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Found 6 results

  1. I had over £400 of unathorized transactions on my PS online account involving the fortnite game. These were regular weekly amounts of £19.99 and £7.99 every week. I contacted Halifax bank and they chargebacked all the amounts-so far. Sony told me the transactions were made from the serial number of my PS console (after i supplied the number , i should have given a friends serial number to test their claims) However, even it was my machine (i am 99.99% convinced it was not) a friend claimed a remote hack can access the account and console. PS banned me from their network as they dont like chargebacks - and apparently their rules insist that users must contact them first for any unauthorized transactions. There rules are saying if there are unauthorized transactions you must not contact your bank until you contact PS first -surely that can't be right legally and goes against consumer law ?
  2. Hi All, Not sure if this is the ideal forum to write this, so if there’s another specific then please do let me know. Last year I purchased a ps4 and experienced some issues with online capability. I raised a complaint with PlayStation and they apologised and offered me a year PlayStation plus membership last Nov 14. To set this up I have to put in my card details etc., and to be honest I made some minor game purchases as well such as mine craft for £6. Aug/Sep this year, I had not played my PlayStation much due to work and other commitments. I decided to sell/trade it in for something else. I went online turned off all payments but kept my gamer tag there should I ever return to PlayStation. As when membership of PS network run out the tag would remain, just in limited capacity. I then wiped all my details off the console and traded it in. Saturday 12th December I received an email form PlayStation advising "thank you for your purchase", initially I thought someone had possibly used my card for something. I read the email and it said PlayStation plus, and my online ID. I called up PlayStation to ask what’s going on and they said that I had not cancelled my recurring payment. I explained that I had quite a while ago and that I didn’t have a console anymore. They refused to refund saying its terms and conditions and it’s my own fault. I advised I would get in touch with the bank as I didn’t authorise this as I closed payment down. He told me to go to the bank then. Called up the bank who advised at the moment there was nothing they could do. As the money is in the withholdings as PlayStation had not officially taken payment yet and I would have to wait for payment to clear before raising a dispute. I then called PlayStation back and got a nice guy who sounded like he wished he could help. I advised that PlayStation had not officially taken the money yet so they could in fact cancel it. He said they couldn’t and that all he could do was close my account, he understood how annoyed I was but couldn’t do anything further but would pass it to a manager to call me. I asked him to do so. He said that even if he could refund the money, it would only go into my PlayStation wallet so I would then have to spend it on PlayStation store, which would be no good to me as I don’t have a PlayStation no more. The next day a manager called me back and to be honest he was about as useful as a chocolate teapot. He basically said, terms and conditions, you must not of cancelled it so there you go. I also said I didn’t feel that the “go to your bank then” comment was very good from customer service. I asked if I requested call logs or transcripts of the calls would I be able to have then should I do a SAR., and he said no despite telling me all calls are recorded. I just ended the call to him. Today i've raised a dispute with the bank who will pass it on to the investigators. I’ve advised that I’m being charged for a service I’m not getting, and that I got in touch with PlayStation very quick when the email was sent saying I had purchased something (13 minutes), The bank asked me If I could prove I cancelled the recurring payment, which I told them will be difficult as it’s all done online. ~I’m not holding hope on this. I have tried to contact Andy Barnes at PlayStation who sorted my complaint out last year, however as of yet no response. I’ve read the email which states - At the time of making your purchase, you asked us to provide you with immediate access to your purchase and confirmed your understanding that this means: (i) for digital content (like a game or add-on) you will not have a “cooling off period” during which you can cancel your purchase; and (ii) for a service (like a PlayStation®Plus subscription) you can cancel this service within 14 days from the date of purchase but you will not get a full refund as we will make a deduction for the use you have had of the service. To cancel visit http://eu.playstation.com/legal/cancel Any ideas or advise guys, as I can’t afford £40 to just disappear, especially before Christmas. Thanks
  3. Brighthouse targets the lower income families knowing that is a captured customer base. Because they have a captured customer base, they can make big profits by offering low weekly payments, which makes the offers look attractive and affordable, coupled with a very high interest rate. If we take just one item, a Sony PlayStation 4 with a few games, Brighthouse price on extended payment terms £1,352, elsewhere buying the PlayStation and games separately, £449 or less, a difference of £903. You can buy a nice little car for £903. Think about it.
  4. I received an email some weeks ago telling me that my Playstation Network password had been changed, £55 had been topped up on to my online wallet and that £55 had been used to purchase a digital copy of a game from the PSN store. This was quite surprising as at the time I was in the middle of a 12 hour hospital shift and already owned a physical copy of the same game. As no one else has access to my account it seemed pretty clear I’d been hacked, and as I’d logged my debit card on Sony’s site (something I’ll never do again) whoever had got into my account had been able to essentially withdraw funds from my bank account. I immediately contacted my bank to cancel the card, but I was unable to get in touch with Sony until the next day. The customer service rep I initially spoke to seemed confident I’d have the money refunded, so I was reassured. Unfortunately Sony are now refusing to refund the money because the purchase was apparently made via a web browser rather than another Playstation, and as per their terms and conditions I am responsible for the security of my account and so am liable for these purchases. I’ve been a loyal customer of Sony since the early 90s and so I’m pretty disappointed in their response. I don’t feel like they’ve done enough to protect my account, compared to the measures that other online gaming services like Steam have in place, and it seems that they’re willing to snub a longstanding customer for what is to them a relatively paltry sum of money. Can anyone offer any advice on anything I might be able to do, or anywhere I can go for help? Thanks in advance everyone!!
  5. I'm in the UK, specifically Scotland. Where do I stand here? Bought FIFA 15 for PS4 from Asda yesterday, and it's basically unplayable for me, I have a BT Home Hub and the game lags non stop, even in the menus. Apparently the only fix is to disable UPnP in your router settings. On the basis it's not fit for purpose I took it back for a refund, but they refuse to do so, saying it's company policy to only offer exchange like for like on games. Surely this can't apply to faulty products??
  6. Can anyone help please? Several years ago I purchased a Sony PS3 for my 11 year old son. I set up the online account with my own email address and since then he has been using this account to play games online. He is in his early teens now, and last week he bravely went online and wanted to change the email address on the account to his own email address. but in the process entered a typing error and now cannot get into the account. I have contacted Sony and explained the situation to them, giving them my original email address home address etc but they have asked me to tell them what the new email address was which my son has set up. Now, he cannot remember exactly which bit was a typing error so I cannot give them this. So I asked them to reset it to the original email address but they won't do this until I send in two forms of photo id. I explained that there is no reason why they would want my photo id from me as they cannot compare it against anything. I don't recall sending it to them when I set the account up. They argue that my account now has other information on it such as billing or purchases but we have never bought anything from Sony online and I don't believe they have any of my credit card details. Are Sony right to demand photo id before they reset my account. It is easter holidays and my son cannot go online to play his beloved PS3 because a lot of his scores and settings for his games are accessed via the account. Can anyone help please? Kind Regards Gobsmacked
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