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  1. Purchased a BMW 420 Convertible on a 66 plat (Purchased August 2017) with less then 5,000 miles. EX Demo Car. 7 months in to owing the car, 3 of the 4 alloys have corroded. took the car to BMW of which tells me in May 2017 (3 months before i had purchased the car, 3 of the alloys had been refurbished and only carry a 6 month warranty. It was not disclosed to me that the alloys had been refurbished. I said to them i don't expect to purchase a car less then 5k miles for over £30k to have refurbished alloys. I requested new alloys as it was not disclosed to me at point of sale. they refused. The car is on BMW finance. Am i wrong by stating i want new alloys or is this what i should expect? looks like someone else got the same issue https://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=72&t=1541056
  2. Hello, I'm after a bit of advice, I've had my car 2 and a half months and the engine has ceased due to a lack of oil getting into the engine. It has had the engine removed by a BMW specialist and they have diagnosed that the oil pump has gone faulty as there is plenty of oil in the sump tank. I have tried to claim this through warranty as the car requires a new/refurb engine. The warranty company are finding every way under the sun not to pay out. I'm 19 so I don't really know where I stand so some advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hi all, I hope someone can help me with the following issue jan 2017 I purchased a BMW X5 from cooper Durham, before purchasing the vehicle I was sent a video of the car. The on screen display showed 37000 miles for the front brake pads as they were new. Last week I took my car for an MOT to Sytner BMW Coventry they said the front pads and discs need replacing as they are 3.5mm. I was pretty surprised as i would expect them to last longer as I had done under 6000 miles. Cooper Durham want to inspect the car as they think there must be an issue. I'm around 200 miles away from them. Sytner BMW Coventry are saying there's no issue and its just worn I still have around a week warrantly left in the car but the pads and discs are not covered as part of that. I'm trying to get Cooper Durham to replace the parts as they should not have worn out in 6000 miles but they are not going to do it until they inspect it in Durham Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Hi, I have just picked up a car 530pm today reference and on my way home the car stalled in the middle of the road and it took awhile before the engine turned on again. when it did, multiple warning lights came on the dashboard 1. DBC (Dynamic Brake control) 2. ASC (Automatic Stability Control) 3. Engine Malfunction 4. Tire Pressure Monitor. Carried on driving but felt there was a problem decided to go to my friends house which was nearer from where I picked up the car from instead of driving it all the way to where my final destination is. The car was not normal to drive anymore had to make this assumption that its not safe to drive it any further as there seems to be no power on the engine. When I finally got to my friend's house, I sent a text message to the dealer as I know they were already closed at the time. to my surprise he replied and told him about the ordeal I just had within the hour of picking up the car. he said he is off tomorrow but asked me to call as he would sort it out with their mechanic. I have also called car finance 24/7 my car broker after sending the text to the dealer and was advised to get in touch with the dealer. I am worried that this may be a faulty car and have also sent an email to my loan/finance provider moneybarn too. I can be informed if what my options are if this is the case and was obviously conned which I am hopeful would not be. Please let me know if you any sort of advise. I am really frustrated. test drove the car and was assure it was in an excellent condition.
  5. Having signed up here not too long ago in my quest to ascertain my rights with regards to whether or not I may have a valid claim against BMW Financial Services and/or the dealership that sold me the car, I now believe that I have been mis-sold PPI. In addition I also believe that the PPI product sold to me was misrepresented by the dealership. My reasons for posting here is to share my thoughts and to receive informed opinions and advice from the experts on this forum as to the validity of my beliefs. As such, any informed opinions or advice on the way forward will be hugely appreciated. Background: I purchased a BMW in April 1999 on a 36-month 'Hire-Purchase Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974'. This agreement was signed at the dealers' premises on the day I took delivery of the vehicle (30th April 1999). Having obtained a copy of the original credit agreement from BMW Financial Services, I see that PPI was definitely charged. I already had all bank statements (bar 3) showing the monthly payment, including PPI, being debited (via direct debit) in favour of BMW Financial Services. I also noted that the Agreement Number was handwritten but all other details were pre-printed, including the PPI Payments (referred to as ‘Credit Insurance premium payable with each rental’). The monthly payment made via direct debit included this premium – a total of 35 payments were made between 4th June 1999 and 4th April 2002 (inclusive). I then raised a PPI claim via resolver.co.uk stating the reasons as to why I believe the PPI was mis-sold. BMW Fin. Services wrote back stating "....can confirm that our records show that you were not sold a BMW-branded policy with your agreement" and goes on to say "You may wish to contact your BMW Centre to check whether you purchased a non-BMW-branded policy from them". The agreement clearly shows PPI being added (paid monthly, not front loaded). The agreement is signed just below a sentence stating "Signature on behalf of BMW Financial Services (GB) Limited accepting this Agreement". As such, this is where I believe the PPI product was misrepresented (I.e. nowhere was it apparent that there was another party involved other than the BMW dealership (Park Lane) and BMW Financial Services. Following the above I then wrote to BMW Park Lane forwarding the correspondence from BMW Financial Services and the PPI claim case notes downloaded from resolver.co.uk. Received a response from the Compliance Manager stating that my PPI claim was rejected, but no mention as to why I was sold a 'non-BMW-branded' PPI product. The reasons for rejection appear to be standard response, which has no bearing to my circumstances as they were in April 1999, further reinforcing my view that the PPI policy was mis-sold (i.e. they seem to hold that the fact that I was in fulltime employment at the time was a sufficient reason to take out PPI, notwithstanding the fact that I had life, critical illness and sickness cover from my employer, and had good grounds to be certain that I will not be made redundant, and if I was, then my remuneration package would have covered the outstanding balance). It appears to me that the dealership has implicitly acknowledged that they sold the PPI policy, but there is nothing with regards to it being a 'non-BMW-branded' product. As such, where do I stand with regards to the following, and what would be the best way forward; Pursuing the PPI Claim - BMW Park Lane have not stated that the correspondence I received reject my PPI claim was their Final Response, which I gather needs to be the case before I take the claim to FOS. Until 26th June 2017 I did not know that I had being sold a 'non-BMW-branded' PPI product since there is no indication whatsoever in the agreement I signed, and I don't recall BMW Park Lane even discussing the PPI policy with me. Their recent response also indicates that they did not know my circumstances, and did not attempt to understand them before adding PPI to the agreement. There was now clear way of refusing the PPI product when signing the agreement. Any and all advice gratefully received. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hey, This is going to be a long winded post so please bear with me whilst I try and put my issue into some form of logically forum post..here goes.. My 4-month-old BMW 420D caught fire on my drive in the early hours of yesterday morning through what appears to have been an electrical fault which started under the bonnet and quickly engulfed the car, melting the engine, melding the front of my wife's park which was parked in front of it (nose to nose) and even damaged the side of the neighbor’s car which was parked approx. 3 meters away. Now I say that this was an electrical fire based on the opinion of the fire investigator who came out to inspect. There were no signs of "foul play" and no accelerants were used. The evidence under the bonnet shows where the fire started so they are satisfied that it was a manufacturing defect. The BMW was a lease car from Arval and had company insurance from RSA, my boss has been made aware of what happened and told me to pass the insurance details to the neighbor’s as well as my own insurance company who cover my wife’s car (One Call) . It looks like 3 claims will be going in against RSA as the BMW was responsible for the damage on the 3 cars. I have uploaded some photos of the damage and have yet not really done anything with these pictures - the link for the images are here . https://www.imageupload.co.uk/images/2017/08/12/BMWFireRescure11.08.2017.jpg https://www.imageupload.co.uk/images/2017/08/12/BMWAfterFireBrigade.jpg https://www.imageupload.co.uk/images/2017/08/12/TowedBMW11.08.2017.jpg https://www.imageupload.co.uk/images/2017/08/12/BothCars11.08.2017.jpg https://www.imageupload.co.uk/images/2017/08/12/NissanDamage11.08.2017.jpg https://www.imageupload.co.uk/images/2017/08/12/BMWEngine11.08.2017.jpg https://www.imageupload.co.uk/images/2017/08/12/BMWSide11.08.2017.jpg So that's the background of my issue. Now here comes the questions. 1) All the signs and the experts say that this was an electrical fire leading me to believe that there should be some involvement from the manufacturer - can or should I approach them for help and do they have a responsibility? 2) My wife's car is a Nissan that is on HP - we used a 3rd party finance company (Money Barn) to lend us the money to buy the vehicle from a Nissan dealership. As far as the dealership was concerned we were cash buyers and repay monthly repayment to Money Barn as part of a 60-month agreement. When we spoke to the insurance company on the Nissan they advised the car was worth £9750, however, the outstanding finance on the Nissan is approx £15000 leaving us with some rather nasty negative equity. What can we do about this in the event of the Nissan being wrote off ? Do I just accept the insurance write off, use the payout money to purchase a new car as cash and continue to repay the same monthly payments essentially not telling Money Barn what has happened or will the insurance go to them, we have the replay the negative equity still and end up car less but still making payments (as situation I really do need to avoid like the plague)? 3) The BMW catching fire issue is actually more common than I assumed, a quick Google search showed pages of hits with BMW's catching fire whilst parked leading me to believe that this is a known issue that BMW are / having been keen quiet on. Should I challenge this with BMW or do anything about this issue at this stage? Fully appreciate that anything mass produced will have an acceptable failure rate but this is my life and the lives of my family that was in immediate danger here. We were woken at 4am yesterday to the sound of the fire brigade on the verge of kicking in my front door to wake us all up as they thought the cars were going to explode. Metal and plastic can be replaced but my family can’t so I do very particularly bitter about what has happened. Right now, I am left without a car, the BMW was collected yesterday by a company called Copart on behalf of the business insurance, my wife’s car is being collected today on behalf of our own car insurance and the neighbor is sorting their car out themselves with their dealership. What are my options? Sorry to ramble on as there will no doubt be spelling mistakes within this post, I have tried to make it as factual as possible but I am sure some emotion will have been added. Cheers
  7. Hope some of you kind people can help The Situation: Last November my wifes BMW 1 series (worth about 5k) had a strange rattling sound coming from the engine. Did some research, spoke to a few people inluding a mechanic who did a quick check and thought it was probably the timing chain. Unfortunately on these cars it is metal and BMW never thought they would fail and the only way of changing it is to remove the engine. All quotes coming in around £1200 - £1400 Spoke to a colleague at work which is 80 miles away who has a BMW and recommended a BMW Specialist that he uses and has been honest in the past. His quote come in at approx £1350, speak to the wife and decide to use them even though they are 80 miles away. During the work he says the oil pump drive chain is also shot and needs changing at an extra £100 or so which I tell him to do. He also told me all parts were guaranteed Get the car back beginning of Dec and all was fine for 3 weeks and then just before Christmas my wife was on a dual carriageway to work and she said the oil light came on and the engine sounded horrible like a bag of nails. She immediately pulled over and and luckily I was only 1/2 a mile behind her so I pulled up we called the AA and basically the AA chap said it was very bad and could tow to a garage or home. We decided to get it towed home as they said it would be a few hours for a recovery vehicle to take it all the way to the garage. The next day I went into the garage and told the owner what had happened and he seemed ok and said he could not do anything until he had looked at it which is fair enough. This was right before Christmas so I could not get it back to him at that time. Rang him last Tuesday and said when can I get it recovered to him and got the feeling he wasnt too keen to