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Found 6 results

  1. Hello! I applied for a payday loan at Capital Finance One and received 300 pounds for the cost of 117 pounds. When it was supposed to be paid back I was given the option to defer the loan by paying the 117 pounds. Later I added 140 pounds on two occasions and I have now had to pay back in total 1605 pounds for a loan of 580 pounds over 3 interest periods. Essentially what is going on is that I have paid the interest, but it's never deducted from the balance when you defer it. They admitted on the phone today that I could have paid it off and reapplied again in order to avoid these fees. My question is, if I have signed one of these agreements (obviously not reading it properly), can I somehow go anywhere with this complaint and get some of the money back that I believe I overpaid, even by payday standards? Why is the interest paid not taken off the balance when deferred - it's unreasonable and I don't know any other company that has charged me in this way? Kindly some advice please.
  2. Bascially, crap finance one are one of the PDL companies I'm battling. They're not so helpful. Today, got a text message from them offering me... more money. They have kindly raised my credit limit (?!) and replying to the text would form a contract and get me the cash. Ok, I get that they're phishing for my new card details, but it strikes me as a little insane. I ignored it but then got a call on my mobile. Didn't know it was them as it wasn't from a number as such - came up as 0223. Thought it might be Orange or something as it's just 4 digits. Helpful agent asked why I hadn't replied and didn't I want the money? I laughed so much I did a wee. Have reported all this as it's clearly dodgy behaviour, just can't believe how stupid they are...
  3. Dear All. I stupidly got a £100.00 loan from CFO. Due to their practices and excessive fines, I contacted the Financial Ombudsman. They are looking into my case and are investigating these cowboys. A few weeks passed after the investigation got underway and I receive a phone call today from Carter & Co (Debt Collectors) stating that the debt has been sold onto them. I explained that the Financial Ombudsman was investigating CFO and I was instructed by the Ombudsman not to pay anything until the investigation had concluded. They did not know anything about this and were annoyed! Anyone have any ideas how I can go about this? CFO are obviously selling debt that they should not be. They are well aware that the Ombudsman are investigating them and still they sell the debt on? Is that even legal? Look forward to receiving your replies! Cheers David
  4. Help! Capital Finance One have passed my outstanding balance to Carter & Co. I spoke to carter & co yesterday and they are threatening me, saying they will come round to my house in the early hours of the morning and take my car and anything else of value, I have offered to pay the outstanding amount in full when I get paid but they said they cant wait that long and I dont know what to do. Im scared they will come to my house and hurt my family. Are they allowed to just turn up and take my car & belongings? My debt is only £300!! They have never written to me or sent me any form of formal communication. Has anyone else had dealings with these people?
  5. Has anyone had dealings with capital finance one? They are a complete shark of a company, I originally applied for a Payday loan with them, then cancelled it within a couple of days!! Basically they took the interest that would have been due on the loan from my account, without my authorisiation!!! Now if they had just refunded it, their wouldn't really be a big issue! But they are rude, full of rubbish about one thing or another, and don't answer the phone, at all. Or respond to e-mails, if..(and I use the word IF carefully) they do answer the phone, they just feed you nonsense about this that or the other. They are a very small outfit, maybe 5 or so people working there. You no this because its only ever 1 person that answers the phone!! But I have been gathering a case against them, to take to the FSA! I know this might seem petty, but I will NOT be taken for a MUG!!!! So I have also reported them to the police, and emailed them this below letter : ************************************************** ** Well done!!! after repeatedly ignoring my e-mails and refusing to answer the phone, I have now taken the matter of you taking money from my card without my consent into my own hands and 32 other people, (so far) and coming up with a load of !!!!!!!! about refunding it. I have now gathered a group of people who have all been messed around by you, namely you taking money from peoples account without authorization etc... which is fraud and theft!! Which I have done through an internet forum. I have taken the names, numbers and testaments, and have taken the case directly to the FSA, Trading standards and I suppose the best in my opinion! I have reported you for theft, and fraud to the police, as the other agencies are notorious for delaying processes with "white tape" I have already given my statement to the police, and then I presume they will take the matter further with your local police, as I am up the other end of the country, although I know your area very well. I have also set up multiple web forums to encourage anyone who has been messed around by you to go to the FSA, contact me, and anyone who has had money taken without their consent to go to the police!!! In the past 2 days, 3 people have said they will go to the police with fraud / defraud & theft allegations!! I have given them the number of a DI, that I have been given who deals with financial crimes, and based in London, if your reading this Barry, you are the name they have as I have never spoken to anyone else at your offices, and really very much doubt their are any more than maybe 5 of you there anyway!! You are also breaking the law, as it is impossible to view the T's & C's through your website, and I and many other people cannot do this either. Don;t worry Ive highlighted All this because you wouldn't refund my £31 ????? In case your wondering its ****** *** from Oldham, and i'm personally going to make sure that you either cease to operate as a business, or you give people their money back!!! You can't run a business! You couldn't even run a public toilet!! ************************************************** I just want to know peoples experiences with this company, and also want to warn people not to deal with them!! If possible! I know its tempting to get a payday loan! But if you value your bank account and the little money in it! then don't use these or they will drain it randomly!!! oricle
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