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Found 19 results

  1. Hello, I am new to this forum so I’m not sure but I’ll tell what happened first and I will really appreciate any help you can give me. First of all, I know it’s my mistake and I deeply regret this now. I saw this intagram page about 16+ Oyster cards for anyone (I’m 20) for £40 and contacted the guy and he set up and application for me and all. was having financial problems and I’m a student I was stupid enough to do something awfully regrettable like this. paid him applied for the card. got it used it for a while. got caught by a ticket officer got a letter from tfl asking me to write to them explaining why this incidence happened. I don’t know what to do. please help me out. This is my first time getting into trouble like this and I’m very regrettable and scared that I’ll be prosecuted. I’ll never ever do anything like this again. Please help me out. This is the letter I received from tfl. Please give me any advice you have on writing a reply to them. I have already started to draft a letter with my apologies and answering them honestly. But the letter they sent does not mention anything about fake photo card so should I tell them about it or just apologise for not having a valid card and offer to pay for any loses/fines. I am terrified about being prosecuted for this.
  2. Hi Am trying to change my address details on my license online but after providing all the information they require they are saying there’s no photo on record even though my license is a photo card. I am aware that my license needs renewing in about 7 months time so could this be the issue? They don’t actually state that I need to renew but give a link to alternative ways to change my details which includes by post. Should I just go for full renewal and provide a recent photo and can I include new address details on the same application. Thanks in advance for any advice
  3. I put my house on the market at the beginning of December 2016. Last week I received an offer from a prospective buyer that I accepted. Lovely I thought so I rapidly contacted a company of solicitors in Stockport to appoint them for conveyancing. The paperwork from the solicitors arrived here this morning and lists all the things I must provide for the conveyancing to progress. However, the paperwork insists that I must provide photo ID either by photo driving licence or passport. I don't have a driving licence or a passport so I am unable to provide photo ID. Does this mean that I can't sell my house or is there some other way around this issue? I don't want to apply for a passport as I never travel and I don't want to start taking driving lessons to obtain a driving licence that I don't want or need.
  4. Hi everyone, Please could I ask for your kind help with my response to the upcoming Tfl letter I am very worried about going court and getting a criminal record I was stopped by a Tfl inspector for using my husband's discounted student oyster photocard yesterday. Here is the situation: I have my own standard oyster card with monthly pass and my husband (aged 25) has his own discounted student oyster photo card with monthly pass (both zone 1-2). On 17 May my monthly pass expired (there is balance) which I forgot to renew on 18th morning I took my husband's card (his is on monthly pass) and asked him to buy the monthly pass on my card for me as he has more time during the day. He bought the monthly pass on my card immediately on that day however we forgot to swop when we came home in the evening on 19th I continued to use his card and got caught by the inspector on the bus. I told the inspector that it was a mistake. My concern is in order to avoid court and criminal records, I don't know if I should simply explain it is a mistake with no detailed explanation or if I should tell the whole story as above. I am worried that the case worker would think I am trying to evade bus fares by using my husband’s pass - from the look of my oyster card history I started to use his the day when my own pass expired but actually we spent the same amount of money if I had used my own pay as you go balance. As we use our own card separately with monthly pass I was not aware of the serious consequences, I didn't expect to be in such panic and the daunting thought of a possible criminal record. This is the first time I have been stopped by an inspector and I have not committed any other offences/crimes before. I would not say that I have NEVER used my husband's discounted oyster for convenience before this happened but my card was covered by a travel pass at the same time, which means we never thought of taking advantage of TfL. Could you please point me in the right direction? I am willing to pay reasonable costs and I don't want to go to court or get a criminal record which will severely affect the life we are building in UK. My husband and I have only been here for 3 years and as English is not our primary language we are not sure about the wording / style that can help us stay out of this. Your help is much appreciated…
  5. hi all after some advice please i got a nip through and as you are all aware you go onto the internet now to view evidence ? i was on my bike and they have got me doing 40 in a 30 but they have no photographic evidence of my number plate to cut a long story short after numerous letters backwards and forwards to them they are asking for photographs of all sides of my bike also if i do send them they want to examine the photos then they say they will stop my vehicle when im out on it ? am i right to refuse these as there is only 2 photos from the front and according to the police the camera technician writes the registration down on a log sheet so how would they know if it wasn't a cloned bike etc etc
  6. Hi all, Looking for some advice regarding a parking charge received in an NCP car park for having an expired ticket. I park there every weekday for work, I pay for 2 hours as I'm in the office usually for about an hour before heading out again, but on this day I was delayed leaving and returned 20 minutes after it had expired to find one of their lovely bogus charges. I received the ticket stuck to my windscreen, with the time of year and seemingly countless work and personal life issues I didn't get round to writing an appeal. The Notice to Keeper arrived in due course and I haven't responded to that either, most recently I received a Keeper Liability Notice stating that it is now too late to appeal and they will pass the matter to a debt collection agency who may take me to court if I don't pay up. Now I'm not worried about their scare tactics, but I've reached the point where I have room in my brain's limited attention span to deal with this What would be the best course of action at this point? I understand that I was at fault but they're asking for £100 which is ludicrous, and I know they cannot charge more than the amount of lost revenue for the car park owner. Should I write to them offering payment equivalent to 1 hour's parking to cover the lost revenue? Thanks in advance, Nick
