when she returned she told me that she parked her car on the access road as it was very busy and she could not find a parking space. Upon her return to the car there was a parking attendant who was just about to place a ticket on her windscreen, they chatted and the attendant didn't issue the ticket - we thought that this was a lucky escape until we received a parking fine letter from UKCPS. In my naivety and from previous experience I told her to ignore the letters (I now know that it was a mistake!) and because of that we have received a letter from 'The Miah Solicitors' demanding payment and threatening court if we do not contact them within 14 days. I have read a lot of previous threads to know that they are a bit dodgy and that UKCPS rarely issue court papers to reclaim the costs but I need to reassure my partner that they wont take us to court & am asking for advice on how I should reply to Miah Solicitors? I have found a letter written by someone on another forum but it was written before the Beavis ruling. All in all I'm not sure what to do next. Thanks in advance for any help The Miah Solicitors 05-02-16.pdf
  10. Hi My partner recieved a parking fine from UKCPS. Im not sure if it was left on the car or just came through by post. But this was back in Feb 2013. I advised her to ignore as it was what i thought was not enforceable. We had parked at a local retail park where there is no charge. I think we may have parked in parent and child bay whilst running into Boots for some medicine. The woman who was employed at the time by UKCPS took photos of the inside of our car without us in it. She was so close to our car she may even have touched it. Anyway, i advised to not pay as no money had been lost by UKCPS, as it was and still is a free car park. A few letters arrived but on the whole nothing happened. I came home last night to a letter from The Miah solicitors ( which seems to be the same format and wording as everyones elses from the miah) saying that the Court of Appeal ruled on the 23rd April 2015 that a charge for parking on private land is not extravangant or unconscionable! ( Im guessing this was the lincolnshire one, where i live) I am attaching the letter for you I dont know if theyre acting as debt collectors or litigators and i have at no time entered into any contract but if that is this case then isnt there something about VAT as well? What can i do, were not paying £275 to park where we can park for free . Fuming but a little scared as UKCPS go to court Thanks
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