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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all, I hope someone can help me with the following issue jan 2017 I purchased a BMW X5 from cooper Durham, before purchasing the vehicle I was sent a video of the car. The on screen display showed 37000 miles for the front brake pads as they were new. Last week I took my car for an MOT to Sytner BMW Coventry they said the front pads and discs need replacing as they are 3.5mm. I was pretty surprised as i would expect them to last longer as I had done under 6000 miles. Cooper Durham want to inspect the car as they think there must be an issue. I'm around 200 miles away from them. Sytner BMW Coventry are saying there's no issue and its just worn I still have around a week warrantly left in the car but the pads and discs are not covered as part of that. I'm trying to get Cooper Durham to replace the parts as they should not have worn out in 6000 miles but they are not going to do it until they inspect it in Durham Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Took a car I recently purchased to Kwik Fit for full service and advised that front discs and pads were worn to the metal and advised they needed replacing. As I do around 100 miles per day and drive my kids around I agreed to get the work done, and I need the car. The cost to replace the discs and pads came to £368.70 on a 998cc Yaris, when I looked at the Toyota fixed repair price for the same job on the same car it is £210 inclusive. I have been a loyal customer of the Consett Kwik Fit for a number of years but this has really upset me. I did say the price seemed high, but was told that it was right. On the phone when I was advised they were unsafe I'm sure I was told the brakes were £240 to fix which would seem more reasonable. I had paid for the service in advance online so when I went to pick up the car I was only paying for the brakes. What can I do? I was scared the car was unsafe so felt I had to choice but to agree to the work and pay the bill. I now feel totally stupid and ripped off.
  3. Hi there I'm new to this forum and could do with some help. 5 months ago I bought a used 207 from a dealer and at the time no issues with the car where pointed out, I was told that it came with 2 year warranty and a years free mot when the current one runs out which is around now.. I booked it in with the dealer for its free mot and then after dropping the car off I was contacted by the dealer stating that some work needed to be carried out and that it needed new rear disc brakes and pads which don't fall under the warranty I thought fair enough wear and tear, he quoted me a price and asked was it okay for the work to be carried out and I said yes. Now the car failed the mot due to a faulty hand brake and they've fixed it and rebooked it for tomorrow.... Now the problem is since then a friend of mine who used to work for ford has told me that because the car is less than 6 months old it's up to the dealer to fix these faults free of charge as when they originally acquired the vehicle it should have been inspected and noticed any issue with discs and pads and had them replaced and or notified me that they would soon need replacing which they didn't !! I also only do roughly 250 miles a month with the odd long drive weekend away that's a only about 2000 plus miles in 5 months and I'm under the impression discs and pads last anywhere from 25,000 to 50,000 miles The dealership will be contacting me to update me on the car tomorrow and when to collect the car, but I'm unsure how to approach the situation, do I refuse payment or question the work carried out pre sale ????
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