have it back but still said he needs to look. After that conversation I decided to get a local BMW specialist to have a look and at least tell me if its fixable. My dilemma now The engine is completely knackered and probably 2.5k for a replacement and fitting To properly diagnose what has caused the issue will be to remove the engine at approx £500 Cost of transportation to the original garage is £200 I understand that things can go wrong and it could be unrelated but we have never had any engine/oil problems with that car which we have owned for 4 years but I am sure this is something that has happened as a result of the work completed. Do I get a full report and diagnosis done at £500 and then towed back to the garage for a further £200 Do I just send it back even though I know the engine is now completely shot and they say it is nothing related to their work Do I write it off and swallow the loss. I really hate the fact that I have just paid this garage £1500 and they have probably caused me to lose a further £4000 from the value of the car. Just not sure what to do, car is currently sitting at the local grage. Help
  8. This is the very condensed version of the unbelievable and very poor customer service review that I have been subjected to by Synter BMW Birmingham. I started to type this up in detail but just the way that they secured the deal took me a page to write. The vehicle in question was a 2012 BMW E92 M3 in Santorini blue with competition pack FG12NUX a BMW approved used car. Thus is the attention to detail of Synter Birmingham most of the internal paperwork I have for this vehicle has slight variations on the registration. Friday 24th April - Test drove car, couldn't agree on a deal. Saturday 25th April - Dealer rung me and made an offer (which was what i had offered them the day before) and the car could be ready Tuesday. By the time I rung back to agree to deal but they had closed for the day. Left a message expecting to continue with the transaction Monday. Sunday 26th April - 8.30 am got a call from Salesman 2 as Salesman 1 was on his day off. Salesman 2 wanted me to pay a deposit over the phone for the car. I was a bit miffed that they had called at that time on a Sunday for business but assumed they wanted the car sold ASAP, so i went along. I asked for Salesman 1 to call me Monday morning to arrange collection. Monday 27th April - 8.30 am got a phone call from Salesman 1 stating that I could collect the car Tuesday, I explained that I was busy Tuesday and would like to collect car last thing Monday. Phone went quiet and Salesman 1 said I'm not sure where the V5 is....leave it with me. I had to ring back a couple of hours later and he said that they had made some phone calls and they still didn't know where the V5 was. I assumed that it was on somebody's desk within BMW. Got a call from Salesman 1 a couple of hours later to explain that they hadn't received the V5 from the previous owner and that I had to wait until they received it because they were at the mercy of the seller. I ended the call to process what I had been told. They were not at the mercy of the seller, I was the victim of their poor practices (more of those later). An hour or so later I received a call from Salesman 1 to state that they had spoken to the seller but he was abroad and his wife would post it first class in the morning to the dealer. I explained that they should stress to the wife that the V5 should be sent next day special delivery but this was dismissed by Salesman 1. Being annoyed that the Salesman or dealership were doing nothing to support me or come to a quick transaction. I gave Salesman 1 an ultimatum of I'm coming at 11 am on Wednesday to collect the car if the car is not ready or the paperwork is not in order I will expect a full refund of my deposit, Salesman 1 was shocked by this. I now expected the dealership to ensure the V5 was sent by Special delivery, have a courier collect it or have the nearest Synter collect and transfer it internally. Tuesday 28th April - No contact Wednesday 29th April - 9.30 am call from Salesman 1 we don't have the V5 yet but you can take the car and we will forward the V5 when we get it. I asked how the V5 was sent to them. His reply first class I think. I explained that I was just getting on a train and I would see him at 11 am. I arrived at the dealership at 11 am to find a smiling Salesman 1, the V5 arrived in the post at 1040 am. I went through the handover and had to ask for a lot of paperwork that I would of expected to come with an approved used BMW. Salesman 1 went away and come back with some of the paperwork which had been photocopied and some I could not have i.e. any information about the BMW warranty, not even a leaflet. I was told that it would come through the post (still waiting). I took delivery of the car and what an amazing car it is. Saturday 2nd May - I had covered 250 miles in the car and decided to give it a wash. Started to pressure wash it and a playing card size piece of lacquer fell off the top of the bumper, my heart sank. I phoned the dealership straight away but salesman 1 wasn't in and generic salesman would call me back that day. I inspected the car and was sure that the paint failure must have been due to a smart repair but couldn't see any signs of one. I continued to wash off car and another piece of lacquer about the same size as the first came off the bottom of the bumper. I was now absolutely gutted that I had been sold a non pristine car that would no longer be in original paint (if it was anyway) and stopped washing the car. No call back from dealer. Sunday 3rd May - Called dealer no salesmen available, generic salesman would call me back as Salesman 1 wasn't in. No call back. Monday 4th May - No contact. Tuesday 5th May - 9.00 am called dealership and spoke to Salesman 1 explained that the paint was falling off the car and I was sure that it had been touched up. Salesman called me back sometime later and said that they hadn't painted the car and I needed to take it to them to have a look. After my previous experience of buying the car I had no trust in them and knew they were only interested in the profit margin and would have no issues with fobbing me off. I explained that I wasn't driving there for them to have a look and send me away whilst they had a think, they needed to get some options to solving the problem in place before I took time off work and drive to them. Salesman 1 replied, I don't have the authority to do that. My reply get somebody who does, call ended. Pre-empting having to take the car to the dealer for them to inspect the paint, I decided to wash the car off again with the pressure washer, now a chunk of lacquer falls off the drivers wing mirror. I look at the wing mirror closely and could see bubbles where the lacquer hadn't stuck to the colour coat. I took the car to my trusted classic car body shop to get their opinion on the bumper. They stated that they thought it had been touched up and the only way it fix it would be to remove the bumper and start again. Salesman manager calls and asks what i would