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Found 8 results

  1. Hello, I got a PCN from CPS Midlands Ltd, I looked and they are not registered with the BPA (British Parking Association) and they also not registered with the IPC (International Parking Committee). I checked through their members today (17th of July 2018). I paid £2 initially for parking and got a machine error and the machine did not accept any more change. And it does not accept cards either. I then paid £5 and got my parking ticket which I displayed on my dashboard. There were two machines at their premises with the same tariff sign next to each. One of their machines were inaccessible as it was fenced off by a building company, hence I used their other machine. I wrote a complaint to them by signed for post, but they wrote back to me requesting my full details including full name, phone, and e-mail. I believe I do not owe them anything and I believe they are trying to scare me into paying. This was an interesting read: www parkingcowboys . co . uk / independent-parking-committee, how they can even allow a non-independent investigation (IPC). I read on other forums, I read that IPC does not seem to be a fair association, rejecting all appeals, hence probably they don't want to be transparent www knowyourparkingrights org / News / faq The following link is also interesting www appealaparkingticket . co . uk / cps-midlands-ltd. But in my case, I am not only totally innocent but I overpaid their parking fees by 40% due to their machine error and this company charged £25 for help so they are not for me. If anyone knows more about "manage parking on private land knowyourparkingrights . org / News / faq If anyone knows what I am entitled to obtain from CPS Midland Ldt legally and what legal phrases to use to finally get them off my back, please help. Thanks. Newmosses seem to have a good success rate. Best K
  2. Hi I'm new to this forum. I've searched for over an hour on what to do today and there's lots of conflicting advice about whether I should ignore my ticket or appeal it. Here's the answers to the questions I think you want me to answer: 1 The date of infringement? 16/4/16 12:21 2 Did you appeal to the parking company? Not yet If no, have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? No 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) N/A 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? N/A 5 Who is the parking company? Elite Management (Midlands) Ltd The charge is for £100 is paid within 28 days and a reduced amount of £60 if received within 14 days. I've heard somewhere on TV from Martin Lewis that all I have to do is offer £5 for trespass. Is this true? £100 or even £60 seems rather a high amount for what was a quick stop in a car park. Admittedly the parking space was for staff of HBOS but there were lots of parking spaces empty and the same when I returned so it's not as if I was causing any problems to them although I appreciate it was a bit cheeky of me. What would should I do? Should I reply and appeal within 14 days or pay within 14 days or ignore or offer £5 or what? Thanks, Paul
  3. My sister got a pcn from CPS Midlands so I challenged it.Here is their reply:-[ATTACH=CONFIG]58213[/ATTACH]
  4. Hi, I'm looking for some advice on a problem that has affected me. I'll begin from the start. I ordered a Stagecoach Smartcard (part of EMT so i gather) so i could commute to school (I'm 16) by Train. I went to use it as i went to my volunteer position on a Heritage Railway, I thought it worked like a trentbarton MANGO card, I scanned it on and the scanner bleeped at me so i thought i'd recieve a bill through the post or something (first time using one). I got on my train and as the Ticket Inspector walked down i explained what i had done and asked her if it was OK, she later turned out to be a Revenue Protection Officer for EMT. She took my card and said that the card was only for season tickets but took it and phoned the card place. She said there was no ticket on the card so i offered to pay for a paper one, she refused and said it's too late. She then got me off the train at Derby Station (I started at Long Eaton, commuting to Belper) and took me to the front desk. I asked her if i could use a phone to call my parent and she said she'd check my details and be a few minutes then i could. I gave her my details and version of events in full. I got my phone out (with no credit) to get my parent's number out and she said i couldn't use her phone because i had one, she said that i had a phone and im trying to waste her time. She even threatened to call the police and my volunteer work and 'see what they thought of it' in the end she said she'd be reporting it and i'd get a letter in the post to take me to court. I made her fully aware i was 16 and asked her for ID so i could write down her name, She flashed her name badge (pinned onto her shirt) at me and shouted 'I'm ****** and i'm a REVENUE PROTECTION OFFICER!' (Don't know if i'm allowed to post names). Afterwards when i got to my volunteers position (late) and spoke to two volunteers (One a Magistrate and one a former Police Officer) and they said what she did was out of order and they probably wouldn't do anything because of her behaviour (shouting, refusing me access to a phone, questioning me without a responsible adult, not showing me a badge of authority or cautioning me and apparently anything i said to her was inadmissible in court). Any advice? I'm still waiting on the letter. Thanks, Alphoria
  5. Had a nice letter from these people (WMD) telling me they are about to pass on my debt but willing to accept an offer no matter how low.... question is how low could i go? will theY or anyone else stop collecting if i make an offer? i so want to get out of this messy situation.... trying to sell everything i have on ebay to pay debts this one is £2490 sygma bank - approx £400 of charges and no ppi - i offered them £400 last year to settle and they accepted but i didnt have the lump sum to give them. they said default would remain on account but would change to settled oncepaid a reduced amount. can i trust these people? really want life back on track and if possibly to rebuild my credit rating
  6. Thousands of speeding convictions could be overturned because the wrong font was used on signs along parts of the M42 near Birmingham. The Crown Prosecution Service told Warwickshire Police in November 2012 that the numbers on the variable speed limit signs were too tall and narrow and may not have complied with traffic regulations. As a result police stopped using the signs between junctions 3a and 7, and 7 to 9, as a means of enforcement and dropped prosecutions it was going to go ahead with relating to affected stretches of the motorway. The Highways Agency said it believed they were the right size and were clearly visible. In a statement they described it as a "minor discrepancy". "The signs were considered to meet the appropriate standards when they were installed and became operational. "Following queries that suggested that this may not be the case, the Highways Agency clarified the issue and a specific authorisation was signed in November 2012." In a separate statement Warwickshire Police said the Department for Transport has now granted authorisation for all of the signs and officers recommenced enforcement of the cameras on January 1 2013. It said: "There were no issues as to the accuracy of the speed cameras or as to whether the signs were fully illuminated showing the correct speed limit when the cameras detected offences. "The Statutory Instrument imposing the speed limit was also lawful." Despite this some lawyers now want to see all previous speeding convictions for the six years the signs were in place along the M42 quashed. Neil Davies, a lawyer, said: "These are signs which haven't had the appropriate authority over a period of time. "That has now been rectified, but what we would say is that whilst these signs weren't properly authorised that there is an argument to say that motorists were wrongly prosecuted. "The real issue here is that there has been a disparity in the way people have been treated." Similar signs have been used on other motorways so the number of people affected could be wide reaching. The signs are used to reduce congestion on busy stretches of motorway. Original here : http://news.sky.com/story/1062548/speeding-fines-m42-used-wrong-font-on-signs
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