  7. Writing this on behalf of my missus. She runs a newborn/wedding photography service and has a facebook page to advertise it. https://www.facebook.com/AG-Photography-201381183294753/ She only recently noticed that, the profile pictures she uses on this page, appeared on several pages (used 'image search' in Chrome). This is understandable as she also has a Pinterest page and most of the results are pinterest pins etc. But the problem is that there is a few pages that offer various services like E-cards, phone covers and even a resort in Portugal, that use her photo on their pages. She can prove that she's the owner of the said photo, as she's still got original camera files and SD card. Links to websites that use here image for advertising: Portugal resort: http://www.montedaquintaresort.com/en/resort/kidsclub/ France (?): http://www.coque-design.com/lg-optimus-g-pro-/1426-coque-personnalisee-lg-optimus-g-pro.html USA: http://www.yourecards.net/ecards/baby-black-and-white-cute-inspiring-picture-on-favimcom/cardid62590/card.html?catid=126 I told her that I don't think there's much we can do here, as these websites are registered abroad, but you know women - so I came here to ask for some advice. To me it's clearly a breach of copyright - especially when websites advertise their services and earn money using her photo. Waiting for some helpful advice Thanks
  8. Hi, new to this forum, found it when searching for a bit of advice. I've searched for an answer to my specific issue but can't find it here, so..... I recently bought a microsoft surface pro 3 from Currys. The advert clearly shows it with a keyboard, which is what I was looking for. I went ahead and bought it. The next day my girlfriend said she didn't think it came with the keyboard, so I looked at the advert again. It definitely does not say keyboard not included, and there is separate offer for the tablet and keyboard as a bundle. I realise I made a mistake here but are Currys in the wrong advertising it like this ? I have written to them and they have replied saying the keyboard is only shown as part of the bundle offer. If you look at the advert for the tablet the keyboard is shown. Tried posting a link the the advert but it won't let me. it's the 128gb model for £749.
  9. Can anyone recommend a free program I can download to remove subjects from a photograph ??? I have windows version 8.1 Thanks
  10. A friend of mine took some digital photo images whilst in Greece recently; of some strange phenomena in the sky. Before seeking opinions from the media on what they are, can anyone tell me how to protect ownership of the images please ? thank you
  11. Can anyone help please? Several years ago I purchased a Sony PS3 for my 11 year old son. I set up the online account with my own email address and since then he has been using this account to play games online. He is in his early teens now, and last week he bravely went online and wanted to change the email address on the account to his own email address. but in the process entered a typing error and now cannot get into the account. I have contacted Sony and explained the situation to them, giving them my original email address home address etc but they have asked me to tell them what the new email address was which my son has set up. Now, he cannot remember exactly which bit was a typing error so I cannot give them this. So I asked them to reset it to the original email address but they won't do this until I send in two forms of photo id. I explained that there is no reason why they would want my photo id from me as they cannot compare it against anything. I don't recall sending it to them when I set the account up. They argue that my account now has other information on it such as billing or purchases but we have never bought anything from Sony online and I don't believe they have any of my credit card details. Are Sony right to demand photo id before they reset my account. It is easter holidays and my son cannot go online to play his beloved PS3 because a lot of his scores and settings for his games are accessed via the account. Can anyone help please? Kind Regards Gobsmacked
  12. This is a slightly odd one, so please bear with me! I live opposite a pair of semi-detatched houses. One of the houses (number 5) has just been sold by a local estate agent. The house it's attached to (number 7) is my friend's house. This morning, along with the post, a glossy marketing leaflet from the estate agent who sold number 5 has come through the door. It's got pictures of a number of local properties, with a slogan 'We've Sold All These Houses!'. My friend from number 7 has just been over brandishing a copy of the leaflet, very upset that right there on the front of the leaflet is a picture of number 5 and number 7 (obviously, they're semi-detached!) but she's annoyed that her house is being used on the leaflet even though it's not been sold (or even for sale) by the estate agent, and she's not given them permission to use a picture of her house. I've tried telling her it's fine and it's just not possible to show a picture of one half of a semi-detatched house without it looking silly, but she won't listen - she does not want her house used for marketing purposes. I suppose I can kind of see her point - it wouldn't bother me, personally, but it bothers her. She's not a CAG user, hence I'm posting here on her behalf - Does anyone know if the estate agent has done anything wrong by using a photo of someone's house on marketing material without the owner's permission? Thanks in advance!
  13. We came back to our car in a shopping centre car park to find a guy taking photos of the car> I thought someone had damaged my car but realised he was a APNR employee (jacket logo). He put a ticket on the car and then photograghed it with us both sitting inside before we drove off. The ticket wording says they have been "contracted by the proprietor...." causing them to be in breach of contract..... The fine is £100 or £50 if I pay within 14 days. My concern is can I be found "guilty" if taken to court, as I was photo'd sitting at the wheel with the notice on the windscreen? What to do - I still have 7 days left but I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks this Friday. That's why we were in the shopping car park; to pay for the holiday!!
