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  1. Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but just been on the Universal Job match website and saw this : Universal Jobmatch will be replaced by the Find a job service on 14 May 2018. Important: If you have an existing Universal Jobmatch account it will not move to the new service. Save any information you want to keep, like your CV, cover letters and application history by 17 June 2018.
  2. Crime news: revised Crown Court fee guidance READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/crime-news-revised-crown-court-fee-guidance
  3. Has anyone seen the news today re the DWP having underpaid thousands of people on ESA between 2011-2013/?. They are now stating that they will be contacting all of these people and will be paying them the money they should have had. It seems the average amount owed to the majority is around £5,000, but some people could be owed up to £20,000 !. From what I can gather, this underpayment arose because when Incapacity Benefit claimants were transferred onto ESA from 2011, many were mistakenly put onto Contribution-based-based ESA instead of Income-related, which meant that many people who should have received Disability premiums (only available when on Income -related ESA) have not been receiving them. Apparently tbe DWP have been aware of this for up to 5 yrs and not done anything about it. I'm not sure how it has come to light now, but I've been searching online to try to find out. When you are placed on Contribution -based ESA as I was, after 12 mths they are supposed to transfer you onto Income-related ESA and you would then start to receive the Disability Premium/s. This didn't happen so the DWP now owe an estimated amount of £350 million to thousands of people. We need to be on the ball regarding this, as can you imagine the further cock-ups which will probably now happen while DWP are wading through lists of claimants whom they owe this money to and the many who will probably NOT receive any monies owed because, let's face it, DWP have yet again proven that they are incompetent. So why should anyone who now discovers they are owed money trust that the DWP will automatically now pay them this money, plus how long is this all going to take when it involves thousands of claimants ?. If anybody learns any more about this, I'd be grateful If they could post the info here.
  4. Civil news: rule change for clients threatened with homelessness READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/civil-news-rule-change-for-clients-threatened-with-homelessness
  5. Civil news: rule change for clients threatened with homelessness READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/civil-news-rule-change-for-clients-threatened-with-homelessness
  6. Waiting time before first payment of UC is made down to 5 weeks, that's if no other delaying tactics are used. The 7 day wait after claiming before payment can be applicable in the first place to be abolished. The payment to be applicable from day 1 of claim. A full month's payment to be given if needed in cases of hardship within a week of making the claim to tide the claimant over that first month and a full 12 months to be allowed for repayment of this advance. Housing benefit continues to be paid for the first two weeks of transition periods between other benefits an UC. It does not address the many issues related to UC but it will ease and relieve the initial hardship it causes as it is currently applied. Work & Pensions Secretary to spell out the details of this announcement in Parliament tomorrow (Thursday), including the dates on which those changes come into force.
  7. From a Parody Website to Fox News https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/07/world/europe/anatomy-of-fake-news-russian-propaganda.html?emc=edit_mbe_20170608&nl=morning-briefing-europe&nlid=80833938&te=1 Addendum OOOPS Typo in title - maybe I should be working for Fox News ... ... q wrongie righties ...
  8. http://news.sky.com/story/cancer-often-being-diagnosed-in-ae-despite-patients-seeing-gps-10849984 Does not surprise me. Given that it can take 3 weeks to get a GP appointment and then they only have about 8 minutes to diagnose or refer for tests, it is most likely to be a Hospital A&E that finds patients have cancer. The last time i had a blood sample taken, between booking the appointment and getting the test result back, it was over a month. Two weeks before GP appointment, rebooked to see a Nurse to take sample a week later and then two weeks to get the result back. The NHS has gone backwards over recent years.
