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Found 4 results

  1. http://news.sky.com/story/tougher-fines-to-hit-serious-speeding-offenders-in-the-pocket-10740681
  2. Hi all, Few months ago I have been assaulted by several persons (causing serious and remaining injuries) and then made a complaint but for unknown reasons (despite of cctv clearly identifying my offenders) I have been informed that my complaint/file has been closed for lack of evidence: I am also trying to save money in order to move and later hire a private detective for an investigation regarding my assault with a better standards. However, as I stiĺl at the moment working in the same area than my offenders, these lasts are trying to work by harassment and intimidation (obviously using other people (who even told me that my case could be worst)). Few days ago, one of their friends who is a lady wrongly accused me of assaulting her and callex the police to me.When I have been put on custody by the police due to the wrong behaviour of some officiers (an few days before) I signed a statement drafted by a custody solicitor saying that I recognised a crime I didn't commit. I have been now wrongly charged for a common assault that I didn't while I am innocent (I have refused the caution). The trial at a Magistrate Court will be next tuesday but despite of my low income I have not been granted legal aid. As a resutlt I would like to know how I can make my own defence. Can I send a written statement to the court before the trial (by special delivery explaining that I am totally innocent)? Thanks in advance.
  3. Persistent offenders and PCN's... News! Parking fine evaders to have cars impounded! OUCH A news story from my local paper yesterday (16/06/2016)! >> http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/local_news/14557958.Parking_fine_evaders_to_have_cars_impounded/ 'SCOFFLAWS who serially evade parking fines now risk having their cars towed and impounded under a council crackdown.' 'Government legislation, which the council is now taking advantage of, allows the authority to issue a further PSN and arrange for the car to be removed to a secure pound where the owner will have to pay a £105 removal fee and £12-day storage charge. Transport councillor Tony Cox said the policy will eventually be extended to include cars driving dangerously or causing an obstruction.' 'Other authorities to make use of the legislation include Birmingham City Council, Manchester City Council, and London boroughs such as Brent, Hounslow, Tower Hamlets, Newham and Camden'. Question time: Will this allow my LA to :- (A) Continue with the enforcement for the outstanding debt and (B) Add the enforcement fees (TCE) then © Add to (B) further new fees of £105 and the £12 storage fee to the debt if they also seize the vehicle of the persistent evader (D) How could this affect other LA's if they take the same stance as my LA My reading of this is: If a PCN is sent for enforcement via the TEC the LA can charge the normal fees regarding this debt (£75/£235) Then if the LA find the vehicle wherever, they can now seize this vehicle and add a further £105 + £12 a day storage as well as the normal enforcement procedure... Not sure what a PSN is?
  4. in 1996 i got a ban because of drunk driving. Plus drink driving on a provisional .TOUGH LUCK. Firstly, at the court hearing it turned out the police officers had failed to note the correct license plate on the car. This came to light at the hearing, my lawyer advised me to sign an amendment, which corrected the fault and moved the case forward. Would refusing to sign the amendment have gotten me off? Could they still prosecute? Secondly I left the UK in 1997 and was in the USA up until 2010. on applying for a provisional i was told by the DVLA i would have to go through all the processes deigned appropriate i.e. higher expenses on applications, and paying for blood test. I wrote to the DVLA and called, asking if this was relevant considering i had ran out the time on the rehabilitation of offenders act. Of course they said no. My question is what takes prescedence: the DVLA and their records or the rehabilitation of offenders act.
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