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Found 15 results

  1. Can anyone provide a copy of the software or is someone willing to perform the calculation and provide the output ?
  2. Hi There I will need a new clutch please see the case below I purchased performance enhancing software for my car, this has now caused me to experience clutch slip when driving the dealer explained that the vehicle was experiencing to much power through the clutch, I went to this particular dealer for this software because they are the head office for the distributor network within the UK. I have spoken to other dealers within the network who agree that before they offer the software that I have on my car, they advise the customer that he will need a new clutch as part of the performance upgrade because of the power. I have never had any such advice from the guys at the head office informing me that I will need a new clutch consequently I am now suffering clutch slip which could have been easily avoided if they had given me the right advice to start with Please can somebody advise where I stand legally with regards to the above concern. the dealer has agreed to pay a full refund for the installation of the software but the software has now sadly caused damage to the clutch many many thanks
  3. Hi All, hopefully you can advise me on a sticky spot I’ve just landed in. I’ve had what I believe to be a perfectly genuine threat-o-gram from a firm of solicitors representing Dessault Systems, makers of the Solidworks CAD package. They’ve correctly identified that I’ve used their software without a licence, but erroneously connected it with my very small business operation for which I own a domain and sell a few bits and pieces online. I manage my website, email etc on the same PC that on which I have Solidworks installed. The two uses are wholly independent. I’ve seen the template letter on the CAB website and will be sending off a request for them to comply with Pre-action protocol and prove when I used it. They probably can (whether they do or not remains to be seen). What they most definitely can’t do is connect it to my small business, other than via my ISP. They’ve put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5. I would like to add something to this effect in my response - asking them to prove I used it for my business and pointing out that they will find this impossible. What do you think? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi, There used to be a software attached to a website of someone like B & Q which allowed you to load up a photo of a room or wall area and allow you to try different colours to see what it might look like before going out to buy tins of paint you end up not liking. Would anyone know of such a website? There seems to be plenty of those kitchen design types of software, but I have specific doors (external) and inside walls and woodwork I'd like to try seeing in different shades just to see what it might look like and I can't find any website which can do that - anyone know of any please? Ta, andrew1
  5. Hi techies. Where I live (sheltered accommodation) our scheme manager decorates the entire complex and I have take a video of it however the voice over I did makes me sound like an imbecile talking to 5 year olds. I want to remove the audio, add christmas music and add text instead of the voice over. I tried Wondershare but that left a watermark on it (I didn't read all the blurb) so Can anyone recommend a decent video editor that is reasonably cheap that can help an idiot do it (ME) Ta muchly!
  6. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/how-to-update-your-kindle-amazon-launches-critical-software-update_uk_56e12d29e4b096ed3adba4ed This article was sent to me earlier today, I can find no other information - Amazon hasnt made contact with me nor do I see anything on their website ?
  7. Looking for suggestions for my step-son who has a handy man business which is doing well, but needs sprucing up to look more professional regarding estimates and invoices. He's really looking for something in which he can set up a template for standard forms etc and just fill in the details in a few minutes. He absolutely hates doing the paperwork! If it could also keep customer contact details that would be a bonus, as would some sort of diary/reminder system for chasing late payments etc, if such a thing even exists. He's prepared to spend some money to get something worthwhile since he hopes it will be a one off cost. He has a MacBook Pro running 10.6.
  8. Can anyone recommend a free program I can download to remove subjects from a photograph ??? I have windows version 8.1 Thanks
  9. There was a serious flaw in the software of BMW, Mini and Rolls Royce that come equipped with ConnectedDrive and affects some 2.2 million vehicles leaving them vulnerable. The flaw allowed the cars doors and windows to be open from a mobile phone. Researchers working for German automobile association ADAC discovered the security vulnerabilities and the potential for vehicles to be broken into last summer, but kept quiet about them. BMW have now uploaded a patch. If you are worried that your vehicle may not have received the update (perhaps because it has been parked in an underground car park or other places without a mobile phone signal, or if its starter battery has been disconnected) then you should choose “Update Services” from your car’s menu. The cars affected are: BMW 1 Series Convertible, Coupé and Touring (E81, E82, E87, E88, F20, F21) 2er Active Tourer, Coupé and Convertible (F22, F23, F45) 3 with Convertible, Coupe, GT, Touring and M3 (E90, E91, E92, E93, F30, F31, F34, F80) 4p Coupe, Convertible, Gran Coupe and M4 (F32, F33, F36, F82, F83) 5 Series GT and Touring (F07, F10, F11, F18) 6 Series Gran Coupe Convertible (F06, F12, F13) 7 Series (F01, F02, F03, F04) I3 (I01), I8 (I12) X1 (E84), X3 (F25), X4 (F26) X 5 (E70, F15, F85), X6 (E71, E72, F16, F86), Z 4 (E89) Mini Three-door and five-door hatchback (F55, F56) Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe and Drophead Coupe (RR1, RR2, RR3) Ghost (RR4) Wraith (RR5)
  10. Computer maker Lenovo has been forced to remove hidden adware that it was shipping on its laptops and PCs after users expressed anger. The adware - dubbed Superfish - was potentially compromising their security, said experts. According to security experts, it appears that Lenovo had given Superfish permission to issue its own certificates, allowing it to collect data over secure web connections, known in malware parlance as a man-in-the-middle attack. "If someone went to, say, the Bank of America then Superfish would issue its own certificate pretending to be the Bank of America and intercept whatever you are sending back and forth," said Prof Woodward. Ken Westin, senior analyst at security company Tripwire, agreed: "If the findings are true and Lenovo is installing their own self-signed certificates, they have not only betrayed their customers' trust, but also put them at increased risk." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-31533028 Find out : How to remove Superfish Which Lenovo PC's have Superfish pre-installed How do I know if my Lenovo PC has Superfish pre-installed http://www.pcworld.com/article/2886278/how-to-remove-the-dangerous-superfish-adware-presintalled-on-lenovo-pcs.html
  11. I am looking at changing internet security software and wonder whether anyone has any recommendations. A lot of people say that they use fee anti-virus software such as Avast or AVG, but in the past I have used paid for software believing it offers best protection. But given that the subscription renewal is more expensive than I can buy the product from elsewhere, I won't be doing it that way. It is F-secure which costs £25 to renew or I can buy it from Amazon as a download for £11.99. Norton is one of the best for protection, but it does slow down your system and internet connections. That is what I am finding with a free trial version.