  9. Why take any dispute to the Ombudsman , is it worth the trouble? For the 3 time of trying to post this reply but worth reading:- Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954, The Gas Safety (Rights of Entry) Regulations 1996 In a genuine dispute there are no rights of entry(i.e magistrates warrant issued), however I would also caution health and safety matters if its a gas leak. if electricity meter dispute The Electricity Act 1989, The Utilities Act 2000 Note schedule 7 of 1989 act and schedule 5 of 2000 Act, an electric meter cannot be removed until a dispute is resolved. I did provide links to laws but the post is not going through. Hope this helps you and others. Mike
  10. My husband and I have settled any debts a long time ago, it was a bit of a shock when a company called Link began telephoning our unlisted landline and demanding I confirm my identity over the phone. They phoned daily for some time, and wrote regularly. I was wracking my brains trying to think of anyone we'd missed all those years ago, but couldn't. I ignored them for some time as I was sure I owed nobody anything, but the letters began threatening legal action, as they do, so I CCA'd them and they dropped the case immediately! Although this is a good result, I'm still a bit confused as to who they are, where they got our info, and who they think we owe money to. Do you think it's worth following up or just forgetting forever?
  11. Let The Diet Begin The world is about to go on a carbon diet. It won't be easy — or cheap. Nearly 200 countries across the world on Saturday approved a first-of-its-kind universal agreement to wean Earth off fossil fuels and slow global warming, patting themselves on the back for showing such resolve. 'Historic' Paris climate deal adopted Paris deal met with calls to action from Canadians 5 key points in Paris Agreement On Sunday morning, like for many first-day dieters, the reality sets in. The numbers — like calorie limits and hours needed in the gym — are daunting. More info-and what do you think of this agreement Some scary comments on the article. Better get a move on some are thinking. Many of us do not fully understand how bad things are,or could be if things do not get moving fast. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/paris-cop21-climate-deal-fallout-1.3363024 Better put this on.To show how things can be done. 5 Countries That Prove The World Does Not Need Fossil Fuels. http://theantimedia.org/5-countries-that-prove-the-world-doesnt-need-fossil-fuels/ It clearly is a worrying situation.So for those that like a good read.And also trying to reassure myself that things will be done as quick as possible. Fossil Fuel Phase Out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil-fuel_phase-out Sounds like China needs to get stuck in and get moving rapidly. In some places there you can hardly see your hands in front of your faces. Breathing must be difficult at times and unhealthy. Well there you are.A few articles from the Web, i really do not know that much about the problem but got a feeling many of us will soon know plenty. I can not keep saying winter after winter well it is the jet stream,the direction of the wind that keeps giving us warm winters. When i was young winters were winters,year after year. Something is amiss. Perhaps you can tell me,or say how you feel about this problem. I hope the leaders are not speaking with Forked Tongues is all i can add. And i suppose if they are serious Fracking has had it. Scientists Say Fracking Makes Climate Change Worse, Not Better http://ecowatch.com/2014/10/15/fracking-not-lower-greenhouse-gas/
  12. LACEF News is an excellent online "news" website ( link below) which has been set up by the founder of LACEF (the Local Authority Civil Enforcement Forum). Anyone with an interest in local authorities, council tax, benefits (including Universal Credit etc), bailiffs etc will find a daily visit to LACEF News of interest. There are even news articles about important legal cases. New articles appear throughout the day. LACEF News is certainly a page worth bookmarking. PS: To read full news articles (as opposed to a short extract) you will need to complete the short ‘sign up’ form. https://flipboard.com/@barrieminney/...news-vvnps43sy
