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  1. I recently ended a relationship with my girlfriend of 4 years. When we broke up i let her borrow my car for a few months. Everything was fine during this time and i was getting to see my son. All of a sudden i was not allowed to see my son and my ex is refusing to return my car to me. I am currently going through the court process to gain access to my son. In regards to my car, i recently learned that the v5 of the car was tranaferred to my ex name. I made a complaint to the DVLA and i was told that i was sent a letter notifying me the change of name, but i did not receive this letter. The DVLA have also stated that there is nothing they can do and it is now a civil matter. They stated once i gain the car in my possession to notify them. DVLA also sent me a copy of the letter that was sent to me, i am sure they stamp these letters? This letter has no stamp, i would have never have agreed to the name change if i knew about it. The police will not do anything as well. I took out a personal car loan to purchase the car for which i am currently making monthly payments for, the loan is against my name and not the vehicle. I really need some advice and help on what my options are and i would really appreciate it if someone can help.
  2. Good Morning everyone, My situation is quite complex so please bear with me and any help and uggestions would be greatly appreciated, i will start with a brief statement as to how this all started 15 years ago and then onto the problems i am now facing. In 2003 i applied to remortgage and take equity from my home, i was turned down, i checked my credit reports to see that i had several defaults and a CCJ from Barclays on my acc, after a few years i managed to get all of this sorted with apology letters from Barclays. In 2013 i was again chased for debts that did not belong to me, i tried every avenue possible to get this mistake sorted for a second time but eventually i ended up going to the newspapers and the FOS who then sorted out the problem with Lloyds and Experian with a pathetic £250 compensation, even though id spent 10 times this on phone calls and writing letters/emails etc . Now in 2018 this has all happened again, i have checked my report from all 3 CRAs and Call Credit and Experian are showing defaults, CCJ, addresses i have never lived at, they have even changed my electoral roll entry without any instruction by myself or legal documents to do this. All of this wrong information is for a person with the same first and last name as me and also the same date of birth, however this other person has a middle name and i do not. I received a letter from 02 on the 19th of March chasing a debt for this other person, i immediately checked my credit report, and there it was, 02 had already linked me and the debt/account to my address without doing any checks whatsoever to see if i was the correct person, i DONT have an account with 02. There is then the other accounts from 6 other companies in default that i have never had accounts with and a CCJ which i dont even know what it is for , i just know none of these belong to me as ive never missed a payment on anything or had any dealings with these companies. I have disputed all of this with Call Credit but they refuse to remove all of this wrong information, i have not spoke to any of the companies involved as from past experience they will not speak to me due to data protection when i say i am not the person they seek, but they also dont resolve the problem either, i have since joined checkmyfile and they are trying to sort things out with call credit , but say i have to sort out this mess with Experian myself. I am seeking advice as to what to do next, to be honest the companies reporting all of this wrong information in my eyes need to pay, i am busy renovating my home and considering an extension as my wife is 8 months pregnant but i am now reluctant to apply for any loans/remortgage etc as i know i will be turned down, and as you can expect for this to happen a 3rd time my stress levels have went through the roof. Companies listing defaults on my report who i have no dealings with at all and ruining my credit report because of there incompetence to check they have the correct person are: Lloyds Bank (again) Lowell Vanquis Bank Capital One Hoist Portfolio Home retail group 02 ( who reported and made the link with callcredit , even though this serial debtor has paid his bill now, so is not showing as a default, but its now to late as they have done the damage) Thank you kindly to anyone that can help. Luco19
  3. Hi there, heres the story, I paid for an early upgrade online with ee. the cost was £251 including the early upgrade fee to buy out the rest of my contract and the upfront cost of the new handset. Now I ordered this the same day my new bill was generated, however my payment date for this bill is the 10th of each month, it was not due for another week so I didnt see a problem. in the after morning after ordering I checked the ee tracker to find news of my delivery only to find it `timed out` it couldnt find any record of the order number in other words. I phoned ee to find out what was going on, the rep told me for some reason the system had taken my upgrade fee but then straight away refunded it and it was on its way back to my account, she apologised and said if I wanted it back quicker I could get an indemnity on the direct debit with my bank asking them to cancel it and I should recieve payment that same day. Since then I found a better deal with another provider on the same handset (vodafones 32gb of data v 8gb ee were offering for the same price as I was paying now monthly!) I decided id use the refund to pay off my contract with EE and go with that one instead of upgrading. I contacted the livesupport on the ee website just to ensure the upgrade hadnt been put through again and to make sure it was indeed cancelled before going with the other network. I was then told that I was not being issued with a refund, the funds instead had been put towards my account