like doing with the car? My reply, I want the bumper taking off along with the wing mirror and painting to BMW repair standards. Manager replies oh ok, I will sort it out. One of my friends is friends with the owner of a body shop who works for another BMW dealer, so he arranged for me to take it to his shop. Body shop owner said, that he had seen the paint delaminate like this before on BMW's but usually red cars but not to worry as BMW will always repair paint defects under warranty but I will have to go through the dealer. Salesman 1 then phones me to say that they have got the car booked in to the body shop first thing in the morning and a courtesy car is waiting. Explained that I wanted to work completing as a BMW warranty claim to which he replied, we are doing it in house but it will be all BMW paint and to BMW standards along with the paperwork, it's just that we are paying for it instead of BMW. It will take a couple of days. I reluctantly agreed to this and ended the call. Wednesday 6th May - I Drop the car off at the dealer first thing to be told that my car would be ready later that day. I questioned that all of the work we agreed, would be completed in one day? reply, yes the body shop are waiting for it now. I Thought this strange but possible if the body shop pushed on with it. I asked him as a goodwill gesture if he could have the wing mirrors programmed to fold when the car was locked. Went home in the courtesy car and at 3 pm got a call from Salesman 1 stating the car was ready for collection. I told him I was on my way. Forgetting to ask about the wing mirrors I phoned him back on my way. His reply was, I've spoken to the chief tech and it can't be done that's why you have a switch in the door. I explained that you can buy a phone app to program it, so I know BMW can do it. His reply, no we are not doing it. Leaving that subject I asked if all of the paperwork was completed for the paintwork, his reply was there is no paperwork as we have done this out of goodwill. Now my blood was starting to boil as they had gone back on what they had promised. I asked how the car was looking and his reply, it's all good and looking beautiful. I ended the call. I arrived at the dealership and saw the car on the forecourt I walked over and saw a couple of squashed flies on the edges of the bumper so knew that it hadn't been fully painted or even off. I looked closer at the areas where the lacquer fell off and that was now covered in orange peel, I worked out slightly and found the masking lines. It was an utterly terrible touch up job that looked like it had been done outside (dust in the lacquer). I went into the dealership and asked for Sales manager, told him that I wasn't happy with the work and he had a look. He agreed that it was diabolical but stated that he had paid for it to be done properly and needed to talk to the body shop. Sales manager came back and I asked who had accepted the car back in that sate? His reply, nobody. I asked, who checked the car before calling me? Reply, nobody. I told him that the whole service and experience was diabolical and I wanted to reject the car. He then offered to send the car to another body shop and have the work fully completed to BMW standards and supply me with the correct paperwork. My reply, you promised me the exact same thing yesterday and look where we are today..... you expect me to trust you again for the same thing? This went around 4 times before I insisted on a refund. He then stated that he would have to get the General manager. General manager came out and stated that nobody had checked the car before phoning me and that the work should of been completed under BMW warranty but couldn't now as they had painted it. She offered, the car repaired and £250 back. I asked for a refund and she offered, the car repaired and £350 back. I refused again and she offered, the car repaired and a free service. I told her that I wasn't interested in another deal, I came to BMW for the whole experience and worry free motoring which has totally been ruined. She offered a few more inconsequential things but I had decided that it was time to cut my losses of what had become a stressful and utterly negative owners experience with a dealer I couldn't trust. I informed her that they could learn a lot from Renault Birmingham about customer service. The deal they offered for the refund was the full amount minus £500 when I gave them proof that I had retained my private registration online and the £500 once they had the V5 back in the original registration. I stated that I didn't think I would be able to retain the private registration online and would have to send all of the paperwork to DVLA. This was dismissed and I left the dealership. 48 hours after leaving the dealership I still have received no refund. Thursday 7th May - I called the dealership 4 times to try and confirm that the refund had been processed as I received no contact from them. The Sales manager was too busy to receive or return my calls. As last resort I asked for General manager to call me Friday morning. I contacted BMW UK customer service and explained that I thought they should know that I had rejected the car purely on customer service, the operator sounded shocked and said thanks for the call. I asked if somebody would call me back? To which the operator replied, No we will deal with this internally and quickly ended that call. I thought this very strange as they didn't know any of the details of the service or lack of I had been provided. Friday 8th May - The call from the general Manager never happened. At lunchtime I managed to speak Sales manager who states that the refund is being processed by the accounts department. At 4.00 pm I received an email from Sales manager asking me to confirm my account details. I gave these details to the Sales manager on the 6th so he could process my refund and the details are correct as I had a carbonated copy of what he recorded. At 4.45 pm I replied to his email with the account details again and could he please ensure that the refund was processed before close of play Friday. It's now 6.00 pm and I have had no further contact from them. My guess is that they have not processed the refund and have now gone home for the weekend. I cannot understand why Sytner did not deal with the paint failure as a BMW warranty claim as I am lead to believe that the dealership also earn money out of warranty claims, unless they knew that the paint had been touched up and wouldn't be covered by BMW. After all of the promises on the phone that the paint would be repaired to BMW standards along with the appropriate paperwork. I truly believe that they only ever intended to have a quick touch up job completed on the car. Even after 30 mins of the Sales manager telling me that they had requested a full BMW standard repair and me telling him that I didn't trust him. Not once did he show me or even hint at any documentation about the work they had requested the body shop to complete. Salesman 1 can be proven to of actually lied to me on 3 occasions just to make his job easier.