  13. Hi, I'm one of the many that Erudio have tried to [problem]! 1997 Mortgage style loan. Never a problem with SLC. Never earned over the threshold and have deferred every year. As I'm registered disabled and in receipt of DLA (lifetime award) and earn below the repayment threshold (just!) I applied for a 36 month deferral under the T&C. in 2014. This year, after a year or so of belligerence and a FOS complaint Erudio agreed to backdate my deferral and were ordered by the FOS to pay me 100pounds compensation. (Erudio also lie through their teeth & make the 'rules' as they go along. They would surely be laughed out of court) . They even argued that my DLA cert was invalid. However, Erudio fight dirty! Despite this they are now stating I have to apply for deferral again this year (& every year) and they state they never agreed to a 36 month deferral. Furthermore they are now just blanking the FOS and will not respond to them. I have written to them stating in accordance with the T&C I consider the deferment valid for 36 months and will not be paying anything until 2017. To which I get a 'we have closed our complaint' letter, followed by a deferment form & a 'you owe 200pounds' letter. So....this year. I earn below the threshold for 2015-2016 & my DLA award still stands. (Interestingly they have a section for child benefit & child tax credit. I do not receive these- my wife does!) If I apply for a deferral & it is accepted this will take me beyond my 50th birthday & as I have no arrears the loan will be written off....or rather should be. Or I could hold me ground re. the 36 month deferral. This would mean taking out a further deferral until my 5oth birthday in 2018. It strikes me Erudio will try anything to turn down a deferral application however. I simply do not trust them based on my dealings with them previously. Anyone had dealing with Erudio re. disability? Anyone successfully awarded a 36 month deferral? Any thoughts as to which option to go for. i.e. Send off deferral form, wageslips & DLA cert (again)? Or dig in until 2017? I have actually stated that I'm willing to address the matter in court as I believe they have breached original T&Cs.
  14. Someone said to me today that they were putting cucumber slices on their eyes. I thought to myself is this a joke. But then i checked things out. Can you believe that cucumber slices can help in many ways. I am dumbfounded at this news. Cucumber Benefits for Great Skin and Eyes http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/cucumber_benefits.shtml WHO KNEW CUCUMBERS COULD DO ALL THIS!!! http://hackerspace.kinja.com/who-knew-cucumbers-could-do-all-this-717278789 15 Surprising benefits of Cucumbers. http://www.miraculousladies.com/15-surprising-benefits-of-cucumbers/ My eyes have been opened wide and refreshed after reading what a cucumber can do for you. mmm-business thought. Fresh packs of cucumber slices for tired eyes,in a store near you soon. No need for spending fortunes. Tawnyowls tempting offers-only 5.00:lol:
  15. Having done some reading and useful links I came across this story and could help some motorists that have had a PCN issued by a CEO for having their ticket blown over and facing down for more info please read here http://metro.co.uk/2015/08/17/heres-how-to-get-your-parking-fine-cancelled-5346489/ Linked from Scoop.it and metro.co.uk
  16. The quote below is from page 19 of my attachment called to poor to pay (Council Tax) "Four London boroughs (Bexley, Brent, Islington and Southwark) now have a policy of not using bailiffs for council tax support claimants. These authorities clearly recognise the negative impact of bailiffs on potentially vulnerable people, and instead pursue other means of enforcement. It is interesting to note that these authorities’ collection rates are close to the London average, while Lambeth, the authority that used bailiffs against the second most claimants in 2014/15, has a significantly lower collection rate than the average. This suggests that it is perfectly possible for authorities to refrain from bailiff use for council tax support claimants without adversely affecting their collection rate. " Info from here http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:FtkP42_6BaYJ:z2k.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/TooPoorToPay-FINAL.pdf+&cd=17&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk
  17. Although this was first published back in December '15 I haven't seen any more on this story has anyone else? 'Ministers plan to give local councils responsibility for a £5bn benefit paid to older people who need help with daily living in one of the biggest shifts of resources within the welfare state for 25 years. The move, expected to be signalled as early as Thursday, when councils in England get news of their grant allocation for next year, has also raised fears that the benefit – called attendance allowance (AA) – could be restricted or capped. At present, AA is paid to 1.5 million people aged 65 or over in the UK, regardless of their personal means. It is seen as a vital support for hundreds of thousands who live independently but might otherwise need to go into residential care'. 'Caroline Abrahams, charity director of Age UK, said: “Attendance allowance fulfils a real need. We would be very worried if it [were] to go to fewer people as a result of any transfer.” Story from here >> http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/dec/17/5bn-social-care-shifts-local-government-attendance-allowance and it showed up in the RSS feeds again today...