balance and it was now in credit (this was presented as something I was apparently meant to be happen with) Now I wanted the refund, my bills not due till the next week and I didnt want to pay it till my next payday which falls before my payment date anyway. I was told I couldnt be refunded as the payment had already been put towards my bill and id just have to get a refund of the credit after paying my bill the next week. My issue is I never authorised this, the payment was sent as part of the early upgrade service it was payment for the early upgrade fee and the handset it was never authorised by me to be used as payment for my bill. EE have just gone ahead and done this without my permission then used that as a reason for not refunding me, I dont see how this is legal to use a payment in a way it wasnt intended without asking esp when the payment is taken as payment for a specific. product and service such as an upgrade. Not happy as not only was my payment used for something not intended by me and without my permission but the woman on the phone in the morning was obviously utterly using me. What I think has happened is ee have sneakily used the fact I made a payment for this upgrade as a way to have me pay my bill off early and just cancelled the upgrade so they can use the payment for this. Obviously very dodgy practise if so! Im just wondering if my misusing my payment in this way ee may have broken any part of their contract, id love to get a bit of revenge by using it as a reason to tear it up. Latest update got in touch with my bank, they say I cant get an indemnity anyway as the payment was by card (so the ee rep was totally using me this morning it appears!) but that the payment is still pending so it shouldnt take any time at all for EE to refund as they can just cancel it.....lets see if they choose to or see if they choose to `keep the money` on my account balance against my will......what they do will decide if I take further action im guessing, EE rep claiming they dont have the ability to cancel a pending payment......utter rubbish! I will be taking this further! luckly ive saved the chat transcripts. anyone else experienced this kind of thing?
  4. Ive built a skateboard ramp for my son in the back garden, because of my neighbour on are left complained evan though she can't see or hear the ramp in use the council have said it has to be removed because its a raised platform and i should of got planning permission, There is no platforms on the top either end. Can i dispute the councils decision have it removed in court? ,what are my options?,the neighbour to are right agrees that it makes no noise and they can't see it. the ramp at its highest point(the vertical bit) is 6.5 feet no higher than any of my neighbours out buildings.The flat part is only 6 inches of the ground. The kent county council have given me 3 months to remove it or there starting court action, A childs trampoline would have far more impact on are neighbours.
  5. Hi there, My Brother In Law has just discovered that his bank had fixed his Mortgage for 5 years at 3.89% without his consent. He has demanded to see the signed document the bank could not produce the signed contract he has been into branch and seen on the computer also that the contract is not signed in the signature box. What should he do in this situation? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  6. HI I would appreciate some help on this issue if at all possible. I lost my job in May 2017 and was unemployed for 3 months. I was paying £1386.00 per month for a small one bedroom flat in Clapham Junction and had been doing so since Dec 2014 (so nearly 3 years). As it became apparent I could no longer afford the rent I spoke to Kinleigh Folkward and Hayward who were the estate agents for the private landlord I rented off and asked if I could be released early from my tenancy agreement which was due to expire on 10th Dec 2017. After negotiation the landlord agreed the tenancy could be terminated once a new tenant had been found but the estate agents insisted I was liable for paying the letting fee until the end of the tenancy (10th Dec) irrespective of whether a new tenant was found. A tenant was found and we agreed an end date of 25th Oct (today) - I had hoped for earlier as I was able to move to my new cheaper property on 30th Sept. After I moved out I started getting phone calls from workmen asking for permission to enter the flat to measure up replacing the carpets with wooden floors. I agreed but rang the estate agents checking that no work would commence until I had ended the tenancy. I saw no reason why (as I was in fact paying effectively rent on 2 properties that the landlord should profit from the situation by getting rent paid whilst he was having works done.) I got in writing that no work would begin until I had completed check out. I turned up at the flat last night to discover carpets ripped up, some new flooring laid and a total mes. I then cancelled the professional cleaning company I had booked for this am. I went back there this morning to find the workmen there with keys and smoking in the flat. The check out clerk arrived at 10am and was quite appalled too. I have not paid my rent since 10th September as I have no trust in these people (either the agents or the landlord) to not try and rip off my deposit. Financially then I owe 6 weeks rent but there are 4 weeks rent held in deposit. My question is - can I legitimately say they have to cancel the tenancy at the end of last week thereby reducing my debt to them (the workmen told me they had been there all week)and what action should I be taking regarding unlawful and unpermissioned entry into what technically was still my home? I'm not interested in just causing trouble for troubles sake but rather in reducing any payments to them that I need to make. 3 months without salary this year has broken me financially and I just do not have spare money. I'm happy for the deposit to be released to the landlord but want to reduce any further bill by as much as I can.... Any advice will be hugely gratefully received. Moobelle