  12. Hi, I'm new here. I hope you can help me. I hired an accounting software subscription on january, I was paying 20,39 GBP monthly and my last payment was by friday. Today I noticed the subscriptions are different, and there are lower prices for my current subscription. Is there something I can do? Thanks in advance.
  13. Hey I got in contact with a software developer, he agreed to write some software for me, I paid him in instalments total of £277. The software was never delivered to myself he took the money and ran. I paid him via bank transfer. I am planning a small claims court but it turns out he is 16 and from the UK. I would like to know who is responsible for the the money owed, Would it be him or his parents (I have located his address and parents names) that I sent the initial small claims forms to ?
  14. Right, a friend of mine purchased some computer software as a consumer not a business. The software is not faulty in any way just that it needs alot of setup and after research its going to cost about £1000 to get someone to setup for me. my friend had the free version of this software installed and looks really good so contacted a reseller to purchase a licence. basically, my friend cant afford to pay someone to set the software up so decided to see if he could cancel the order under the distance selling regulations. He has now been told he does not have a cooling off period under the act as its an excluded item. "Software" he contacted the company and they refused to offer a refund but offered to setup the software for him a a really cut down price. however my friend just wants to get a refund. the software licence has been activated using the supplied licence key. He paid using a Master Credit Card. can he get a refund from his card company
  15. Last year I paid for a year's subscription to a well-known 'internet security' software product and later realised that I had been charged about £9 for UK VAT that had been included in the price. The supplier company is based in the UK, but I am resident in Jersey, Channel Islands, an area which is outside the scope of VAT (although a domestic 5% sales tax is levied on goods and services over a certain value). I should add that I was using the software for purely domestic and not business purposes. When the time came to renew my subscription, I queried whether the company had the right to charge me the VAT. The e-mail reply that I received stated that the price of the internet security subscription was "the same with or without VAT, we can include the VAT percentage in the invoice for companies that use it to deduct from local taxes. In your case for the Channel Islands, the price is in full with 0% VAT." Consequently I declined to renew my subscription, not only because of the VAT issue, but because I thought they were overcharging for their product anyway. I have since come across the EU rules on 'Electronically Supplied Services' that came into force in 2003. On the face of it, 'downloaded software (including updates of software)' clearly seems to be covered by this definition. However, having read the information sheet provided by HM Revenue & Customs, I am still not sure whether or not a UK company supplying software to a Channel Islands non-business customer is obliged to add UK VAT and am therefore hoping that CAG members might be able to enlighten me a bit further. I am sorry but I am being prevented by petty board rules from including the appropriate link to the 11-page HM R&C information sheet with this message, but below I have quoted some extracts. There seems to be a contradiction in the HM R&C rules. On the one hand, they state that the use and enjoyment provisions do not apply where (amongst other things) "the supply is to a private individual or non-business organisation..." (page 6 of 11). This would appear to mean that I would indeed be liable to pay UK VAT even though I am using and enjoying the product outside of the EU. On the other hand, it states at the top of page 2 that "if you are a UK supplier of these services, you will no longer be required to account for VAT on supplies to: businesses in other Member States or non-EU customers (except, in certain circumstances, where they are used and enjoyed in the UK)." Note that it doesn't specify that the non-EU customers have to be business ones. This sounds more promising. Furthermore, it states the following at the top of page 4: "The place of supply is where the customer belongs when electronically supplied services are received by: any customer who belongs outside the EU or a customer who belongs in a Member State, but in a different country (EU or non-EU) to the supplier, and who receives the supply for business purposes or a private individual or non-business organisation who belongs in a Member State, when supplied by a non-EU business." It goes on to add that "supplies by UK providers to customers in the first two categories above are not subject to UK VAT because they are outside its scope." Therefore I take the above to mean that even if I don't qualify under the use and enjoyment provisions, I should still be exempt from paying UK VAT for my internet security under the place of supply provisions, because I am a customer who belongs outside the EU. What does everyone else think?
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