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  1. Hi I'm new to this forum. I've searched for over an hour on what to do today and there's lots of conflicting advice about whether I should ignore my ticket or appeal it. Here's the answers to the questions I think you want me to answer: 1 The date of infringement? 16/4/16 12:21 2 Did you appeal to the parking company? Not yet If no, have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? No 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) N/A 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? N/A 5 Who is the parking company? Elite Management (Midlands) Ltd The charge is for £100 is paid within 28 days and a reduced amount of £60 if received within 14 days. I've heard somewhere on TV from Martin Lewis that all I have to do is offer £5 for trespass. Is this true? £100 or even £60 seems rather a high amount for what was a quick stop in a car park. Admittedly the parking space was for staff of HBOS but there were lots of parking spaces empty and the same when I returned so it's not as if I was causing any problems to them although I appreciate it was a bit cheeky of me. What would should I do? Should I reply and appeal within 14 days or pay within 14 days or ignore or offer £5 or what? Thanks, Paul
  2. I've been itching to buy trainer the a long time. I've had an exercise bike for a few years but I was getting fed up with it, partly because bits of it was time to wear out but also because it didn't really replicate cycling at all well. I was looking for a trainer and although I really wanted something that is generally compatible and in the majority, I was put off by the noise tests of the Wahoo Kickr and most of the other more common trainers. In the end, I saved up and settled for the Elite Real Muin because it was apparently so incredibly quiet. I was also looking for a virtual trainer. The Elite Real Muin arrived today. Here are some initial thoughts: – It’s well built Looks fantastic Extremely quiet The instructions are rubbish You can work it out without the instructions, eventually. Here are my main criticisms: – Firstly the software is extremely poor. It looks as if it was designed quite a few years ago. It’s clunky and frankly it’s badly behaved. In particular, the Ant connection is extremely finicky. You have to use the supplied Elite dongle to get any kind of connection at all. This is fair enough of course but the connection is unreliable and constantly drops out. I don’t think this is a function of the dongle or of the trainer. I think it is a function of the software because when I tried the dongle with other software such as Veloreality and Zwift the dongle was recognised without any problem and without having to reset it. As soon as I went back to the Elite software, there were problems. Looking at the Elite troubleshooting guide, there is so much time spent advising on Ant problems that it is clearly an issue. In fact looking around the Internet, I have noticed a number of people complaining about it. I noticed that DCRainmaker has talked about Elite’s commitment to the Ant standard, but this is not strictly true because Elite user own private Ant standard. In fact Elite only use private Ant for their power signal. The Cadence signal is a standard protocol and for instance, Veloreality had no problem receiving it and using it. Another nuisance about Elite’s implementation of Ant is that there seems to be no pairing. In other words the Elite software will automatically pair with whatever signal is being produced. Nice and easy, you might think – but actually it’s just an added problem because if you already have a Garmin Ant sensor on your crank arm, the Elite software doesn’t know which signal to use and so it uses neither of them and simply stops working. The only remedy for this is to remove your Garmin cadence sensor while you are using the trainer and then put it back when you have finished. Not a huge problem – but just a nuisance and once again points to a shabby and half-hearted implementation and lack of a customer facing approach from Elite. Surely it would only take a small bit of programming to make the Elite software pair and recognise a particular signal – but they certainly haven’t done it yet. Even when the software is receiving the Ant signal correctly, the stats are sometimes all over the place. I had finished a short session and had dismounted from the bike, but there was still a substantial wattage showing and also a cadence rpm of 64 and this continued for several minutes. The lag between cycling effort and what comes up on the screen makes it extremely difficult to ride virtually. On another occasion, I started pedaling and produced something like 1800 W traveling at 647 km/h! It’s not possible to know what is causing this but it might be glitches in the Ant signal. There were no such problems with the cadence readings In Veloreality or in Zwift and not only that, when I stopped pedaling, the cadence rate returned to 0 very quickly. With the Elite software, the cadence rate generally failed to return to 0 at all. I sort of feel that a lot of these problems would be ironed out if Elite implemented a standard Ant + on its trainers. I know that there are rumours that they are proposing to abandon private Ant – but frankly these rumours have been going on for at least a couple of years – and when I contacted Elite, they told me they had no plans. The trainer is great, but the software is extremely poor and I think that most people are paying this level of money to use the virtual training aspects and I suspect that many people will be disappointed. Elite needs to sort this out – but maybe they’re making enough money without having to bother. Incidentally, I have tried this on two powerful desktop computers and also a similarly specified laptop. All three of them passed the Elite tests as to whether they were suitable computers, without any problem. I forgot to add that Elite provide their own cadence sensor, which although is on an open protocol, has to be plugged in with a wire into the trainer. This is fine, but the problem is that for some reason or other known best to them, Elite have designed the cadence sensor in the most extraordinary shape so that is enormously difficult to get the receptor part close enough to the magnet without the rest of the body of the unit hitting the pedal. I suppose they wanted to do something a bit individual – but it means that they have come away from all the acquired wisdom of cadence sensor manufacturers going back several years. They’ve decided to try and reinvent the wheel – or the cadence sensor in this case and frankly it is just another thing that doesn’t quite work properly or easily.
  3. Hi All, I've been reading through some of the other Harlands threads and there's some pretty solid advice so I thought I would give this a go. In October last year I went to Elite Fitness to get a gym membership. I was told they offer a 4 month student membership and since I'm a student I went for it! I was told it was 4 months initially but I could cancel after 3. I asked to sign up for the 4 month contract and all I had to do was fill out a small slip with details/bank details etc and it would be 24.99 a month through direct debit. A month later 64.00 was taken out my account (poss joining fee?) and 2 months later I missed a direct debit to which Harlands took a 25.00 'missed payment fee' on top of my original membership payment. I never received a copy of my contract by post or by email after I signed up. The 4 months passed and I cancelled the direct debit, now I've recieved a letter stating: "We have been advised by Harlands that your Direct Debit for your membership appears to have been cancelled for Elite Fitness. You currently have 8 months outstanding of your 12 month contract, a copy of which I have enclosed with this letter, therefore the amount due is £199.92, which equates to 8 months at £24.99 eachplus a fee of £50.00 for the 2 attempts to take the direct debit from your bank. Account settlement Payment can be made at reception with any Debit or Credit card or By BACS Transfer to: xxxxx Quoting your Reference Number with in the next seven days." Despite it stating in the email there was an enclosed copy of my contract there was not. I would have never intentionally signed up for a 12 month contract and I was obviously misled or lied to by the person who set up my contract. In addition to this, the owner of the gym has since claimed that the person who set up my contract is not allowed to set up contracts and denies that he did it. I am aware of 4 other students that signed up for the same gym, for the same contract and have all received similar letters or emails. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
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