  7. I rang Paratus AMC Limited to ask what my mortgage repayment would be after the Bank of England Rate raise, I was not surprised to be told it had increased but was shocked when I was told Paratus AMC Limited had added Buildings Insurance Premium of nearly £50 a month to my mortgage repayments!! - which means I would be paying over £500 a year just for insurance, when the fact is I have my own buildings insurance and much lower. I asked why they had added Buildings Insurance Premium, I was told it was a legal requirement, but I've had my own Buildings Insurance in the past and never had this problem before! Now out of the blue, Paratus AMC Limited have added Buildings Insurance Premiumof close to £50 following the Bank of England Rate raise. I told them I have my own Buildings Insurance and I want the Buildings Insurance they have added to my mortgage to be cancelled, but they refused to do so, asking me to send in the insurance schedule, so they will check it and then decide if they want to cancel it or not. They also sent me a letter, detailing adding buildings insurance to my mortgage, again they should never have done this without asking for my permission and I don't need it because I have my own insurance. Paratus AMC Limited have added the Buildings Insurance illegally without my permission, they can't do this and I want it cancelled with ASAP. Please help me draft a strongly worded letter I can send to them, before my mortgage payment is due later this week. Do I really need to send them a copy of my insurance schedule or will a strongly worded letter be enough?
  8. Hi, Got a bit of a fiddly situation here so I will try my best to summarise clearly for everyone. I moved into a flat (from Spareroom) on the 1st June 2016 (tenancy expired on 30th November 2016), I found it a month or so before and they wanted a £300 (cash) holding deposit as they don't take card. I was moving out of London a few days after and was in the middle of exams and I knew I needed a place so (stupidly) I paid it in cash and went for it. Thankfully it all seemed legit, got the keys on the first and again had to pay my first months rent and the deposit via bank transfer in their office (Rent £940 + Deposit £940 + Admin £149 - Holding Fee £300 = £1729). I paid it got my keys and moved in. I asked about the deposit scheme etc over the next days where I was told "don't worry it's protected". This is where I started finding it all to get weird. Speaking to the existing flatmates, none of them received any TDS numbers or anything. I kept asking just to get the same response. So 3 months go by, after hearing nothing I knew I wanted to claim. However a friend had a room their flat which was over the road and was perfect for me so I started enquiring about leaving the tenancy early etc, and I got 3 options. Find my replacement and I pay half a month of rent, they find a replacement and I pay a full month or rent, or I just pay the remaining rent and leave. I tried for a month to find my replacement which brought me to September to no avail. I then emailed saying "Is there a possibility I could leave and you could keep my deposit?" which got a reply of "I will keep trying to rent your room, keep paying as normal" so no confirmation that they would take my suggestion of keeping my deposit. Knowing that they haven't protected my deposit I asked them again "I can't find anything about my deposit in the TDS" in which they replied with "The money you paid for the deposit will be used to pay for the final month of the tenancy". Is this even allowed? My contract says: "Security - £940 to be paid on the signing hereof to the agent for the landlord to be dealt Within accordance. This security deposit will be used to pay your last month rent, then 30 days notice is served" (that's the exact wording, notice the bad spelling/grammar). I then followed up with them with the standard "Within accordance of the law, it is your duty to protect my deposit in a TDS" in which they said the manager will call me. I spoke to the manager (who is also the Landlord, I think this is pretty important) on the phone and they pretty much said "Don't worry you can leave the contract and i'll adjust the deposit". I thought screw it, I'll take that and then approach the deposit after I have confirmation I can leave so I asked for the email confirmation and they sent over the following: "As advised please do not pay your rent on 1st October 2016. Please then returning the keys this Saturdays drop me a text, then keys are left at the concierge. You are released from 6 months contract as per conversation with [Landlord Name], no further payments are required." I took this as pretty concrete evidence that I can leave, so I did. Moved into my new place and I'm happy here. Now I want to claim back my 'protected' deposit. I emailed the manager saying what's happening to the deposit and that I'm happy to not pursue this in court if it is returned back in full and I gave them a time frame to do so. He replied with "you broke your tenancy etc and that they will chase up the remaining payments". Unless I accepted a £500 return of deposit. When I spoke to him on the phone before he offered £500 deposit back which I said no to and that I'll be chasing up the full deposit. He has also reassured me that "Danny from accounts has said your deposit is protected" which is incorrect given what his colleague told me before. Basically I just want my deposit back, multiple people have mentioned that I can claim between 1-3x the deposit, I do not mind what I claim as long as I get my initial deposit back. Almost a year after moving in I still haven't seen a sign of it, and I don't think the other tenants have either. Do you think that leaving the tenancy early may hinder my chances as claiming this deposit back? I believe they are separate matters, I believe that he had ill intentions with the deposit by choosing to manage it himself and no protect it, which seems like it has broken all of his responsibilities. But also a separate matter of leaving the tenancy early where I suggested that they could possibly keep the deposit, which not reciprocated, but then got an email after the phone call which clearly stated when I could leave and who gave permission and also that no further payments are required. Sorry for the wall of text, it has been a complicated and stressful process and any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much, Buneet