  9. Hi has any body contacted watch dog on this problem as we just got told by BMW that a noise coming from the engine was a hole in the flexi pipe and needed to repair it ASAP having done this we now a light on the dash board ( engine management light and now they're saying it's the timing chain ?? I have had the car 3 years and is only done 58,000 miles and I drive it 20 miles monday to Friday for work and I have put more in to this car than its worth really I think I was sold a lemon as am for ever putting money in to it I spent over £2000 last year in bills on it and now this I read that all US mini have been recalled why haven't the uk followed ??
  10. Name of the Claimant ? BMW Financial Services (GB) Ltd Date of issue – 10th December, 2014 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim PARTICULARS OF CLAIM 1 This claim is a consumer credit act claim 2 The claimant is a Finance Company Terms of Agreement 3 4th February 2012, Claimant and defendant entered a finance agreement 4 The particulars required by, and set out in the order prescribed by the consumer credit claim practice direction to part 7 of the civil procedure rules 1998 in respect of the said agreement are set below. : Date is as per 3 above : Details the vehicle registration and type : Total Value £19,000: : Total paid: £8,500 : Unpaid Balance £10,800 : On 13th of October 2014, claimant served default notice : Claimants right to demand delivery of vehicle accrued on the 4th November 2014 : Amount claimed in addition to deliver of goods £10,800 BREACH Defendant failed to make payments when they became due. 13th October claimant served default notice. : Defendant failed to comply with the default notice and on the 4th November the claimant accepted the defendants repudiation and the agreement was terminated. CONTRACTUAL LOSS :As of 4th November 2014, the defendant was liable to pay arrears under the agreement totalling £1,180 : On the same day, the defendant was liable to pay the full balance £9,700 : The claimant has been entitled to delivery of the vehicle since 4th November, 2014. : On the 18th November, the claimant’s solicitors demanded in writing the defendant return the vehicle, defendant refused or failed to do so. Accordingly unless and until returned the claimant is unable to give any credit is respect of the net sale proceeds. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS 1 An order for (a) damages of £10,800 comprising balance as of 4th November of £9,700 and arrears of £1,180. (b) delivery of the vehicle. 2 Costs on an indemnity basis. What is the value of the claim? £10,800 + Car? Is the claim for a current or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? PCP / Hire Purchase When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? February 2012 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. By Original Creditor Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Yes Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year Received a letter – Notice of sums in arrears also on the 12th December, date received court papers. Why did you cease payments? Direct Debit was continually not collected by creditor but not managed well on my part. What was the date of your last payment? 17th October 2014 (Card Payment via phone) Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Yes – Not happy that they failed to collect direct debit that firmly played a part in this. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No I hope the above is not information overkill, I have trimmed it where I thought I could though hoping that all the key bits are covered. Paid the PCP for 26 months with no issue, I cancelled direct debit by mistake in June and did not notice it until they wrote to me. (Start of July) Called them and asked them to set up direct debit, explained my mistake and promised to make missed payment as soon as I could. They were not happy and explained note of credit file and generated letters etc. Rang to pay end of August missed payment via card over phone. When I did they advised that I owed also July. I argued it was only one missing payment and when discussing they accepted that they had not set up direct debit properly. Agreed that Direct Debit issue would be resolved and that I would again call to make manual payment when I could as I could only make another single payment on the phone at the time. Received a default letter in October, no reminders in September and I assumed this was as the direct debit was in order leaving me with the two running missed payments to resolve. The default letter I thought was over the two missed payments but the default was now included September as the direct debit was not being taken still. I call and have a moan, they apologise and ask for 3 months payment in one go but suggest 4 as that month is due. I say I can’t pay that all in one go and offer to pay the current month and ask them to again set-up the Direct Debit again. They take one payment on the phone and promise to have someone review my complaints about direct debits not helping out and to agree some time for me to plan on how to make good on the running arrears. I then get a termination letter November. I tried to call and make another payment over the phone to be told it’s too late and now passed to their solicitor. I then did in fact receive a letter from their solicitor, at which point, I got a little overwhelmed and embarrassingly put my head in the sand and did nothing, looking back probably some time before this point I started to make my own mess of this all..... I tried to talk to their solicitor and offer to pay the arrears in one go and or the gap between the payments made to the 50% figure required for me to voluntary terminate. They advised the client would not accept this. I tried to explain they the creditor did not help with the failed direct debits to which they acknowledged but stated that I should review my account details more effectively. Absolutely no dispute in monies owed, totally frustrated at the direct debit issues ( even though at the very root of this, it was my mistake with the direct debit initially) and moreover the fact that I paid this routinely without hitch for 26 odd months. The fact that I am or was so close the amount paid that would allow me to walk away with the return of the car being around £1,500. I would like to kindly ask for any guidance possible and I suppose damage limitation at best moving forward and hopefully some guidance as to how to manage things better than I have to date and in dealing with the court papers. Thanks kindly in advance to anyone with any input and Merry Christmas!
