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  1. Good afternoon, I would like some advice on what to do once a speeding ticket has been paid but then a driver may have evidence that could get the ticket quashed. I have found out recently that our group fleet office has been submitting driver details for speeding tickets, bypassing my company process, and for which subsequently the drivers have been receiving the notices and paying the fines. Some of the tickets I have found out were for the stated offence of 'exceeding the speed limit for a goods vehicle' and for which the drivers have already paid the fines but I know we could have contested these as the vehicles are not goods vehicles, although the drivers apparently did not know any better and paid up. We have the vehicle V5s and photographic evidence of the vehicle interiors clearly showing the vehicles not to be goods vehicles, to whom could we approach to have the fines and points quashed, would it start with the NIP issuer? Thank you very much
  2. Hi, I am worried to death. Last Thursday 27 September 2018, I became aware that I had not one, but three Notices of Prosecution (NoP) against me for speeding in the same location. They are all SP30s from consecutive days, i.e. 17, 18 and 19 September. Naturally I was shocked and confused by this as I had not seen a camera flash or any police speed van in the area and wasn't aware I was doing anything wrong, just going about my normal everyday commute to the office in line with the regular traffic flow. I went and looked for the camera on the road in question but couldn't see one. I was really confused by this. I then received another two NoPs on Tuesday 2 October, this time for offences on 21 and 22 September. I was completely and utterly devastated by this. The following day, I received yet another for the 22 September at a different time. On this day (Saturday) I had been at work helping to run an event so I had been caught speeding both going and coming home too. This is now becoming a joke. Not only that, because I only became aware on 27 September, I am likely to receive more NoPs for 24, 25 and 26 September so I am expecting more to come. I could have the potential for 12 NoPs against me. I use a company vehicle, have zero points on my licence (which I pride myself on) and now face a total ban, and god knows how much in fines. Having now looked into this more, I now realise that a new camera system has been installed on the road in question on a trial basis, apparently it was activated on the 10 September. It is an average speed system; two cameras high up on top of lampposts which I simply didn't see. There was no warning signs, but since then signs have now been put up. There was plenty of warning in local newspapers and on the web but as I don't live in the local area, I live in a different county, I had no warning of these cameras hence the speed trap I've now been caught up in. I am absolutely devastated by this and feel victimised. I have got a solicitor involved but we have only spoken once and she's not filling me with much confidence. I cannot afford to lose my licence. I live in a pretty remote area; no way of getting to work using public transport, I need the car to do my job, I won't be able to get to my aged parents who live 30 mins down the motorway, nor my sister who has MS and lives in Liverpool and I would also have to give up my voluntary work as I wouldn't be able to get there. I have no child dependents. Obviously I have to take this ridiculous situation to court. How can one person receive so many NoPs in this way? How can this be justified? Cameras are supposed to be a deterrent not a trap aren't they? I feel I have had no fair warning to be aware and to alter my behaviour (which I am not denying by the way) but instead, I might as well have been convicted of murdering the same person six plus times. How is that fair or even sensible? It just doesn't make sense. Has anyone ever heard of the like and what advice would you give me? Any help or advice gratefully received as I'm desperately worried. Thanks.
  3. Hi all, Brand new here so hi to everyone, I hope you are doing better than me right now. I am completely at fault doing 91 in a 70, I'm embarrassed and sincerely sorry but I doubt this will change anything. I have read that the fine is determined largely by my salary. I am currently on 85k and this is my first driving offence in over a decade, I've been driving for 15 years and am now 32. No criminal convictions. From a few other websites it appears I can be fined in the region of £2,000. For someone trying to save for a deposit on a house this is quite depressing. Should I expect the worst? Many thanks.
  4. A friend of mine said he was done by an average speed camera and he claims to have received a ticket from two police forces for this, can this happen I thought it sounded a bit weird
  5. I had to attend magistrates last year (May 17) for doing 42 in a 30mph zone in August 2016. I had not received any previous corespondence (as far as I was aware) so was unaware of the incident until I received the 'notice of endorsement of driving record' - a £800+ fine and 6 points. I put in a statutory declaration explaining I had received no prior corespondence and I was given a new hearing (speaking to a solicitor friend a year after he said I should have requested a complete 'reset' and requested the initial fixed penalty notice as I hadn't been aware of the incident at all). In court I explained that on that particular day I was driving to work to a new place and was unfamiliar with the road, I had previously driven on it years ago and the speed limit back then was 40mph, it's one of these roads where the speed limit changes from 50 to 30 back to 50 again as you pass by residential areas. I explained I wasn't speeding on purpose, and that I was always used to it being 40 on that section of the road. Plus it was early morning and I was going through a rough period at the time. Regardless I was still fined £400 and given 6 points. Speaking to a friend recently, he said I was treated extremely harshly as 42 is just bordering on Band B (under the new rules), and even then the judges had leeway as you could argue that the speed cameras have a margin of error +/-2mph, so I could well have been within Band A. Also Band B denotes 4-6 points, and a minimum fine of £100, given the circumstances he said I should have been shown some leeway and been handed the minimum fine. I Just want some advice regarding this and whether I can appeal given the timescale.