  9. I successfully applied for planning permission last year to convert a townhouse garage into habitable space. Whilst often no planning permission is required for this, there are special parameters around parking on my street which meant I needed to apply. The street is a row of about 20 identical (not mirror-image) townhouses in a row. As part of my submission, I engaged an architect to draw up plans, costing around £1k. A neighbour on the street is in the process of selling their house and the prospective owner has just applied for planning permission to do the same work. The planning drawings are identical to mine, other than that the architect's details have been hidden with some different text - it looks like that was done with a white box in powerpoint or paint. This is essentially theft of intellectual property although I feel it may be hard to prove. Do I have any leg to stand on to seek compensation? Thanks for your help!
  10. Hi, I paid for a night in a hotel that I booked via hotels.com. The price shown by hotels.com and the paper invoice that I got from the hotel was correct - however I have subsequently checked by card statement and see that a 2% surcharge was applied to the booking. Having checked the hotel listing, and the ts&cs I can see no detail of a 2% credit card surcharge anywhere and have printed out the website details as a permanent record. Where do I stand on this legally? I was under the impression card charges must be clearly stated? Thanks Abe
  11. Twelve years ago I applied to the planning department of my local council for planning permission to build an extension to my house. I was granted planning permission and therefore built the extension. A planning officer from the council visited here to make sure my application was truthful and accurate. OK no problem. However, I have recently discovered that it was illegal for me to have the extension built due to a restrictive covenant on my house deeds. I wasn't aware that the covenant said that I'm not allowed to extend my house without permission from the owner of the covenant. I have been ordered from the owner of the covenant to demolish my extension as I never obtained covenant permission to build it. The owner of the covenant has offered me the option of paying them £10,000 to remove their demand to have my extension demolished. You may be wondering who is the owner of the covenant. Well the owner is the same council who granted me planning permission to build my extension. I give up.
  12. trying to sort this out for a neighbour.... a person whom is specifically mentioned in an English will in the regard of: a gift of £30k in respect to a loan they gave the decreased has it appears cleared out all personal items of the deceased as well as many very valuable items that were destined for distribution along with the sale of said property as part of the estate distributed amongst surviving children. my neighbour being one of these. this was discovered when he was escorted to the property by the solicitors/agent to collect 'something' to remember his dad by for the meant time and collect photos etc etc. this person is an executor of the will, but retained a set of keys when they should not have done? and have never been escorted like his son was and his other son that was escorted around at another time too.. the person has returned on numerous occasions since the death until my neighbours visit [we have CCTV evidence!!] and can be seen for want of a different word, rifling the place of anything of worth. to the extent that other than photos, there are NO personal effects of their father left!! even the bedding has gone!! [yes this person and my neighbours deceased dad have lived together many a year] the property was a second home. the solicitors seem non plushed by this....... but surely this cant be legal? your thoughts CAG please
  13. Hello, l am wondering if anyone could possibly give me any advice, my partner and l have arrears with our mortgage company, this was caused by my partner having his work hour's cut, (actually he was one of the lucky few who wasn't laid off), the arrears total £1800, we have spoken to Capstone who were supposed to ring us back to make an arrangement to pay our monthly amount plus some off arrears, their phoning us was to work out how much we can pay back comfortably, they never rang but we have had a letter stating that the arrears must be paid or they will go for repossession, we have had this once before and Capstone phoned us 2 weeks later as were continued making payments of our monthly amount plus between £150-£200 pound off arrears, (l panicked and gave them all my carers allowance and my sons disability money for 3 months) they tried to make me state l would pay £800 a month on top of the monthly payment, which l couldn't do! To cut a long story short l am tired of misleading phone calls and from now on will only communicate via mail, am l able to send Capstone a budget sheet l have filled in myself rather than give all my financial details over the phone? They insist it can only be done over the phone! The annoying part is that we will have these arrears more than cleared before it would even get to go to court for a repo, Capstone don't seem interested in this, just in how much they can get out of us now. l shall continue to make payments of at least the minimum monthly payment and whatever we can toward the arrears regardless. lm sorry for the long post, my partner is so depressed and is becoming suicidal, l am determined that these company's will not have such a negative affect on my family. We had many a sleepless night before this notice arrived, we feel like we may as well be talking to a brick wall. Rachel.