  11. There was a serious flaw in the software of BMW, Mini and Rolls Royce that come equipped with ConnectedDrive and affects some 2.2 million vehicles leaving them vulnerable. The flaw allowed the cars doors and windows to be open from a mobile phone. Researchers working for German automobile association ADAC discovered the security vulnerabilities and the potential for vehicles to be broken into last summer, but kept quiet about them. BMW have now uploaded a patch. If you are worried that your vehicle may not have received the update (perhaps because it has been parked in an underground car park or other places without a mobile phone signal, or if its starter battery has been disconnected) then you should choose “Update Services” from your car’s menu. The cars affected are: BMW 1 Series Convertible, Coupé and Touring (E81, E82, E87, E88, F20, F21) 2er Active Tourer, Coupé and Convertible (F22, F23, F45) 3 with Convertible, Coupe, GT, Touring and M3 (E90, E91, E92, E93, F30, F31, F34, F80) 4p Coupe, Convertible, Gran Coupe and M4 (F32, F33, F36, F82, F83) 5 Series GT and Touring (F07, F10, F11, F18) 6 Series Gran Coupe Convertible (F06, F12, F13) 7 Series (F01, F02, F03, F04) I3 (I01), I8 (I12) X1 (E84), X3 (F25), X4 (F26) X 5 (E70, F15, F85), X6 (E71, E72, F16, F86), Z 4 (E89) Mini Three-door and five-door hatchback (F55, F56) Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe and Drophead Coupe (RR1, RR2, RR3) Ghost (RR4) Wraith (RR5)
  12. Hi, Could someone point me in the right direction as to my problem I took out a car loan in april 2004 from lloyds bank due to unemployment ceased making payments in june 2006 the loan was for 4 1/2 years. I have had dca chasing ever since, in september 2014 i wrote to them stating that the loan was statue barred have now received a summons , In a letter to me the solicitors state that the default date is when the original debtor was entilted to demand payment ie at the end of the loan october 2008 , I received the summons september 2014 also stating that there is case history ie bmw finacial v hart regarding this date, but i thought i read somewhere that this had been overturned Could anybody tell me what the present situation is regarding this
  13. I wonder if anyone else here has had occasion to buy BMW navigation DVDs online from naviupdates.co.uk? His site advertises with '100% satisfaction or your money back'. However, reality is that if the product doesn't work, it is your fault and no refund is available. Since the sums are relatively small, £29.99 in my case, it slips under the cover offered by the Credit card issuer. I have to be fair: the vendor sent three different DVDs before I finally asked for a refund. I would be very interested in any suggestions of how I could get satisfaction?
  14. This is my first post on this site. I hope someone has some good advice for me. My wife was parked on the side of the road, stationary, when a van passed by and hit her, scraping 2 panels. It was a commercial vehicle. She was 8 months pregnant but luckily there were only scratches to the paintwork. The van driver stopped, came over and apologised. He wrote his name and number and told my wife to call him if we needed repairs. I took the car to my local BMW dealer for a quote. They asked if the 3rd party was at fault and I said they were and had pretty much admitted it. BMW offered to 'take care' of the whole thing and told me not to even contact the 3rd party and not speak to any of their representatives under any circumstances as it would damage the case. They had a whole team waiting to deal with it and it's all part of their repair service to take the strain off their customers. I trusted BMW and agreed. They then passed my details to accident Exchange without explaining who this company is. Accident Exchange then offered me a replacement car they told me the other insurance would pay. They also told me not to worry, that they will investigate and handle the claim, that we're not at fault and that I should not speak to anyone from the 3rd party or accept anything they might offer. I was not explained the process or the risks of going with them or even who they are and their relationship to BMW. I was not given a quote for repair or the car hire or an idea of what the total claim would be. I was just told that it would be covered by the other side. In fact the estimated time for repairs was extended by BMW twice while I had the hire vehicle. I had to call to find this out, and I was then told not to worry about the additional days of car hire, that this was normal and that the other insurance would still pay. It was within acceptable limits for this kind of repair job. 2 months after the accident and over a month after the repairs had been completed we receive a call from Accident Exchange. They could not recover their full costs from the other insurance and it turns out the other party is not accepting liability. Instead he is claiming my wife reversed out of the parking spot into him as he passed. This is not the case at all, she was stationary the whole entire time. First, Accident Exchange tried to put words in my wife's mouth and suggest she had inconsistencies in her story and that she was at fault. Then on a call they implied I would be liable for costs if they can't recover them. They backed down when I referred to terms that had been clearly read to me earlier on. When I asked them why they didn't even investigate the claim and establish liability before going ahead and incurring costs, they said that is how the insurance business works- they have hundreds of claims and don't have time to investigate, especially if it takes 2 months for the other party to make their statement. That's the way they work and there is nothing wrong with doing it that way. In the end Accident Exchange agreed a 50/50 liability with the other insurers and have 'on my behalf' recorded a 'fault' incident against my wife in the insurance database. I told them I don't agree and do not give consent to do this, but they said they were going to do it anyway because they can't prove who's version is true. As a result my insurance premium will go up £250 this year. It seems there is not a lot I can do about this, but I thought I would ask for suggestions on here: Who should I be most angry with? BMW, Accident Exchange or the 3rd party who is lying? Can Accident Exchange just enter whatever they like into the insurance records without my consent? It's not my fault they did not investigate or build a bullet proof case before incurring costs and contacting the other party. How can they tell people not to speak to the 3rd party and then not contact them themselves until the very end of the process? How can BMW breach the trust of their customers so fundamentally and pass them to a third party that does not follow any BMW service standards or do due diligence before incurring costs? How can someone drive into another car and apologise and then take 2 months to write a statement that denies any responsibility and get away with it so easily? Can I take them to court? My insurance is up for renewal in the next week and I don't know if I should just pay the extra and be done with it or fight to have the 'fault' record overturned. Please help.