  6. Hi all, I was recently on the M25 around 2:45am. Car was set on cruise control on the legal road limit i.e. 70mph. All of a sudden, due to roadworks up ahead, the variable speed limit kicked in to 50mph. I tried to slow down in time gradually, being cautious of traffic behind me. (didnt want to slow down all of sudden and risk getting hit from behind). the speed camera got me @ 59mph (variable speed limit - 50mph). Now I've received an intention of prosecution in the post. What are the chances I can get away from this with as little pain as possible?
  7. Hi all, I have received a notice 01/09/17 about driving with 35mph in the 30 zone on 14/07/17 ,taken by camera. I confirmed it was me and was just about to book the speed awareness course. On 21/10/17 I received another one taken at the same place,by same camera saying I drove 36mph.The date of the offence is 06/07/17!!!!!I accept the fact I drove that fast probably as it's a tricky place after a hill. But...they are sending it 14 weeks after the offence!!!Even if I did not update DVLA when changed address,they have found me with the other notice 8 weeks ago which took place later than this one. Can I contest both or one of them on the basis of late notificitation.They are way out of the 14 day time frame.Or not updating DVLA means it's my fault and I couldn't contest? I am running out of time as the course should be booked very soon. These fines mean I will struggle immensely with Christmas,so looking forward to your wise advice!Thanks
  8. I have received a NIP for for going 39 in a 30 zone, but im 99% sure i was only going around 34 or 35... Is it possible to challenge the Camera? IE. Its not functioning properly?
  9. Hi all, My partner drives ambulances for a living. Recently he received a Notice of Prosecution for speeding (48 in a 40 zone). He believes that - a). He wasn't doing over 40 mph (His crew mate has confirmed) and - b). That is is warranted as an ambulance driver as this particular job was a "red call" (meaning that it was a matter of life or death). The trouble is, he doesn't work for the NHS or the ambulance service, it is a company that is sub contracted by the ambulance service and they have different rules. He has disputed the notice and recently had a letter saying it's been referred to the Magistrates Court. My question is, what leg has he got to stand on? What is the worst they can do? His employer won't back him up, and he feels that not only was he not speeding but even if he was, he had grounds to do so. He is 44 and has held his licence for 20 years.
  10. Dear All, I need some advice for my wife. We have had a terrible postal problem; after reporting our postman for an incident over a year ago some of our mail seems to simply go missing - I wonder why? My wife received last august a witness statement for a court date for speeding and failure to provide - we had received no NIP, no reminder and no summons. We contacted the ticket office and explained about our post, and they agreed to fine her and give her 3 points for the speeding, but drop the offence under 172. Later on in 2016 a neighbour brought round a summons for, wait for it, failure to provide and speeding. We initially thought that this was for the ticket earlier on in the year but realised it was a separate incident at exactly the same GATSO! This time, we hadn't received the NIP or reminder, and the Summons clearly addressed to us at No 14 was delivered to no.29 round the corner, and the lady asked around and found out we lived at 14 and brought it round. Guilty of the speeding or not, my wife couldn't keep accepting points and a fine like this, so we decided to plead not guilty and to explain to the magistrates. We have had a letter drafted and signed by our neighbours confirming the above, and have had Royal Mail conduct an investigation into our mail not being delivered. The investigation is ongoing, but they have found no wrong doing at this moment in time. However, what they have said is that the Courts use proof of posting only, whereby bulk mail is signed for by the postal service as collected and therefore "posted". But they have also stated proof of posting IS NOT PROOF OF DELIVERY to the recipient, and that the recipient has NO CONTRACT with Royal Mail, their customer is the Court in this case and it really should be them that complains if their mail that they have PAID FOR is not delivered. They have looked at our complaint only on the basis that several items of our mail have gone missing over time and that there may be an issue. So we were going to go to Court and to state that the NIP etc was not delivered within the 14 days allowed, arguing that the post is the Court's responsibility, therefore both charges should be struck out. I know that there be many cases whereby someone simply states they didn't receive the NIP, and that the Court "get around this" with their proof of posting as is taken as papers are deemed served, end of. But surely if there is a genuine doubt if the NIP has not been delivered then this should be listened to? Whats thrown me today is that the CPS have written to us (again similar to last time) offering that the charge under 172 be dropped if we change the speeding offence to that of guilty and accept points and a fine? Really don't know what to tell my wife to do? Suggestions would be appreciated.
