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Found 15 results

  1. Potential phishing impersonating Ministry of Defence READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/potential-phishing-[problem]-impersonating-ministry-of-defence Shortened URL to the same article: https://tinyurl.com/y9fw49nf
  2. These [problem]mers are sending out unsolicited emails trying to get you to click on a link that directs to another website to trick you into switching your supplier. The email claims that you are a subscriber/user of ourproperty.co.uk when the likelihood is that you've never ever heard of them before, and they have simply acquired a mailing list from some where to spam people with. Please let everyone you know to mark anything from this company as spam and/or phishing attacks. I recommend that everyone reports them to the ombudsman.
  3. Following a recent change of address I have received what appear to be phishing letters from Arrow and Restons. The general advice on the forum appears to be that these are best ignored, I have a question. What happens next? I'm also told that these two companies actually visit this and other debt forums to check out what advice is being given to forum members. It somehow feels counter intuitive to disclose what you are going to be doing to thwart these parasites.
  4. New students are being alerted to a [problem] where fraudsters claim to offer a "educational grant" in a bid to con them into divulging bank details. The emails typically claim to be from the university's finance department and trick the recipient into clicking on a link to an online form and entering their personal and banking details. The Student Loans Company said students were particularly vulnerable to "phishing" attempts around the main payment dates, in September, January and April. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-37408373
  5. Hello I had an old debt with HPH2 LTD (EX CAPITAL ONE) that was being handled by Robinson Way. The debt itself was settled back in 2005 but Robinson Way decided that they were going to continue pursuing it up until about 2011 when they gave up after being unable to satisfactorily prove that I actually owed them any money. I received this letter from them today... "It has recently been identified the above account should not have been sold to our client Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Limited ("HPH2") and as a result we should not have been assigned to the account for collection. This means that the account will be removed completely from our records and our client, HPH2, now confirms that you have no outstanding debt with them. In addition to this, you are eligible for a refund of any payments made since our client, or the previous owners, MKDP LLP ceased legal ownership of the debt. The refund is currently being processed and should be with you no later than 14 days from the date of this letter. Please accept our apologies for any distress this matter may have caused." I telephoned to find out what they mean by refund as I have not made any payments to them since I settled the debt nearly 11 years ago!. The man on the phone very nicely apologised for the letter and informed me that "We've been getting a lot of calls about these letters" and told me that they had been sent out in error. Oh and "How would I like to be paying today?" This is obviously a bit of phishing by Robinson Way so just wanted to post it up here so that you could all be aware of it. I will as always continue to ignore this nonsense
  6. Computer maker Lenovo has been forced to remove hidden adware that it was shipping on its laptops and PCs after users expressed anger. The adware - dubbed Superfish - was potentially compromising their security, said experts. According to security experts, it appears that Lenovo had given Superfish permission to issue its own certificates, allowing it to collect data over secure web connections, known in malware parlance as a man-in-the-middle attack. "If someone went to, say, the Bank of America then Superfish would issue its own certificate pretending to be the Bank of America and intercept whatever you are sending back and forth," said Prof Woodward. Ken Westin, senior analyst at security company Tripwire, agreed: "If the findings are true and Lenovo is installing their own self-signed certificates, they have not only betrayed their customers' trust, but also put them at increased risk." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-31533028 Find out : How to remove Superfish Which Lenovo PC's have Superfish pre-installed How do I know if my Lenovo PC has Superfish pre-installed http://www.pcworld.com/article/2886278/how-to-remove-the-dangerous-superfish-adware-presintalled-on-lenovo-pcs.html
  7. Phishing emails and websites are not new and they are on the increase not decline. Most people are wise enough to spot the "poorly" done fakes but just how wise are you? Take this online test which you get to examine 10 potential emails and decide whether they are fake or not. At the end of the test you can click on the links next to each the answers to learn what makes it legitimate or not. *Online Test* (http://www.sonicwall.com/furl/phishing/?ClickID=cfesip7l7ffe74kvkwxfi4ep7kziilen4nza) Please post your result. ***************
  8. I have received an e-mail from Lowell Group demanding payment for a debt to a company called Very in the sum of £378.23. The person Lowell are seeking has the same initial and surname as myself (which form the e-mail address), however, the intended recipient is a young lady and I am a man!! I am not remotely concerned about this but thought I had read on the site that it is a breach of guidelines for a DCA to send this type of phishing e-mail when they are not certain they are pursuing the correct person. Anything at all I can do to “queer the pitch” for the Leeds Losers would give me great pleasure so do I have grounds for a complaint and if so to whom?
  9. I have had the usual amount of email scams in the past, the bank detail ones, the update your internet bank account, the tried to deliver a parcel to you one but this takes the biscuit! Notice to Appear, Please bring all documents and witnesses relating to this case with you to Court on your hearing date. The copy of the court notice is attached to this letter. Truly yours, Clerk to the Court. Patricia Mason from customerssupport713 @ intelprolawyers.com with the usual open this zip file document attached! As if I am going to open anything from someone I dont know!
  10. Just received HMRC phishing [problem] email. To prevent spam from filling my mail box, I use a different email address for every web registration account, when an address starts getting spam I just delete it from my web mail server and use another one. Problem is the HMRC phishing email was sent to the email address used to register with this forum. This email address has not been used anywhere else on the internet. CAG have you been hacked! How many members of this forum have received the HMRC phishing or other phishing emails? Web mail provider provides up to 500 email addresses for £9.00/year Update: Two more phishing emails received, another very fake HMRC [problem] and Orange phone rebate [problem], both sent to my CAG registration address.