  15. Hi all, This is my 1st thread so go easy on me ;-) I have a few issues with BMW Mini, after purchasing a car last year & am looking for some advice as to what to do: 1) I was advised the car had service package until Dec 2014 and a major service was scheduled for September 2014. I have now been advised this is not the case & I was incorrectly advised upon purchase. 2) After 3 months of driving I had a knocking noise, upon inspection 2 litres of oil had been lost, whilst their warranty doesn't cover oil loss surely they had to check the oil prior to my purchase, according to service records the last oil change was 2012! 3) I have condensation build up in a rear light & a horrific squeaky window, dealer wont cover these under warranty either. Now I realise they are excluded but surely only 3 months after purchase these types of issues shouldn't start to show. 4) They stated when I purchased the car that it had 1 previous owner, this is also written on the order form. However, the V5 states 3 previous owners. Surely this was misleading & I should be entitled to a reduction of the balance owing? Thanks in advance
  16. Ill keep this short and sweet guys.. purchased a BMW 325D from a trader. 4 weeks later discover puncture and two cracked rear alloys.. happened at Carlisle on the way home from Scotland to Wales late afternoon. Kwick fit repared and replaced. disputes with trader throught MCOL and mediation happened last Thursday morning. Ive been told because I didn't offer the trader a chance to rectify the problem the judge may award against me, it wont fo in my favour. My issues were - I was stranded, granted I could have called him but I panicked and wanted to get home! Also when I notifed him onf the situation the next day he emailed me back basically saying im not covered under warrenty! should I take this to court? I feel like ive lost me claim of circa £1800 now after mediation call. any advise would be apprected THanks Lee
  17. Evening all, my first post, so i hope i am posting in the correct forum..... A little bit of background on my possible, upcoming issues. I have had problems with the interior of my car rattling, buzzing and generally not being fit for purpose to be honest. I have been back to BMW on several occasions and they have spent a lot of time fixing rattle after rattle and buzz after buzz. Judging by the list reeled off the last time i picked it up, they virtually took the whole inside of the car apart and put t all back together last time they had a go at it. I dropped it off yet again today, with yet more rattles and buzzing. The warranty runs out in january.. ... can anyone advise me on where i stand with issues / ongoing issues that are not resolved during the warranty period and continue to be a problem thereafter? thanks in advance. Matt
  18. Hi, I really need help on this situation. Third party vehicle reversed out from the driveway and hit my car on the passenger side door, front wing, alloys and front bumper. They accepted liability. So called up my local BMW (Sytner BMW Chigwell) after my insurance company was failing sort out anything, local dealer gave me number for their accident management company "Sytner Drive". Took my car to the local dealer Sytner BMW in Chigwell were lady from the body shop had a look at the car. she saw the damages and i also pointed out few other damages example suspension damage, stereo issue, air-bag sign as well as car steering towards the right and noises coming from the bottom the car while going over humps. when to pick the car from the dealer after they said my car was fully repaired, on the way going home i noticed the car was still steering towards the right and something still scrapping bottom of the car while going over hump, stereo wasn't working and when i parked up i could see both front suspension wasn't equally level, as one was higher than the other. So called up my dealer they took the back. repaired the stereo but as anything else they are saying its not accident related because they believe the problem is not driver side suspension not the passenger. the garage done two geometry test, they couldn't find anything wrong with the suspension at first. so they inspected the vehicle found the problem. when spoke the engineer he tells me its possible wear and tear, could be problem with spring, wisbone and etc. he wouldn't be able to tell the exact fault on the suspension nor can he give me assessment report. i know by applying little common sense to this, when my car got hit on the passenger side i felt the car move towards the right. straight after that while driving i went over the humps and started to hear scrapes on the bottom of the car. even if i drove my 1-5mph speed it still scrapes something in the bottom. any help or advice would be much appreciated, plus i called financial ombudsmen and they cant help me on this.