  14. I received a windscreen invoice from UKCPS after being parked illegal in a private car park. The background to the case was that my elderly mother who is diabetic was having a hypoglycaemic attack. It was medical emergency. My mother is a Blue Badge holder but there was not time to display the badge. I completely ignored UKCPS demands for payment after reading advice on forums. I have now received the attached letter from Miah Solicitors. They have sent me Practice Direct on Pre-Action Conduct. What would action would you all advise me to take? Should I now just pay it or continue to ignore it. Are they likely to take to court and would they like win they did so. I'm unable to provide evidence to support my case. Many thanks.
  15. I'm a secure tenant in a property. I've recently contacted the landlord asking if they will give permission to let me build a conservatory. But they are refusing to give it! They say its because it will cause more expense if they need to do any maintenance however there is nothing to maintain above where it would be as everything is plastic and maintenance free. It states in my tenancy agreement that I can make improvements to the property as long as I get the correct planning permission etc. but I don't need it as its within the alowed limit and the are not allowed to unreasonably withhold consent but they are! Anyone help please!!
  16. I've got some tenants running some sort of Pregnant Mother assessement centre, basically subletting the property on a residential AST. A lot of pregnant mothers have visited the property. As well as several large families. A confused pregnant mom was seen on the property, & then rushed off to hospital a couple of hours later. I've tried contacting ofsted, & they dont seem to care the tenants dont have the correct permission of the landlord. Can I get an injunction on the tenants or some other legal action, without having to file a section 8? I'm concerned about damage to the property, as well as the safety of the heavily pregnant mothers, as our building insurance doesnt cover business use of the property. Not to mention our mortgage contract.qq I'm also trying to contact the correct authorities, I'm contacting ofsted again, but I have no idea who to contact about the illegal planning permission granted to them. Does anyone know who I should contact about the illegal planning permission granted to them? & if I can get an injunction on the tenants or some other legal action, without having to file a section 8? As theyre subletting illegally, not to mention illegally dealing with vulnerable members of the public. Also because of the large number of families damage to the property. I'm based in London btw ... Thanks!!!
  17. I sent my horsebox (7.5T lorry) in for an MOT which I expect to cost me a couple of hundred pounds for a 7.5T lorry. When I went to collect the vehicle their invoice system wasn't working and being a regular customer (well once a year) they let me take the vehicle and agreed they would call me to take payment. Which they did a few days later, when I was presented with a figure of just under £1000! I then found out they had carried out 2 big pieces of work without my knowledge. My boyfriend is a mechanic and could have carried out this work for the cost of parts only! I told them this and their answer was "well we have done the work now so you have to pay". I told them I haven't even received an invoice and they would have to send one. They continued to chase me for the amount and I repeated that I still hadn't had an invoice! Finally a couple of months later an invoice arrived. In the meantime my boyfriend had looked at the work carried out. They had cut away trim which protected the engine bay and not replaced it. And they had cross threaded several bolt holes and only put 3 of 6 bolts in, a couple of which weren't in correctly as they were cross threaded. And this was to bolt on the exhaust downpipe. I sent a cheque for about £250 detailing why I was not paying for the labour of fitting those parts but did say I would pay for the parts. I also deducted a few hours labour for what it would cost me to get the bolt holes re-tapped by an independent engineer. The cheque was dated 23rd July 2015 and they didn't return it until 7th October 2015 (I'm sure they should have returned it before this!) They have now issued court proceedings for non-payment but I did offer some payment and they didn't want to accept. Has anyone has any similar issues and how did it get resolved or does anyone have any advice to where I stand legally? Your advice would be appreciated. Thank you Katie
  18. Hi Folks. A quick question but, as well as possibly needing planning permission for their signage, do the PPCs need planning permission for their ANPR cameras? Apologies if this has been answered already but I can't find reference to the answer anywhere. Might not be looking in the right place. Thanks.