  11. I have just received a phone call on my mobile asking for me by name. I asked if they can call me on my land line for which they had my land line number. This person confirmed my address and went on to say they were from the DWP stating that a rebate of national insurance £400 cheque had been returned to them and that they were going to send it out again. Totally unconnected but last week i received a demand of £900 from HMRC ref national insurance contributions as they had me as self employed for some reason He stated that he wanted to send it out again and that i may be due more rebates from 2008, he then asked for my employment details (why does he not know that) i aked him to confirm my employeer from 2008, he declined stating data protection and that he does not have access. I then asked for the recorded delivery number , what he gave me was bogus as the last two numbers end with GB, not numerical. i pointed this out and i was then hung up As alarm bells were ringing, i also asked for his phone number for which he said he could not give it out but gave me the correct details for quarry house LS2 7UA i phoned quarry house and they told me it was a phishing call, the reason being was that quarry house is DWP, national insurance etc is handled by HMRC in a totally different building and has nothing to do with the DWP 1/ Only three people have both my mobile and land line number, my brother, the DWP, and Experian (free trial) 2/ He knew my name and address, looking back it seems he wanted to confirm my address I have two old accounts which the collection agencies are trying their luck, for which i ignore. DLC AND Motormile I also received an email message from mercantile data bureau this morning using a very old email address asking me to make contact Any suggestions, do you think this is a DCA, [phishing trip}con artist, or the tax man
  12. Hi, first time post, so apologies if it's too long or in the wrong place. I have an interesting one here. I moved house around 4 months back, and last week received the usual phishing trip letter from 1st Cretins asking if I was Mr X, could I ring to confirm or deny etc. This was useful as I'd forgotten the loo paper from Sainsburys - it's just a pity the MD's face isn't printed on it instead of an unrecognisable signature! I can only assume they got my details from Noddle as I registered there after I moved in here, just to check things out. Anyway, this morning (10 days later going by the letter dates) I have received another letter from 1st Cretins address (it was printed on the envelope flap) claiming to be a notice of assignment from Goldfish Bank saying all contact, payments etc must go through 1st Cretin. I say "claiming to be" as it isn't on headed notepaper from Goldfish, just plain black and white A4 with a weird squiggle where a signature would be, there's not even a typed name to go with the squiggle. This claims I owe them several thousand pounds and 22p, and the fact it came in a 1st Cretins envelope means it hasnt come from Goldfish at all - and Goldfish apparently de-registered with the FSA in 2008 and are "no longer authorised" anyway. Now, I have never had an account of any sort to the best of my knowledge with Goldfish. I did however have a credit card with Morgan Stanley some years back, along with other cards. I was struggling a bit after being out of work for 6 months, and got nothing from DSS as I owned my property and was paying the mortgage from savings. Needless to say, card debt mounted, as did bank charges. Eventually I got a new job, secured a loan and cleared all outstanding debts. On my Noddle credit file the Morgan card is showing a default date of Oct 2007, with a balance of £00.00, nothing about being settled, just a zero balance.. It was paid in full from the secured loan. So it looks like they are chasing me for a debt that was actually paid in full over 5 years ago - unfortunately I destroyed all the paperwork, statements etc from all cards I had once everything was paid - I wanted the whole mess gone and a fresh start. Unfortunately again, the company I took out the loan with that issued the cheques to pay the debts has also gone under, so I cannot get anything from them to say the cheque had been issued etc - I said this could be interesting! Goldfish was a trade name of Morgan Stanley, which they bought from Lloyds. They then sold the Goldfish accounts to Barclaycard or something like that, so their paperwork will be a mess. Now, my first instinct is that they should go forth and multiply - they'll have a hard job proving I owe money that has already been paid, especially looking at the Goldfish papertrail. But equally, apart from the zero balance on the credit file I have nothing to prove it has been paid. Or should I go down the prove it path, and let them start with the threats etc that I can build into a complaint to go to the FSA / TS / OFT and get them a nice big fine? Suggestions on a postcard....... Merry Christmas
  13. Just received an e-mail that looked legit (well, apart from the html coding that was all over the place but that can happen to any e-mail) saying that payment to Skype for a 3 mth subscription via Paypal had been made for £39 etc. It also said if you hadn't authorised the payment to open a dispute with Paypal here (click link)... Because I wasn't born yesterday, I actually went to my PP account *not* clicking on that link but separately, and lo and behold, there is no payment made to Skype at all. So I went back to the e-mail and scrutinised it, and then realised they'd done it the simplest way of all, so easy to miss: the e-mail address used is skypes.com. I swear I had looked at it about 10 times before I spotted it, and only because I was looking hard! So there you go, if you get a strange e-mail apparently from Skype about a transaction you don't remember carrying out, be very careful where you click next. Actually, that applies to all e-mails, not just Skype.
  14. Bascially, crap finance one are one of the PDL companies I'm battling. They're not so helpful. Today, got a text message from them offering me... more money. They have kindly raised my credit limit (?!) and replying to the text would form a contract and get me the cash. Ok, I get that they're phishing for my new card details, but it strikes me as a little insane. I ignored it but then got a call on my mobile. Didn't know it was them as it wasn't from a number as such - came up as 0223. Thought it might be Orange or something as it's just 4 digits. Helpful agent asked why I hadn't replied and didn't I want the money? I laughed so much I did a wee. Have reported all this as it's clearly dodgy behaviour, just can't believe how stupid they are...
  15. I thought there was some guidance or regs which stated they cannot ask you to borrow more or use credit cards? The DCAs letter has a logo of visa etc cards and then states below pay using debit or credit card. Any further clarification or assistance on this as I am hoping to formulate a letter on this alone to them and to OFT if my assumptions are right?
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