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Found 7 results

  1. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/this-driver-had-his-parking-fine-overturned-after-091032871.html The most important part of the article is the last sentence from Athena;
  2. Hi, Could someone point me in the right direction as to my problem I took out a car loan in april 2004 from lloyds bank due to unemployment ceased making payments in june 2006 the loan was for 4 1/2 years. I have had dca chasing ever since, in september 2014 i wrote to them stating that the loan was statue barred have now received a summons , In a letter to me the solicitors state that the default date is when the original debtor was entilted to demand payment ie at the end of the loan october 2008 , I received the summons september 2014 also stating that there is case history ie bmw finacial v hart regarding this date, but i thought i read somewhere that this had been overturned Could anybody tell me what the present situation is regarding this
  3. I got sanctioned twice during the last tax year 2013/2014 these sanctions were later overturned will the ni credits which were stopped during the time i was sanctioned untill the sanction was overturned be credited
  4. Hi guys Simple question really, when on JSA is it possible to get bills reduced? I've heard of people doing it i.e. getting money off their water bills for example. I'm 25 single fyi no kids anything like that live in shared accommodation. Does anybody have any info about this? I live up north.
  5. Thousands of speeding convictions could be overturned because the wrong font was used on signs along parts of the M42 near Birmingham. The Crown Prosecution Service told Warwickshire Police in November 2012 that the numbers on the variable speed limit signs were too tall and narrow and may not have complied with traffic regulations. As a result police stopped using the signs between junctions 3a and 7, and 7 to 9, as a means of enforcement and dropped prosecutions it was going to go ahead with relating to affected stretches of the motorway. The Highways Agency said it believed they were the right size and were clearly visible. In a statement they described it as a "minor discrepancy". "The signs were considered to meet the appropriate standards when they were installed and became operational. "Following queries that suggested that this may not be the case, the Highways Agency clarified the issue and a specific authorisation was signed in November 2012." In a separate statement Warwickshire Police said the Department for Transport has now granted authorisation for all of the signs and officers recommenced enforcement of the cameras on January 1 2013. It said: "There were no issues as to the accuracy of the speed cameras or as to whether the signs were fully illuminated showing the correct speed limit when the cameras detected offences. "The Statutory Instrument imposing the speed limit was also lawful." Despite this some lawyers now want to see all previous speeding convictions for the six years the signs were in place along the M42 quashed. Neil Davies, a lawyer, said: "These are signs which haven't had the appropriate authority over a period of time. "That has now been rectified, but what we would say is that whilst these signs weren't properly authorised that there is an argument to say that motorists were wrongly prosecuted. "The real issue here is that there has been a disparity in the way people have been treated." Similar signs have been used on other motorways so the number of people affected could be wide reaching. The signs are used to reduce congestion on busy stretches of motorway. Original here : http://news.sky.com/story/1062548/speeding-fines-m42-used-wrong-font-on-signs
  6. Hello, Can anyone help. I am waiting for outcome of my redundancy appeal. What happens if it is overturned, but whilst waiitng i have already started new employment. Do i have to go back to old employer? Do i have to give redundancy pay back? Thanks.
  7. I saw a thread referring to these people, but it was last year. I had work done on my house in 2007, to install a new boiler and new radiators and some plumbing jobs. I made two payments to the guy, he took 8 months and left with no corgi cert, which I had to get via corgi, ruined three ceilings, had several leaks since, the central heating zones don't work, etc. I heard from him in March 2008 when he sent an invoice for an amount I had already paid. I called he said I can do what I like when I like go jump. Then I didn't hear from him again. I thought he had realised his mistake and was to rude to apologise. The other scenario would be he would take me to Court, but I have the cheque I paid and I could counter-claim for damages. Two years and seven months later I get a letter from these Commercial & Domestic Investigations, saying that I owned him the money. I called and advised it was paid, and asked them to send a copy of all invoices and payments on my account. At the same time I called the plumber and left him a message asking the same thing. I haven't received anything from the plumber, but the Investigations people have send a copy of the invoice he sent in March 2008. I have asked my bank for a copy of the cheque and don't know what else can do. Any thoughts, please
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