  11. Just had bailiff turn, threaten locksmiths and actually called a locksmith for a speeding fine from June last year. He handed me a notice of intention to enter and search premises - removal notice. under Tribunals Act 2007 s12 p2 18b enter premises using reasonable force even in absence. He said he could force entry and a locksmith would be called to gain access. I asked him for his warrant of entry under s15 but he refused. My partner did not know that her speeding fine would be taken to court, she is unemployed and has just had to pay £650 out of her savings for this. Any help would be appreciated? This is for my partner whos speeding fine it is.
  12. Hi Under the new laws I see that fines are still allocated as a percentage of your weekly income. I was just wondering if anyone knows how this is defined for a student? The only money received is through loans and grants with no part time work. Regards Lewis
  13. hi, i was wondering if anyone could advise on the legal situation of a suspended chief constable still having his name on the bottom of NIP forms? Surely he is not able to do this if suspended? my thinking is that any form issued with his name and signature (not PP'd or on behalf of ) should be considered non enforcable. thanks and apologies if this hase been covered before.
  14. hi all after some advice please i got a nip through and as you are all aware you go onto the internet now to view evidence ? i was on my bike and they have got me doing 40 in a 30 but they have no photographic evidence of my number plate to cut a long story short after numerous letters backwards and forwards to them they are asking for photographs of all sides of my bike also if i do send them they want to examine the photos then they say they will stop my vehicle when im out on it ? am i right to refuse these as there is only 2 photos from the front and according to the police the camera technician writes the registration down on a log sheet so how would they know if it wasn't a cloned bike etc etc
  15. Hi folk, nearly 2 months ago [13/06/2017] I got caught by a speed camera van doing 38 in a 30. they sent me a letter of intention to prosecute [20/06/2017] which asked for the details of the driver. I was out for the day my mum decided to fill it in saying that it wasn't her driving and sent it off. Ages later (I can't remember the date, but it must have been 3-4 weeks later) they sent me the same letter asking for the drivers details again. Luckily I was in that day so filled it in and sent it off again. That was now ages ago again (feels like 3-4 weeks but I'm unsure of teh dates) and no responce. My conundrum is that I'm supposed to be leaving the country at the end of this month to emigrate to Canada. However, I expect they will offer me a speed awareness course, which I would much rather do than get 3 points on my licence, I don't want to book my flights until they have gotten back to me offering me the course (or just the points if they choose). Is there any way to get them to speed up this stage of the process and get them to offer me the course/points asap as they are really taking their time. Failing that, is there any way to see how long it will take them to make up their mind (as if it's going to take them ages then I'll just take the points). Also, if they offer me the speed awareness course, then how booked up are they usually (will there typically be a booking in a day or 2 or are they normally booked up for weeks in advance). Sorry for the long post but it's really important to me as I really want to get to Canada as soon as possible and this is stopping me. Thanks in advance guys. AJ.
  16. Hey, really hope someone can help me, around a year ago my boyfriend was driving my car and I was sent a speeding ticket, he has been very abusive to me and the police also have records of this, we are no longer together but at the time he threatened me regarding informing the police that he was driving the vehicle at the time, I told the police I didn't know who the driver was and wrote a random name which was silly of me but I was scared he would do something to me. Now I have received a letter from the police to plead guilty or non guilty for the speeding ticket and perverting the course of justice, I'm really scared and confused now I've never been in trouble with the police before, I'm hoping someone on here can give me advice, thank you in advance.
  17. To cut a long story short, got caught by a van doing 35 in a 30 ... ok that's fair enough. But I want to request the evidence as there was no signage out prior to the van. But I've been told the only way to do that is to go to court?? Surely I should be able to request the evidence prior to admitting anything! Any advice here? Many thanks.