  18. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3421261/Man-carrying-two-guns-arrested-police-DisneyLand-Paris.html Not another one!!!
  19. Persistent offenders and PCN's... News! Parking fine evaders to have cars impounded! OUCH A news story from my local paper yesterday (16/06/2016)! >> http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/local_news/14557958.Parking_fine_evaders_to_have_cars_impounded/ 'SCOFFLAWS who serially evade parking fines now risk having their cars towed and impounded under a council crackdown.' 'Government legislation, which the council is now taking advantage of, allows the authority to issue a further PSN and arrange for the car to be removed to a secure pound where the owner will have to pay a £105 removal fee and £12-day storage charge. Transport councillor Tony Cox said the policy will eventually be extended to include cars driving dangerously or causing an obstruction.' 'Other authorities to make use of the legislation include Birmingham City Council, Manchester City Council, and London boroughs such as Brent, Hounslow, Tower Hamlets, Newham and Camden'. Question time: Will this allow my LA to :- (A) Continue with the enforcement for the outstanding debt and (B) Add the enforcement fees (TCE) then © Add to (B) further new fees of £105 and the £12 storage fee to the debt if they also seize the vehicle of the persistent evader (D) How could this affect other LA's if they take the same stance as my LA My reading of this is: If a PCN is sent for enforcement via the TEC the LA can charge the normal fees regarding this debt (£75/£235) Then if the LA find the vehicle wherever, they can now seize this vehicle and add a further £105 + £12 a day storage as well as the normal enforcement procedure... Not sure what a PSN is?
  20. British Labour Party member of parliament Jo Cox is in a "critical condition" after an attack, broadcaster Sky News reported on Thursday, citing sources from her political party. It is said the MP intervened in a row between two men when she was shot. "There was a guy who was being very brave and another guy with a white baseball cap who he was trying to control and the man in the baseball cap suddenly pulled a gun from his bag." After a brief scuffle, he said the man stepped back and the MP became involved. He said: "He was fighting with her and wrestling with her and then the gun went off twice and then she fell between two cars and I came and saw her on the floor." http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/jo-cox-shot-live-latest-news-updates-birstall-shooting-stabbing-labour-mp-west-yorkshire-a7085561.html Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed by attacker 'shouting Britain First' – live updates http://ibt.uk/A6ZLv
  21. BBC News - Hundreds of thousands register to vote as deadline looms Registration needed by 23.59pm tonight. People have until 23:59 BST on Tuesday 7 June to register to be able to vote in the UK's EU referendum. The Electoral Commission said 1.65 million people had applied for a vote since a campaign began last month - but millions more have yet to sign up. Registering online should take about five minutes. People may need their National Insurance number, or passport number if a UK citizen living abroad. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36462425 Just in case.Check things out.In or out your vote counts. https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
  22. British Summer Time So less than a week after spring has officially sprung and we suddenly find ourselves in British Summer Time. Of course this is nothing to do with the seasonal situation, it's the annual clock change that takes us into Daylight Saving Time. How did this come about and why? http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2016-03-24/simons-blog-british-summer-time/ Everything you need to know about 100 years of British Summer Time http://www.irishexaminer.com//examviral/fun-times/everything-you-need-to-know-about-100-years-of-british-summer-time-389281.html … In 1947 they actually changed the clocks four times – twice forward and twice back. British Summer Time: When do the clocks go forward? Why is this done? | Home News | News | The Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/daylight-savings-time-clocks-spring-forward-british-summer-time-when-why-what-a6928911.html … Drat i was so excited for a moment-we lose an hour of sleep.
  23. Sorry, I had to share this Last night (well the morning before, on Wednesday), I was working away with the news chattering away in the background and voila... First time I've ever heard a news-caster lose it hahah Here's what I managed to catch: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61211034/IMG_1681.m4v
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