  14. Hello, I hope someone can help me with this pcn. I received a pcn for parking in a restricted area. I have attached the photo evidence I found on the pcn payment website, and as you can see the photos were taken in complete darkness. While you can see my car's plate numbers, you cannot see the street at all. Is there a basis to appeal this pcn given that you cannot see a contravention in the photos. Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks.
  15. My husband bought a new phone(with sim - pay as you go) through Orange, albiet he stated he wanted to keep his original number, no problem, the salesperson told him all had been transfered over, but once he got home, only a few of his contact numbers and none of our photo's were on the phone. We also found his originall sim would no longer work. We have alot of family photo's apparently lost now, this has made me rearly angry as we have no idea how to correct this.
  16. Recently me and my wife renewed our Photo Licences via the post office service, as our 10 years were up. The wife's new licence was received within 10 days but not mine. I have received a letter from the DVLA stating that the photo licence and paper licence were from two different issues ie. 77A and 77B. I remembered about eight years ago I misplaced my licences, left in an old locker at work, and ended up having to get them replaced. A few years later the old licences were handed back to me and I ended up with two sets. Since then I've hired many cars here and abroad and somehow must have got the two sets mixed up. I have yet again misplaced one set, for the life of me I don't know what I have done with them, and sent a mixed set to the DVLA. My question is, will they try and fine me for not returning/destroying my first set when I found them or do you think it's just proceedure?. I have to let them know with an explanation. Should I just tell them that when I found them I must have destroyed the wrong set by accident? By the way, there are and have never been any conviction points added at any time. Am I worrying about nothing? Thanks for reading Chelsea Blue
  17. After serving my council with a Subject Access Request via recorded delivery royal mail in May, to which were attached copies of my current utility and council tax bills as proof of my identity. I have just received their response. Their letter addresses me by my first name (I don’t know the letter writer) and say they have the files ready but want me to go and collect them in person. Not only that, they are demanding I supply them with a minimum of two identification items and insist one of these pieces of evidence bear my photograph. Around six weeks ago, I received a surprise home visit from someone at the council to discuss an aspect of one my grievances against the council where this person soon established I have enormous difficulty walking (arthritis of the spine). I would assume the result of this visit is noted on my file. As a fifty-year-old, I don’t have any photographic evidence of identity, I don’t drive or own a car, and no passport. For almost 12 years, I have communicated with this council on various matters, including complaints, in written form, by telephone and in person, so there is a long history of their responding to me as the person who served them the SAR. The fact that I haven’t changed my name or address and the council have only been too willing to serve me with court papers and council tax demands etc, at my address during this time surely should be more than enough proof that I haven’t suddenly changed identity? Is their insistence for these additional proofs of identity even reasonable? In light of past and recent communications accepting me as the named person who served them the SAR as their response is addressed to me, at my home address. Is their demand that I travel a fair distance to their main offices, which will cost me around £30 in fares to and from their offices (I will need a taxi and help to walk) reasonable? Does anyone have any suggestions how I should deal with this latest tactic the council have sprung on me; I think they have realised I am looking for legal redress of a situation they have contributed towards through their negligence and disregard of their duties, but that’s another problem. Thank you for your advice.
  18. Good evening to all. My 17 year old daughter has been foolishly duped into giving her bank card details to one of these makeover / photo session studios today and was hoping to get some advice on how to deal with the matter. It started with her being approached recently in the high street by a young lady who took her contact info and said that she would be entered into a competition for a free makeover, photo session and complimentary picture. She subsequently received a call today from a guy to announce that she was one of the lucky winners and he proceeded to take her card details for the purpose of securing a deposit against the possibility of her not turning up on the day, although the deposit would be fully refunded 7-14 days after the session. She then started to become concerned over his pushy attitude and said that she wasn't sure if she wanted to go ahead with it and he became even more stroppy and said that she would lose her money if she cancelled it, he then hung up on her. She finally decided to fill us in on the whole situation, so I called the bank and they confirmed that a card payment had already been processed to the company in the sum of £70.00 and they were unable to reverse it as it was still going through authorisation (which seemed a bit odd), so we would have to wait for it to show up on the statement and then they could try and recover the payment. My Mrs telephoned the studio and briefly spoke to what sounded like one of the "phonejacker" brigade and he also got stroppy and hung up. Meanwhile the studio emailed my daughter the booking confirmation which also outlines their terms and conditions. I would have thought that some sort of consumer protection regulations might apply here. Isn't there a requirement to have a cooling off period? Can they retain a deposit from a 17 year old? I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could advise on where she stands with this situation. Thanks
  19. Hi I recieved an email a while ago (I went on hols) from CAG regarding photos of private parking sign - warnings - locations - etc and .. I have lost the email in my recent inbox cleanup I have some photos to send, could somebody resend me the correct email / person to send them to ? thanks
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