  18. Hi I was pulled for speeding about 11 days ago, late in the evening when the roads were quiet. It was about 11pm and I came across a roundabout onto a dual carriageway that was completely empty and put my foot into it a bit. I looked in my mirror and could see what looked to be a 4x4 a bit back and immediately lifted off. When closer I could see it was a 16 plate X5 which followed me at around 70-75 then flashed its lights. I was pulled, said nothing and was informed I'd been clocked at an average speed of 93. I kept quiet and never admitted to speeding, however the officer I was dealing with stated there was nothing he could do and that I was looking at an instant ban. I still said nothing and allowed him to grill me and I then sat in the back of the police car. He then changed his tune and told me how he'd been caught and that it had been a large amount of hassle to himself as a police officer (he wasn't a traffic officer, only a copper on the way back from an incident report who I'd unfortunately gone speeding past) and that he was going to give me a speed awareness course, which as far as I know can only be issued by the local authority issuing the ticket dependent on previous offences. Do you have to be issued a ticket at the time of the offence and is it likely I'll be looking at a court summons in the coming weeks? He was adamant I'd be getting a speed awareness course, but at that speed on the gov website it's a summons from what I can see. He also thought a summons would bring into play any calibrated equipment they had in car and that would show I was going over 100, which is something I never do as my understanding before this was below 100 meant no ban. And I definitely didn't that night as I was watching it flick between 98 & 99... Cheers
  19. Many of you who drive in London will know that Speed cameras are calibrated a bit higher than the actual limit to a greater extent than they are out side of London. Indeed you can often get flashed in the outside lane if only doing 30 in a 30 mph area. I got a NIP for doing 35 near Hanger Lane. Now I know I cannot whinge about that since I may have been over the limit but it does seem unfair if you can [along with loads of other motorists] go through most cameras at that speed and not get done and then get done for one "rogue" camera. It is surely one speed for all on all cameras not one speed at some cameras and a different criteria on other cameras within the same speed limit.
  20. Hi Guys, Would just like to first say, yes i was stupid and i did a big mistake. But i would like to know a bit more about the law and what i could be facing. I am 22, i have already 2 x SP30 so 6 points altogether. I was driving from dover back to london when someone was up my ass, i let him go infront and did the same back to him which led us to go to around 110mph. When a traffic officer was then behind us with lights on and stopped us both. Other driver wasnt insured or even have a licence so his car got impounded and not sure what officer gave to him. Whereas, with me he said he doesnt have a speed recording of me doing 113mph, so hes writing in his sheet that i was exceeding 70mph. So on the Sheet he gave me on the recorded speed it states "E" and that is all. Its been 12 days since the offence, is it true that they have until 14 days? or is it 6 months to get summons from court? I have spoken to some speeding ticket lawyers/solicitors and they have all said this is something new and never heard of the recorded speed having an E. I hope to hear from you guys. Thanks in advance
  21. Hello, i would greatly appreciate any advice and help with how to deal with my NIP I received yesterday. I will try to give you as much information as possible but as im new to this and its my first NIP i may overlook something so please forgive me. I was travlling at 83MPH on the A417 towards Swindon (just before it turns into the A419) I will state now i do admit to doing this and fully accept the responsibility but i hope i may have some luck on my side and may be able to get this overturned the letter states Offence Speeding - exceed 5/18/20/30/40/50/60mph limit for a good vehicle - manned equipment I have 3 questions regarding this; 1: Why have they listed all these speeds? 2: the speed limit on this road is 70 not 60mph, would this affect a conviction? 2: The letter states that the vehicle I was driving as a "goods vehicle" however, I was in my Ford transit which is less than 3000KG, again, would this affect a conviction? having read other forums i have seen a case where someone was let off because the speed limit was incorrect. My question is, due to the comments above, is there any advice you can give to help me respond to the NIP, which may allow me to overturn the conviction? Thank you all in advance Nic
  22. http://news.sky.com/story/tougher-fines-to-hit-serious-speeding-offenders-in-the-pocket-10740681
  23. Can any one explain the LTI2020 laser speeding gun display. I have a photo provided of my vehicle and the display shows the normal date / time / officer ref / speed / distance but under this there are four numbers 01:17:18:18 These are displayed as I've typed them and under the main information shown in the photo. I can't seem to find anywhere what these relate to. Any info appreciated. rgds
  24. Im just after some advice on a speeding ticket. The offence is from 16/04/15 it took 2 months to come through as I had accidently delayed in changing my address on vehicle when i moved, so I know I cant quote the 14 day rule to them. At the time i said i thought it wasnt me as i had sold the vehicle, after a delay I got a letter back saying the photo looks like me. I then asked to see a copy of the photo which i admit does look like it me but im still unsure as the picture not clear. It probably is me though. However, todays date is 15/10/2015 meaning tomorrow the offence will be 6 months old. Ive read that the police have 6 months from offence to prosecute. What is best course of action? Should I just write back and point out something along the lines that im still unsure weather its me driving but the 6 month deadline has now passed to prosecute whoever the driver is?
  25. I have been caught speeding at 105mph on a motorway which is a 70mph by a laser gun. it was in a work vehicle if I lose my licence I have lost my job. Work said they will write me a letter to back this up. I have a clean licence and I am not proud of speeding and this has taught me a valuable lesson. Will I need a motor lawyer to back my case to get the lightest sentence possible or could I do this alone. I do around 40-50 thousand miles a year.
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