  19. Hi there people, I have been to the BMW minicooper garage to repair my car. I have a BMW and the rev started to play up a few good months ago, then the engine stopped twice which means that I have no breaks or turnig the steering wheel left or right which is a serious matter.... I even placed an add to sell my car but good thing that I didn't as I can imagine what would have happened to the other person... I have taken it straight away to have the problem rectified by them but it seemed that I have paid for nothing as to the date after 4 times being there with the car and 3 days in total they have kept my car I would say that apparently they have fixed the problem. They told me that I have to replace the camshaft sensor which I did and that was twice with them as the first one was faulty….went back and wasted another 4 hours to have it replaced after 3 weeks…THEN BACK AGAIN after another 4 weeks with the same problem even getting worse. Thay have kept the car for a day and 1 night to have the engine washed as they thought was an oil leek somewhere. They could not find anything wrong but they have changed the following without calling me first to say what they will do if a agree: - Replace pulse generator on crankshaft; remove and install inlet manifold; o ring; oil filter N42, CONNECTING LINE; hose; connecting line again; 077773/ spped senso; o ring, manifold gasket set; r/cover gasket; rivet; grommet; 077773/lock twice; collar scre; cable tie I went to pick up the car second day firstly in the morning (around 10.00)but the car wasn't even in the garage. They showed up with the car at around 12.30 and the reason was that the mechanic had to take it for a spin to make sure the car is good to drive without anymore problems..Yeah, right!! So far I went back again with the same problem getting upset but they told me after half day staying there and waiting for the result that they have to change the rear silcer exhaust which they did and being charged £350 on top of 250 previously. I did say that I do hope that this is the last problem which obviously it wasn’t. A few more weeks and back again….and now I am really angry and upset about the whole thing…The car is not working as it should and what I have paid for. They can't just keep guessing on my money. Please any help in writing a good letter would be huge and appreciated as I have written to the BMW customer service telling them exactly what happened and at the moement waiting to see what they have to say.. DD
  20. Good afternoon all, I'm really hoping for some guidance, on what's turning out to be a stressfull car purchase. 06/07/12: Saw second hand BMW 5 Series (Touring) for sale at a certain well known dealer (Motherwell branch. I live in Wrexham). I emailed their web-sales team to start negotiations and pose questions regarding the vehicle (considering the 250 miles train journey required). Questions below: What warranty does the car come with and is it local or national (i.e Car Care Plan)? How long / many miles until next service is due? Does it come with 12 months MOT? What's front and rear tyre wear like (mm's)? What does iDrive detail for each diagnostic point (miles til oil check, break fluid, pads and discs)? Are there any external dents, scratches or scuffs (alloys included)? Internal scratches or tears? Has the car been in any accidents / had any structural / aesthetic repair work? Received a reply as follows: Used cars are sold with 2 months warranty. Warranty repairs can be done in any ***** branch. In some exceptional cases we can authorise work to be carried out by separate VAT registered garages, but that’s at the branch manager’s discretion. ** Serviced and MOTd by us on 22nd June 2012 At least 6mm tread on all tyres iDrive shows 19000 miles for everything except brake pads, which show 28000 miles No damage on the bodywork or interior No evidence of accidents/structural or aesthetic repair work having been done. 07/07/12: Took the two trains and one bus trip required to get to the dealer in Motherwell, and after a long wait (50 mins) was able to see the car. IT looked to be a stunning, silver 5 Series, and despite it raining heavily and being overcast, I took time to wipe as much water from the panels to check for dents, scratches and blemishes. It all looked fine, and I continued to purchase the car. Driving home, I stopped near home (as the car was now dry) to appreciate the car (I drove a 52 plate Corsa before this!). I was absolutely gutted to see that there were patches on the bonnet, both sides and the roof. They're highly visible in direct sunlight, and during visit to a local bodyshop I learned they were called 'bag marks'. There were other issues present too (darker, defined patches on the bonnet, which I've learned are moisture marks, and some fairly deep scratching to a few panels). The guy at the repair place advised that the car had received a majority re-spray, and that although the respray was generally very good, and that the issues present could happen to any body repairer, the issues weren't acceptable and should have been dealt with. I contacted the dealers, and sent through photographs of the issues, asking for their assistance. Their reply, in a nutshell, was 'tough luck', as I'd checked the car over and bought it as seen. Their argument is that a 58 plate car should be expected to have bodywork issues. My argument is that I'd received a written response from them to advise the car was without damage, and that there was no evidence of repair work, and I see this as a SoGA issue. 08/07/12 to 15/07/12: Emails back and forth, basically saying the same things. 15/07/12: After speaking with another customer of the local bodywork repair place (luckily a solicitor), I sent an email and letter detailing the problems, and that they had 7 days to respond, regarding covering the cost of repairs, or receiving the vehicle back (I'd prefer to keep the car, as mechanically, it appears sound). 20/07/12 to 27/07/12: Family holiday. Returned on 27th July to find no responses to my email / letter. I guess my question is, is it unreasonable of me to expect them to address the issues? I understand I bought the vehicle and drove it away, but it was only when the vehicle was in sunlight that I could see the problems (numerous 'bag marks', on all panels other than the tail of the vehicle, moisture marks and fairly deep scratches in 4 or 5 locations). Do I have a case? If so, is it clear? Thanks so much, in advance, for any guidance you can offer.
  21. Hi, so basically... my car is a e61 bmw 520d and it has air suspension which is controlled by a pump. The pump failed first time around and i had contacted the trader i bought it off and as it was under warranty i took it to a specialist and they diagnosed the pump had failed. even though the pump had failed he never replaced it and instead he replaced the complete wrong part! he replaced the offside air spring and not the pump. But supprisingly the fault dissapeard for 3 months and has now come back, i checked the paperwork and found that he replaced the wrong part! So is there anything i can do to sort this out. If it helps, i bought this car from a trader on finance so could the finance be affected (cancelled) seeing as the car was faulty when i bought it? as the 3 month warranty supplied by the trader has run out, i have to fork out £500 to the garage to get the pump fixed when he should have done it in the first place!!! Please help guys!! Thank You
  22. Hi everyone, i wonder if someone could help me. i recently had a " i pod inerface" fitted to my bmw to allow a ipod to be controlled through my headunit. problem is the unit doesnt have any functions it literally just loads all my songs as one massive playlist and no description of what im listening to. the " i pod interface" cost me £400 fitted and doesnt have the ability to search tracks by , album, aritst, track name etc. and has no txt function of any songs you are listening to. basically all uyou get is track numbers. i complained and asked for my money back but all the offered was the cost of the unit and not the labout charge and to remove unit as they can re-sell it. so i would be back to square 1 and £200 worse off, am i entitled to a full re-fund or? thanks guys in advance im very upset!
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