  19. I opened a new claim for Jobseeker's Allowance last week and I do not have a claimant commitment yet, since they won't give me anything until next week. I was made to come in again this week and they have sent my details forward to a company, who will arrange an interview with me for a job. The job is of absolutely no benefit to me. I am already working part-time on a Saturday, which they know about. The job they have put me forward for is Saturday's only, clashes with my current part-time job, has more hours and pays less. It is also a job with no skill set required and no hopes of career progression. The part-time job I currently have is relevant to my degree and will lead to full time employment this summer. I didn't give them permission to pass my details on. Have they breached the Data Protection Act?
  20. So as the title say can they refuse permission? Do I need their permission? It's regarding a loan I took out in 2011. At the time I had already been using payday loans since Oct 2011 several times a month with several different companies, rollovers, same day borrowing, several on the go from different companies and at the time I took out the loan I already had loans outstanding with 6 other payday loan companies and it far outstripped my income leading to a default on the all in April 2011. I contact CFO 2 weeks before repayment and they refused a repayment plan telling me that they didn't "do" repayment plans and I had to pay the full balance or default and refused to provide me with paying in details. I got details from here and started paying back small amounts but like others on here they hounded me with emails, texts and phone calls to the point I was scared to check my emails or turn on my phone. They sent Daniel Silverman after me and offered their Resolve Loan which I obviously didn't take although I do believe if I had that would have compounded the problem. The loan which started at £250 has ballooned despite payments of £93 initially, my payments then started being rejected by CFO and returned to my bank. I certainly think its irresponsible lending on their part and put in my complaint. I've had their final response back saying that as a goodwill gesture they will reduce my balance to just over £400 and that my complaint is out of time for the FOS and they don't give me permission to take my complaint to the FOS. I've obviously rejected their offer, I believe at the least the should reduce it to the original loan of £250 minus what i've paid plus compensation for the unsympathetic and frankly appalling way they treated me when I told them I was in financial difficulties also they should remove the default. In an ideal world i'd say wipe the balance but I don't see them or FOS agreeing to that so I need to be fair. I've kept a good paper trail of all emails from them except the Resolve texts and emails as I've got a new phone since then and must have deleted the resolve email Is this the end of the line for my complaint or can I go to FOS?
  21. To cut a long story short I believe BT or one of their employees is responsible of untrue or misleading actions possibly fraud to my father of nearly 80. Basically my dad removed caller Id from his phone to reduce the cost. He has the true-caller BT phones so straight away they stopped working correctly. I explained that it was because he had removed caller ID. While I was visiting him he asked me to put it back on for him so he phoned them went through security and I then took the phone. I explained my Dad had accidentally removed caller ID and his call blocking had stopped working and could they add it back on. The employee of BT explained that he he was such a long standing customer and providing he agreed to another years contract (he has broadband and telephone with BT) they would give it him free. A few weeks latter my Dad received a letter thanking him for his change of package. This letter explained an increase in cost to the line rental, a BT Infinity Activation charge £49, delivery charge £7.95 and a increased cost of his overall package £30 per quarter. And a new 18 month contract. None of these upgrades were mentioned during the phone call none were asked for my Dad has Sky and has no need of unlimited data. As you can imagine my Dad phoned them straight away and asked for an explanation. They could offer none but confirmed they would get back to him. A nearly 2 weeks latter they still have not. The additions have been cancelled. I have emailed a official complaint to BT requesting copies of all the calls because I'm going to send them to OFCOM I believe that this behaviour should be stopped and BT held accountable. So far I have received no reply its now been 6 days since the complaint. I believe people should be made aware of this as I find it despicable. I had a similar trick played on me by another supplier which was very quickly sorted out.
  22. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3569255/Hundreds-parking-fines-overturned-Aldi-failed-planning-permission-number-plate-recognition-cameras-operating-one-stores-FIVE-YEARS.html
  23. I am a driver. The vehcile I drove today has a very very badly worn drivers seat. I have reported this via defect card 4 times since january. As I finished my shift today my lower back was hurting very badly. I asked for the accident book so I could enter the injury in the accident book. I was told it should not be entered into the accident book, but should do an occurance report instead. I was under the impression that all injuries at work can/should be put in accident book. Your thoughts?
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